Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #14

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The crime I was referring to earlier was the one where the girl was abducted from Texhoma, Oklahoma. That suspect is still at large.

Also, I just wanted to add, that yes, nutjobs can and do go on their killing sprees, and return back to "normal" living. BTK comes to mind, as well as a few others.
Serial Killers and Spree Killers and Serial Child Molester/Adbductors/Killers are the exception to the "nutjob" rule. This is (as far as we know), not the work of a serial killer or a spree killer or a practiced abductor. There have been no other murders with same MO, no suicide after killing family or "enemies" and no attempted or successful abductions.

It's highly unlikely these murders were the work of a Traditional Serial Killer, it just doesn't fit the MO of having complete control, privacy to work and being able to linger with the victims, take souvenirs, revisit victims and possess them after death as they couldn't in life. Serial Killers are NUTS, but they are controlled nuts, you are correct, they don't "snap" because they were born without the ability to "snap" - they don't feel anything - the murders themselves are an attempt to feel SOMETHING. They feel a need to kill, but they control that need and mask themselves in a shell of mundane, normality...they fit in and look so darn normal because they WORK at fitting in, it doesn't come naturally. They are usually severely sociopathic and they are not suicidal, they are in fact, driven to live - they don't feel guilt or pain, they only fear one thing, the loss of self control - and that's what death is ultimately.

However it COULD be the work of a Serial Spree Killer IF there are more similar murders within the next month. Usually Spree Killers must continue to kill with regularity (randomly and violently) for a reason that is only inside their head. They do "snap" and they are not capable of controlling their "snaps"... and once they start, they can't stop. They will kill again when the stimulus that causes the "snap" is repeated.That doesn't mean they are acting like nuts all the time,at least in the beginning - it's more that they are constantly feeling a pressure build and eventually they can no longer control it and must kill again for relief. Once the pressure is relieved, they can often return to "normal" - but the periods of "normal" become fewer as the relief they feel after killing no longer fufills their need for inner calm. They are often severely psychopathic - with the added dimension of a severe personlity disorder. They often end with a suicide or suicide by cop - they do feel guilt and feel they deserve to die. To them, death means a welcome relief from their inner pain - their uncontrollable urges will stop forever.

Child Molestors/Abductors/Killers want their victim, to them, killing them is a sad but necessary final step in their fantasies. A step they won't take until they are about to, or have achieved physical intimacy with the victim. They are sometimes collectors who take young 11-12-13 year old girls and boys and keep them for a long time in a secret room, or place. These men don't gun down potential victims on the side of the road without touching them - they just move on to another victim if they aren't successful. For these men it's their FANTASY and the sex that are important and necessary, the killing is a clinical necessity so they can continue to have their fantasy. To possess their victims is everything to them - that is the goal, not the killing. These man are often pedophiles or fixated on an ideal love object of a certain age or appearance. They are sexually deviant and have a rich, complex fantasy life that they are compelled to try and make a reality...and most (outside the long-term collectors) are always disappointed (and angry at the victim) that reality doesn't feel as good as the fantsy they have nurtured and built and created in their head. And so they abduct, assault (or attempt to assault) and kill, in that specific order, over and over - until they are caught. They are indeed mentally ill, and nuts, but their nuts is built-in, often from birth, they have never expereinced life any other way. They don't ever " go nuts", because their "nuts" is so much a part of them and their inner dialog that their behavior in public never changes. In fact, they often constantly require validation that they are "normal" - they seek out OTHER people like them in a desperate bid to justify what they do and how they feel. These guys just "are" nuts, like we "are" normal. :rant: (And IMO, the child molestors and collectors cannot be cured, because you can't cure something that has an organic origin inside the brain - they are what they are, just like we are heterosexual or homosexual - until we find the origin of sexual attraction in the brain and learn to analyze it and then properly manipulate it, what they have wrong with them cannot be fixed, all we can do is get better at diagnosing them before they hurt a child and for their own safety and the children's remove them from children forever.)

I just don't see this particular murder fitting any of the three scenarios above. Does it fit Thrill Killing? Maybe. It does fit Anger, Revenge, Vindication, and Payback - OH YES! This crime had passion and extreme overkill - and it was up close and personal - even beyond what Spree Killers do. This feels targeted somehow the target maybe the girls, or maybe someone in the girl's lives. The killer meant to kill Taylor and Skyla - no doubt - and that feels planned - not at all random. This wasn't someone acting out an impulse, a wild crazy fantasy, this was someone who came to kill and calmly and methodically did kill and then walked away as if it was nothing.

