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A more likely explanation is that Casey was considering suicide since she was looking up suicide methods. It would still be consistent with her apparent account for the day. In fact it would be something that might be expected under those circumstances.

Respectfully SBM

I don't believe for a single second that Casey Anthony was searching the internet for ways to commit suicide.
I am sad that they aired this story right before Thanksgiving, especially since our fine AZLawyer & JWG have been working on this evidence since summer. Really stirred up some painful memories of before, during, and after the trial.

Thank you AZ & JWG for everything you (and everyone else) have done to bring out the truth of what happened to little Caylee. May she rest in her Great Grandmother's arms ever so sweetly, especially during this holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving Websleuths.
At the end of the local 6 report Pipitone states the OCSO tried to decode the browser Casey used and failed. I wonder if the FBI could have done it and if so, why didn't the OCSO ask for their help?

Or maybe JWG could have done it?

Oh wait.

A more likely explanation is that Casey was considering suicide since she was looking up suicide methods. It would still be consistent with her apparent account for the day. In fact it would be something that might be expected under those circumstances.

<respectfully snipped>

BBM. After that she also clicked on a link that said 'Heated Wires Can Melt Disposable Breathing Circuits' and according to Jose Baez a website about killing rhododendrons. I think she just clicked on the first few hits she got on Google and was not neccesarily looking for websites about suicide. JMO.

In context, it's pretty obvious that the person who made the search was not considering suicide. The sequence was: (1) log in to AOL Instant Messenger, (2) start "fool-proof suffication" search, (3) accept Facebook friend, (4) read MySpace comment, (5) continue "fool-proof suffication" search, (6) chat on phone with Jesse. The search was approx. 2 minutes from beginning to end, so I assume Casey didn't learn anything about suffocation from her 3 random clicks that she didn't already know. This is the same girl who Googled "shovel," of course.
At the end of the local 6 report Pipitone states the OCSO tried to decode the browser Casey used and failed. I wonder if the FBI could have done it and if so, why didn't the OCSO ask for their help?

The FBI, the makers of Firefox, possibly even me could have helped them. It appears there wasn't much effort put into this. JMO

Even 4 years ago my son could have done it. He just turned 20. I got a lengthy discourse this morning on what they could have done. I had not had coffee yet so I remember nothing. I will ask him again tonight...
A more likely explanation is that Casey was considering suicide since she was looking up suicide methods. It would still be consistent with her apparent account for the day. In fact it would be something that might be expected under those circumstances.

Right. And then she said, Never mind! I'll go cheerfully rent a movie, have sex all night and party instead. She went from distraught to not giving a #($*. That makes a lot of sense.
Wasnt there also a laptop left at TL's house and it was reformatted most likely by LA so the cops never got to look at it? No telling what was on that puter as well.
Respectfully SBM

I don't believe for a single second that Casey Anthony was searching the internet for ways to commit suicide.

I cant imagine linking fool-proof suffocation to suicide..i think it just happened to bring up some pages on suicide.... When i think of suffocation...i would think murder rather than suicide....... But i can see how the defense would try to spin it that way if backed into a corner and they couldnt pin it on poor George or someone else.

I am so disgusted by the defense and JB right now. This proves they knew all along she planned out and murdered Caylee. How can they stand her? How could DS stand to coddle her like that during the trial...and even after! How could she stand to touch her like that!

The DT jumping up and down celebrating st their big win..all the time knowing that she was definately guilty of premeditated murder....OMG!!

And JB taking the chance to sell his steaming pile of trash last night...the more I know about these people the more I hate them! :banghead:
Have you ever known anyone who was considering suicide? seen them in the hours and days before they have committed suicide? I have and my observations are very different to what you say.

They don't display signs of being depressed and they don't show signs of something being wrong, if anything they can seem to be happier or calmer than usual.

First of all I am sorry to hear of your experience. Secondly yes a lot of times people act as you describe. BUT it would be after a period of depression. Their depression lifts as they come to their decision. Casey never ever ever showed any signs of depression.
I just went to Amazon and found the passage where JB talks about these searches. Yes he claims GA had an AIM acct and FCA did not. How could he possibly think that? Doesn't he remember all the IMs in discovery and in court? AND he claims that FCA was on the phone with AH so she couldn't possibly have done the searches. Hello? She was on the phone ALL.THE.TIME! She can't do both? And it wasn't AH it was JG! This is the only page of this piece of crap I have read. You'd think you'd get your facts straight if you were trying to prove a point.
Wasnt there also a laptop left at TL's house and it was reformatted most likely by LA so the cops never got to look at it? No telling what was on that puter as well.

Just the fact that it was reformatted by LA is quite telling. I think there might be ways to extract data even on a reformatted drive? I thought you practically have to physically destroy the drive to get rid of everything.
First of all I am sorry to hear of your experience. Secondly yes a lot of times people act as you describe. BUT it would be after a period of depression. Their depression lifts as they come to their decision. Casey never ever ever showed any signs of depression.

Sadly I have seen both. And Narcissists like Casey will not ever consider killing themselves.
Just the fact that it was reformatted by LA is quite telling. I think there might be ways to extract data even on a reformatted drive? I thought you practically have to physically destroy the drive to get rid of everything.

according to my hubby he says when you re formatt you can do something to the drive by making it re-write over the data with 1 and 0's and that overwrites the previous data, you would have to have that knowledge and I dont know if LA knew that or not
Good morning everyone :) I find comfort in believing even if this evidence had been brought forward it would have just been more evidence this jury did not take the time to think about nor even to look at. The jury would have still come back with &#8220;not guilty&#8220;. It&#8217;s a shame AZ and JWG were not part of the PT. This evidence won&#8217;t change anything, JB is still and always will be a sleazy lawyer, and FCA is and always will be remembered as the Mom who murdered her daughter. This may change the minds of some people about GA. I still believe Jeff Aston, Linda Drane Burdick and Frank George did a great job in bringing out the truth about FCA. I also believe JP did more harm than good in this trial. I still believe Karma is not done yet, it&#8217;s only just begun.
Well, we know that she can keep a straight face, so her appearances that day mean nothing.

What we can say however is that the search she did immediately homed in on a link referencing suicide.

She also honed in on an article about how to suffocate a plant.
It just took Tony a long time to put the story together. I think, in part, that was because he needed to schedule an interview with Jose "about his book"...

So in reality this was all about JB being able to mention his book, again. I did notice he did make reference to his book. Thank you AZlawyer and JWG for that you have done. It's because of people like you two that the truth will continue to come out.

PS you two are so dignified, so professional, I only wish baby Caylee had you two on her team also.
I wonder how the Pinellas 12 feel today with this 'new' knowledge.
I wonder how the Pinellas 12 feel today with this 'new' knowledge.

I imagine they dont realize the significance and wouldnt have given it much thought if presented to them at trial. I think they had stopped listening to the prosecutions case early on. :furious:
I wonder which horse Cindy will back in this one. There are only two to choose from: Casey or George.
I wonder which horse Cindy will back in this one. There are only two to choose from: Casey or George.

well it has to be CA since she deserves the mother of the year award ~grrr

I have to hand it to the defense they did an excellent job of voi dire so good in fact most of those peeps are probably on the support CA pages now.

I never understood that either as I thought they were suppose to get a death qualified jury and those 12 were the farthest from right wing straight line thinkers you can get.
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