Sidebar Discussion #9

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The call with jesse was an 11 min call from what ive found..
So far what ive seen about that call was that jesse felt it was not a normal call.
but ive not seen why he said that yet.. im still researching more on that..
but he did say she said this.
.JG: Uhm, the fact that her mom was no longer moving out anymore. Casey now had to find a place to live. Uhm, uh, she couldn't stay at home. And that her parents were getting a divorce...

all ive been able to see about the content of the call to amy so far was that
jose states :
"When we interviewed Amy, she couldn’t recall anything special about the conversation."

Im still researching will post back if i find more...

Thank you... so in the morning she was happily talking to her man friend about Amy moving in & her getting the house. By afternoon her story now changed to CA was keeping the house, but GA was leaving & there was just NO WAY she could stay there.... Caylee was dead at this point imo. She was starting to run.
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #324 in Books

Here is to hoping that there is no bounce after Geraldo and MSNBC tonight.
I keep wondering, what medical examiner uses a saw bought at a Walmart? like the kind you buy in a hardwarde store to saw tree branches, or something?

Using the kind of saw you would buy at a Walmart store to saw open a 2.5 year old babies skull just shows you the unprofessionalism of this whole DT.

I googled "what kind of a saw would you use in autopsy to open a skull" and there are, as I inherently knew there would be, special saws for this. Some are called Stryker Autopsy Saws, they are hand held, electrical special high precision high-speed oscillating saws. No wonder Spitz busted open Caylee's skull. This is insanity to me!

I do remember Spitz was all out of joint apparently because didn't he want to sit in with Dr. G and view and work side-by-side with her on the initial autopsy, something like that, but they didn't let him? So was he pouting or something, because I, The Great and Power Dr. Werner Spitz, and NOT allowed to do what * I * want to do???? and YELLED, "SOMEONE GET ME A SAW< ANY SAW, JUST GET ME A SAW HERE!!"

Dr. G explained why she did not saw Caylee's skull open and it made perfect sense to me. But I can see where another ME might want to do it, so, instead of maybe at a later date, once Spitz could obtain a saw, even from an local medical school or something, someone surely had to have connections to get the right kind of saw, but I guess the $200,000 ABC money had already been spent, and Spitz probably asked for a bundle of cash, so no way would he be able to examine the skull at another time I guess?

How would things have gone if a respectable, competent Defense ME really wanted to open the skull? I HIGHLY DOUBT they would have done so by using a saw from WALMART?? I realize it was Christmas, but can't they have waited until the day after the Holiday or something? That would be if it was someone who was really there to do an ethical job and get the best results possible for their client.

IMO, MOO, etc.

Jose spent a grand total of 4.99 on the saw they used.
Jose spent a grand total of 4.99 on the saw they used.

that is so PATHETIC! as you wrote earlier, WHY in God's name would he even put that story in his book? I swear some of this stuff he simply made up to try to have some "interesting?" stories to tell. does he think that is funny? my 4-yr-old granddaughter has Down Syndrome, how does he think that adds any ENTERTAINMENT value to his stupid story? if it even was TRUE, how dose him saying someone with Down Syndrome was chasing him calling his name, WHAT DOES THAT ADD TO THIS STORY???

all he had to say was:

"there was no saw, so we had to go out and purchase one"

it is OBVIOUS he is trying to MAKE A STORY WHERE THERE IS NO STORY, just a bunch of b.s. filler......

and Golenbeck wants to be ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CRAP?? I guess so........

IMO, MOO, etc.
Thank you... so in the morning she was happily talking to her man friend about Amy moving in & her getting the house. By afternoon her story now changed to CA was keeping the house, but GA was leaving & there was just NO WAY she could stay there.... Caylee was dead at this point imo. She was starting to run.

They whole thing is really confusing..all the interviews and such..
by the time the first interviews were done it will well over a month or longer since any of this happened...

I mean... how hard would it be to try to remember a phone convo. with some one you talked to often that happened say 30 days before.... like amy.. at that time she was basically talking to casey several times a day.

now i dont think jesse and casey talked as often... but in his interview he got confused..
he stated that he heard caylee in the back ground on the 16th when they talked...

He then talks about talking to casey on the 24th and says he heard caylee in back ground that day and casey telling her to get of the table and yelling at her...

Now i know that it came out later that he was mistaken about hearing caylee on the 24th... but was anything ever said about if the 16th was a mistake or not???