Just My Opinion Though - Your Mileage May Vary......
Quote By Flowerchild: "I am dead certain that NONE of the Placker-Paschal's intended any harm come to even a single hair on Taylor's head - and certainly not her little best friend. This was never supposed to happen - but when you play with fire, sometimes it gets out of control and burns people who were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

And what I fear is that if Vicky and Peter had been home and the whole family INSIDE that house, there would have been 4 bodies, not two."
My Opinion

Flowerchild you sure put that into perspective. I agree 150%...

SeriouslySearching Thank you for answering my is very scary.
Child Molestors/Abductors/Killers want their victim, to them, killing them is a sad but necessary final step in their fantasies. A step they won't take until they are about to, or have achieved physical intimacy with the victim. They are sometimes collectors who take young 11-12-13 year old girls and boys and keep them for a long time in a secret room, or place. These men don't gun down potential victims on the side of the road without touching them - they just move on to another victim if they aren't successful. For these men it's their FANTASY and the sex that are important and necessary, the killing is a clinical necessity so they can continue to have their fantasy. To possess their victims is everything to them - that is the goal, not the killing. These man are often pedophiles or fixated on an ideal love object of a certain age or appearance. They are sexually deviant and have a rich, complex fantasy life that they are compelled to try and make a reality...and most (outside the long-term collectors) are always disappointed (and angry at the victim) that reality doesn't feel as good as the fantsy they have nurtured and built and created in their head. And so they abduct, assault (or attempt to assault) and kill, in that specific order, over and over - until they are caught. They are indeed mentally ill, and nuts, but their nuts is built-in, often from birth, they have never expereinced life any other way. They don't ever " go nuts", because their "nuts" is so much a part of them and their inner dialog that their behavior in public never changes. In fact, they often constantly require validation that they are "normal" - they seek out OTHER people like them in a desperate bid to justify what they do and how they feel. These guys just "are" nuts, like we "are" normal. :rant: (And IMO, the child molestors and collectors cannot be cured, because you can't cure something that has an organic origin inside the brain - they are what they are, just like we are heterosexual or homosexual - until we find the origin of sexual attraction in the brain and learn to analyze it and then properly manipulate it, what they have wrong with them cannot be fixed, all we can do is get better at diagnosing them before they hurt a child and for their own safety and the children's remove them from children forever.)

I just don't see this particular murder fitting any of the three scenarios above. Does it fit Thrill Killing? Maybe. It does fit Anger, Revenge, Vindication, and Payback - OH YES! This crime had passion and extreme overkill - and it was up close and personal - even beyond what Spree Killers do. This feels targeted somehow the target maybe the girls, or maybe someone in the girl's lives. The killer meant to kill Taylor and Skyla - no doubt - and that feels planned - not at all random. This wasn't someone acting out an impulse, a wild crazy fantasy, this was someone who came to kill and calmly and methodically did kill and then walked away as if it was nothing.

Just My Opinion Though - Your Mileage May Vary......[/QUOTE]

Good Morning~
Thank you for always explaining everything so clearly. I love it. :blowkiss:

This is a scenario that I have been thinking about: First of all, from what we know of the crime scene, it was very disorganized. This indicates the killer(s) were disorganized. (You can google that term if you need to. I do not want to take the space up on this thread to write everything that term entails) I believe this could have been an abduction gone wrong. I believe the perp(s) may have been on drugs, this would have been the first time they had acted on their abduction urges. When they were rebuffed by the girls, they got mad and went for overkill. Or 2nd theory: It was not the work of a first time pedophile. And when the girls rebuffed him, he shot them repeatedly because he had nothing to lose. Assuming he was a repeat offender, if he hadn't killed the girls, and they had id'ed him to LE, he was going back to jail. So, in his sick mind, why take the chance of witnesses?

I have no idea if this will turn out to be even close to what the real story will be. I just hope that at some point, we know the real story. I log on to WS everyday hoping for a break in the case. So far, it is always a disappointment. I have to believe that LE knows more than they are letting on and will someday surprise us with an arrest and eventual conviction.

I found "baby cousin Nita"

Not sure which Placker/Paschal is related to Lanita Sue Bateman AKA "Baby Cousin Nita"
From Linda K Placker's Web Site

and the crime was Gang Related thru Nita's Boyfriend Zjaiton Wood (Life Sentence) and his brother Tremaine (Tremane) Wood (Death Sentence)
It occurred in Oklahoma City, Jan 1, 2001 - Lanita was 18 years old.

