Sidebar Discussion #9

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I have never bought from and don't have an account, but if we have a Canadian member who wants to copy and paste my review there - feel free to do it!

Judge Stan Strickland said, "The truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers." Truer words were indeed never spoken! After reading this book, I believe the truth and Mr. Baez are strangers too. (copied it for you below)

Baez's own opening statement was filled with lies that this book does not address. So, if you think this book will back up statements that he failed to prove at trial - I am sorry to tell you, you will be sorely disappointed. His words at trial were: "You'll see evidence, conclusive evidence, that he[George Anthony] took steps to throw his own daughter under the bus just to protect himself"

Oh, and lest we forget - His opening statement he accused Mr. Kronk of finding Caylee's body and moving it.
"Mr. Kronk is a morally bankrupt individual who actually took Caylee's body and hid her." Again, not proven in court or the book.

I could go on, but will instead spare you and focus on a few abominations and atrocities from the book.

Baez regurgitates a tale allegedly told by KC, about the 'abuse' she allegedly endured from her father. The disgusting details include KC's nickname for her father's anatomy as 'baldy' and a vile analogy of petting a mouse till the mouse sneezed milk. Baez surely realizes that this lurid tale and storyline were lifted from the TV comedy South Park. If not, he is at least guilty of not doing his research.

With childish glee, Baez recounts how the 'team' came up with the nickname "rat hands" for Mr. Ashton. Given the above "sneezing mouse" analogy, how could this be funny to any professional attorney who in fact believed his client's far-fetched story of the childhood abuse? DISGUSTING at best.

Another example that Baez's credibility is nonexistent: He claims he had a good flow of income prior to this case. And yet his house was in foreclosure. So is that a lie by omission or just spin for his own ego and to try to charm the readers? The truth and Baez are strangers, indeed!

He spins the reader with an abundance of useless information in order to avoid the real questions at hand and to divert the thoughts of the reader from the truth. Baez in court and in this book, tries to discredit Gerus and Bones, the cadaver dogs who alerted in the Anthony family back yard. Why, if Caylee drowned in the pool would logic not tell you that 'whomever' found her, would have pulled her out and laid her on the ground at least briefly to see if she could be revived, etc?

Other Questions not answered in this book:

[1] Why did he (and his client and her family) beg the media, the public and TES (Texas EquuSearch) to search for a MISSING child, who was never missing?
[2] If as he claims, he learned of "the drowning" in early 2009, why doesn't he convey to the reader any remorse for holding this tidbit of truth till trial?
[3] Why did he allow his client to sit in isolation in jail for 3 years, facing the death penalty if Caylee's death was an 'accidental drowning' or 'murder done by another'?
[4] Why does he not disclose how Caylee ended up in the woods?

Baez said over and over, and over again in his opening statement, that "Something's not right here." That might have been the ONLY true statement he made that day. Now, having read this drivel filled book, I say to Jose Baez, "Yes, something is NOT RIGHT HERE." You are attempting to use your involvement in this debacle of justice to line your own wallet, and to hell with ethics since they don't pay. You labeled Mr. Kronk "morally bankrupt" in the eyes of the whole world. You claim in your book that prosecutor Jeff Ashton is "mentally disturbed." I think you would be well served to turn the mirror around toward yourself and take a close hard look. And calling a fellow officer of the court, "Tourette's Boy" and thinking it is funny ----> Yeppers, something is definitely NOT right here, Mr. Baez.

Baez includes meaningless and downright perplexing information in his book, such as he took 'refuge in his walk-in closet' when he was depressed. (Well something tells me, Mr. Baez is in his closet today.) In his own ego driven, nefarious way, Baez insults the informed reader with this 'I am the victim' stuff. He claims in his book that it is because his ex-wife "lied" about him not paying child support that it took the bar 8 years to admit him. Yet, as he always seemed to do, he forgot how he said in another part of the book that the FL bar didn't admit him for "no good reason." But, who cares-- what does that have to do with the case? Or is this again, garbage to divert attention from the subject at hand? It sounded a lot like his opening statement, describing KC as a 'victim of abuse' and 'a victim of her dysfunctional family', and the excuses he used to explain KC's horribly bizarre behavior and lies to law enforcement etc. Kinda frightening, how everyone is a victim in Jose's world, except the real victim, CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY.

