Sievers Sidebar #3

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If she ever truly was grieving, she blew through all the phases pretty quickly. She was already at acceptance three short days after TS's body was found. TS hadn't even been laid to rest yet, but she was telling the media that life goes on. :sheesh:

"Life goes on. That’s what she would want us to do. Carry her passion and her work," said Spiska. "She would be very angry with me if she knew I was just sitting down and crying and giving up."

And add that to MS saying "TS would say to forgive them". Put it all together now: Just forgive them, life goes on.
Geez oh Pete!!!

Hmmm. I've heard a similar phrase as "life goes on" from someone very familiar with the case..

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I have been SMH ever since I heard this.
1. July 4 - Mark took the girls back to the house so they re-bond with their home? Seriously? The girls had only been away from that house for one week and one day. < (left for NY on 6-26) MOST parents, would never want to step foot in that house again, much less drag their children back into the very place their mother laid murdered.

2. July 5 - He just told the kids their own precious mother was murdered by "bad people." Now, let's all go to the beach!
Oh, and I need to go talk a friend out of quitting school...cause that's important right now. Not that you have friends/family here to comfort you, or anything. We understand Mark, I mean it's not like you can go and talk to a "LOCAL" friend anytime or anything.

Later the same night of the 5th ( 6 days after his wife was brutally murdered) His wife would want everyone to "forgive her murderers."
He is definitely out of his mind, a true psychopath.

July 6 - The very day of the much to do. He's STILL the luckiest man in the world, and gotta go and throw the computers away from his wife's office. &#10003;
Now, whoever wants to swim, HIS HOUSE, HIS POOL. &#10003;

July 7 - It is time to let this thing go and get on with life! I mean it's been a WEEK.

I had to have my 8 yr. dog put down on July 2 (three days after TS was murdered) and I still cannot get over losing her. I will say it's eased up a little, but sometimes ~ just out of the blue the tears come out of nowhere. It's like they tend to come in waves now, as opposed to everyday. Now I am talking about a dog that I loved. Not the mother of this monsters children, or not even close to the loss of a beloved human being. He is PURE EVIL.
DMacky, you have a heart, you LOVE your dog. I am truly sorry your little fur baby is gone from this earth. Heck, my neighbor's dog passed away a month ago, and it hit me hard. Why? Cause I CARE!

GREAT post DMacky.
DMacky, you have a heart, you LOVE your dog. I am truly sorry your little fur baby is gone from this earth. Heck, my neighbor's dog passed away a month ago, and it hit me hard. Why? Cause I CARE!

GREAT post DMacky.
Aww thank you Cpeacock. She was my rescued "mutt," and by far the smartest dog I've ever had. My little recue dog that ended up rescuing me. I miss her most (now) when I pull in the driveway, and her running to door to greet me. I hate coming back in that door. She was the only one who was actually happy to see me come home :smile:

But my whole point of that post was Mark THINKING a week was plenty of time for the kids, and everyone to else just to move on. I was comparing his week of fake grieving to myself with my very real grieving of a dog ????? Something's very wrong with that picture. Those precious little girls were probably not even allowed to grieve :frown: It's heartbreaking.
Aww thank you Cpeacock. She was my rescued "mutt," and by far the smartest dog I've ever had. My little recue dog that ended up rescuing me. I miss her most (now) when I pull in the driveway, and her running to door to greet me. I hate coming back in that door. She was the only one who was actually happy to see me come home :smile:

But my whole point of that post was Mark THINKING a week was plenty of time for the kids, and everyone to else just to move on. I was comparing his week of fake grieving to myself with my very real grieving of a dog ????? Something's very wrong with that picture. Those precious little girls were probably not even allowed to grieve :frown: It's heartbreaking.

Good call! That is one more thing that stands out and screams to everyone else, yet he has no clue.

A divorced man might not grieve the ex-wife for himself, but his heart would certainly break for his children's loss - if he loved his children. He can't even pretend he was being strong and stoic so he could be the strength for his girls because he showed them no mercy whatsoever.

It's just not normal what he did. I wonder if his girls were upset or disturbed at all by Dad's forcing them to the house for a swim 1) so soon after their mother's murder on the kitchen floor, 2) seeing the fingerprint dust everywhere, the chunk missing from the pantry door, etc.

I think it's sadistic and it shows how out of touch he is with how the average person thinks. That can happen when you underestimate everyone else's intelligence.
Oh I GET it Dmacky. And Felicity Lemon.

NO WAY would a normal person, with normal feelings have those girls in that house at that time. IMO. He was able to plan the whole thing. MS totally missed out. I'm not sure he even has a heartbeat...well, he is still living, so I have to admit he has a heart. But not a loving, kind, compassionate heart. He only lives for his wants and desires. I am getting myself mad just thinking about the damage MS has caused.
Many are curious as to who MS's alleged affairs were. I must admit to being a little curious myself. So I get the speculation. It is hard not to. BUT

It could be hurtful to people who are in no way involved in the murder of Teresa. AND

Since there are no named suspects or POIs aside from the 3 men in custody, sleuthing the many possibles is not allowed. Cautiously or not. :nono: I went ahead and did a bit of :sweep:
Oh I GET it Dmacky. And Felicity Lemon.

