Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #13

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I tell you ..There are so many ways it could happen. But my thoughts keep going back to familar ties that bind. These weapons that were used & the grouping of shots tell me this was experience. Once we know the calib of bullets that will tell too. Some of these guns have a heck of a kick..& these shots were right on. Like LE said wanted them dead. I feel if it was target pratice & cruel fun it woul have been legs ect. But these shots were grouped to deadly quick zones.
My husband feels like it was some kind of a gang. Because of the guns. He says most country folk have rifles. He thinks it was handguns, the type gangs would use, not good ol country boys.
Claudia at least made memories to hold close to her heart. Its nice she spent time alone with Skyla and they worshiped together. Life is about making wonderful memories to hold sacred within our hearts and soul.

That's sweet, LifeSaver!

I tell you ..There are so many ways it could happen. But my thoughts keep going back to familar ties that bind. These weapons that were used & the grouping of shots tell me this was experience. Once we know the calib of bullets that will tell too. Some of these guns have a heck of a kick..& these shots were right on. Like LE said wanted them dead. I feel if it was target pratice & cruel fun it woul have been legs ect. But these shots were grouped to deadly quick zones.

But even children learn how to bring a target down. My 9 year grand daughter took her first hunting class ( state requirement before hunting) just before deer season and she brought down her deer first try. I forgot what she said but the week of classes she had , learned just where to shoot to bring down first shot. They are taught not to just injure the deer because they will get away and suffer before death.
I agree rose i was the same way..with a Rifle..but these weapons that were used were not Rifles or shot gun.

Frog your hubby & i are thinking along the same lines

Bandido Gang
God, leads us in the right direction. I'm reading bad comments about the Farrows. I have to wonder how many pointing fingers, took the time out of their busy lifes and took their granddaughters to church camp. That tells you a little about the family, doesn't it.
Are they kin to each other?

How are they intertwined other than Mr. Chancey is an employer of the Farrows and Mr. Chancey rents the house to the Plackers?

Thanks in advance. Maybe I missed what the link is.

Not related as for as I know
They BOTH have immediate family members in prison/jail
The Plackers rent from D Chancey who employs Claudia and Jimmy Farrow
The Plackers and the Whitakers both have roots in the area, even though they lived elsewhere most of their lives
Rose was raised by her Aunt, Taylor was being raised by her Grandparents
Both the Plackers and Whitakers moved to Weleetka to escape a big city and all the crime/bad influences there - both families made sacrifices to give their daughters a safer, carefree, simpler life in the country
ALL of them, the Farrows the Plackers and Whitakers had things in their lives they didn't want the community to know and had probably hoped to keep secret
Rose was at the Chancey Farm when Skyla was killed, just a short distance away
All of them are simple working people who are ill-prepared for the media and the attention of a case so much in the public eye

Skyla and Taylor were both kids from broken homes - Skyla's mother was twice divorced and had children living in Kansas and Okla and Taylor, as we all know, was living with her G-PArents who she called Mom and Dad. Both had siblings MUCH older than them. No wonder they gravitated to each other

I don't believe the Whitakers and the Plackers socialized a lot except for their children's sake and there may have been some pre-existing tension between the Plackers and the Farrows before the girls were killed. Now It seems no-one is getting along, and even families are being split over what happened and the aftermath. I think the Plackers and the Whitakers are somewhat similar - and have similar issues within their immediate families. Rose is dealing with her son going to prison, far away from her and the Plackers have kids and siblings and nephews who are in prison, have been in prison or who are dating or married to someone in prison. Both families are poor and were working very hard to give their kids something better than they had, a better education, a better life and better future.

I don't believe either family has any connection to the the killer(s) - at least directly...but I do believe that the killer(s) may have felt in some way connected to them or the girls or was at some time brought into the girl's world - even if it was a brief encounter. The very remoteness of the crime scene just makes it all seem very unlikely that it was just some random crazy person from OKC or Tulsa who just happened to find two girls walking along a country dirt road and shot them. Sure seems to me that a real crazy person who wasn't local or tied to one of the families could have found tons of anonymous people (or kids) to shoot down closer to home.

What I hope is that the PC gives out NEW information and puts this case on step closer to being solved. People are ready and willing to help, they just aren't being told HOW to help, or even what direction to go in to help. If the OSBI wants the public to find their killer, then we'd better be given something more than a sketch and 6 weeks of silence.

My Opinion
Flower how is it that you can put into words so nicely what I am thinking... Good post my dear :clap:
Now that we know that Plackers were not home, could it be possible that the girls from where they were on the road, see somebody pull into the plackers driveway, like trying to break in. the car/truck leaves, sees the girls and know they can identify them. Or something in that direction rather than towards the bridge.

I must have missed the info that the Plackers weren't home. Did they leave for a little while then come back? Where were they? thanks
Its nice to have a pretty thought come out of the ugliness that has happened.
Good nite all its almost 12:30 here. Tomorrow will bring answers just keep thinking that
I can't say exactly where the police radio calls were heard - the calls could have been heard a lot of places that day, and the contact (who heard them personally) is reliable, lets just leave it at that.

I am not implying (and neither did my contact) that Peter or Vicky or Rose had ANYTHING to do with these murders. Just that the real story is a bit different than the "public" story and there is a reason the two families have NOT joined together to speak out and ask the public for information or for help in finding the POI.

