Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #13

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FlowerChild--thanks for sharing your info!

I think there is something about the crime scene that hasn't been made public yet. Early on, someone here posted a rumor. Someone close to the girls alluded to it on her MySpace (?) page, describing the gun injuries, then saying, 'I know more, but I'm not supposed to discuss it.' It may explain why the girls were found face-down.

Maybe the press conference, and the 911 call will be about that.
Sorry guys, I have read and heard so much since this case began, I have no ideal where to start looking....
I did hear it or read it somewhere....
Who knows, it could have been a misquote like most everything else we've read or heard....might have to wait and see if it was fact or not.

my time is very limited and I don't have the time to do any searching today...jmo

Letsthink, could the three mile thought in your head be from the (supposed) three miles the pickup truck boys were from the murders? (And does that sentence make any sense at all?)

Since we now (maybe) know that the girls were home alone, that leaves a lot of time for them to have done something other than stroll down to the bridge. They could have gotten (or been forced into) a vehicle and been driven around for some length of time. What if they were in the pickup truck?
It has never been mentioned that the girls were seen at the bridge- "we feel that they made it to the bridge". Did they "feel" that because the dog was found at the bridge on Monday?
So much of what we have heard or read is heresay. LE is not talking. Even some of the newspapers have stated some things differently than the first press clips from Weleetka.

I thought the first news of the deaths the mother of Skyla got was when she arrived on the scene and the grandfather of Taylor said, "they're gone".
Tomorrow will tell us . But I have to agree with FC & as I stated before..All the tight lips from LE & others sure adds up now.

Why did they go into detail about wind & GP not hearing gunshots?

JMO: There was so much going on behind the scenes @ that point & it was alot simplier to make that statement than open the door for everything else at that time. Kinda like on a need to know bases. She did not lie, just made an excuse why someone might not hear shots.
In every interview I have read and video I have listened to that Claudia spoke, she said SKYLA wanted to be a vet not that she herself was a vet. In my opinion I think bits and pieces of info Flower Child has received are correct, and bits and pieces the media and LE have given are correct. Its just trying to determine what the correct pieces are that is so darn frustrating.

In my opinion if we take all the information Flower is reporting and take it as fact, it only leads to someone in the family is guilty of this crime or at least guilty of a coverup and without more information and confirmation I am not able to take that leap.

Hopefully Monday will give us some more concrete information to go with and help figure out what happened that day.
So much of what we have heard or read is heresay. LE is not talking. Even some of the newspapers have stated some things differently than the first press clips from Weleetka.

I thought the first news of the deaths the mother of Skyla got was when she arrived on the scene and the grandfather of Taylor said, "they're gone".

I thought so too.
If the Plackers weren't home when the girls left, how do we know that they walked down the road alone?

Couldn't someone have come into the house and forced them to make the call to the grandfather and then forced them to go with them?

Great thinking as usual YellowDog....

We do not know IF someone came to visit the Plackers while they were away for the house that day, drunk or doped-up or other and saw the girls there alone....

definitely Skyla could have been forced to talk to Rose at 4:30, as if nothing was wrong, IF she had a gun to her head ..imo

I just don't think that is likely. OSBI has made a point to say they deem the witness, who saw the girls walking, very credible. OSBI believes that the girls made it to the bridge and back to where they died. If someone took them through force they wouldn't have let them stand on the side of the road and kill them there imo. I think the girls did see the killer for a few seconds and they were facing him probably thinking to themselves why he had stopped where they were. Then without any warning he killed them both.

I don't think anyone came to the Placker home. I think all of this happened after they left the house to go walking like they had asked to do before they went.

Sorry guys, I have read and heard so much since this case began, I have no ideal where to start looking....
I did hear it or read it somewhere....
Who knows, it could have been a misquote like most everything else we've read or heard....might have to wait and see if it was fact or not.

my time is very limited and I don't have the time to do any searching today...jmo

Thats okay. We have read many things and some of it did not come from the media but other forums, although the media is guilty of misspeaks too, that turn out to be just speculation, rumor, gossip and opinions and have never even been mentioned by OSBI or the media.

It does get confusing. What LE has really said versus what has been discussed here are very different. Our position is to have opinions on the case not to solve the case. I still think OSBI knows many things we do not know and will solve this case. It may not be done right away as they seem mystified as to a motive but they are working diligently on it and not just giving up imo.