I find his comments in the interview that when casey was on phone caylee would always want attention, rather telling.. as casey basically either lived on the phone, texting and talking .. or on the puter... poor little caylee.

here is the copy of the interview i found..

He starts talking about the 16th on page 14
And this just confirms how incredibly incompetent Spitz actually was, as demonstrated in full-screen glory when he testified at the trial. Anything for a buck - what professional would saw and saw and saw at a toddler's skull with a rusty saw only to crack it??!

And for Baez to include this in his book?? Again, what the HELLO is wrong with him!!?

Spitz had a very long illustrious career. His opinions were very highly respected back in the day...

Spitz had to be somewhere in the vicinity of 85-90 years old and, sad as it is, clearly was not as sharp as he once was.

A full autopsy does require examining the organs, including the brain, to help determine cause of death. However, in this case there was nothing but bones--no organs to examine at all--and with no brain, the standard procedure of opening the skull to examine the brain did not apply. Spitz, however, breaks open Caylee's skull and miraculously finds no evidence of homicide and nothing to rule out drowning. Go figure.

Spitz commands high fees for expert testimony based on how he used to be an expert. He is not an expert anymore, though. Too bad the jury could not connect those dots.
here is the latest rankings..
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #324 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

#11 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > True Accounts > Murder & Mayhem
that is so PATHETIC! as you wrote earlier, WHY in God's name would he even put that story in his book? I swear some of this stuff he simply made up to try to have some "interesting?" stories to tell. does he think that is funny? my 4-yr-old granddaughter has Down Syndrome, how does he think that adds any ENTERTAINMENT value to his stupid story? if it even was TRUE, how dose him saying someone with Down Syndrome was chasing him calling his name, WHAT DOES THAT ADD TO THIS STORY???

all he had to say was:

"there was no saw, so we had to go out and purchase one"

it is OBVIOUS he is trying to MAKE A STORY WHERE THERE IS NO STORY, just a bunch of b.s. filler......

and Golenbeck wants to be ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CRAP?? I guess so........

IMO, MOO, etc.

Would that not have contaminated that area of the skull? The saw was not made to cut open skulls. And he complains about Dr. G????? Pffffff. jmo
Thank you... so in the morning she was happily talking to her man friend about Amy moving in & her getting the house. By afternoon her story now changed to CA was keeping the house, but GA was leaving & there was just NO WAY she could stay there.... Caylee was dead at this point imo. She was starting to run.

I absolutely agree. jmo
FYI - Just checking out Jose's book on It is ranked #544 on Amazon's best seller list and there are two five star reviews - both who have wandered over from the review list at :maddening:

Although I am able on .com to grade comments, I have never bought a book from Amazon, so it won't let me comment - even though they have my credit card information. :banghead:

So....if anyone feels like doing a review on - well then, wander on over and let's do something about those two five stars...which I believe are identical to the ones posted on
:banghead: :banghead:
There must be a limit. When I tried that it said you have reached your limit of accessing.

Same here I've got the same message also, and that was sometime last week. (just catching up)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The Super Walmart's where I live close at 8pm on Christmas Eve and do no re-open until 12am December 26th. So he may mean 3am on December 24th... which is Christmas Eve. I don't think that Walmart's differ that much. I'm not in Orlando, but I am in Florida.
Jose really did not think things through when he "wrote" this book. The line about his wife's pregnancy and him not being able to be excited about it (or however it was worded), bad idea. His children will more than likely want to read this book one day simply because their father "wrote" it. How is this child going to feel? Does he even care?

Apparently he and Casey really are two peas in a pod. If they can't be famous, they will settle for infamous.
Jose really did not think things through when he "wrote" this book. The line about his wife's pregnancy and him not being able to be excited about it (or however it was worded), bad idea. His children will more than likely want to read this book one day simply because their father "wrote" it. How is this child going to feel? Does he even care?

Apparently he and Casey really are two peas in a pod. If they can't be famous, they will settle for infamous.

This is someone who didn't pay child support for his first child. He doesn't care.
do a search for jonas gore & "it" - creepy song with video diary playing in background - demonic sounding
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #324 in Books

Here is to hoping that there is no bounce after Geraldo and MSNBC tonight.

As of 4PM my time so 7pm darned near everybody else - the rating I am seeing is #364 in rank and 11 in mayhem.....

