Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #2

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I really hope the A's take this opportunity to reflect on the actions of their daughter and not blame Caylee's death on the nanny or kidnappers or anyone else. I hope there are fingerprints on that duct tape and evidence to prove it was KC to them.
Daggone it. I've been trying for 20 minutes to post a reply to someone's comments about Casey's panic attacks. This poster said they would give her meds that would make her sleep through everything.

The meds for panic attacks don't make you sleep. It will most likely be Xanax - ironic, huh? Panic attacks are horrible, most describe it as feeling like you're dying. I've always said I wouldn't wish them on anyone. For Casey, I'm glad to make an exception.
Xanax most definately will make people very sleepy if taken in even a moderate dose.
That I don't know, but this location is right next to where Tony said he picked her up walking back from running out of gas. On a backroad she used to cut through the neighborhood. Someone in chat just pointed out that maybe Caylee was in the trunk when the happened, she had to call Tony for help and walk away from her vehicle, she couldn't very well walk away with her dead daughter in the trunk. That would explain this location and the only being 20-30 feet off the road. She must have intended to come back and find a better burial spot but never got around to it.

Does anyone think that maybe her "close to home" comment was meant to "clue" C and G as to where she had placed the body - so that they might be able to go and move. The way she said it was SO wierd, it seemed to me like she was directing them.
I do also hope there is direct evidence also gibby - a fingerprint, or Casey's hair, the tape and bag linked to the A's or Tony's place - if the A's get this info hopefully they will get a confession from Casey - yes longshot one can still hope
I'm wondering what's going on in Cindy's mind right now. Her daughter's going down for this. She probably regrets making that 911 call in the first place, thinking life could just go on, la di da, oh well, if only she hadn't made that damn call.

With them, it's hard to predict. If the remains are Caylee's, I would expect them to place the blame for Caylee's death on someone else. I don't believe they'll ever acknowledge that Casey killed Caylee.

And who knows, maybe they won't believe the body is Caylee's even if it's identified, and will keep on following up on those credible leads they've been getting (of the sightings of Caylee).

If the duct tape was indeed wrapped around Caylee's mouth, I have to wonder why? Was would be the purpose of doing this if Caylee was dead?

Poor little baby. She didn't have a chance. I don't remember all the details, but I remember Cindy saying something along the line..."When the facts come out, Casey will be named the mother of the year." Or something along that line. Loving your child is one thing, but saying something like that is just nonsense.
I first brought Suburban Drive up after the latest doc dump was released.

There were 5 searchers, man & 4 kids searching on Suburban Drive back in September and found a place of disturbed dirt and buried ropes tied together end to end. They dug it up and found a metal pipe at the end.

They filled out police reports and at the end of each written statement was "We did not notify the media".

I think this was her first grave & she was moved in September further up the road on Suburban into the thick foliage.

Here is where our discussion began on 12/1...

We talk about house proximity to this area
Distance between LA & A's home
"Close to home", etc.

I also think they put these 5 statements in the doc dump to turn up the heat so to speak, in essence, "Were getting CLOSER KC!"....

Great sleuthing, Laniefi! I knew I had read about this road very recently on one of the threads. I can't keep anything straight, but I give huge kuddos to all of you for the great work! I get confused just reading about phone pings and combing through the docs, but you guys just tredge on through it. I love that I know you guys!:blowkiss:
Prime news just said George and Cindy are set to go on LKL tomorrow nite? WTH?
It was just said on HNN that CA and GA will be on Larry King again tomorrow night. I wonder with all this are they going to cancel.
I first brought Suburban Drive up after the latest doc dump was released.

There were 5 searchers, man & 4 kids searching on Suburban Drive back in September and found a place of disturbed dirt and buried ropes tied together end to end. They dug it up and found a metal pipe at the end.

They filled out police reports and at the end of each written statement was "We did not notify the media".

I think this was her first grave & she was moved in September further up the road on Suburban into the thick foliage.

Here is where our discussion began on 12/1...

We talk about house proximity to this area
Distance between LA & A's home
"Close to home", etc.

I also think they put these 5 statements in the doc dump to turn up the heat so to speak, in essence, "Were getting CLOSER KC!"....

Oh your Good! You are right. This seals the deal for me. I'm sure now Lee at least caught the 'clues' close by, etc.

I think your right about someone moving the poor little thing. The pipe probably was to mark the spot so she could be found and moved at a later time when it was more convenient. If one of the A men moved her they didn't do a very good job.

Poor poor baby.
WFTV on LIVE now at 7PM and they also said the A's are not allowed to go to the house at all as for it is considered a crime scene so they are elsewhere. It is also reported that they are too upset tonight to go home if they could.
After everything they said last night would they really go on tomorrow night?? I can't imagine, GA looked done in last night I'm sure he has lost all composure now.
I cant figure out why there was tape over her mouth, that is disgusting and upsetting, what would it have been used for?? I knew Casey was a monster but this is just horrendous.

Possibly to hold a chlorform soaked wrag in place, just in case she wakes up in the trunk while her monster-mom is dancing up on some chick in club Fusian or in the sack with one of her boyfriends.

It is seriously discouraging trying to get on here...only foresee it becoming more difficult as this case progresses.
:confused: I don't think JB can keep anyone from examining any remains! He might as well stamp " I'm stupid" & "yes she did it" on his freaking forehead.:mad:

No he filed to sit in on the autopsy and the DNA testing but what dummy doesn't know is that the autopsy is done right away by Dr. G. and she send samples to the labs to get tested. I guess he doesnt watch her show at all to know that. They don't want to wait on the autopsy and testing so it is being done now.

OMG. I've been trying to get here for a couple of hours!

From this link:

Mandy Albritton, a member of EquuSearch — one of the groups that searched for the missing toddler — told the Orlando Sentinel that their volunteers did not check the location in early September because it was submerged in water. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off.

One of EquuSearch’s volunteers, Deborah Smith, searched the area three times and told the paper “she had a bad feeling” because Anthony had said her daughter was nearby. She told the newspaper: “It’s really wet and steep and there’s lots of snakes back there.”

“I do believe it’s" Caylee Marie, Smith said.
Is the area where the remains were found near or the large wooded area that is behind the A.'s home?
WFTV on LIVE now at 7PM and they also said the A's are too upset to go home tonight so they are elsewhere.

They can't go has been close off as a potential crime scene since the discovery and are conducting a search with warrant. It has been reported that they were told they cannot go home until the warrant has been executed.
I cant seem to conect to any local news on the web....please keep the info coming :) thanks
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