Sidebar Discussion #12

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I think that the "blue screen" would have been too big an issue for JA to overlook. That would be considered "tampering". What reason would LA have, at that time, to delete all her files when he believed Caylee was with the babysitter. It would make no sense and he was in Tony's apartment so they would have witnessed him on the computer. It sounds to me as if he may have spoken to someone he should not have spoken to because they were considered a witness. jmo

I always wondered if Tony lived in a "secure" apartment building where you had to get buzzed in. If FCA knew Amy and CA were on their way up, she would have had time to do it herself. The laptop actually belonged to CA didn't it? There was probably a ton of stuff of there she didn't want her mother to see.
I always wondered if Tony lived in a "secure" apartment building where you had to get buzzed in. If FCA knew Amy and CA were on their way up, she would have had time to do it herself. The laptop actually belonged to CA didn't it? There was probably a ton of stuff of there she didn't want her mother to see.

Plus KC knew Amy would find out there was no money in her account once she returned so KC may have been deleting before CA and Amy arrived. KC is the only one who would have know she needed to delete those files. LA was still under the impression Caylee was still alive. Why would he delete anything that might help find her??? My personal opinion is LA did not delete anything from that computer. I believe it was all KC's doing. jmo
Just dropped by to see my ol' peeps!

Ot - I read back a couple of pages and saw where people were trying to give up smoking. I just had to share . . . I am going to begin a new job on the 8th - where I cannot smoke and was trying to figure out a way I could survive an 8 hr shift (been smoking 34 years). I knew I had the job back in early July, and my daughter came for a visit over the 4th of July. We went shopping together and she offered to buy me an e-cigarette (both my kids have been trying to get me to stop for decades!). I have had no desire to quit. I have been hypnotised to quit smoking - and I just switched to menthol (after the suggestion they gave made regular smokes taste horrible!) Needless to say, I went to the kiosk in the mall and asked if I could try it out. I was absolutely amazed! It actually felt like I got a "hit" from my first draw . . . I actually coughed! I was "jonesing" for a smoke when we went to the kiosk - so I really did not think it would work. Bought my start up kit (about $75) and I have not had a cigarette since July. They taste horrible to me now. I can go to dinner and sit at the table and smoke and not have to go outside to "exile island". (the "smoke" is water vapor only). I still get my nicotine fix, but no other chemicals, no smoke smell, and I my kids are not embarrassed to be around me anymore. Ihave saved a ton of money and my teeth are getting white again. I am in no way affiliated with any company - just wanted to share my experience with those of you who are struggling. (Mods if inappropriate - please delete)

Ok . . .back to topic . . . have we heard where KC might be living now? Do we know when she is supposed to go to court for ZG civil trial? Has there been any news on Texas Equasearch following through on a civil trial?
This is totally ot but I need some advice. My husband has been out of work since May due to various medical ailments. We have decided he needs to apply for social security disability. He is 64. Does anybody know what type of attorney we should call for this? I se ads for attorneys that claim to handle this, but they are listed as personal injury attorneys as well. I'm just nit sure if that is tyre area of law that applies.

Anybody know?
Hello Wenwe4.

I was able to quit 4 months ago using wellbutrin. It amazed me. I had been smoking since 1973 and after using that I found that smoking did nothing for me. A month ago I started up again during my husbands 4th hospitalization in 3 months. I started back on the meds and an on day 2 without any string craving.
This is totally ot but I need some advice. My husband has been out of work since May due to various medical ailments. We have decided he needs to apply for social security disability. He is 64. Does anybody know what type of attorney we should call for this? I se ads for attorneys that claim to handle this, but they are listed as personal injury attorneys as well. I'm just nit sure if that is tyre area of law that applies.

Anybody know?

You need an attorney in the States to apply for SSD? In Canada it is a government app with copies of documentation from a doctor proving the disability...:waitasec:
Just dropped by to see my ol' peeps!

