Sidney Moorer pretrial hearing - 18 April 2016

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I just tried to access it, JerseyGirl, and I think you are right. No longer available to view. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
I was looking at the timeline this morning, what were in the 10+ posts to Tumblr from HE?

~1:30 -1:35 am – SS drops HE off at home
1:35 am – HE receives a call from SM; call was placed from a payphone & lasts 4.83 minutes
1:44 am – HE calls her roommate [who is out of town in Florida] & talks for 2.2 minutes
1:53 – 2:09 am – 10 posts are made to HE’s Tumblr account
2:29 am – HE tries to call the pay phone SM used earlier but doesn’t get an answer
3:16 am – HE tries to call SM’s cell but doesn’t get an answer
3:17 am – HE calls SM’s cell phone again, someone answers, and the call lasts 4.15 minutes (Phone pings place HE’s phone at her house & SM’s phone at his house)
~3:21 am – HE drives to Peachtree Landing @ 6699 State Rd S-26-611
3:36 am – SM’s truck is seen on a nearby home security camera heading towards PTL from the direction of his house
3:38 am – HE arrives at PTL and calls SM’s cell 4 times (3:38, 3:39, 3:39, 3:41) but doesn’t get an answer
3:41 am – HE’s cell phone is disabled
3:45 am – SM’s truck is seen by the same home security camera heading away from PTL and towards his house
3:47 am – Suspicious activity/car report is made @ Atalaya Place, Myrtle Beach SC

BBM - I doubt the last 2 items in the timeline are connected in any way. From PTL to Atalaya Place is 15.7 miles. So, there is no way it could be connected to the black truck going there. I do vaguely remember TM posting something about Atalaya Place, but I do not remember what exactly was said. Probably to create one of the ever changing alibis, imo.

BBM - I doubt the last 2 items in the timeline are connected in any way. From PTL to Atalaya Place is 15.7 miles. So, there is no way it could be connected to the black truck going there. I do vaguely remember TM posting something about Atalaya Place, but I do not remember what exactly was said. Probably to create one of the ever changing alibis, imo.
She used "Atalaya" in one of her screen names. I never suspected that to be a connection to "Atalaya Place," some random street in the back of a relatively new neighborhood. I have always assumed it to be a reference to Atalaya Castle at Huntington Beach State Park. Every little girl who grew up here knows about Atalaya Castle, and every single one of us just knew we would get married there and be a princess when we grew up.
According to Google driving directions, it takes 26 minutes to drive from Peachtree Landing to Atalaya Place.
It was posted on the no discussion thread that several polygraphs were given.

"Feb 6: The Horry County police chief said over a dozen search warrants had been executed since Dec 18, and several polygraphs had been administered"

I wonder if the Moore`s were both included and if they passed or failed? And also back in 2009, T said that her house felt like a prison with all the cameras around the house. I wonder what that was all about. I wonder if LE took the old cameras which would have shown them leaving and coming back to the house on the 18th before they went to Sam`s and got the new system?
It was posted on the no discussion thread that several polygraphs were given.

"Feb 6: The Horry County police chief said over a dozen search warrants had been executed since Dec 18, and several polygraphs had been administered"

I wonder if the Moore`s were both included and if they passed or failed? And also back in 2009, T said that her house felt like a prison with all the cameras around the house. I wonder what that was all about. I wonder if LE took the old cameras which would have shown them leaving and coming back to the house on the 18th before they went to Sam`s and got the new system?

I don't think the M's ever agreed to a poly. IMO it was the date and BW.
I don't think the M's ever agreed to a poly. IMO it was the date and BW.

If they didn`t take the polygraphs, that right there shows guilt. Any innocent person would have agreed or even been asking for one.:thinking:
If they didn`t take the polygraphs, that right there shows guilt. Any innocent person would have agreed or even been asking for one.:thinking:

Nope. There's good reason they aren't admissible in court - it is not a reliable science.