I think the PC tomorrow is to let the citizens know this case is far from being a cold case.

Thats okay. We have read many things and some of it did not come from the media but other forums, although the media is guilty of misspeaks too, that turn out to be just speculation, rumor, gossip and opinions and have never even been mentioned by OSBI or the media.

It does get confusing. What LE has really said versus what has been discussed here are very different. Our position is to have opinions on the case not to solve the case. I still think OSBI knows many things we do not know and will solve this case. It may not be done right away as they seem mystified as to a motive but they are working diligently on it and not just giving up imo.

I think the PC tomorrow is to let the citizens know this case is far from being a cold case.



Once again, you have said exactly what I was thinking. :clap:

In every interview I have read and video I have listened to that Claudia spoke, she said SKYLA wanted to be a vet not that she herself was a vet. In my opinion I think bits and pieces of info Flower Child has received are correct, and bits and pieces the media and LE have given are correct. Its just trying to determine what the correct pieces are that is so darn frustrating.

In my opinion if we take all the information Flower is reporting and take it as fact, it only leads to someone in the family is guilty of this crime or at least guilty of a coverup and without more information and confirmation I am not able to take that leap.

Hopefully Monday will give us some more concrete information to go with and help figure out what happened that day.

I am sure not going to take that leap either, Busy. I don't even see anything that was a coverup. I have never heard Pete Placker say he was at home when he got the call from Rose or when the girls called him wanting to walk to the bridge and back.

And no matter what the case was it wouldn't have changed the outcome. The Plackers could have been sitting right in their home when the girls left and been there when this happened. That wouldn't have stopped this monster from doing this to those girls.

It has been said that Skyla and Taylor were inseparable and imo them walking to the bridge and back had happened before because Vicki said that they had been letting Taylor venture out more since she was getting older for the last few months.

The events as they are known to LE is what counts here. They have all the records and I am sure if the Plackers went into town for whatever reason that could be so easily verifiable jut like all the cell phone records. I don't know if Rose misunderstood Pete or if he told her and the police the same thing that they were not home but when they returned they could not find the children and that is when he went looking for them.

Also what is confusing is Claudia said that Rose called her around 5:20 pm yet we have heard that the 911 call was made around 5:38-5:40 pm. Yet no 911 call came in from Rose either yet she did call her mother right away from what we know now. Personally I think the down time on the 911 call was due to the unimaginable turmoil and emotion being felt on that lonely stretch of road with two people who had to be very much in shock and overwhelmed with grief.

For all we know Vicky may have worked that day and he had to go to pick her up and come right back.

They would have gone south from drive way, if going to Weleetka, north would take them into Henryetta
I don't believe that Rose thinks the Plackers had anything (directly) to do with the murders, I think she is a grieving mother who wants to blame someone, somehow for what happened to Skyla. The old saying "don't shoot the messenger" is applicable here I think. I certainly don't blame either family - and neither of the families is without a closet full of secrets and skeltons.

But I also think that we (the public) are not being told most of the facts in this case and it's natural that people will try to fill that vacuum with information from somewhere. That we are now getting more info about the local residents and the two families is the reason I cannot imagine this was a murder done by kids - it would spill out, just like the various snippets af information about the family dynamics and what really happened that day are slipping out - one little bit at a time. We don't have the whole picture yet, but it's certainly starting to fill in a little (IMHO). And my goodness, both of these girls were surrounded by some very "interesting" people - in the families and in the neighborhood.

Until the OSBI gives us something more to go on than the POI - there isn't much any of us can do except speculate and try to gather enough varied information from local people (who would know) to fill in the gaping holes and obvious flaws in the bare-bones scenarios we have thus far been given by LE. OSBI has been extremely tight lipped, as have the families - there is an obvious elephant in the room - and will one day look back and wonder how we could have missed something so huge -and be shocked that despite all our efforts, the elephant stayed invisible for so long.

I hope the PC gives us some facts and information to work on - and we all have to remember that while we may disagree at times, we ALL share the same GOAL here, to see the killer(s) of two beautiful angels off the streets and on Oklahoma's death row where they belong.

