Sidebar Discussion #3

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Speechless - voted no! Wonder how often I can vote?

Yea, I was too, LG! So, in utter shock, instead of voting, I began looking for a "Contact Us" information & the best I could find was this... And boy, did I!!!! I told them I had lost ALL respect for Time magazine, that only in America could something like this happen & said that she was just friggin lucky, bottom line.....then, I suggested if they wanted a REAL Person of the Year, why not Caylee, the one that "Time & Justice Forgot! :furious::banghead:

p.s. please, please join me in telling Time what you really think about them....& don't hold back on my

p.s.s. ya think that's what happened to CM, he saw a Time, read about FCA & began having a heart attack?
Being named Time's Person of the Year is not meant as an honor. In 1938 it went to Adolf Hitler, and to Joseph Stalin in 1939 and 1942.

Wow. Not so much of an honor when you think of how they ended up. lol
Just giving her more FaceTime is disgusting to me. I was hoping not to ever see her face on any cover unless it involved her arrest. :maddening:
... and on another note...

Is any one else wondering why anyone fro the DT hasn't inserted itself in this whole Penna mess? (fwiw - somehow this is all being reported as a SPORTS story - it "ain't no" sports story....)

Hugs Strawberry -

Has WS opened a forum/thread for the childe victims yet? Or is that not a subject that WS involves themselves on?
Maybe he broke his middle finger.....:waitasec:


I don't wish medical emergencies on anyone - but to me, Mr. Mason has always looked like a heart attack/stroke walking.... this Karma walking.......

My immediate thought is if Casey is living with them... they need to do a series of tests to make sure he's not being drugged. Seriously!

anyone know if CM is all right? I dont care for the fella but I dont wish him any harm. I think OCA is texting him to death :|

Hmm! Makes you wonder if something is about to come out from the trial that won't fare well for the elder attorney. Everyone who has had dealings with KCA has had bad things happen to them. It's like the curse of Tut's tomb. I will be surprised if both CM and JB don't face some serious problems now that her case is over. She can now use them to blame things on. And, I'm confident she will. I smell some discord blowing in the wind.

Of course, I wish no harm to CM, and hope that he is feeling better soon.
Hmm! Makes you wonder if something is about to come out from the trial that won't fare well for the elder attorney. Everyone who has had dealings with KCA has had bad things happen to them. It's like the curse of Tut's tomb. I will be surprised if both CM and JB don't face some serious problems now that her case is over. She can now use them to blame things on. And, I'm confident she will. I smell some discord blowing in the wind.

Of course, I wish no harm to CM, and hope that he is feeling better soon.

Think I'm getting a sniff of it too!:shakehead:
As much as I don't like Casey's lawyers, I would never wish harm on them.... ever.

I think they made a grave mistake in taking Casey in and making her part of their "family." They had no obligation to Casey Anthony once she was set free. Now the Holiday's are right around the corner. Most of these lawyers have their own adult children who may or may not have children of their own (their grandchildren). What adult in their right mind would allow small children around Casey Anthony? None!

So, what I am thinking is that NONE of her lawyers want her around for the Holidays. I believe it is causing a lot of stress for them. Let's be honest... who would want to upset Casey or make her jealous? We know how jealous Casey gets when the world doesn't revolve around her. Forget that they have children of their own... or even grandchildren of their own... Casey doesn't care! You better put her first!! She's the victim!! She has no family!! Me!! Me!! Me!!

I cannot believe that these lawyers would even put themselves into this kind of situation... not just for themselves... but for their own families.

Something is brewing and about to overflow. I just hope it results in Casey Anthony's arrest!
As much as I don't like Casey's lawyers, I would never wish harm on them.... ever.

I think they made a grave mistake in taking Casey in and making her part of their "family." They had no obligation to Casey Anthony once she was set free. Now the Holiday's are right around the corner. Most of these lawyers have their own adult children who may or may not have children of their own (their grandchildren). What adult in their right mind would allow small children around Casey Anthony? None!

So, what I am thinking is that NONE of her lawyers want her around for the Holidays. I believe it is causing a lot of stress for them. Let's be honest... who would want to upset Casey or make her jealous? We know how jealous Casey gets when the world doesn't revolve around her. Forget that they have children of their own... or even grandchildren of their own... Casey doesn't care! You better put her first!! She's the victim!! She has no family!! Me!! Me!! Me!!

I cannot believe that these lawyers would even put themselves into this kind of situation... not just for themselves... but for their own families.

Something is brewing and about to overflow. I just hope it results in Casey Anthony's arrest!

Could be karma. Then again, CM is up there in age, has a stressful job and it could be catching up with him.

