Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #3

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Just my opinion but I think there was something found in the bag or the bones that makes this pretty sure it is Caylee for LE. Maybe the cross? The clothing may be in there? Something in there that leads them to know it is her. I can't wait to hear everything. We may not hear it til trial tho...

Hair does not decompose as quickly as tissue. I believe Caylee's longish brown hair, the size of the child and the close proximity to the A home tied this to KC. moo
I hadn't even considered the possibility that the funeral would be televised. I pray that it won't be. That is just one invasion too much, imo.

Ironic that the only folks that will attend the funeral are the very people that tried to keep her from being found and getting any funeral at all. This is all so wrong and horrible.
I don't know how to pull a post over from another thread, but I can't let this one drop...we haven't had resolution!

This was originally posted by Elphaba in thread #2:

B'more NBC channel reporter said that the man thought to be Caylee's father, will be speaking on Dateline.

Now I'll repeat my question: Where the he!! did HE come from? And when will this be on? Link please? I don't ask that too often!

Could it be Jesse? He was once thought to be Caylee's father.
I keep reading and listening, but haven't heard any answer regarding the fence. If the area was fenced and the searchers couldn't get in, how did the meter guy get in?

I also want to know more about the stupid fence. When and why and by who was it added? Is it county land?

Tonite on the news they were discussing a fence put up for new construction. I don't know if I saw the fence or not because LE vehicles blocked that whole side of the road all day. It appeared that there was no fence right at the culvert where they found Caylee, possibly explaining why the gentleman picked that spot to whiz.
And no cremation, this thought just killed me.

I never thought she was cremated. KC too lazy for that (unless there was a Bush fire burning, and there wasn't for the time frame. I did check that.)

I agree. Karma is a beautiful thing. A's are out of town just at the same time a meter reader happens upon her body. I would give him a reward and say "Merry Christmas". I still worry folks..... I still think the grandparents will spin this into someone else did it. I really, truly hope they start grasping back into their minds and view some tapes and figure out it can't be anyone but KC. The grandparents need to heal now, as does America.

Today is a hugely karmic day, and is one of those days that makes me believe
that yup, there is a god.
Tonite on the news they were discussing a fence put up for new construction. I don't know if I saw the fence or not because LE vehicles blocked that whole side of the road all day. It appeared that there was no fence right at the culvert where they found Caylee, possibly explaining why the gentleman picked that spot to whiz.

This is the link re the fence (Am I on everyones IGNORE Button :( )

According to Equusearch, volunteers tried to search the area, but it was underwater. When they returned, the area was blocked by a chain-link fence.
Someone said today that the area where the remains were found is behind the A's subdivision. And, that there was new construction going on....maybe a new subdivision. Builders fence off construction sites. Or, maybe, with the flooding, a fence was put up because of the elem. school nearby.
Call me whatever you want. But I am having a hard time believing the body has been there the whole time. Something is just not adding up to me.
Hair does not decompose as quickly as tissue. I believe Caylee's longish brown hair, the size of the child and the close proximity to the A home tied this to KC. moo

Yes, mine too. Hair lasts for years. That plus there may be some clothing of a girl nature and other items for which the warrant was needed.
I just revel in the hope that there was no one willing to catch her as she crumbled! And I guess this wasn't in the script, huh? So, her ad libbing (sp?) ain't up to snuff! Whew! What's that smell?? Oh, just Casey, beginning her slow rot in prison!

You got that right! You know, I'm almost afraid to find out exactly what happened to Caylee. I'm terrified that her death was even more awful than we thought.

I'm with you too about the Dateline thing! WHO do they believe is Caylee's father? That's the first I've heard of that! IF and that's a BIG IF that is true, then he will be the one who would be in control of funeral arrangements.
When the funeral is on, do you think it would be televised or will someone go? I REALLY want to go and pay respects but I'm out here in WA and can't afford such a trip.

Where are you in WA? E or W? I too am here in WA and so so badly to be there in person to pay my respects to Caylee - sweet Caylee
Finally, if this is that innocent little girl, maybe her remains can be put to rest in a peaceful manner. Anyone find it chilling KC said early that she felt Caylee was close by?
Could it be Jesse? He was once thought to be Caylee's father.

I don't think. Remember on one show (geez, how could I ever remember which one?) he even showed them the DNA report that proved he wasn't? I know I saw the name Eric pop up in the last docs. That's all I know!
I have been thinking about the horrible possiblities that the duct tape around the skull presents.

I am REALLY hoping to God that it was placed there after death. I am thinking that it could be staging of a kidnapping event.

Hair does not decompose quickly does it? I think that maybe we will hear that her hair is cut short and what ever was left in bag is something that "Zanni" could have had access to with the key that KC warned CA about.

Remember the discussions of the One Tree Hill episode where the crazy nanny kidnapped the child and immediately gave it a hair cut? Well I think that KC may has staged everything to look like a) a kidnapping b) the kidnappers want to frame her to "teach her a lesson" (no link but those were KC's words curtesy CA somewhere in lastest doc dump) so that in the event that the remains are discovered (as they have been) she has some bases covered. I think KC really intended that the remains would not be found, but just in case...

It is beyond my comprehension that a mother could do any of that post-mortem but as i stated in an earlier post, after watching her in action on the last jail video's, she is totally deviod of any normal human feeling for her child. KC is a an abhorrant "thing" that we should not waste tax-payers hard earned money on. Post-mortem staging is just... well there are no words to discribe the hellish pictures that conjures up but if that duct-take was placed there PRIOR to death... well... there are truely just no words. It would put her in the Rose West catagory and that "woman" is truely one of Satans minions.

Posted by "crazylovemonkey" at post # 448 on Thread 2

I am not a psychic... no.. but I do believe in people having that power... in the psychic post there was a post and discussion leading to she would be discovered Jan 11th.... today is Dec 11th... ironic..... maybe the person who came to that conculsion was just 30 days off.

Just had to comment on this ... in reality, Jan 11 is NOT "30 days" off from Dec 11. It's 31 days. Strange ....

Ironic that the only folks that will attend the funeral are the very people that tried to keep her from being found and getting any funeral at all. This is all so wrong and horrible.

George and Cindy are probably negotiating with "Entertainment Tonight" right now......they'll do it up right, Anna Nicole style.:mad:
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