It's frustrating and hard to live in the heart of this case and I am sending virtual hugs to all the fellow sleuthers on this forum. Skyla and Taylor have touched all of us and that is the legacy they have left us - they celebrated their friendship every day and we all should take that remembrance of them to heart.

My Opinion
Well, if there had been somebody with the girls the LE would have seen three sets of footprints, that is how they knew they had made it to the bridge. right??
FlowerChild, remember when we were discussing whether the POI could be a red herring? You said that the witnesses wouldn't have been able to fool the artist because he is also veteran LE. I agree with you about that. But what if they had been describing a real person (such as Timothy Creech) not knowing he would have a solid alibi. Do you think that would change things?
I wonder how many different sets of footprints LE found? Or did it get muddled with all the people walking about? EMTs, relatives, LE..
LE pretty much wears law enforcement style boots i would think, so it might help narrow it down. It would also tell us how many killers or involved culprits there may have been.
Tomorrow will tell us . But I have to agree with FC & as I stated before..All the tight lips from LE & others sure adds up now.

Why did they go into detail about wind & GP not hearing gunshots?

JMO: There was so much going on behind the scenes @ that point & it was alot simplier to make that statement than open the door for everything else at that time. Kinda like on a need to know bases. She did not lie, just made an excuse why someone might not hear shots.

From what I understand, OSBI & LE's had questioned both families separately.
I'm guessing at the time OSBI talked about the wind & GP not hearing gunshots- there were 2 different statements- Rose's/Placker's.
I'm sure at that time of the investagation LE's didn't no who to believe?
With all calls being cell phones..Placker's being home/not home who knows.
I heard when Rose is asked about the case she says the Plackers know more than she does, LE doesn't tell her anything.

Rose was/is confused ... like we all are.
I am still inclined to think that those girls knew something that someone did not want divulged.
My source. I don't think we (the general public "we") are supposed to know. The only reason it's "out" now is that Rose Whitaker is upset and is talking and telling people why she is upset with the Plackers. She feels that Peter was not forthcoming with her or LE about what was going on on the hours before the Murders. Her anger is mostly based on the fact that she perceives she is being seen as a negligent mother because nobody knows that no-one was home when the girls were killed and that the girls were allowed (by the Plackers) to go walking down the road even though no adults were home - that they were left out there alone by the Plackers with no help in sight. And they ended up dying within sight of Taylor's house - where no-one was home.

And I wonder what would have happened if the Plackers were home, Maybe they would have SEEN the killers, maybe they would have heard the shots or the girls crying out for help. The were almost home and yet so very very alone. If it was my child, the idea that she died knowing no-one was going to come and help her would be almost unbearable.

I have no reason to doubt what I am told and the Radio Calls do back that up - Peter Placker said "I came home and found the girls dead" (that has come from more than one local person BTW). I also think that may be one of the reasons the 911 call hasn't been released and even now, only PART of the call will be aired. With Rose making an issue out of this, it wouldn't be long before everyone knew, and LE wants to control the information in this case so now THEY will release that info to the public.

But as I always say with info I get from my contact, it's up to you to believe the information or not. I think it's true - mainly because it being true answers a LOT of nagging questions AND because there is no reason for Rose to to lie about it - it doesn't really change the case much - except that the killer could have stopped by the Placker house and KNEW there was no-one home before he killed the girls. Whether the Plackers were home or not doesn't matter except in that one scenario - and obviously if the Plackers were NOT home - they could have a stone solid alibi because they were with someone else or in a public place at the time of the murders.

So, it's out there now, and if true it's no longer a secret - up to people to believe it or not.

My Opinion

This changes things for me.
Did the killer(s) know that the Plackers weren't home, and that's why he was comfortable killing them just steps from Taylors home? If the killer(s) knew the Plackers weren't home, then this is not a random killing and the girls were targeted. I'm not saying it isn't a random killing, could have been that the killer(s) didn't even know who the girls were therefore wouldn't have known where they lived and that the gparents weren't home. BUT it is a big coinkidink that the Plackers were not at home at the time the girls were shot. IMO
Lifesaver..I guess i must of missed some of your post, I am sorry I will have to go back & read them. Wow Since you said Hi to Sheza does than mean you are a local too? How did I miss that? Dah..LOL
Anyway If you are, can you tell me if the ranch that the Farrows work at is near the one that the teen girl reported a sighting at ?
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