The Plackers may have told LE the truth, that they weren't home - but they might not have told LE right away - maybe it was days, even weeks after the murders. Long enough that OSBI was giving out incorrect information as to why the Plackers didn't hear the shots. Or perhaps LE doesn't want the public to know the Placker's weren't home?

My contact says Rose is just now beginning to speak about what happened. For whatever reason, (right or wrong) Rose feels like the Plackers have not been forthcoming with her about the time leading up to Peter finding the kids. Perhaps Rose is upset because the girls were left alone? Perhaps she is upset about them allowing the girls to go walking while Peter and Vicky weren't home? It would be very understandable if Rose felt that somehow the Plackers were partly to blame for what happened - I think survivors often want to blame someone for a tragedy like this, I'm sure Rose can't be with the Plackers without being reminded of Skyla and reliving the pain. Without a suspect in custody (or even a motive), Rose might be blaming Peter or both Peter and Vicky. The murder of a child often breaks up marriages - friendships are even more likely to crumble under the pressure - especially when both sides lost a child.

Questions I have are why was it necessary for BOTH Peter and Vicky to leave together - or was only Peter home and he went somewhere?
Hey, we don't know if Vicky was even at HOME when Peter found the girls? Maybe she was at work?
How long had they (or Peter if he was home alone) been gone?
Where did he/they go? (We know it was somewhere SOUTH of their house because he/they did NOT pass the girls lying beside the road on their way home (or at least the public hasn't been told that Peter (or both Peter and Vicky) saw the girls driving by.
Did Peter call Rose before or after he called 911 - because he had called her and she knew the girls were dead before she drove up - he did not meet her at her car to tell her, or stop her from seeing the girls before he could tell her, he met her at the car to stop her from disturbing the scene - she already knew the girls were dead. LE/Dispatch probably told Peter to do whatever he had to do to keep everyone away from the scene until they could get there. Plus I'm sure Peter didn't want to keep looking at the girls himself. That has to be every father's (GF's) worst nightmare - to walk up to something like Peter walked up to.

I will say that every statement made by the Plackers has led the public to believe that they were home when the girls left on their walk and were home when Rose called them. Although looking back at every interview, Peter has NEVER said specifically that they were home - just that the girls were taking a walk, that Rose called and said she was coming to get Skyla, that they (Peter and Vicky) called Taylor and did not get an answer and so Peter went to find the girls and found them dead beside the road about 1/ 4 mile N of the house. What Peter doesn't say is more important - he never says that when Rose called Peter it was because Skyla didn't answer her phone. Peter never says, we were driving home and Rose called us, Peter never says we don't know what time the girls left exactly because we weren't at home when they left. And Peter certainly never says anything like we/I drove straight home and I went to look for the girls.

Peter Placker did know something wasn't right before he got home and before he went to look for the girls. And I betcha Rose Whitaker knew too. If it wasn't like the girls NOT to answer their phones Peter and Rose had to have a feeling something had gone horribly wrong. What we don't know is what THEY think happened (and why).

My Opinion

Okay, I'll probably get hammered for this one but if Peter was not home and was trying to get ahold of the girls, and he came home to find them, would he not drive down the road??? Why park the car, walk inside looking for them? and then walk to find them - especially if you were worried about them because they weren't answering their cell phones? Maybe that's exactly what happened but something just "ain't sittin' right" with me.
Okay, I'll probably get hammered for this one but if Peter was not home and was trying to get ahold of the girls, and he came home to find them, would he not drive down the road??? Why park the car, walk inside looking for them? and then walk to find them - especially if you were worried about them because they weren't answering their cell phones? Maybe that's exactly what happened but something just "ain't sittin' right" with me.

I dont know about anyone else's but when my cell phone rings, I cant hear it if it isnt close to me.
Maybe they had groceries, and wanted to go in and see if the girls were there but just didnt hear the phones. thats what I would do if I got to my home first before the direction they walked. Or at least I think I would. Then as someone said, when they saw the girls weren't in the house or yard, he walked to the road and looked up it to see if he could see them. Not seeing them, he decided to walk. Country folk dont usually mind walking. JMO
Good nite all its almost 12:30 here. Tomorrow will bring answers just keep thinking that

nite nite hun. cya tomorrow. Maybe we will have something to all discuss that is starting to look positive in the way of finding out what really happened
I dont mean to take up the whole page, but before everyone goes, those of you who want to, lets agree that our voices join together in prayer at 9pm each evening. The Lord will hear our voices and prayers like a song. What'cha think? I'm for it! 9pm each nite we pray for each other, the families, and anyone else who is affected by this tragedy
the trusted topix forum :liar:

We dont know for a fact it is rumor. We just know that 2 of the 3 stores I called knew nothing about it. The third one had removed theirs, but the person who answered the phone said they were not sure when it was removed or why and that I would have to talk to the manager in the morning. I think by then, if it is true they were told to remove them, it will be told on the Press conference
the trusted topix forum :liar:

I hope you dont think I sounded rude. It wasnt meant to be.

I dont go to topix anymore, not even to read since today since I heard there was alot of bad mouthing going on. It just upsets me that people can be so rude and stupid. lol So I am staying away.
Well I';m back. Hubby is snoring so loud I bet the neighbors could hear him if they didn't have the AC on LOL

I came out to LR with laptop

Frog 9pm is good that is 10 my time
Welcome back, 99. I was just cleaning out some of my mail to make more for new.
My husband snores loud too!

Did anyone ever find out what time that news conference was going to taker place? I know it was announced on Channel 6 Tulsa, but will you be able to see it or do you have to wait for a video online?
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