Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #14

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Better than what my son called it one time. He said while you were on your web-*advertiser censored* site, lol
Oh most everyone that happened by my desk bac in the day would say "Web *advertiser censored*????"
Jane velez mitchell did a segment on this as well. Linda Kenny-Badin did her turn as a defense attorney. here is what she said, paraphrasing;

There were computer entries exactly like these on the FOLLOWING day, and Casey was not home then. So that proves this was in fact George, not Casey.

?????? Is that correct?????????????????????????????WTH ????

read my post above of a few minutes ago Katy, I KNEW at the MOMENT she spoke what she was doing, and this is how they are going to deceitfully SPIN this,

there were 2 "user" accounts on their computer that could be logged into

(1) Casey = CA/GA used that account
(2) Owner = Casey used that account

The Deceit and Deception will NOT STOP with that bunch. How is this even allowed????
I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know if it's a possibility... but I wonder if there's a loophole to the Double Jeopardy clause that would let the prosecution appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court with the new evidence (or old evidence that was not known) or an incompetent jury... or something...

I'd be happy if she rotted in he!!, but since I won't (I hope not!) be there to watch her rot, I'd like to see her at least rot in jail.

No loophole exists. The state cannot appeal, period.

Even if there was such a loophole, it would not apply in this case because the evidence is not new--it would be deemed by the court to be evidence the state had or should have had at trial.
My daughter thinks everytime my laptop is open or I'm on my phone I'm on WS. Because until a year ago, she was right! She just rolls her eyes and says WebSLEUTHS. But she actually is disgusted by this new revelation being older and wiser at 16
Fabulous interview AZ!!
Now, getting prepared for JB on Dr. Drew, I just listened to Linda Kenney Baden on JVM, and she very slickly said the way the defense was going to handle this at trial, was that later that night at 10PM or even the next day I think she mentioned, someone logged into CASEY'S account on the computer. But we here know, or it has been mentioned, there were 2 "User" accounts on that computer, and that GA/CA used the "Casey" Account, and Casey used the "Owner" Account. I knew RIGHT AWAY the scam Baden was spewing, but this is EXACTLY what i believed they would have bamboozled the jurors with at trial, skewing the two accounts on that computer.

Did anyone else see JVM? or should this be discussed on the Sidebar? AZ, didn't you mention FCA always used the "Owner" account, and GA/CA were using the "Casey" account. I bet this is what JB is going to bring to Dr. Drew tonight, I wish someone could counter attack him!!!



I saw Linda K-B on JVM tonight, and she did say that. I wondered what the 'real' answer to that assertion was. Thanks.
Oh my LG, your comment has me rolling! You didn't know about the satire site did ya! They have some great spoofs on that site!

I know!!! :blushing: I don't do a heck of a lot of strolling around the web.. it's either work related, news or websleuths stuff - beyond that I'd be on it 24/7. Sure was glad to hear it was satire.let me tell ya!
Off to get things set up for AZLawyer and JWG! :woot:

The radio show chat room is open! You can go in there by clicking the link in my signature line.
That jurys decision would have been the same. imo.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Sadly, you are probably right. They wanted it on video so they could prop up in their hotel bed eating free snacks. Even then...they wouldn't have gotten it.
Good to know the A's are moving on with their lives.
Of course if you have $600K from Dr Phil in your pocket it does make that a lot easier..

they cannot have much of that left, and I'd imagine Cindy's given Casey a bit of it too.
This discussion was going on in another thread that just got shut down, but BE PREPARED folks for the SPIN Linda Kenney Baden put on this stuff on JVM a while ago, and I 100% believe this is what JB will bring to Dr. Drew tonight!! They are going to say this COULD NOT BE CASEY because they are conveniently confusing the TWO ACCOUNTS on that home computer that both FCA and CA/GA used.

CA/GA used the Casey Account.
Casey Used the OWNER account, but Baden said on JVM that it could NOT have been Casey, because the next day, when she was in JAIL, someone logged into "Casey's Account" (notice the use of "Casey's Account", deceptive, when this is the account CA/GA used), NEVER mentioning the other OWNER account, which is the one Casey used. I know now others are focused on the Tricia radio show and the NG show, but this is what is going to be remembered by the folks, who once again, will be blaming George!!!! IMO

This was my post in another thread that got shut down, or there was a discussion that I could not post to, something, too many threads going at once, but this will be their "spin", and people will fall for it:
Now, getting prepared for JB on Dr. Drew, I just listened to Linda Kenney Baden on JVM, and she very slickly said the way the defense was going to handle this at trial, was that later that night at 10PM or even the next day I think she mentioned, someone logged into CASEY'S account on the computer. But we here know, or it has been mentioned, there were 2 "User" accounts on that computer, and that GA/CA used the "Casey" Account, and Casey used the "Owner" Account. I knew RIGHT AWAY the scam Baden was spewing, but this is EXACTLY what i believed they would have bamboozled the jurors with at trial, skewing the two accounts on that computer.

