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I consider any news about Casey she feels, what her plans are,where she is going to live a Lie.
She has begun to realize her lies? Well now, that is hilarious and the effect it had on others. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
(Sorry for reposting this but I noticed after I posted that I was in the Dr. P thread)

I know that in court things can be said without being proven. If it can possibly raise doubt with a jury, it's acceptable to say it. Some attorneys will say "Joe did it, not Mary," when they know full well that Mary did it, not Joe.

What I cannot wrap my mind around is the fact that pure fabrication is allowed in our courts while actual evidence is not. How many hearings were there to have certain evidence disallowed? Quite a few, IIRC.

To me, if anything goes in court, then everything should go into evidence. All of Casey's party photos--her diary pages--video of Casey's reaction to hearing a body was found--and more.

No evidence should be disallowed! Many years ago in courts we did not have certain forensic tests. But guilty people were convicted anyway. That's because back then evidence was allowed into the record--it was then up to the jury to count or discount it. But at least it was not hidden from them.
FCA's top 10 regrets:

10. That she didn't hide Caylee's body well enough
9. That she didn't think to manufacture and plant "evidence" that her father molested her
8. That she agreed to leave Tony's apartment with her mother
7. That she ever gave birth to Caylee
6. That she didn't remember that cell phones ping
5. That she didn't steal more money from her mother and father when she had the chance
4. That she didn't win the hot body contest
3. That she didn't demand that her defense team dress her in more attractive clothes so that she didn't have to whine now that the media always chooses to publish her ugliest photos
2. That someone- her mother, Jesse, Amy, SOMEONE would have agreed to babysit Caylee on the 16th so that she didn't have to live through the complications of murdering her child

Number 1 regret-- that everyone doesn't seem to understand that SHE is the victim, not Caylee.
Oh oh - Nancy Grace is covering the charging of the 25 year old from Tennessee who smothered her newborn twins immediately after they were born - she is in a rage!

I missed it! That is a sick story..say she panicked with the first one and covered the baby's mouth...babys are obligatory mouth breathers. But once the first one died from it she would know..and did it to the second! And left the babies in the hamper for a day and a half. It's really strange that she didn't take them out! So sad.
I missed it! That is a sick story..say she panicked with the first one and covered the baby's mouth...babys are obligatory mouth breathers. But once the first one died from it she would know..and did it to the second! And left the babies in the hamper for a day and a half. It's really strange that she didn't take them out! So sad.

Sorry but that makes no sense. Let's say the mom panicked with the first baby. There is just no reason for her to kill her other baby. It will be interesting to hear what charges if any are filed.
Was this PPD or PPP? Or was it murder?
Just sad, :(.

^j^ ^j^
This is just a random vent as I had to help pick a jury today, and I swear I was so freaking flipped out because of the jurors in the Casey Anthony case! It has totally messed with my mind. Opposing counsel represents his sister/plaintiff, but has someone else trying it so the jury isn't prejudiced by that fact. Yet, he is still pulling the strings, like ambushing us, the opposing side, to be his first witnesses tomorrow am. I can't talk about the case, but....boy oh boy, will I.. After we get a defense verdict. It's not's a civil case. Aaaargh!! I just needed to vent...
This is just a random vent as I had to help pick a jury today, and I swear I was so freaking flipped out because of the jurors in the Casey Anthony case! It has totally messed with my mind. Opposing counsel represents his sister/plaintiff, but has someone else trying it so the jury isn't prejudiced by that fact. Yet, he is still pulling the strings, like ambushing us, the opposing side, to be his first witnesses tomorrow am. I can't talk about the case, but....boy oh boy, will I.. After we get a defense verdict. It's not's a civil case. Aaaargh!! I just needed to vent...

Good luck !! :woohoo:
And as far as FCA's life being in danger? I swear it's Baez propaganda so he doesn't have to put up with her showing up in either his professional or personal life for the next six months or so..... I'd put money on it that if we looked hard enough we could trace it eventually back to him.
True LG. It's hard to imagine who else's idea it would be anyway. And I'd bet she was the very first one he told she needed to stay away for a while. She'd have believed that - Jose said it.

(Psst I have posted this on the sidebar thread - hope you find it :floorlaugh: :innocent:)
And how is she receiving greeting cards on Caylee's birthday and hateful letters??? Nobody has her address!! Sounds like another lie.
...unless they were sent to her parents.
We were on the Dr Phil thread. See I don"t belong here. I don't even know where I am. LOL
My faith is in the Son of God. My hope is to spend eternity with Him. That is what CS Lewis quote is about. The things here, they satisfy for a moment. The world is sad. People fussing and fighting. Greed, killing of innocents. It just saddens me and you can't get away from it. It is a frightening world. Yeah there is beauty but not made
by us. There is a better place. It's just not here. This is my belief.

