Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #13

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According to Rose Whitaker (Skyla's Mom) and Radio Chatter the Plackers were NOT AT HOME until after 5:15 PM on Sunday. When the girls were killed (and the shots fired) the Plackers weren't home! And Rose knew the girls were dead before she arrived at the scene.

This would explain why the Plackers did not hear the gun shots. I realize there were different theories explaining why they may not have heard the gunshots but, this explains it completely.

I agree 100%. Veeeeerrrrrryyyy interesting
Actually, we don't know how Rose knew the girls were dead before she arrived. What I recall is that after Peter called 911...he saw Rose driving towards the driveway of their house and he motioned her down towards him. I never heard anything about Peter calling her. So if Rose KNEW the girls were dead...who told her before Peter flagged her down? I do not think Peter called her on the phone and said, "Your child is dead.".

This would put the suspicion back on Rose, imo.

Flower Child said: There is little communication between the two families now, Rose Whitaker is not speaking to the Plackers. Rose said that when Peter Placker called her to tell her he'd found the girls dead he said "when we got home they weren't here and I went looking for them".
Actually, we don't know how Rose knew the girls were dead before she arrived. What I recall is that after Peter called 911...he saw Rose driving towards the driveway of their house and he motioned her down towards him. I never heard anything about Peter calling her. So if Rose KNEW the girls were dead...who told her before Peter flagged her down? I do not think Peter called her on the phone and said, "Your child is dead.".

This would put the suspicion back on Rose, imo.

The plot thickens. Baffling to say the least.......

I have sat on pins and needles too often with some of these cases waiting for a scheduled "press release" only to be sorely disappointed by the news. In fact, many times I can recall thinking to myself "why the heck did they build us up like that just to let us down"?. IMO, there isn't going to be much, but I DO HOPE I AM WRONG!!!
Actually, we don't know how Rose knew the girls were dead before she arrived. What I recall is that after Peter called 911...he saw Rose driving towards the driveway of their house and he motioned her down towards him. I never heard anything about Peter calling her. So if Rose KNEW the girls were dead...who told her before Peter flagged her down? I do not think Peter called her on the phone and said, "Your child is dead.".

This would put the suspicion back on Rose, imo.
My Contact tells me that Rose said Peter CALLED her and told her the girls were dead. We don't know if the call was before or after the 911 call, but when Rose arrived at the scene, she already knew the girls were dead. Peter wouldn't have called her on the phone if she was standing right there...he called her before she left the farm or while she was on her way to the Placker house. Peter went to meet Rose at the car to keep her away from the crime scene, Rose already knew Skyla and Taylor were dead. You quoted the exact information about the call to Rose from Peter in your post: Rose said that when Peter Placker called her to tell her he'd found the girls dead he said "when we got home they weren't here and I went looking for them".

BTW, Rose already knew something was wrong when Skyla didn't answer her phone (the 2nd call Rose made) - that's why she called the Plackers just after 5PM, because Skyla wasn't answering her phone. Then Peter (or Vicky) tried calling Taylor on HER phone - no answer. At THAT time (5:10 or so), the Plackers were NOT AT HOME, so as soon as they did arrive home (around 5:20), Peter walked down the road to try and find the girls. He knew neither girl was answering her phone. Maybe he could even hear one or both of the girl's phones ringing as he walked toward the crime scene - I can see where Rose would just keep dialing Skyla's phone (and Vicky might have kept dialing Taylor's)

All we don't know is if Peter called Rose before or after the 911 call? It would be on the phone records for whichever phone he picked up at the scene to call 911 (obviously he did not bring his phone with him). Or maybe Peter called Rose on Skyla's phone and 911 with Taylors? It seems to me that Peter knew Rose was coming (so he had to stop her down the road) - how would he know that unless he talked to her and told her the girls were dead and told Rose where they were? Rose was just a short distance N of the crime scene, it would have taken her maybe 5 minutes to get there - I think she was waiting to hear from Peter or Vicky that the girls were back home BEFORE she got in the car to come get Skyla.

