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Steve Helling who covered this case from the beginning for People and wrote articles about her life after jail has not heard about this Cape Canaveral/George info. I asked him last night on Twitter. Maybe he'll investigate. Someone asked him after the last story about where he gets info and he said people would be surprised at who is willing to talk.

@stevehelling Have u heard rumors CMA is living in Cape Canaveral and George is paying?

@strawberrypsu I haven't heard that. Nothing surprises me anymore, though!
Okay - whoa is me... no speakers... :maddening:

can someone please... :please: type out what is being said? I want to know! :angel:

TIA! :seeya:

I don't have time to do the entire interview, but here are the two questions I loved!

Interviewer: I read the other day, she says, casey anthony says, that shes got a little bit of fear, that this movie is going to bring back death threats and other threats against her. You think that should be a concern?

Lowe: Well there's nothing in the movie that isn't true. So, I'm a big believer in personal responsibility. So, it's her life, she lived it she's gonna have to deal with whatever comes of it.

Interviewer: If you were her, would you come out and try to say something or just live a quiet life?

Lowe: If, if I were her, I would crawl into a hole somewhere and pull the dirt in.
hmmm... never heard that before - I thought GA said he was in the theft division.

I don't know if it's accurate or not, just what I have read online...
as JB says, GA didn't mention it.:what:
I don't know if it's accurate or not, just what I have read online...
as JB says, GA didn't mention it.:what:

JB says things a lot of people don't mention....usually because they are his "theories" or "speculations"...:what: and not usually based in any kind of reality.
For some reason I picture FCA sitting down with some bean dip,chips and a Corona watching "her" movie. Marveling over her "debut". She wont "get" this movie will not be flattering toward her. It's all about "Me" IMO
Maybe its as simple as they really never cared about what happend to Caylee, at least not enough to do the right thing. Perhaps to them - it happend, nothing could change it, and then the money rolled in.

If GA (accourding to JB - page 160 of his book), back when he was in LE, could, while responding to a call, run through a red light, crash into another car and kill two people - and then never, ever mention this major occurance when asked by OCSO and the FBI as to why he left LE, then I'd say the A's have this ability to just rewrite their lives to suit their needs in the moment. They seem to have no emotional bond to people at all.

I hope OCA is an emotional and financial drain to her parents for the rest of their lives, and a complete nightmare they can never get away from.

FCA is a product of them...
Ain't the power of social media grand - including ours?

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #39,051 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Oh Hi Jose....:seeya:
I don't know why FCA still affects me so much. But I got so depressed when I was reading the thread about her current court hearing over her 'lying' charges. Just the thought that she might WIN that appeal is so deeply depressing to me. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Okay - whoa is me... no speakers... :maddening:
can someone please... :please: type out what is being said? I want to know! :angel:
TIA! :seeya:

George Stephanopoulos
· Casey Anthony Lifetime Movie Preview
Thu, Jan 10, 2013 10:31 AM EST - ABC News 4:50

Actor Rob Lowe on making the TV movie "Prosecuting Casey Anthony."

George Steph - Here with friend Rob Lowe ....
we had so much fun when he was part of team Robin back in October with GMA
sorry you couldn't do it today - hey, weigh in on the vibrating fork ...

Rob Lowe - when you talk about vibrating, I'm the man to talk to, if you know what I'm saying, that's all I'm gonna say, if you know what I'm saying and I think you do.

George Steph - I think we do. I think that's enough for morning television, so let's go on.
new Lifetime movie .... Prosecuting Casey Anthony - you star in it playing prosecutor Jeff Ashton - I wanna show a little bit of you in action

movie clip:
Ashton: chloroform!
Frank George: knock out gas
Burdick: in the carpet?
Frank George: and not found in aisle 5 of your local grocery store
Ashton: I've already asked the Sheriff's dept to run a key word search on the Anthony's computer to see if Casey bought it online
Burdick: sedation as a cheap babysitter
Frank George: anyway you look at it, still first degree, doesn't matter if she gave it to her too much by accident
Ashton: my money - she deliberately killed Caylee - put her body in the trunk - and then drove her around until she could find a place to dump it so she could go and party, which she did

George Steph: and there's Rob Lowe right there.
I think in that one sentence right there, you probably said what a lot of people around the country believe when they were watching that trial, yet she's acquitted.