You are so right. There is a better place and it is not here. This is where we ended up after getting kicked out of the better place. I'm just hoping to be led back home.
I missed it! That is a sick story..say she panicked with the first one and covered the baby's mouth...babys are obligatory mouth breathers. But once the first one died from it she would know..and did it to the second! And left the babies in the hamper for a day and a half. It's really strange that she didn't take them out! So sad.

According to Nancy - this mother to be did not panic. She deliberately hid her pregnancy for nine months, did not tell her parents, did not tell her fiance, got no prenatal care, did not plan for anything regarding the babies after they were born.
They were born while she was sitting on the toilet. There are two stories the first is that she left them both in the toilet while she went to get the laundry hamper in her bedroom. Then she picked up the first one and held her hand over it's mouth until he stopped breathing, wrapped him in a towel and placed him in among the dirty laundry, covered him up with more dirty laundry, and then did the same thing to her second little baby boy. She put the laundry basket back in her bedroom and went on with her life.

Oh and did I mention she is 25 years old, a college graduate and living at home with her parents? An "all around American girl who attends Church every Sunday?"

Two days later her mother found them in the basket and called the police. The police went to interview her at her dental job...and arrested her.She confessed to the police and no where did I hear the word panic.

Nancy is outraged because she is out on bail..and people are starting to say the post partum word. Nancy says nonsense - it is a double murder that was pre-meditated because of the nine month long conspiracy to hide her pregnancy.
You are so right. There is a better place and it is not here. This is where we ended up after getting kicked out of the better place. I'm just hoping to be led back home.

We are all going back home whether we know it or nor, but in the meantime we have work to do in this place - being human...there is much to be done - each in our own way...IMO.
I've actually been thinking philosophical thoughts today - it's raining if that's an explanation. Anyhow, while FCA actually thinks she got away scot free with the not guilty verdict - she hasn't really has she?

Because the majority of people think she killed Caylee and always will. So there is no cleansing of the slate no matter where she goes or how and how long she lives. She will always be the liar who killed her baby daughter.

And while Baez thinks he is a star for getting her off - he actually did her a huge injustice.
Because I think if we are able to be truly at peace - we have to be our authentic selves. And live with integrity. And until FCA actually admits to her crime she will never have been able to do that. And she does have to always live in fear and be looking over shoulder.

If she'd been found guilty and been sentenced, she actually could have lived out the rest of her life as her authentic self - not having to be who she thinks she should be - or who her mother thinks she could be - and she may actually reach at stage where she could live with integrity. In jail, she would be with people who knew exactly what she did and there would be no hiding.

So did Jose really make a "miracle" for her or did her really do her a huge misfavour? Let's just say I thinks she'd have been better off without the Pinellas 12 or Jose's fancy dancing..
We are all going back home whether we know it or nor, but in the meantime we have work to do in this place - being human...there is much to be done - each in our own way...IMO.

You are right. There is much work to be done here to try to make it a better world, but I believe there is no one person or group of people that can bring this world true peace. Men/women have been trying for thousands of years and nothing changes.
She's trending again...people on twitter are outraged about this Troy Davis and why hes being executed while she goes free. I wonder if she's aware of it.
She's trending again...people on twitter are outraged about this Troy Davis and why hes being executed while she goes free. I wonder if she's aware of it.

If she is I doubt she even gives it much thought for him, because she escaped death row herself and I'll bet she's saying "that could have been me, me, me" as we all know that everything is about her.
Even if he agrees that the state failed to prove their case, I'm surprised he would say something like that to JB like it was some football game he just won.

He won't get any backlash though. If he can't get backlash for getting it on in the oval office, he won't for some comment to FCA's lawyer.
Well, HC may disagree with I hope she gives him h$ll.
WOW, so Baez made a whopper of an "oops"!!!! :woohoo: What an ______!


It's been so nice...I've gone literally DAYS without thinking of Casey, G and CA. After 3 years of following this case, it's so nice on the days where I haven't wasted any minutes of my life thinking of the dysfunctional trio.

But, then when I do think of them, have to come back "home" here at WS to see what y'all have sleuthed out, etc. I'd also hate to miss if CFA has violated her probation yet. :crazy:
I can stop thinking about the As, but can't stop thinking about Caylee.
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