Any lawyer would tell you not to take one (and if you're a suspect in a kidnapping or murder you better have a lawyer).
I can't imagine that he would have reasoned that he could get away with leaving his home at that hour to meet her - or that a pell mell rush to the landing to have sex at that hour would have made sense to her, but in the case of the latter, we obviously don't know her frame of mind. What we can probably reason is that BW's caution to her had no effect, so if she agreed to meet SM, the melancholy Tumblr posts had more of an effect on her than the 2 minute conversation with BW.

Nonetheless, it is not making sense to me that he would be careless with the TM issue, so I really wonder about why he thought they could get away with meeting and why she suddenly felt comfortable calling his cell after the TM blow-up in the Fall.

I do think it's plausible that SM had no ill will toward HE or desire to harm her and he's now in the position of shouldering primary responsibility for the outcome of that morning. I've sadly witnessed personally how a narcissist can be center-stage to a tragedy, then swiftly shift accountability to others. It's a POV of 'See what you did/made me do?', and if we look at TM's first social media rant, it was loaded with blame for SM for stupidly taking up with a "*advertiser censored*" and causing negative impact on her (phony) image. I've always thought that TM tells a partial truth in her crazy public statements and that elements of her crime are wrapped in her remarks, however veiled. So, it seems to me that she was furious that her own actions were about to be exposed and she found a way to shift the increasing public suspicion into the realm of 'SM had a fling that made a mess and now look at what that's done to our fine Christian family; they think we've gone and murdered that hussy!'.

What I've learned about narcissists the painful way is that any exposure of the false world they fashion and any negative impression of them is equal in their mind to annihilation, and they will eat their own to restore their world. So, I frankly think that SM's remarks lately that his wife and kids had nothing to do with anything is a narrative consistent with her demand that he take it for the team, while she posts about her victimology and her faithful God-fearing lifestyle.

I'm not giving him any passes and in my view he's a coward who deserves his lot. I also am not ready to view him as a dimwit who has clean hands but is absorbing all the blame. I just think that TM's rants are heavy with pieces of what went down because narcissists are too desperately self-involved and in a rush to restore their false world to be smart enough to cover all their tracks. And they end up exposing the very thing they don't want exposed. JMO
I can't imagine that he would have reasoned that he could get away with leaving his home at that hour to meet her - or that a pell mell rush to the landing to have sex at that hour would have made sense to her, but in the case of the latter, we obviously don't know her frame of mind. What we can probably reason is that BW's caution to her had no effect, so if she agreed to meet SM, the melancholy Tumblr posts had more of an effect on her than the 2 minute conversation with BW.

Nonetheless, it is not making sense to me that he would be careless with the TM issue, so I really wonder about why he thought they could get away with meeting and why she suddenly felt comfortable calling his cell after the TM blow-up in the Fall.

I do think it's plausible that SM had no ill will toward HE or desire to harm her and he's now in the position of shouldering primary responsibility for the outcome of that morning. I've sadly witnessed personally how a narcissist can be center-stage to a tragedy, then swiftly shift accountability to others. It's a POV of 'See what you did/made me do?', and if we look at TM's first social media rant, it was loaded with blame for SM for stupidly taking up with a "*advertiser censored*" and causing negative impact on her (phony) image. I've always thought that TM tells a partial truth in her crazy public statements and that elements of her crime are wrapped in her remarks, however veiled. So, it seems to me that she was furious that her own actions were about to be exposed and she found a way to shift the increasing public suspicion into the realm of 'SM had a fling that made a mess and now look at what that's done to our fine Christian family; they think we've gone and murdered that hussy!'.

What I've learned about narcissists the painful way is that any exposure of the false world they fashion and any negative impression of them is equal in their mind to annihilation, and they will eat their own to restore their world. So, I frankly think that SM's remarks lately that his wife and kids had nothing to do with anything is a narrative consistent with her demand that he take it for the team, while she posts about her victimology and her faithful God-fearing lifestyle.