Rob Lowe - I think there was a poll done that 97% of Floridians thought she was guilty, meanwhile the only people that mattered were the people in the jury, they saw it differently.
I was just fascinated with how could the country get it so differently than the jury did, and how does that happen? and what does it do to the man who fought for justice for little Caylee?

George Steph - And after going through the experience of filming the movie, talking to Jeff Ashton, what's your theory on the question you raise?

Rob Lowe - Well, there's a couple of them. First of all, it's the first big trial in the era of Twitter and social media. And public opinion has been around before electricity, but now with social media it coalesces so quickly, that I think it's easier to misread than ever before.
So, I think there's a little bit of overreach, a little bit of overconfidence.
I think when you try to get a jury that doesn't have an opinion and yet they have all of the information, what does that tell you? either they're not paying attention
or they've heard all the information and still don't have an opinion
so what do you do if your're a prosecutor?

George Step - you just keep pressing the case
what was it like working with Jeff Ashton, and also how does he feel now as he's got a little bit more distance -

Rob Lowe - now he's elected State Attorney down in Florida - so he's now replaced his boss, who incidentally is the person who charged Casey with first degree murder, which may have been an overreach, I think
But when you see the movie there are so many twists and turns in the trial that either you didn't know, or you forgot about, that it's just draw dropping that this actually went on

3:20 - George Steph - I read just the other day that Casey Anthony says she's got a little bit of fear that this movie is going to bring back death threats and other threats against her. You think that should be a concern?

Rob Lowe - Well, there's nothing in the movie that isn't true. So, you know, I'm a big believer in personal responsibility, so it's her life, she lived it, she's gonna have to deal with whatever comes of it.

George Steph - If you were her would you try to come out and say something or just try to live a quiet life?

Rob Lowe - If I were her, I would crawl into a hole somewhere and pull the dirt in.

George Steph - Guess that sums up your view of the Casey Anthony case right there, so lets move on because your're also going to be playing, coming up soon, Liberace's plastic surgeon, what was that like?

Rob Lowe - Oh my God, all I can tell you George is when you finally, I can't reveal it here, I'm gonna come next time [good], when you see what I look like behind the candelabra, with Michael Douglas as Liberace, and Matt Damon as his rent-boy-lover, it may be the end of my career.

George Steph - Or, skyrocketing into a whole new level.
It must have been so much fun to work with both of them?

Rob Lowe - Well, and Stephen Soderberg directed it, who is one of my all-time favorite directors. We had, we laughed every day. We all looked like completely we belonged in some kind of freak show.
George Steph - Yeah, a period piece
Rob Lowe - It all takes place, I think, in 1979 and so it was a lot of spandex and baby oil, that's all I'm gonna say .... Spandex ... baby oil .. in that group ..
George Steph - How is that for a tease everyone? spandex and baby oil from Rob Lowe, thanks a lot for coming back always great to have you here.
Actor Rob Lowe says that while filming his latest movie, "Prosecuting Casey Anthony," about the young Florida mother who was put on trial for the murder of her 2-year-old daughter, he became convinced that she had killed little Caylee.

another excerpt:
When asked what he would like Anthony to take away from this film, Lowe says that while he's "never been able to understand her," he hopes that she takes away this lesson: "We all have consequences to our actions, although there are certain people who like to pretend otherwise. "

"There's a little girl who we must not forget who is at the heart of this, who is lost," continued Lowe. "Sometimes in Hollywood, there is not a happy ending. This is one of those times."
I don't know why FCA still affects me so much. But I got so depressed when I was reading the thread about her current court hearing over her 'lying' charges. Just the thought that she might WIN that appeal is so deeply depressing to me. :cry: :cry: :cry:

It will make me even more disillusioned with the legal system that goes to so much trouble to protect criminals, but ignores common sense and the rights of victims. Just disgusting what I have watched in the last year or so...
Steve Helling who covered this case from the beginning for People and wrote articles about her life after jail has not heard about this Cape Canaveral/George info. I asked him last night on Twitter. Maybe he'll investigate. Someone asked him after the last story about where he gets info and he said people would be surprised at who is willing to talk.