Did anyone else see JVM? or should this be discussed on the Sidebar? AZ, didn't you mention FCA always used the "Owner" account, and GA/CA were using the "Casey" account. I bet this is what JB is going to bring to Dr. Drew tonight, I wish someone could counter attack him!!!

You know, if a convicted felon can show that their legal team was inept in their defense and get a retrial, why can't the state show their prosecution legal team was inept and get a retrial?
Also, when was the defense team aware of Casey looking up full-proof suffocation and when Cindy reported her computer had been hacked?
Something tells my hinky meter lots had been done to fool the jury.
Jmo of course
Looking / listening, it appears that someone was researching various ways that could cause death. Then typed full proof! Am I correct?
You know, if a convicted felon can show that their legal team was inept in their defense and get a retrial, why can't the state show their prosecution legal team was inept and get a retrial?

Better yet, why can't there be an advocate for the victim that can demand a retrial? Victims certainly have no rights. Makes me think the criminal courts in this country are a waste of time and money!
You are absolutely right, Tony and Casey met in May about one month before Caylee died. In march she was with Ricardo. Wasn't there something about March and her birthday and St. Patricks day when she couldn't go out because Cindy could not watch Caylee? Wasn't this the time that things were falling apart with Ricardo?

I could be confusing the situation with Ricardo. There was a point in time that she was obsessing over Ricardo and she had the feeling that although Ricardo liked Caylee and allowed her over, he was (unlike Jesse) unwilling to go the distance and become a defacto Dad. She even lied to Jesse and told him he was Caylee's father to make sure that he wouldn't leave her, that is how important the current men in her life are to her.

Things fell apart with Ricardo and then she met Tony. I don't think she was going to take the chance of Tony tiring of dating a single mom. Especially when Tony was not even entertaining an iota of the interaction that Ricardo did.

Sorry if I got any facts screwed up, I have followed from day one but sometimes all of the dates/lies start to blur. lol!

Basically, I have always believed that after Jesse, Caylee simply got in the way of Casey's romantic life. Jesse was the only one willing to become a family. The other two were not. She knew that. And after it went south with Ricardo...she was not letting happen with Tony.

Tony also introduced her to a different kind of social life she never had before. Clubs and paryting. Before that, I think Casey was content with dating a cop and getting married and settling down. (Jesse) and then with Ricardo she was happy to go to house parties, dress up in football jerseys and play beer pong in the basement. Tony's lifestyle required ALOT more going out, new clothes, drinking heavily, promoting DJ's and late hours. Tony was not into Caylee staying over. It required Caylee to be with a babysitter and not having a sleepover in the same bed as her and Tony (like with Ricardo)

This new relationship brought a whole new set of rules and in Casey's self absorbed, manaical world, Caylee fit into none of them so she had to go.

If you look at the progression and differences of the three relationships (Jesse, Ricardo, Tony) I really think it is easy to see, when you are thinking like a sociopath of course.

Casey never really had a dating life before Caylee. She slept around ,but never had a real boyfriend till Jesse. The rest, like Jeffey Hopkins, are figments of Casey's imagination. I've always thought that Ricardo M was a stepping stone to Casey. She was stringing him along because she didn't let any one guy go till something better came along, and yes it was Tony L. and his lifestyle. But any man would do so she didn't sit at home with a kid she didn't want and watch life pass her by.

Do you think Casey, in her diaries of days, came as close to a confession she'll ever make?
Has the prosecution team in this case made any statements since this new information has come out?
Casey never really had a dating life before Caylee. She slept around ,but never had a real boyfriend till Jesse. The rest, like Jeffey Hopkins, are figments of Casey's imagination. I've always thought that Ricardo M was a stepping stone to Casey. She was stringing him along because she didn't let any one guy go till something better came along, and yes it was Tony L. and his lifestyle. But any man would do so she didn't sit at home with a kid she didn't want and watch life pass her by.

Do you think Casey, in her diaries of days, came as close to a confession she'll ever make?

Yes....I do. :sigh:
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