NO WAY would a normal person, with normal feelings have those girls in that house at that time. IMO. He was able to plan the whole thing. MS totally missed out. I'm not sure he even has a heartbeat...well, he is still living, so I have to admit he has a heart. But not a loving, kind, compassionate heart. He only lives for his wants and desires. I am getting myself mad just thinking about the damage MS has caused.

Exactly Cpea ~
Those little girls lost their mother on that Monday, I lost my furbaby, 3 days later on Thursday. I couldn't even bear to be in my house after she was gone. My cousin came and got me and I stayed with her for almost a month. Then Sievers takes his kids back on July 4 to re-bond with their home? And then on the very day of his wife's funeral, it's time to move on, move back in, move on with life ? All I can think of is those girls. He wasn't grieving obviously, but those little girls were! If he said all that to a friend, can you imagine what he has said to his children? It's time to move on, mommy would want you to????? They need to talk about their mother who is suddenly gone forever, did he forbid it? I can't even wrap my head around it.

Their little world is fractured now. What about their fears? Do they feel safe in the same house their mother was killed in? What about their sense of safety in the whole world right now? They need reassurance. They need to be able to grieve and talk about their mom and to be heard. Bless their little hearts, they are going to need years of therapy.

Add in suddenly being orphaned and passed around from familiy to family and not knowing who will care for them :cry:
Re: the "benefits" of marijuana, medical or otherwise, for cancer patients

First, can we be really clear here that there has NEVER been any study anywhere that has shown that marijuana, its chemical components, nor its oils have been shown in any way to PREVENT cancer. Any statements along these lines are just false.

The only studies related to cancer patients of which I am aware were/are related to pain and perhaps anxiety.

Speaking as the widow of a longtime regular user of non-medical marijuana who was diagnosed with a terminal Stage 4 cancer with widespread metastses I was probably as close or closer than any medical researcher would be to such a case.

I know what the marijuana did and did not do for the patient through various surgeries, rounds of chemo, radiation, and the side effects thereof. For fourteen grueling months.

I can say this - we were damn glad for traditional opioid pain meds and for traditional anti-nausea meds. The marijuana not only failed to help with these, it did not even help with the loss of appetite. And believe me, many of his friends were bringing him "the best stuff" - one from as far away as South America - to try to help him.

I'm sorry to report that at least in this very real case marijuana was not some wonder drug. And somehow I doubt that it is any wonder drug for anything. I think it may help some people with some things sometimes. Others not so much.

I have no strong feelings about marijuana. I tried it several times and didn't particularly like the effect. But I never liked any drug I tried. Now I'm old and I still dislike drugs of any kind but am stuck taking a few daily.

As for my own personal experience with marijuana for pain, it made me MORE sensitive to a problem I was having with a tooth, not less. So I just could not figure it being good for pain reduction.

Just my two cents worth on the subject.
Yes, the Kubler-Ross "stages of grief" have been studied, discussed, refined, and even outright rejected to a certain extent by later grief researchers.

But there are many more recent worthwhile and helpful books out there on dealing with grief and loss.
Thanks to AlwaysShocked for sharing her painful experience with medical marijuana. I likewise don't have strong feelings on the issue, and certainly don't favor punishing people for using, apart from driving (etc.) under the influence. My own experience was strictly recreational, once a week for less than a year, and more than 40 years ago, and while I enjoyed the highs I noted several negatives: (1) I could feel the impact on my lungs during my daily runs; (2) more alarmingly, and what forced me to stop, I found myself with a delayed buzz at work on a Wednesday having smoked the previous Saturday night.

Since then, I've noted one further problem. A friend of a friend that I see at large social gathering once a year uses a lot and has clearly become obsessed with marijuana, extolling its benefits to a dozen or more non-using acquaintances in an area that he constantly derides as reactionary, sometimes dominating the conversation for hours at a time (this at a family event with plenty of children present). Some of the adults present are conservative (though if they were as conservative as he claims they would have turned him in), so I see his openness with them as definitely lacking in judgement, possibly as result of being high. He admits that marijuana today is many times stronger than what was available 40 years ago, so if you use, use care.
The problem was so bad the state has a database of who purchases the meds from a pharmacy you have to have a valid picture ID the is checked and you are allowed X amount of the drugs a month

I live in STL and you do have to jump through hoops to get OTC allergy meds. Went to my pharmacy the other day and had left my ID at home b/c I was not driving. Even though they know me at the pharmacy, they could not sell me anything. Your license has to be scanned every time. I THINK you can buy three times a month. They are pretty strict with it.
Exactly Cpea ~
Those little girls lost their mother on that Monday, I lost my furbaby, 3 days later on Thursday. I couldn't even bear to be in my house after she was gone. My cousin came and got me and I stayed with her for almost a month. Then Sievers takes his kids back on July 4 to re-bond with their home? And then on the very day of his wife's funeral, it's time to move on, move back in, move on with life ? All I can think of is those girls. He wasn't grieving obviously, but those little girls were! If he said all that to a friend, can you imagine what he has said to his children? It's time to move on, mommy would want you to????? They need to talk about their mother who is suddenly gone forever, did he forbid it? I can't even wrap my head around it.