Ot - I read back a couple of pages and saw where people were trying to give up smoking. I just had to share . . . I am going to begin a new job on the 8th - where I cannot smoke and was trying to figure out a way I could survive an 8 hr shift (been smoking 34 years). I knew I had the job back in early July, and my daughter came for a visit over the 4th of July. We went shopping together and she offered to buy me an e-cigarette (both my kids have been trying to get me to stop for decades!). I have had no desire to quit. I have been hypnotised to quit smoking - and I just switched to menthol (after the suggestion they gave made regular smokes taste horrible!) Needless to say, I went to the kiosk in the mall and asked if I could try it out. I was absolutely amazed! It actually felt like I got a "hit" from my first draw . . . I actually coughed! I was "jonesing" for a smoke when we went to the kiosk - so I really did not think it would work. Bought my start up kit (about $75) and I have not had a cigarette since July. They taste horrible to me now. I can go to dinner and sit at the table and smoke and not have to go outside to "exile island". (the "smoke" is water vapor only). I still get my nicotine fix, but no other chemicals, no smoke smell, and I my kids are not embarrassed to be around me anymore. Ihave saved a ton of money and my teeth are getting white again. I am in no way affiliated with any company - just wanted to share my experience with those of you who are struggling. (Mods if inappropriate - please delete)

Ok . . .back to topic . . . have we heard where KC might be living now? Do we know when she is supposed to go to court for ZG civil trial? Has there been any news on Texas Equasearch following through on a civil trial?

So if you get a nicotine hit, does it work in decreasing amounts until you finally stop altogeter or is it a mainstay so you don't smoke cigarettes at all? I've heard of them but obviously don't know that much. Can't take champix because the bi-polar gene runs in my family and too much of a chance of a psychotic break...
This is totally ot but I need some advice. My husband has been out of work since May due to various medical ailments. We have decided he needs to apply for social security disability. He is 64. Does anybody know what type of attorney we should call for this? I se ads for attorneys that claim to handle this, but they are listed as personal injury attorneys as well. I'm just nit sure if that is tyre area of law that applies.

Anybody know?

He does not need an Atty to apply for SS benefits. He can do it online, providing them with the names of his physician/s and they will take it from there.
An Atty would only be required should his application be turned down.
Hello Wenwe4.

I was able to quit 4 months ago using wellbutrin. It amazed me. I had been smoking since 1973 and after using that I found that smoking did nothing for me. A month ago I started up again during my husbands 4th hospitalization in 3 months. I started back on the meds and an on day 2 without any string craving.

I tried it a few times - never worked for me - but glad it worked for you!

So if you get a nicotine hit, does it work in decreasing amounts until you finally stop altogeter or is it a mainstay so you don't smoke cigarettes at all? I've heard of them but obviously don't know that much. Can't take champix because the bi-polar gene runs in my family and too much of a chance of a psychotic break...

I tried chantix too before -but made me sick to my stomach and I still smoked. I have tried nicotine patches, nicotine gum, cold turkey, switching to ultra-lights, switching brands, multiple approaches - nothing ever worked before . . . I didn't want to quit. (I still don't - it just happened).

Yes, you can get different milligrams of nicotine so you can decrease on your own. I am amazed that I don't even think of having a puff first thing in the morning. Sometimes I will be driving home and realize I haven't had a puff for 3 or 4 hours . . . almost like the cravings are disappearing as time goes by. The salesperson can help you figure out how many mg. you need based upon how much you smoke in cigarettes. The cartridges (pre-filled) are $26 for 1.3 carton's worth. The one I can fill myself reduces the cost to approx 99 cents a pack equivilent. Since Cigs are nearly $9 a pack where I live - I have saved so much money! I would never have believed anyone who told me this had I not tried the samples @ the kiosk!!!

I never did decide to quit cigarettes. . . it just happened and it was the easiest thing I have ever done! I still use the equivilent of about 3/4 - 1 pack per day but I was smoking up to 2 packs of cigarettes a day before (some days were worse than others).
I always wondered if Tony lived in a "secure" apartment building where you had to get buzzed in. If FCA knew Amy and CA were on their way up, she would have had time to do it herself. The laptop actually belonged to CA didn't it? There was probably a ton of stuff of there she didn't want her mother to see.

I had been to those apartments a couple times around the same time this happened and they do have the gates where in order to enter you have to get buzzed in but you have to have a home phone line in the apartment for you to buzz someone in. But they only close the gates at night time. During the day they are open (usually during business hours). Even if they are closed it's still easy to get in you would just have to wait for someone else who is either coming out or going in.
I tried it a few times - never worked for me - but glad it worked for you!

I tried chantix too before -but made me sick to my stomach and I still smoked. I have tried nicotine patches, nicotine gum, cold turkey, switching to ultra-lights, switching brands, multiple approaches - nothing ever worked before . . . I didn't want to quit. (I still don't - it just happened).

