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Question for anyone who may know.

Was it ever published that George or Cindy were taking prescription benzodiazepines, or any other prescription meds that were publicized, at the time of Caylee's murder?

Was there ever a chemical forensic analysis done of Caylee's hair, from the hair mat at the remains site?

TIA if anyone knows.

Hi K_Z! and of course, items in the quote, BBM!

Disclaimer:! :seeya: NOT INSIDE INFO from the FLA procedure book, however from OTHER jurisdictions, I have been informed by a very reputable source :blushing: (DH), retired State Trooper, that when a missing person case comes in, an "on-site" evaluation is performed by the investigators without removing items (ie. the missing person might be at risk for medication "shopping"/experimenting/"candying") within the home. Old days, they took notes, today cell phone pics of the med. cabinets, under the sinks, laundry, garage, etc. :moo: (okay, they kinda SNOOP!) :moo:
:twocents: IIRC, when Caylee was found, the NEXT stop for the FLA M.E.s' techs WAS the Anthony home along with the LEs' CSIs & legal documents.
SO....from the search information, testing on the hair mass & bone was conducted on ALL drug classes present both 'scrip & OTC, GC/MS and enzymatic methodologies were performed.
At one point there was a document itemizing the collected materials from the home and another that listed the laboratory results from both testing facilities but my search skills are nil:blushing: so it's recall for me! :banghead::banghead:
Yep, I completely agree. However...I think Casey had a love-hate relationship with Cindy. I believe the love component of that resulted in a jealousy that would not allow her to give Cindy anything she could love more than her. And I think that oveer Caylee's short life there were times when Casey was jealous of the attention Caylee got--much of which was probably just a natural attention that always goes to a young child, i.e., they can't make their own meals or wash their own clothes or vacuum the rug, or earn money to buy their own clothes, toys, etc. I think Casey is just odd enough that she would resent any number of things her parents did for Caylee that they used to do for Casey. She saw it as her mom loving Caylee more. For me that's easy to consider because of the fact that Casey was so jealous of Jesse loving Caylee more that she actually left Jesse, taking Caylee out of his life.

The hate part of the relationship reared its ugly head from time to time when Cindy said or did something that pizzed Casey off--refusing to babysit might be an example, yelling at her for stealing from her grandparents would probably be another.

If Casey was mired in the hate aspect on that fateful day, Caylee's death may have been not just to rid herself of the "little snothead" but to stick it to Cindy in the process. Certainly not the only reason for the baby's demise, but one that I see as plausible.

JMO, all of it.

ETA: Totally different situation but I think Josh Powell killed his boys to hurt the Coxes. He knew they loved the boys and wanted permanent custody of them. JP was planning on leaving (suicide) but with his evil mindset he also wanted to make a statement. Casey was not suicidal at all, but she wanted to both rid herself of her child and to make a statement. MOO

BBM - here's my sticky point that leans me away from thinking it was all about CA - does FCA "love" anyone? To me she is someone who either basks in their love - someone who gives her what she wants or she doesn't. IMO Cindy had stopped letting her have access to he rmoney, was riding FCA to spend more time with Caylee - and FCA was no longer "feeling her love". So CA wasn't any use to her anymore - time to move on. Caylee had stopped being a "cute accessory" - now she could walk and talk -needed interaction and was needy as all children are. So she wasn't useful to FCA either. I don't think FCA ever loved Caylee at all. I don't think she loves anyone but herself.

We might have had those love/hate reasons and reactions because we feel a full spectrum of emotions but I don't believe FCA does. To me you are either useful to her for her pleasure or you aren't. Black and white.
Again IMO.
BBM - here's my sticky point that leans me away from thinking it was all about CA - does FCA "love" anyone? To me she is someone who either basks in their love - someone who gives her what she wants or she doesn't. IMO Cindy had stopped letting her have access to he rmoney, was riding FCA to spend more time with Caylee - and FCA was no longer "feeling her love". So CA wasn't any use to her anymore - time to move on. Caylee had stopped being a "cute accessory" - now she could walk and talk -needed interaction and was needy as all children are. So she wasn't useful to FCA either. I don't think FCA ever loved Caylee at all. I don't think she loves anyone but herself.

We might have had those love/hate reasons and reactions because we feel a full spectrum of emotions but I don't believe FCA does. To me you are either useful to her for her pleasure or you aren't. Black and white.
Again IMO

BBM and Absolutely.
Well, that was interesting. Nancy has some details mixed up (talks too fast to hear the details I guess lol), but she gets the "big picture". To everyone who asked me if I was going to mention one thing or another, please understand that there was no "free response" time, just rapid-fire sound bite clips. I did not have control over what got mentioned.

Just the fact you were there is what counts - we know NG doesn't exactly thoughtfully listen to her guests.

AZLawyer Rocks!! :thewave:
I cannot even begin to express how awesome I think the two of you are! In fact, I had the thought that you guys uncovering this and managing to get it into the mass media is not only tremendous, it is the beginning of Casey and JB's karma coming into effect.

I know it is a cold comfort because she is free and that will always be a travesty, but the truth ALWAYS reveals itself in some way, shape, or form. It never lies dormant forever.

Anyone who had a doubt that she killed her daughter with premeditation can hardly look at this evidence and point at George. Even The P12 has to digest this understand that they made a horrible horrible mistake. And more proof is out there proving that a baby killer walked free.
IIRC, KC didn't meet Tony until May, and the chloroform (and neck breaking, etc.) searches were done in March. Maybe another member on here was right when they said she was thinking about ways to get rid of her parents when she googled that stuff?

I agree that her new relationship had a lot to do with the timing of Caylee's murder. All that mattered to her was Tony..everything else was a "huge waste".