@stevehelling Have u heard rumors CMA is living in Cape Canaveral and George is paying?

@strawberrypsu I haven't heard that. Nothing surprises me anymore, though!

Steve Helling, PEOPLE, interviewed Juror # 2 Raymond Screen, who says there was not enough evidence to convict [of anything apparently]. Steve Helling was also interviewed by Aphrodite for her show which is heavily slanted in favor of the defense lie of Caylee's death being an accident, with Baez appearing to tell his lies and promote his book, and also in favor of supporting the jurors who all say there was not enough evidence to convict. All of which I consider an extreme insult to precious Caylee who was murdered, and did not die in an accident. The show also features Judge Eaton who says the jury could not find premeditated murder with just a "bag of bones". Caylee is nothing to him!
Steve Helling, PEOPLE, interviewed Juror # 2 Raymond Screen, who says there was not enough evidence to convict [of anything apparently]. Steve Helling was also interviewed by Aphrodite for her show which is heavily slanted in favor of the defense lie of Caylee's death being an accident, with Baez appearing to tell his lies and promote his book, and also in favor of supporting the jurors who all say there was not enough evidence to convict. All of which I consider an extreme insult to precious Caylee who was murdered, and did not die in an accident. The show also features Judge Eaton who says the jury could not find premeditated murder with just a "bag of bones". Caylee is nothing to him!

Really? Did he say on Aprhodite's show that he agreed with the verdict? I don't get that at all from him but what do I know? I couldn't watch aphrodite's show when I saw JB on the commercial then read she came to agree with the verdict. :sick:
Actor Rob Lowe says that while filming his latest movie, "Prosecuting Casey Anthony," about the young Florida mother who was put on trial for the murder of her 2-year-old daughter, he became convinced that she had killed little Caylee.

another excerpt:
When asked what he would like Anthony to take away from this film, Lowe says that while he's "never been able to understand her," he hopes that she takes away this lesson: "We all have consequences to our actions, although there are certain people who like to pretend otherwise. "

"There's a little girl who we must not forget who is at the heart of this, who is lost," continued Lowe. "Sometimes in Hollywood, there is not a happy ending. This is one of those times."

I was glad to read him talking about Caylee and how outraged he was at the verdict. He obviously has no love lost on CMA
You don't really believe the threats or she is living in fear do you? She's most likely settled in some where where she is an unknown person, laughing at all the reports of "Casey sightings".

I've wondered if KC really won her trial. Would she be better behind bars for the rest of her life, or living in constant fear on the outside? Having to scootch around hiding from society. :waitasec:
You don't really believe the threats or she is living in fear do you? She's most likely settled in some where where she is an unknown person, laughing at all the reports of "Casey sightings".

I think if she walked alone down the middle of a shopping mall it would be a bloodbath. JMO
You don't really believe the threats or she is living in fear do you? She's most likely settled in some where where she is an unknown person, laughing at all the reports of "Casey sightings".

Her Atty, Mr Greene has claimed numerous times that she is in fear of the public. IIRC she hasn't showed up to any hearing yet in the Zenaida case because of security concerns. So, do you think Mr Greene is lying to the court?
:furious: FLASHMOB!!!!!!!!!!! :furious:

Hi, I dont think there are loads of people ready to throttle her anymore, most will have settled down. BUT there is always that one person who means business as we have sadly found out. Wrong person, wrong thought, BINGO!!

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