Yes, you can get different milligrams of nicotine so you can decrease on your own. I am amazed that I don't even think of having a puff first thing in the morning. Sometimes I will be driving home and realize I haven't had a puff for 3 or 4 hours . . . almost like the cravings are disappearing as time goes by. The salesperson can help you figure out how many mg. you need based upon how much you smoke in cigarettes. The cartridges (pre-filled) are $26 for 1.3 carton's worth. The one I can fill myself reduces the cost to approx 99 cents a pack equivilent. Since Cigs are nearly $9 a pack where I live - I have saved so much money! I would never have believed anyone who told me this had I not tried the samples @ the kiosk!!!

I never did decide to quit cigarettes. . . it just happened and it was the easiest thing I have ever done! I still use the equivilent of about 3/4 - 1 pack per day but I was smoking up to 2 packs of cigarettes a day before (some days were worse than others).

I think that the wellbutrin worked for me is that I also used a nicotine patch with it for the first few weeks.
I think that the wellbutrin worked for me is that I also used a nicotine patch with it for the first few weeks.

I just still needed the feeling of smoking. . . the "hit" . . . and the physical experience of blowing "smoke" out - so it felt like nothing had changed.
I tried it a few times - never worked for me - but glad it worked for you!

I tried chantix too before -but made me sick to my stomach and I still smoked. I have tried nicotine patches, nicotine gum, cold turkey, switching to ultra-lights, switching brands, multiple approaches - nothing ever worked before . . . I didn't want to quit. (I still don't - it just happened).

Yes, you can get different milligrams of nicotine so you can decrease on your own. I am amazed that I don't even think of having a puff first thing in the morning. Sometimes I will be driving home and realize I haven't had a puff for 3 or 4 hours . . . almost like the cravings are disappearing as time goes by. The salesperson can help you figure out how many mg. you need based upon how much you smoke in cigarettes. The cartridges (pre-filled) are $26 for 1.3 carton's worth. The one I can fill myself reduces the cost to approx 99 cents a pack equivilent. Since Cigs are nearly $9 a pack where I live - I have saved so much money! I would never have believed anyone who told me this had I not tried the samples @ the kiosk!!!

I never did decide to quit cigarettes. . . it just happened and it was the easiest thing I have ever done! I still use the equivilent of about 3/4 - 1 pack per day but I was smoking up to 2 packs of cigarettes a day before (some days were worse than others).

You are so ...determined! I have tried...none of the above! But just this year, I've noticed a tightness in my lungs that I don't like so I guess it's getting to be time....soon...

I just don't do the prolonged type of exercise I used to do so if I won't do that I guess it's time for me to think about quitting. No! wait! I did try nicotine gum to cut down - blech!! What awful stuff. Never smoke more than a pack a day - usually less - and I am just fed up that the price has gone up and up and up the last two years.

So really appreciate the info about the smokeless cigs. I can see I would find the process helpful. Somehow popping a piece of disgusting gum is not even close to smoking a cigarette...:banghead:
"Anthony's lawyers cite extensive coverage of the death of the girl, 2-year-old Caylee, and the murder trial that followed. Though Anthony was cleared of all major charges, "the local media refuses to move on," her defense says.

As a result, "the overwhelming opinion of the public, especially in Orange County... is that justice was not served in the Criminal Case," they argue.",0,1618337.story
"Anthony's lawyers cite extensive coverage of the death of the girl, 2-year-old Caylee, and the murder trial that followed. Though Anthony was cleared of all major charges, "the local media refuses to move on," her defense says.

As a result, "the overwhelming opinion of the public, especially in Orange County... is that justice was not served in the Criminal Case," they argue.",0,1618337.story

Interesting - but isn't this a kind of sticks and stones argument? Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me?

Didn't her lawyers use the same argument in the Criminal trial and yet, despite the public outrage she was found not guilty?

So now her lawyers care about what people say or think about her even though she wasn't convicted?

I don't think that argument is going to stand up - but trudging over to the legal thread to see if I can flag down our legal wise one - AZLawyer..:waitasec:
"Anthony's lawyers cite extensive coverage of the death of the girl, 2-year-old Caylee, and the murder trial that followed. Though Anthony was cleared of all major charges, "the local media refuses to move on," her defense says.

As a result, "the overwhelming opinion of the public, especially in Orange County... is that justice was not served in the Criminal Case," they argue.",0,1618337.story

Thanks for the link and story. At that link I perused down the page and found this....teehee,0,4453441.photogallery?obref=obinsite
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