Their little world is fractured now. What about their fears? Do they feel safe in the same house their mother was killed in? What about their sense of safety in the whole world right now? They need reassurance. They need to be able to grieve and talk about their mom and to be heard. Bless their little hearts, they are going to need years of therapy.

Add in suddenly being orphaned and passed around from familiy to family and not knowing who will care for them :cry:

What really bothered me (among everything else) was what his friend CK said about the condition of the house. Besides the blood, nothing was cleaned. Black dust everywhere for the girls and everyone else to see. I am assuming he cleaned it himself as no halfway decent cleanup crew would leave the black fingerprint dust on everything. If you choose to bring your children back to the house to show them there is nothing to be afraid of, wouldn't you want the place to look like nothing bad happened there? My heart goes out to the girls.
What really bothered me (among everything else) was what his friend CK said about the condition of the house. Besides the blood, nothing was cleaned. Black dust everywhere for the girls and everyone else to see. I am assuming he cleaned it himself as no halfway decent cleanup crew would leave the black fingerprint dust on everything. If you choose to bring your children back to the house to show them there is nothing to be afraid of, wouldn't you want the place to look like nothing bad happened there? My heart goes out to the girls.

I really don't understand this. Insurance companies have specialist companies that clean up scenes like this. They pay for it. Many local LEOs have the local one(s) on speed dial in metro areas.

I really don't understand this. Insurance companies have specialist companies that clean up scenes like this. They pay for it. Many local LEOs have the local one(s) on speed dial in metro areas.


Yes but when CK went was after the crime, after the crime scene clean up done by professionals and family and after the day LE went back and put up crime scene tape. So I'm assuming there had been no clean up done after LE's second securing of the crime scene. I agree though that's just disgusting he took the girls there at all. If my husband, God forbid, was murdered in our house, I don't think I could go in it. And I sure as heck wouldn't take my kids there. What a weirdo.
I really don't understand this. Insurance companies have specialist companies that clean up scenes like this. They pay for it. Many local LEOs have the local one(s) on speed dial in metro areas.


That's what I thought. My only theory is that maybe they had a high deductible on their homeowners insurance policy and he didn't want to pay it. Many companies will just bill the insurance companies and they cover everything but the deductible.
That's what I thought. My only theory is that maybe they had a high deductible on their homeowners insurance policy and he didn't want to pay it. Many companies will just bill the insurance companies and they cover everything but the deductible.

Something that I have have learned from following this case since last July is that MS is cheap. While he may have had gold/ silver and military coins and thousands in his safes- this man was CHEAP and gave no comments (quite obnoxiously, I might add), CHEAP on emotion and absolutely CHEAP on having a human soul. Yes, MS- you have nothing.

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Something that I have have learned from following this case since last July is that MS is cheap. While he may have had gold/ silver and military coins and thousands in his safes- this man was CHEAP and gave no comments (quite obnoxiously, I might add), CHEAP on emotion and absolutely CHEAP on having a human soul. Yes, MS- you have nothing.

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I'm hoping we see more documents soon. In regards to the house, my homeowners insurance issued us a check and we paid the professionals ourselves when we had a water leak in our utility room. We had two options, insurance would pay the companies that took care of the problem or we would handle that ourselves to pick who we wanted. They gave a work estimate and then we chose our option.

Maybe MS got a check from insurance but spent the money on something else. He would be the type of the guy to do that.....he's off the Richter scale regarding IQ
I'm hoping we see more documents soon. In regards to the house, my homeowners insurance issued us a check and we paid the professionals ourselves when we had a water leak in our utility room. We had two options, insurance would pay the companies that took care of the problem or we would handle that ourselves to pick who we wanted. They gave a work estimate and then we chose our option.

Maybe MS got a check from insurance but spent the money on something else. He would be the type of the guy to do that.....he's off the Richter scale regarding IQ
Sadly, I think this is why the murder was done in the kitchen area. Tile and appliances are easily cleaned especially when your big plan includes bringing your daughters back to home to re-bond with the house in brand new condition. As to why he left CSI fingerprint dust on things, he was too cheap to pay for an adequate cleaning, or he wanted others, KC and his daughters included to endure the added pain and/ or fear, or he was just too busy making after funeral plans including dumpster dropping but not limited to pool parties and good times. Ugh
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