Baez spends energy in the book to slam the media for the circus surrounding the case, but he fails to mention HE invited them into it and USED them for his agenda, just as he is doing now to promote this book of his. Not to mention he helped his client sell photos of her beautiful daughter to the very media he claims to despise (yet still uses)....the same media he used to fund her defense and line his own greedy pockets with blood money. This book is a disgrace and should have never been published. Save your money and donate to a deserving organization please.

Baez admitted in open court that KC was a liar and even said, 'she is not right in the head.' In the book he says she is "unstable" and has "serious mental health issues."............. now comes a book where the main backbone of the book is from the mouth of a liar according to Mr. Baez himself. Yet, ready for this? He writes in the book that detectives "should have stopped and realized, "Wait a minute, we're not dealing with someone who is playing with a full deck." BOMBSHELL TONIGHT -- Mr. Baez, shame on you for profiting off Caylee's death and KC's lies.

In closing, I am reminded of some notable quotes from the case:

"The irony is rich, indeed." The Honorable Judge Stan Strickland, quoted by esteemed Prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick

"The most well-documented liar ever seen in a courtroom." [Speaking of KC] Prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick

Bless you and our Canadian member!! I have a huge Chapters/Indigo store three blocks from where I live so have had no need to buy from in the past....
Their books are more expensive on the .ca site than they are in the stores here.

OMG - big signs with reviews at and Go to for all 397 reviews!! Thank you thank you!! I just could not let those two five stars sit there all by themselves on our Canadian website and this is an even better response that I expected - thank you again!!
I hope you dont mind.. but im using the info you sleuthed here to have a little chat with a Beaz lover over on amazon lol

Don't expect an intelligent response though - someone challenged me to prove what I said was true. When I did, with forensic documentation- poof - they stopped posting...
It is troll heaven over there.
I am way behind but look at what has happened since I last logged in!
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #365 in Books

I'm a bit suspicious we are being set up with that number (I mean I can believe this mess of a book is tanking) and that it has been deliberately manipulated so that after the Geraldo show and the expose by whomever that is playing either tonight or tomorrow night, they can show a false jump in saies.

You can see how much I trust these big sites numbers...except I do believe his book is #544 in the Canada amazon top 100 books..:floorlaugh: yup - guilty of selective reasoning!!!
Once again I call BULL***** on his "story".....but this time with PROOF!!

Baez is claiming that while on a search for a saw in Walmart, AFTER CAYLEE REMAINS FOUND, that he saw the above underlined tabloid...

Problem is....the article with THAT particular title ran in the Globe WEEKLY tabloid shortly after Caylee's disappearance (an Aug issue)

Actual article is no longer available, but look at the posting under the linked article below...and notice the DATE the poster made post referring to tabloid article...SEPTEMBER 2008!

They hadn't even found Caylee yet....

on Sep 12, 2008

The headlines read Caylee's Mom did it!'she fed tragic tot to ALLIGATORS'I would have to disagree on the tragic tot...Caylee wasn't tragic,her life was. Caylee was beautifl and her 'mom' could not stand the competition, IMO.

Great catch! Please tell that to the Amazon 5* trolls
Once again I call BULL***** on his "story".....but this time with PROOF!!

Baez is claiming that while on a search for a saw in Walmart, AFTER CAYLEE REMAINS FOUND, that he saw the above underlined tabloid...

Problem is....the article with THAT particular title ran in the Globe WEEKLY tabloid shortly after Caylee's disappearance (an Aug issue)

Actual article is no longer available, but look at the posting under the linked article below...and notice the DATE the poster made post referring to tabloid article...SEPTEMBER 2008!

They hadn't even found Caylee yet....

on Sep 12, 2008

The headlines read Caylee's Mom did it!'she fed tragic tot to ALLIGATORS'I would have to disagree on the tragic tot...Caylee wasn't tragic,her life was. Caylee was beautifl and her 'mom' could not stand the competition, IMO.

