Sidebar Discussion #4

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Sin #5 = Insufferable Wickedness.
Doesn't even come close. Preacher Steve's playing out of his league.
OMGosh. :nerves:. Talk about your red flags. That is just scarey.

No kidding. I'm wondering how Casey manages to stay afloat at that church. She can't even stay above #1! Either she has turned on her charm big time and they don't know the real her yet, or excuses keep being made for her behavior. No way is she repenting for anything she's done, even minor offenses! Wake up Pastor! There is no saving Casey!

OMG. If indeed FCA is at this church, it seems to me that there's been a trade off of prisons. Only difference is that here she won't be staring at vertical bars.


Sin #5 = Insufferable Wickedness. Fits her to a T.

Not a chance. She's being housed there due to a "considerable anonymous donation" IMO. I'm sure she's free to do whatever she pleases. Which apparently she has been doing...the proof is all over the internet.

Not a chance. She's being housed there due to a "considerable anonymous donation" IMO. I'm sure she's free to do whatever she pleases. Which apparently she has been doing...the proof is all over the internet.


Thanks for pointing out the flip side. Interesting point for sure.
Casey lives by rule number 2.......

Unverifiable Sins

...."But if private rebuke is unsuccessful and the offender is not willing to admit his sin to others, no further church action may be taken. The matter must be left with God; it should not be revealed to anyone else"...
No kidding. I'm wondering how Casey manages to stay afloat at that church. She can't even stay above #1! Either she has turned on her charm big time and they don't know the real her yet, or excuses keep being made for her behavior. No way is she repenting for anything she's done, even minor offenses! Wake up Pastor! There is no saving Casey!

It's very likely that this church has taken Casey on as their special little "mission" ~ their project of benevolence of God's love and forgiveness. Providing "sanctuary" for her to "grow" in His love, she wouldn't be expected to be held to the same rules as the members of the church.

I'm just guessing, of course, but I imagine that is how it would have been presented to any/all church members who had knowledge of her presence. Any outside criticism would be considered as coming from an evil society and they would consider themselves martyrs for their cause. Should they reap any monetary benefits along the way, they will only be considered blessings that confirm their cause.

As our astute cyberborg stated, this appears to be a closed community and therein lies the danger.

Not a chance. She's being housed there due to a "considerable anonymous donation" IMO. I'm sure she's free to do whatever she pleases. Which apparently she has been doing...the proof is all over the internet.


JMO but I think you nailed it.
It's very likely that this church has taken Casey on as their special little "mission" ~ their project of benevolence of God's love and forgiveness. Providing "sanctuary" for her to "grow" in His love, she wouldn't be expected to be held to the same rules as the members of the church.

I'm just guessing, of course, but I imagine that is how it would have been presented to any/all church members who had knowledge of her presence. Any outside criticism would be considered as coming from an evil society and they would consider themselves martyrs for their cause. Should they reap any monetary benefits along the way, they will only be considered blessings that confirm their cause.

As our astute cyberborg stated, this appears to be a closed community and therein lies the danger.


Excellent post. This is where my thoughts are leaning. She is their "project" and it certainly explains as to how and why FCA's location was kept quiet. When i first heard reports she was attending Church I didn't believe it. I couldn't imagine a congregation remaining quiet. Now it all makes sense. Yes i agree FCA is exempt from their Doctrine. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. If the members become victims so be it. They will rationalize it. It will be most interesting when her probation is up. I had thought the Defense was involved directly in housing her. Seems they physically dumped her on to someone else as soon as they could. Smart move.
Casey lives by rule number 2.......

Unverifiable Sins

...."But if private rebuke is unsuccessful and the offender is not willing to admit his sin to others, no further church action may be taken. The matter must be left with God; it should not be revealed to anyone else"...

I seriously raised my eyebrow at that one. It's like Cindy herself wrote that particular one, and it seems like an oxymoron to me. How can it be a sin but not verifiable? I've never heard of that in any church before in my life. Most churches focus on repentance and forgiveness, not oh well, we can't verify the sin, so it's just up to God and no one else will know about it. Blew my mind to read that one. It definitely made me think this is a cult. That is just a warped rule for a church to have, IMO.
I absolutely hate that I have to disagree with you on the bold LG as your one of my favorite people but I personally think he hated/hates OCA as much as she hates him.

I agree he hates who she became but parents often think of their kids as the very loveable tiny child they fell in love with years ago and seem to cling to that memory to love no matter what, don't you think?