Lanita Sue Bateman AKA "Baby Cousin Nita" (BD 1/12/1982)

Murder 1st Degree (sentenced to life 6-11-03)
also guilty of robbery with a firearm, conspiracy to commit a felony
About The Murder
Zjaiton Wood Lanita's Boyfriend and Co-Defendant Now Serving LWOP
Tremaine Wood Lanita's Co-Defendant Now On Death Row

If anybody can figure out how "Nita" is Linda's cousin and what Gang Affiliation the Wood Bros have/had that would be great - I have read/researched myself blind finding all of this.

The more I dig, the uglier the picture gets! :mad:
Poor Taylor

My Opinion
I found "baby cousin Nita"

Not sure which Placker/Paschal is related to Lanita Sue Bateman AKA "Baby Cousin Nita"
From Linda K Placker's Web Site

and the crime was Gang Related thru Nita's Boyfriend Zjaiton Wood (Life Sentence) and his brother Tremaine (Tremane) Wood (Death Sentence)
It occurred in Oklahoma City, Jan 1, 2001 - Lanita was 18 years old.

Lanita Sue Bateman AKA "Baby Cousin Nita" (BD 1/12/1982)

Murder 1st Degree (sentenced to life 6-11-03)
also guilty of robbery with a firearm, conspiracy to commit a felony
About The Murder
Zjaiton Wood Lanita's Boyfriend and Co-Defendant Now Serving LWOP
Tremaine Wood Lanita's Co-Defendant Now On Death Row

If anybody can figure out how "Nita" is Linda's cousin and what Gang Affiliation the Wood Bros have/had that would be great - I have read/researched myself blind finding all of this.

The more I dig, the uglier the picture gets! :mad:
Poor Taylor

My Opinion

EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD and her life is over, how very sad.
This is just sickening
I thought I would put Tony's info here too..This guy is my age !!

80-1439OKLABurglary - Second Degree / Afcf10/03/198015Y 0M 0D Incarceration10/03/198012/11/199480-1972OKLABurglary - Second Degree / Afcf10/03/198015Y 0M 0D Incarceration10/03/198012/11/199493-5956OKLADistribution Of Cds (Cocaine) Afcf04/15/199415Y 0M 0D Incarceration04/29/199412/21/200093-5957OKLADistribution Of Cds (Methamphetamine) Afcf04/15/199415Y 0M 0D Incarceration04/29/199412/21/200094-39OKLARobbery With A Dangerous Weapon Afcf04/15/199415Y 0M 0D Incarceration04/29/199412/15/200094-14MCCLBurglary Second Degree06/21/19945Y 0M 0D Incarceration06/21/199402/03/199794-14MCCLBurglary 2nd Degree06/21/19945Y 0M 0D Incarceration06/21/199402/03/199795-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/19955Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200012/30/200295-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/199515Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200005/20/200895-3181OKLAMaint Place Where Cds Is Kept08/17/199515Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200005/20/200895-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/19955Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200012/30/200295-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/19955Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200012/30/200295-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/19955Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200012/30/200295-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/19955Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200012/30/200295-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/199515Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200005/20/200895-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/199515Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200005/20/200895-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/199515Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200005/20/200895-3181OKLAConspiracy To Dist Cds08/17/199515Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200005/20/200895-3181OKLADist Of Cds08/17/199515Y 0M 0D Incarceration12/15/200005/20/20081995-3181TULSDist Of Cds/Poss W/Intent2.2 YParole03/09/200605/19/20081995-3181TULSConsp/Att/Endeavor To Commit Drug Crime2.2 YParole03/09/200605/19/20081995-3181TULSMaint Place For Keeping/Selling Cds2.2 YParole03/09/200605/19/2008


Once again FlowserChild you have out done yourself !! I will play with it for awhile.. Hubby is gone till 3pm
It's interesting that many Websleuth posters and also Topix Weleetka posters are coming to the same conclusion, that this is somehow related to the family, although not necessarily the parents. How, then, can LE not have the same feeling about this case? Their response has IMO been pathetic. They appear to not want the public's help and would rather get the perks of solving this case on their own. IMO (again) they are going about this the wrong way.
FlowerChild'slink brought up this info..