LMAOROF :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Permission to share on my review at Amazon, please? Tell me if you want your Kentjbkent given credit for the info or not.

This will have me laughing all night!
FTLOG I am watching Spitz says "
it It was diplayed beautifuly like a Christmas present QUOTE
It is NOT AN AUTOPSY after tha time! Dr Spitz is saying again that a proper autopsy was not done! WTF!
I'm a bit suspicious we are being set up with that number (I mean I can believe this mess of a book is tanking) and that it has been deliberately manipulated so that after the Geraldo show and the expose by whomever that is playing either tonight or tomorrow night, they can show a false jump in saies.

You can see how much I trust these big sites numbers...except I do believe his book is #544 in the Canada amazon top 100 books..:floorlaugh: yup - guilty of selective reasoning!!!

It has only sold 380 books in July! That is dismal. No wonder he's on the road trying to appear on as many shows as he can.
Shame no one is watching..
Jose Baez saying on MSNBC that they waited until late at night to saw Caylee's skull open because the media was outside the funeral home. He wanted to treat Caylee with dignity. How can he say 'saw Caylee Anthonys skull open' and 'dignity' in the same sentence?!?!?! I'm getting sick.
omg is anyone watching MSNBC? How freaking disgusting is this ?!?!?!?

body parts were displayed like christmas presents
Baez went to walmart to get a saw to CUT CAYLEE'S SKULL OPEN !! because Spitz had been "carving" at it for 2hours :**** (
This is just horrifying to watch. Poor little child. Let her rest in peace. These people should go away forever.
That story is just another example of his warped sense of humor. He wants his (small handful of) readers to laugh at the image of a woman with Down's Syndrome pursuing him, the suave, brilliant, mighty attorney all over the store. I don't believe a word of it. He is very unpleasant and thinks he and his vile client are a cut above everyone else.

It reads that way, as profoundly arrogant and also as he thinks he is a celebrity.
Don't expect an intelligent response though - someone challenged me to prove what I said was true. When I did, with forensic documentation- poof - they stopped posting...
It is troll heaven over there.

It's even worse when you give them proof and they still agrue it's not true. I went back and forth with one who finally admitting JB is a liar and you can't believe anything he says. I said thank thats all I was trying to prove. Then he states he stands behind the 5 star because JB told things in the book he didn't know already:banghead:. How can you argue with that thought process??:waitasec:
It seems Ron Manta is another name for .................. wait for it ........
BAEZ! He was tracked via his Amazon account.
Richard Hornsby was right, Baez is a moron.

[ame=""]MantaBaezAVI - YouTube[/ame]

<MSNBC thing is on, recording it for us but not sure if I can stomach any more of this buffoonish story?
talking about Cheney requesting FCA getting checked for competency mid-trial
Jose Baez saying on MSNBC that they waited until late at night to saw Caylee's skull open because the media was outside the funeral home. He wanted to treat Caylee with dignity. How can he say 'saw Caylee Anthonys skull open' and 'dignity' in the same sentence?!?!?! I'm getting sick.

Dignity?? Going to Walmart for a hacksaw & not even use medical tools.
Jose Baez saying on MSNBC that they waited until late at night to saw Caylee's skull open because the media was outside the funeral home. He wanted to treat Caylee with dignity. How can he say 'saw Caylee Anthonys skull open' and 'dignity' in the same sentence?!?!?! I'm getting sick.

Seriously a person as well known as Dr. Spitz has nothing better to do than attempt a form of an autopsy on Christmas Eve? Why? Has he no family? Even if he is Jewish (which I doubt because of his early life) there are still festivities and family...
There was no rush for this - they'd left it for months as it was - unless the good Dr. was on his way somewhere and JB got him to take a layover so he wouldn't have to pay his flight into town.

Also, I think Dr. Spitz saying there was no proper autopsy was just semantics. I think he means "full" autopsy because there were no organis etc., left, just a skull, hair mass and many tiny bones that had been scattered over almost an acre of land by wild scavengers...
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