And I think this is what might have happened...Rose couldn't get ahold of Skyla, she called the Plackers and they said the girls went for a walk, and they would call Taylor's phone (like maybe Skyla left hers at home or something). Rose gets worried, maybe Claudia Farrow says "I'll walk up the road - maybe I'll see them walking over here" (because Skyla knew her mom was at the Farm/Ranch where Claudia and Jimmy worked), meantime Peter can't raise Taylor on her phone so the minute he arrives home he runs immediately up the road calling the girl's names. He doesn't bring his phone, maybe because Vicky is using it to call Taylor? Peter finds the girls and then calls Rose and tells her to come, the girls are dead - maybe calling Rose (and maybe Vicky too) BEFORE he dials 911 (it's obvious the girls are dead, there isn't any immediate rush to call for help and that call might explain the few minute's delay in calling 911). Rose calls her Mother Who is out looking for the girls) and tells her - and either Rose picks up Claudia and she arrives with Rose or Claudia gets the call and goes back to the Ranch, gets her car and follows a few minutes behind Rose. Vicky also runs to the scene. Peter is on the phone with 911 and is keeping everyone away from the bodies until LE arrives.

Maybe that's how it went down???

My Opinion
Is the only information that the Placker's were not home coming from Flower Childs "source" or has this been mentioned elsewhere?
Is the only information that the Placker's were not home coming from Flower Childs "source" or has this been mentioned elsewhere?

My source. I don't think we (the general public "we") are supposed to know. The only reason it's "out" now is that Rose Whitaker is upset and is talking and telling people why she is upset with the Plackers. She feels that Peter was not forthcoming with her or LE about what was going on on the hours before the Murders. Her anger is mostly based on the fact that she perceives she is being seen as a negligent mother because nobody knows that no-one was home when the girls were killed and that the girls were allowed (by the Plackers) to go walking down the road even though no adults were home - that they were left out there alone by the Plackers with no help in sight. And they ended up dying within sight of Taylor's house - where no-one was home.

And I wonder what would have happened if the Plackers were home, Maybe they would have SEEN the killers, maybe they would have heard the shots or the girls crying out for help. The were almost home and yet so very very alone. If it was my child, the idea that she died knowing no-one was going to come and help her would be almost unbearable.

I have no reason to doubt what I am told and the Radio Calls do back that up - Peter Placker said "I came home and found the girls dead" (that has come from more than one local person BTW). I also think that may be one of the reasons the 911 call hasn't been released and even now, only PART of the call will be aired. With Rose making an issue out of this, it wouldn't be long before everyone knew, and LE wants to control the information in this case so now THEY will release that info to the public.

But as I always say with info I get from my contact, it's up to you to believe the information or not. I think it's true - mainly because it being true answers a LOT of nagging questions AND because there is no reason for Rose to to lie about it - it doesn't really change the case much - except that the killer could have stopped by the Placker house and KNEW there was no-one home before he killed the girls. Whether the Plackers were home or not doesn't matter except in that one scenario - and obviously if the Plackers were NOT home - they could have a stone solid alibi because they were with someone else or in a public place at the time of the murders.

So, it's out there now, and if true it's no longer a secret - up to people to believe it or not.

My Opinion
Thanks for your clarification FC - sounds very plausible to me. So, let me get this straight, you are saying that all along LE has known that the Plackers were not at home, but they never released that to the public?
If they weren't home, they must have been enroute so did they see something? Did they have to drive right past the girls?
If they weren't home, they must have been enroute so did they see something? Did they have to drive right past the girls?

From where the Placker's life, when they come out of their driveway, the have to turn left or right - I believe if they turned left, that would have been in the direction where the girls were found.

In any event, for those of you who know that area, which way is "town" or the majority of shops that they might have gone to?
I don't think I have heard PP say that they were specifically at home.
You are right they could have ridden to town and had already told the girls "no" before they left then the girls called them back and Peter gave in.

They may not even have a land line but just cell phones.

When did gm and gm leave the house that day,why both people?
What time did they leave?

Who was AT the P. house that weekend other than the 2 girls and gparents?
Did the gp's leave to "take someone" home?

Common sense tells me, IF Taylor called gm or gp AFTER they left the house, to ask IF they could walk to the bridge, "they" had a cell phone with them..

Sooooo WHY would gp have to "find" Taylors to make the 911 call?