You are absolutely right, Tony and Casey met in May about one month before Caylee died. In march she was with Ricardo. Wasn't there something about March and her birthday and St. Patricks day when she couldn't go out because Cindy could not watch Caylee? Wasn't this the time that things were falling apart with Ricardo?

I could be confusing the situation with Ricardo. There was a point in time that she was obsessing over Ricardo and she had the feeling that although Ricardo liked Caylee and allowed her over, he was (unlike Jesse) unwilling to go the distance and become a defacto Dad. She even lied to Jesse and told him he was Caylee's father to make sure that he wouldn't leave her, that is how important the current men in her life are to her.

Things fell apart with Ricardo and then she met Tony. I don't think she was going to take the chance of Tony tiring of dating a single mom. Especially when Tony was not even entertaining an iota of the interaction that Ricardo did.

Sorry if I got any facts screwed up, I have followed from day one but sometimes all of the dates/lies start to blur. lol!

Basically, I have always believed that after Jesse, Caylee simply got in the way of Casey's romantic life. Jesse was the only one willing to become a family. The other two were not. She knew that. And after it went south with Ricardo...she was not letting happen with Tony.

Tony also introduced her to a different kind of social life she never had before. Clubs and paryting. Before that, I think Casey was content with dating a cop and getting married and settling down. (Jesse) and then with Ricardo she was happy to go to house parties, dress up in football jerseys and play beer pong in the basement. Tony's lifestyle required ALOT more going out, new clothes, drinking heavily, promoting DJ's and late hours. Tony was not into Caylee staying over. It required Caylee to be with a babysitter and not having a sleepover in the same bed as her and Tony (like with Ricardo)

This new relationship brought a whole new set of rules and in Casey's self absorbed, manaical world, Caylee fit into none of them so she had to go.

If you look at the progression and differences of the three relationships (Jesse, Ricardo, Tony) I really think it is easy to see, when you are thinking like a sociopath of course.
I cannot even begin to express how awesome I think the two of you are! In fact, I had the thought that you guys uncovering this and managing to get it into the mass media is not only tremendous, it is the beginning of Casey and JB's karma coming into effect.

I know it is a cold comfort because she is free and that will always be a travesty, but the truth ALWAYS reveals itself in some way, shape, or form. It never lies dormant forever.

Anyone who had a doubt that she killed her daughter with premeditation can hardly look at this evidence and point at George. Even The P12 has to digest this understand that they made a horrible horrible mistake. And more proof is out there proving that a baby killer walked free.

OJ was free for a while too...kwim. Casey's day is coming, no one kills a baby in cold blood and just walks away from it...G_D notices. Baez's day is coming as well, no one defends a baby killer when they have knowledge that she is indeed guilty and just walks away from it...G_D notices. I believe this is just the beginning of end for both of them. I believe they will both ultimately wind up in jail. :clap: jmo

:great:Proud member of Websleuths!:great:​
Why isn't anyone (National media) giving our "websleuths" members credit for any of this?
BBM - here's my sticky point that leans me away from thinking it was all about CA - does FCA "love" anyone? To me she is someone who either basks in their love - someone who gives her what she wants or she doesn't. IMO Cindy had stopped letting her have access to he rmoney, was riding FCA to spend more time with Caylee - and FCA was no longer "feeling her love". So CA wasn't any use to her anymore - time to move on. Caylee had stopped being a "cute accessory" - now she could walk and talk -needed interaction and was needy as all children are. So she wasn't useful to FCA either. I don't think FCA ever loved Caylee at all. I don't think she loves anyone but herself.

We might have had those love/hate reasons and reactions because we feel a full spectrum of emotions but I don't believe FCA does. To me you are either useful to her for her pleasure or you aren't. Black and white.
Again IMO.

Oh right...I didn't mean to imply that Casey loved anybody. She has a need for them to love her, and her alone, in spite of her not being capable of feeling love for another person.

I don't think Casey even loved Tony. I think it was more that she loved the idea of HIM loving HER. And she probably felt that if he didn't in fact love her, it was because she had Caylee (a girl, when he had said if he ever had kids he wanted boys).

Basically, threre were a lot of reasons for Casey to want Caylee out of not only her picture, but everyone's.
:waitasec: Welcome to DUH meets UH?:waitasec:

Just saw this tweet at Casey Anthony

:what: "Dexter needs to go after Casey Anthony" :what:

AND..............THAT just might be the ultimate resolution!

(NOT THAT I'M ADVOCATING THE ACTUAL BEHAVIOR!):waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:
For me, the most disturbing things about the whole case (beyond the brutal murder, of course) are:

That there was evidence of Casey's mindset that day, that didn't get into testimony at trial.

That the A's have made money off Caylee's death.

That a murderer has (and will again at some point) made money off her infamy.

That Casey can and will feign grief over having lost her child.
NG has "web sleuth" on her front page. That's a step in the right direction. :twocents:

Just listened to the interview online on the Nancy Grace HLN website - outstanding AZLawyer - she actually let you speak!! I loved it!

Posted the link in the News No Discussion page for those who might not see it here!
Check this out!

Even though Casey won't spend the rest of her life behind bars, she will never be a "free" woman. Casey might have fooled her family, her legal team, the Pinellas 12, but her not-so-adoring public know exactly what Casey did and that she got away with murder. Casey will be hunted like a rabid raccoon - and someone will give her what she has coming. :moo:
I just listened and I was so impressed. AZ did fantastic and the clear information she gave about the myspace and facebook activity surrounding the fool-proof suffocation search puts it squarely on KC- no mistake about it. The younger generation will get it for certain, and my guess is most everyone else will too!
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