I often have to give my head a shake to remember my DD will one year soon be approaching forty and is no longer that precious little girl of two whom I adored and could do no wrong in my eyes...
Excellent post. This is where my thoughts are leaning. She is their "project" and it certainly explains as to how and why FCA's location was kept quiet. When i first heard reports she was attending Church I didn't believe it. I couldn't imagine a congregation remaining quiet. Now it all makes sense. Yes i agree FCA is exempt from their Doctrine. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. If the members become victims so be it. They will rationalize it. It will be most interesting when her probation is up. I had thought the Defense was involved directly in housing her. Seems they physically dumped her on to someone else as soon as they could. Smart move.

They probably thought it was all going along nicely, until she invited the circus to town.
Bet there are a few unhappy souls around the compound by now.
I can't see a small church with this brand of doctrine revelling in publicity.
Apparently I haven't read back far enough because out of context your 'button problem' sounds .... er ...... never mind :floorlaugh:

Oh boy - here goes the problem of the time difference again - just when we are getting tired and slowing down, you get on the board all well rested and frisky, with devilment in your eyes.....:innocent:
You are either nicer than me or just more worn out on the subject! :)

Seriously though, I think we agree on the fundamentals - whatever his faults George has been dragged through the mud and put through hell.

Ding ding ding - LOL and the prize goes to the clever poster who opened door #2! I am talked out - you are right. While I have no problem with other posters discussing GA- I've had a lot to say in the past and I've "worn it out".:seeya:
Oh boy - here goes the problem of the time difference again - just when we are getting tired and slowing down, you get on the board all well rested and frisky, with devilment in your eyes.....:innocent:
:waitasec: ....... and by the time you reply, it's after midnight again. You guys are worth staying up for though. :great:

ETA: why is it so? I'm 14 hours ahead yet I'm always behind with the good stuff!
Ok, so I am trying to catch up but I am about 40 something pages behind lol. If this has already been discussed, please let me know. I just read the NE article where her secret boyfriend "Steve" is mentioned, and they go on to say that he was outed as SH who is a People magazine writer and says he has never even spoken to FCA. I also read the article about FCA staying with a pastor and his wife at their church. Has anyone noticed that the pastor's name is Steve? Could she be carrying on an affair with this man? Or just causing her usual drama in other people's lives? I'm just wondering if this is the Steve she supposedly told her supporters about.

NE Article’s-twisted-world

The Daily Beast Article

That's a fair question but we don't want to be starting any rumours, do we? We can always remember Jeffrey the imaginary boyfriend until we know for sure can't we? We know how she is about running with a name and creating a "whole history" for herself don't we? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
They probably thought it was all going along nicely, until she invited the circus to town.
Bet there are a few unhappy souls around the compound by now though.
I can't see a small church with this brand of doctrine revelling in publicity.

Agree. It will be most interesting to follow. I wouldn't be surprised to see some leave. I'll bet you are right. There are some unhappy members. Despite the perks she has afforded them. I hope FCA is not living directly in same house as the Preacher and Family. He has no idea.....
So she is / was basically living within a crazy cult? She must just love that!


I can't stop laughing. This gets better and better. Oh and the pastor's wife's name is "Cindy."

Wonder how she likes those apples?
I seriously raised my eyebrow at that one. It's like Cindy herself wrote that particular one, and it seems like an oxymoron to me. How can it be a sin but not verifiable? I've never heard of that in any church before in my life. Most churches focus on repentance and forgiveness, not oh well, we can't verify the sin, so it's just up to God and no one else will know about it. Blew my mind to read that one. It definitely made me think this is a cult. That is just a warped rule for a church to have, IMO.

I wonder if that one was drafted in preparation for her arrival :floorlaugh: It makes no sense as you point out. I assumed they were operating on forgiveness as well. They are a scary group. You know my thoughts have been as to what MCA may do to this Family and/or Congregation. It just dawned on me if this Pastor isn't operating with all oars perhaps FCA has met her match.
So she is / was basically living within a crazy cult? She must just love that!


I can't stop laughing. This gets better and better. Oh and the pastor's wife's name is "Cindy."

Wonder how she likes those apples?

:floorlaugh: Hey, Spice, why don't you just come out and say what you mean? :floorlaugh:
Ding ding ding - LOL and the prize goes to the clever poster who opened door #2! I am talked out - you are right. While I have no problem with other posters discussing GA- I've had a lot to say in the past and I've "worn it out".:seeya:

I'm in the same boat. And i have slammed him beyond slamming. Now i just look back and see it all a bit different. Agree I think Parents who have children who commit horrific acts love them for who they once were. They only hate what they did.
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