I am posting it because of the names here. It might be eaiser to research if we have all names up front. More at link to much to post

Appellant Tremane Wood and three others were involved in and charged with the murder of Ronnie Wipf and the robbery of Arnold Kleinsasser. Clarity requires us to set forth the relationship between these defendants and the outcome of their cases. In addition to Tremane Wood, the defendants include Tremane’s older brother Zjaiton Wood, Zjaiton’s girlfriend Lanita Bateman, and the mother of one of Tremane’s sons,
Brandy Warden. 3 Brandy Warden entered into a plea agreement, cooperated with the State and testified against her co-defendants. She pled guilty to Accessory After the Fact and Conspiracy. 4
Zjaiton and Lanita were each found guilty in separate trials of felony murder, robbery with firearms, and conspiracy. 5

The Story of what happen

¶3 On New Years Eve 2001, Ronnie Wipf and Arnold Kleinsasser went to the Bricktown Brewery in Oklahoma City where Zjaiton, Tremane, Lanita and Brandy were celebrating. Near closing time, Wipf and Kleinsasser met Lanita and Brandy believing they were two ordinary girls celebrating the new year together. Lanita and Brandy agreed to accompany Wipf and Kleinsasser to a motel on the pretext of continuing to celebrate the new year. Brandy, Lanita, Tremane, and Zjaiton then made a plan whereby the women would pretend to be prostitutes and the brothers Wood would arrive at the motel later and rob Wipf and Kleinsasser.

¶4 Once in their room at a Ramada Inn, Lanita made a telephone call to Zjaiton to let him know where they were, ending her conversation by saying, “Mom, I love you” so the victims would not be suspicious. The call to “Mom” was followed by some general conversation among the four which included a discussion of what each did for a living. Lanita told Kleinsasser that “this” is what she did and he realized that she meant she earned her living by having sex with men. That revelation was followed by a negotiation whereby the two women agreed to have sex with Wipf and Kleinsasser for $210.00. Since neither man had that much money, Brandy drove Kleinsasser to a nearby ATM. He gave her the money he withdrew and they returned to the room.
¶5 Back at the motel, the women went into the bathroom together, and shortly after, someone pounded on the door and called out, “Brandy, are you in there? Brandy, are you ready to go home?” Wipf refused to open the door and urgently told Kleinsasser to call the police. Before he could reach the phone, Lanita picked it up and pretended to call the police. Since it was now clear that the women were not going to have sex with them, Wipf demanded the return of their money. After a brief period of pandemonium in the room, Wipf opened the door and the women ran out. Recognizing a white car as the one Zjaiton and Tremane were driving, they got in and waited. Meanwhile, two masked men rushed into the motel room, a larger man, subsequently identified as Zjaiton Wood, holding a gun and a smaller man, subsequently identified as Tremane Wood, brandishing a knife.6 Zjaiton pointed the gun at Kleinsasser’s head and demanded money. Kleinsasser gave him the rest of the money in his wallet. Zjaiton then joined Tremane in his attack on Wipf. As the three struggled, Kleinsasser heard one of the intruders say, “Just shoot the *advertiser censored*” and then a gunshot. Tremane then turned his attention to Kleinsasser, demanding more money. Kleinsasser showed him his empty wallet, and Tremane hit him on the head with the knife. Tremane rejoined the struggle with Wipf and the fight moved into the bedroom area. Kleinsasser could see Wipf was bleeding and knew that he was seriously injured. While the two intruders struggled with Wipf, Kleinsasser escaped and sought help from the motel office. Before anyone could unlock the office door and help him, however, Kleinsasser fled to a nearby apartment complex to hide. From his vantage point there, he watched the motel and saw a white car leave the parking lot. He saw people come and go throughout the night, but, with no sense of whom they were, remained in hiding. It was 6:00 a.m. before he returned to the scene of the attack and learned of Wipf’s death from a police detective.

Prior to going to the Bricktown Brewery, Zjaiton and Tremane robbed a local pizza restaurant and attacked the owner, wearing the masks and gloves they had just purchased and using the gun and knife that they later used in the robbery-murder at the Ramada Inn. According to the restaurant owner, the smaller man had the knife and the larger man had the gun.
I'm not one to pass judgement BUT ... with a family tree like these 2 families seem to have, it would almost seem like it is some kind of revenge killing going on ... drugs, murder ... God I'd hate to find out that someone could hate enough to murder 2 innocent children, makes me sick to my stomach.:mad:
It is good to be back !!What I found today was the basic gang stuff. The above mentioned are involved with the 107 hoover which is pretty big in OLK.. The tattoos are all gang related, the tears..the tombstombs, & 107 Hoover tats are all related. Placker inmates also have gang tats.. I have convinced myself this is related.
It's interesting that many Websleuth posters and also Topix Weleetka posters are coming to the same conclusion, that this is somehow related to the family, although not necessarily the parents. How, then, can LE not have the same feeling about this case? Their response has IMO been pathetic. They appear to not want the public's help and would rather get the perks of solving this case on their own. IMO (again) they are going about this the wrong way.
Yeah, Trino, I totally agree that LE is *accidently* keeping these murderers running free in our society.