How lo--oo -ooow can he go?? Hi Jose!:seeya:
You are tanking - also known as "bombing" and AGAIN - to clarify - not be be confused with "da bomb"!! :skip:
Spitz had assumed that Dr. Jan Garavaglia, the
medical examiner, would follow standard protocol and
open the skull, so he did not bring a saw.
“Do you have a saw?” Spitz asked the funeral
director. “I need a saw. Any saw.”
The director returned with a rusty old saw.
Spitz sawed and sawed, and after about a half an
hour, he gave up.
“This saw doesn’t cut,” he said.
“We’re going to have to buy a saw,” I said. The
only store open at three in the morning was Walmart.
“Come on, Pat,” I said to our investigator, Pat
When we entered the Walmart, the place was
virtually empty. There were only a handful of
employees. This was perfect. I figured we’d be able to
get in and out quickly without anyone noticing us.
(Media interest in the case grew exponentially after
Caylee’s body was found.)
McKenna and I split up in our search for a saw,
and just as I began my search, a bus from a home for
the mentally challenged dropped off its passengers so
they could shop with the least amount of hassle. I’m
looking for the saw, and one of the ladies from the bus
(she had Down’s syndrome) saw me and began
shouting, “Baez, Baez, Baez.” She followed me
throughout the store, pointing at me and yelling, “Baez,
Baez, Baez.”
McKenna found a saw, and I yelled to him, “Let’s
get out of here.” We trotted to the checkout counter
and noticed the tabloid magazines, each featuring a
horrible story about Casey. One story trumpeted,
“Casey Anthony’s Drunken Party.” Another
proclaimed, “Secrets and Lies,” and yet a third featured
a story headlined, “Caylee’s Mom Did It: She Fed
Tragic Tot to Alligators.”
I was looking at all these
headlines, while waiting to pay $4.99 for a saw to cut
open Caylee’s skull, when the woman with Down’s
syndrome found me and again began yelling, “Baez,
Baez, Baez.”
It was surreal. I couldn’t believe why I was there
and what was happening. We paid and hurried out the

Once again I call BULL***** on his "story".....but this time with PROOF!!

Baez is claiming that while on a search for a saw in Walmart, AFTER CAYLEE REMAINS FOUND, that he saw the above underlined tabloid...

Problem is....the article with THAT particular title ran in the Globe WEEKLY tabloid shortly after Caylee's disappearance (an Aug issue)

Actual article is no longer available, but look at the posting under the linked article below...and notice the DATE the poster made post referring to tabloid article...SEPTEMBER 2008!

They hadn't even found Caylee yet....

on Sep 12, 2008

The headlines read Caylee's Mom did it!'she fed tragic tot to ALLIGATORS'I would have to disagree on the tragic tot...Caylee wasn't tragic,her life was. Caylee was beautifl and her 'mom' could not stand the competition, IMO.
Jose really did not think things through when he "wrote" this book. The line about his wife's pregnancy and him not being able to be excited about it (or however it was worded), bad idea. His children will more than likely want to read this book one day simply because their father "wrote" it. How is this child going to feel? Does he even care?

Apparently he and Casey really are two peas in a pod. If they can't be famous, they will settle for infamous.

What makes me sad is what I bolded: I have to ask what kind of FATHER would set the example he sets, in manner, in speech, in characterization of others based on their weight, personal appearance, mental challenges? That's the legacy that truly matters...raising another human being to think the way he apparently does about others? That is truly scary to me. I am sickened by the quotes that have been posted here. His child doesn't have a chance. :moo:
Once again I call BULL***** on his "story".....but this time with PROOF!!

Baez is claiming that while on a search for a saw in Walmart, AFTER CAYLEE REMAINS FOUND, that he saw the above underlined tabloid...

Problem is....the article with THAT particular title ran in the Globe WEEKLY tabloid shortly after Caylee's disappearance (an Aug issue)

Actual article is no longer available, but look at the posting under the linked article below...and notice the DATE the poster made post referring to tabloid article...SEPTEMBER 2008!

They hadn't even found Caylee yet....

on Sep 12, 2008

The headlines read Caylee's Mom did it!'she fed tragic tot to ALLIGATORS'I would have to disagree on the tragic tot...Caylee wasn't tragic,her life was. Caylee was beautifl and her 'mom' could not stand the competition, IMO.

DO buses from homes who take care of the mentally handicap usually make trips to Walmart at 3am? I've never heard of such a thing or ever seen such a thing? I could understand wanting to go at a time when it is not busy, but 3am? Maybe it was a planned trip for them to get their Christmas shopping done, but I don't think that Walmart would be that slow, even at 3am, on the last shopping night of the Christmas season? Everyone shops last minute. Including me!
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