IF they were NOT home, in which direction did they arrive home and what time?

Why walk to find the girls, IF you have JUST arrived home in a vehicle?

Hmmmmmmm! ..the facts in this case have been very misleading, imo
According to Rose Whitaker (Skyla's Mom) and Radio Chatter the Plackers were NOT AT HOME until after 5:15 PM on Sunday.

When the girls were killed (and the shots fired) the Plackers weren't home! And Rose knew the girls were dead before she arrived at the scene.

This would explain why the Plackers did not hear the gun shots. I realize there were different theories explaining why they may not have heard the gunshots but, this explains it completely.

We don't know anything EXCEPT, the girls was alive when Rose called at 4:30..nothing more.
We DO NOT know when the P's got home.
We do not know WHAT TIME the girls was shot? Only it was after 4:30
Even the neighbors could be off on their time by several minutes IF they aren't involved.
It's only the P's word what time they drove into the driveway, that day...

Who's to say the girls were not alive then?...jmo
When did gm and gm leave the house that day,why both people?
What time did they leave?

Who was AT the P. house that weekend other than the 2 girls and gparents?
Did the gp's leave to "take someone" home?

Common sense tells me, IF Taylor called gm or gp AFTER they left the house, to ask IF they could walk to the bridge, "they" had a cell phone with them..

Sooooo WHY would gp have to "find" Taylors to make the 911 call?

IF they were NOT home, in which direction did they arrive home and what time?

Why walk to find the girls, IF you have JUST arrived home in a vehicle?
Hmmmmmmm! ..the facts in this case have been very misleading, imo

I questioned that one myself - maybe they though the girls might be home and both went inside to check - then, seeing that they weren't there, Mr. P ran to the end of the drive to look down the road - didn't see them and just starting walking - makes sense to me.

IF they were pretty sure they girls weren't home, then why go home in the first place and not continue the search in the car - but I don't think they had anyway of knowing whether the girls were at home, so they just went there first.
From where the Placker's life, when they come out of their driveway, the have to turn left or right -
I believe if they turned left, that would have been in the direction where the girls were found.

In any event, for those of you who know that area, which way is "town" or the majority of shops that they might have gone to?

Was gp driving his white truck that Sunday?
I really do appreciate all the inside info Flowerchild is providing it does help fill in some gaps. Some of it doesnt make sense to me at all. Why were the calls Rose made to her daughter never mentioned before? Would seem like that would be one of the first details that came out with regards to time line etc. I honestly can't imagine Peter calling Rose on the phone and saying the girls are dead? If Rose knew ahead of time why did she wait until she got there to call Claudia? Why would the police keep it a secret that the Plackers were not home? Why would Claudia (who has done some interviews) go along with the story that has been told over and over that Peter waved down Rose and Rose knew immediately something was wrong, and Peter wouldnt let her get closer. If Rose had already spoken to her daughter and told her she was on the way, why call her daughter again a few minutes later? If she did call her daughter a few minutes later and couldnt reach her and then called the Plackers to tell them she was on the way and can not reach Skyla why was that such a secret? Something just doesnt make sense to me at all.
My Contact tells me that Rose said Peter CALLED her and told her the girls were dead. We don't know if the call was before or after the 911 call, but when Rose arrived at the scene, she already knew the girls were dead. Peter wouldn't have called her on the phone if she was standing right there...he called her before she left the farm or while she was on her way to the Placker house. Peter went to meet Rose at the car to keep her away from the crime scene, Rose already knew Skyla and Taylor were dead. You quoted the exact information about the call to Rose from Peter in your post: Rose said that when Peter Placker called her to tell her he'd found the girls dead he said "when we got home they weren't here and I went looking for them".