As for FCA's legal team making her a part of their family, do we really know that she is in one of their homes? I doubt it but agree with you 100% that she portrays herself as the victim. She knows the truth.
Could be karma. Then again, CM is up there in age, has a stressful job and it could be catching up with him.

As for FCA's legal team making her a part of their family, do we really know that she is in one of their homes? I doubt it but agree with you 100% that she portrays herself as the victim. She knows the truth.

No. We don't really know for sure if she is holed up with one of them, but unless Casey is living on her own, or Cindy has her holed up somewhere... I don't see how she could not be staying with one of them?
No. We don't really know for sure if she is holed up with one of them, but unless Casey is living on her own, or Cindy has her holed up somewhere... I don't see how she could not be staying with one of them?

I hope FICA is with one of the attorney's from the defense team. I hope FICA is sitting at the head of the table at their Thanksgiving.
I hope that FICA has control of the tv remote all dang day on Thanksgiving.
I hope that FICA has made her Christmas list and presented it to whoever she is sponging off now.
I hope FICA plans on being the center of attention at the Holiday gatherings and talking incessantly to attorny's friends and loved ones.
I hope FICA has too much eggnog and finds a pole with her name on it.
I hope FICA flashes that grin of hers at every male sitting around the roaring fire and Christmas tree.
I hope FICA comes down the stairs Christmas Morning draped in nothing but the American Flag and last but not least I hope that every time that attorney sees FICA's face, he/she is full of regret and remorse over their own actions/inactions in seeking justice for a little girl named Caylee.
I hope FICA is with one of the attorney's from the defense team. I hope FICA is sitting at the head of the table at their Thanksgiving.
I hope that FICA has control of the tv remote all dang day on Thanksgiving.
I hope that FICA has made her Christmas list and presented it to whoever she is sponging off now.
I hope FICA plans on being the center of attention at the Holiday gatherings and talking incessantly to attorny's friends and loved ones.
I hope FICA has too much eggnog and finds a pole with her name on it.
I hope FICA flashes that grin of hers at every male sitting around the roaring fire and Christmas tree.
I hope FICA comes down the stairs Christmas Morning draped in nothing but the American Flag and last but not least I hope that every time that attorney sees FICA's face, he/she is full of regret and remorse over their own actions/inactions in seeking justice for a little girl named Caylee.

I hope they see her flaring nostrils and fisties on Christmas morning when she gets the smallest gift and realizes she's not really part of their family at all.
But most of all, I hope it hits her like a freight train when SHE realizes she's got noone to play Santa to because she tossed that joy away in trash bags.

anyone know if CM is all right? I dont care for the fella but I dont wish him any harm. I think OCA is texting him to death :|

Is that textitis? I've heard that's even worse than twitterpox
No. We don't really know for sure if she is holed up with one of them, but unless Casey is living on her own, or Cindy has her holed up somewhere... I don't see how she could not be staying with one of them?

The reason I don't think she is holed up completely on her own is that I don't think the DT or the people who hope to make $$ off of her trust her to be running around on her own during her probation. She would get herself into some kind of trouble I think, or hook up with the wrong people who would "out" her in a second to some tabloid for their own payday.

FCA cannot trust anyone she would meet on the street or in a cafe or in a bar right now. I think her "handlers" want her watched and under some kind of lock and key until that probation is over, and until her $$-making interview or book or whatever she is going to get (if anything, I hope all forms of media, oral or written, are afraid to touch her with a 10-foot-pole for fear of backlash. although I have read and Larry Flynt said she could make $$ over in Europe with some kind of deal at any time, and I have also read that elsewhere. But she has to get through this probation year first before she can go traipsing around the world.)

So, yes, I think SOMEONE is going to have to find SOME FAMILY TABLE for FCA to sit around for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. and open presents with her. Maybe that larger woman who appeared pretrial for about one week (supposed mitigation specialist) and sat in front of the cameras while constantly on her laptop, and had on a bright red dress that one day and kept bending over for a "behind" shot right in front of the camera to speak to FCA :floorlaugh:, who is married to that serial killer, she could have her over for Thanksgiving dinner (her name escapes me at the moment). maybe Christmas dinner too.

IMO, MOO, etc.
I think they made a grave mistake in taking Casey in and making her part of their "family." They had no obligation to Casey Anthony once she was set free.
I cannot believe that these lawyers would even put themselves into this kind of situation... not just for themselves... but for their own families.

my sneeps

never in a million years did they think she'd walk, and they had no plans in place at all for the possibility....after all, only the pinellas 12 was so gullible, even OCA's team and she herself were not so stupid.

I've said before and I will say again, morally they could not just push her out in the street alone - had they they'd be morally nearly as bad as she is.

of course I am under NO illusions that dumped out alone, CA wouldnt boot GA to the curb and take her in....and that's exactly what should have been IMO as those two truly deserve one another.
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