I'm not giving him any passes and in my view he's a coward who deserves his lot. I also am not ready to view him as a dimwit who has clean hands but is absorbing all the blame. I just think that TM's rants are heavy with pieces of what went down because narcissists are too desperately self-involved and in a rush to restore their false world to be smart enough to cover all their tracks. And they end up exposing the very thing they don't want exposed. JMO

I agree with you totally. I had read all of her posts on Tumblr at the time. I think some of them was about their affair or at least pertained to it. She still cared, but, why go out that time in the morning and meet at PTL. If she knew that T was probably listening in on the phone call or perhaps even talking to H, why would she take a chance to meet S there when she knew how much T hated her. Then after H gets to PTL, it seems like she is desperate to get in touch with S to see where he was. If I am correct, the truck was there from 3-4 minutes. A lot can be done in that amount of time. H would have never agreed to meet T there, so it had to be Sid alone that lured her out. T was with him and the closer they got to PTL the more that T was boiling. Nothing was going to keep her away from H at that point. Petite H could never have protected herself from that big woman. And S never helped her. I am sure that she was begging him to help. I think T also threatened to kill S if he didn`t agree to what she wanted, heck, should could have even threatened to kill the kids as well.
I guess I should have said IMO. All people do have their own thoughts as to why or why not. I know they aren`t admissible in court also. But, IMO, I would want one if I were innocent. If I was charged with murder and I am innocent, I would be doing everything in my power to prove my innocence. They never did that in the beginning and now all of a sudden they are innocent in their own eyes and blaming what happened on everyone else.
IMO, the M's are shopping for new attorneys - or at least want everyone to think they are. On a popular social media site they are discussing it publicly under one of their profiles.
We do know Heather was very physically attracted to Sidney. Her social media posts revealed just how strong that attraction was. I doubt that attraction diminished that much during the (alleged) break period. Sexual attraction is a very strong human emotion. I do believe the anticipation was the driving force for both. As someone else stated, the early morning hour is not that significant to me. IMO
That makes sense, actually. Allegedly Sydney told Heather he had left his wife. I wonder if that part was true or made up so she would agree to see him? I can see why he wouldn't want their sexual relationship to end -- a pretty young woman who was attracted to you and made that known... what's not to like about that, especially if you're a man who isn't feeling inclined to stay faithful/monogamous to a spouse.

It's sad he didn't find a way to protect Heather from the wrath of 'The Mrs' that was surely coming her way that early morning. I wonder if he stood there and watched Heather die when it all went down.
IMO, the M's are shopping for new attorneys - or at least want everyone to think they are. On a popular social media site they are discussing it publicly under one of their profiles.
Shopping for new counsel or already setting the wheels in motion for an appeal due to inaffective counsel?

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We do know Heather was very physically attracted to Sidney. Her social media posts revealed just how strong that attraction was. I doubt that attraction diminished that much during the (alleged) break period. Sexual attraction is a very strong human emotion. I do believe the anticipation was the driving force for both. As someone else stated, the early morning hour is not that significant to me. IMO

If anticipation was the only force that morning, I could see that, but I'm not sure how either one of them thought that TM was not going to notice a call to his cell that lasted 4 minutes and SM's departure from the home.

That's a very tight timeline for SM and Heather to decide they just couldn't stand it another minute, for TM to then intervene, and for a successful murder and disposal plot that thus far has left no evidence to have been hatched and carried out. So, the time of day and the immediate disappearance of someone who was in the midst of a series of discrepancies about phones and which one to call, and about his marital status and the proximity of TM all seems significant to me.
That makes sense, actually. Allegedly Sydney told Heather he had left his wife. I wonder if that part was true or made up so she would agree to see him? I can see why he wouldn't want their sexual relationship to end -- a pretty young woman who was attracted to you and made that known... what's not to like about that, especially if you're a man who isn't feeling inclined to stay faithful/monogamous to a spouse.

It's sad he didn't find a way to protect Heather from the wrath of 'The Mrs' that was surely coming her way that early morning. I wonder if he stood there and watched Heather die when it all went down.

I can't imagine that he wasn't at the very least a spectator and this may well explain why he' unwilling to throw TM under the bus. I'm sure he had a powerful come to Jesus with her potential for anything and everything after seeing Heather murdered.
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