BTW, Rose already knew something was wrong when Skyla didn't answer her phone (the 2nd call Rose made) - that's why she called the Plackers just after 5PM, because Skyla wasn't answering her phone. Then Peter (or Vicky) tried calling Taylor on HER phone - no answer. At THAT time (5:10 or so), the Plackers were NOT AT HOME, so as soon as they did arrive home (around 5:20), Peter walked down the road to try and find the girls. He knew neither girl was answering her phone. Maybe he could even hear one or both of the girl's phones ringing as he walked toward the crime scene - I can see where Rose would just keep dialing Skyla's phone (and Vicky might have kept dialing Taylor's)

All we don't know is if Peter called Rose before or after the 911 call? It would be on the phone records for whichever phone he picked up at the scene to call 911 (obviously he did not bring his phone with him). Or maybe Peter called Rose on Skyla's phone and 911 with Taylors? It seems to me that Peter knew Rose was coming (so he had to stop her down the road) - how would he know that unless he talked to her and told her the girls were dead and told Rose where they were? Rose was just a short distance N of the crime scene, it would have taken her maybe 5 minutes to get there - I think she was waiting to hear from Peter or Vicky that the girls were back home BEFORE she got in the car to come get Skyla.

And I think this is what might have happened...Rose couldn't get ahold of Skyla, she called the Plackers and they said the girls went for a walk, and they would call Taylor's phone (like maybe Skyla left hers at home or something). Rose gets worried, maybe Claudia Farrow says "I'll walk up the road - maybe I'll see them walking over here" (because Skyla knew her mom was at the Farm/Ranch where Claudia and Jimmy worked), meantime Peter can't raise Taylor on her phone so the minute he arrives home he runs immediately up the road calling the girl's names. He doesn't bring his phone, maybe because Vicky is using it to call Taylor? Peter finds the girls and then calls Rose and tells her to come, the girls are dead - maybe calling Rose (and maybe Vicky too) BEFORE he dials 911 (it's obvious the girls are dead, there isn't any immediate rush to call for help and that call might explain the few minute's delay in calling 911). Rose calls her Mother Who is out looking for the girls) and tells her - and either Rose picks up Claudia and she arrives with Rose or Claudia gets the call and goes back to the Ranch, gets her car and follows a few minutes behind Rose. Vicky also runs to the scene. Peter is on the phone with 911 and is keeping everyone away from the bodies until LE arrives.

Maybe that's how it went down???

My Opinion

The call had to be before the 911 call because Rose's mother said that Rose called her around 5:20 pm. So it seems he must have called Rose first and quickly.

I really don't see how this is a reflection on either family. Both could have been at home at the time and if the girls walked to the bridge and back this could have happened. In a laid back rural setting and many times parents aren't afraid to leave their children for a short while in the middle of broad daylight if they arent going to be gone long.

Maybe Pete had to get Vicky from work.

I really do appreciate all the inside info Flowerchild is providing it does help fill in some gaps. Some of it doesn't make sense to me at all. Why were the calls Rose made to her daughter never mentioned before? Would seem like that would be one of the first details that came out with regards to time line etc. I honestly can't imagine Peter calling Rose on the phone and saying the girls are dead? If Rose knew ahead of time why did she wait until she got there to call Claudia? Why would the police keep it a secret that the Plackers were not home? Why would Claudia (who has done some interviews) go along with the story that has been told over and over that Peter waved down Rose and Rose knew immediately something was wrong, and Peter wouldn't let her get closer. Something just doesn't make sense to me at all.

Yes, I have noticed that myself, Busy.

Claudia's own words contradicts what Rose is supposed to be saying now.

At 5:08 p.m. Sunday, Whitaker called to let Taylor's grandfather know she was on her way to pick up Skyla.

If the Plackers were not home until 5:15 why would they not just drive down the road since they knew the girls had gone for a walk? The Plackers tried reaching Taylor by cell and couldnt after Rose called them, stands to reason if that was the case the Plackers would of driven down the road to the bridge on their way home instead of going home, parking, then Peter walking down the road to find them.
Why would the EMTs go to the Placker home first? Wouldnt they have been able to see Roses vehicle and Peter standing right there in the road?
At 5:08 p.m. Sunday, Whitaker called to let Taylor's grandfather know she was on her way to pick up Skyla.

If the Plackers were not home until 5:15 why would they not just drive down the road since they knew the girls had gone for a walk? The Plackers tried reaching Taylor by cell and couldn't after Rose called them, stands to reason if that was the case the Plackers would of driven down the road to the bridge on their way home instead of going home, parking, then Peter walking down the road to find them.

The first thing I would check would be the house first and look around in the backyard for them and then if they were not there I would walk down the road looking for them.

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