They are protecting them from capture by keeping the types of guns they used COMPLETELY SECRET.

In the meantime, these psychos have probably already killed MORE innocent people. And they'll most assuredly kill other children.

There were 2 different caliber of guns used to murder these little girls. What kind of guns were they? They won't tell you! That police spokeswoman at the press conference the other day said it right, "Someone out there knows something."

Yes, probably several people who unwittingly know the murderers are aware they own these 2 murder weapons. But since police are keeping their specific gun sizes TOTALLY SECRET, these acquaintances don't think to turn them in!

That's a Bozo no-no! :devil:

PUBLIC: The best way to get the cops to act on cases like this is to contact the MEDIA. They put the most pressure on law enforcement which will result in real action.

WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR NOW! Here's a link to one of the biggest Oklahoma web news sites, (the 'Letters to the Editor' section. Scroll all the way to the bottom!);
Wednesday, October 22, 2003

This is totally different case than the motel murder
Zjaiton Tyrone Wood, who is being held on charges he killed a Montana teenager, said in a letter to defense attorneys and prosecutors that he killed Andrew. The letter contained information that had already been carried in media accounts of the crime.

Compiled By Luke Engan
CNHI News Service

OKLAHOMA CITY - Zjaiton Wood heaved a water pitcher across a courtroom, grazing a prosecutor's head.
Deputies were quick to punch a remote control button that delivered an electrical shock to Wood's leg.
Nearly a dozen officers surrounded the murder defendant, who sat lashed to a chair. Wood had tried suicide, threatened the safety of other people and started fights in jail.
So deputies behind Wood stood poised to activate the shocking device, and a metal brace bound the Oklahoma City man’s leg to prevent him from running, said Kelly Marshall, public information officer for the Oklahoma County sheriff.
Judge Ray Elliot sentenced Wood to life in prison without parole for fatally stabbing a 19-year-old in a motel room. Wood told the judge they would meet in hell.
The purpose of me putting this here IS... these are the people that this family is in bed with..
You know I have been wanting to compile a list of statments by LE that includes these words...Sorry we can not release that information at this time...:furious::furious::furious:
You know I have been wanting to compile a list of statments by LE that includes these words...Sorry we can not release that information at this time...:furious::furious::furious:
That's a common reply by LE in most cases.

In the Lauterbach/Laurean case they answered "we know the answer/s to this question/s, but we aren't releasing that info. at this time.
I just put up a thread which includes all the criminal history I can locate on Family Members Paschal, Placker and Whitaker

Each entry is referenced with supporting links and familial relationship if necessary

FYI Some of the Paschals are easily confused. It seems Vicky, Tony and Nells Father Carl Paschal (wife Ruby) has a brother in Oklahoma - A Joel Paschal (wife Lorene) - Joel has 6 children - Jimmy Carl (54), Troy Joel, (46), Cecil Lee (58), Patrcia (46), Esther (52) and John Eugene (44)

Check out the thread and please feel free to add anything additional you find
Criminal Records- The Families
Look at #8596 at this link! It talks about clown tattoos and that Zjalton Wood you all were just talking about. The person referred to PGW's talk in the psychic thread about the clown in the guest books and how creepy that was. Evidently this Wood has a clown tattoo. Anyway, it is a curious post.

I remember noting that it was odd that one of the convict records I found had a clown tattoo. This is getting bizarre. I'm going to see if I can remember who else had a clown tattoo.

Here it is. I had posted this link to a Dillon Harris from Okfuskee County who had been in prison for assault with dangerous weapons. Look at the list of tattoos! Bingo! Clown face!
Really hate to throw a monkey wrench into the family tree dynamics. When this originally started there was an article and Joe Mosher said his sister was the mother to Taylor. Now there is a second article confirming that.

Mosher said the 911 call was made by his sister, Vicky Placker, Taylor's mother.

So this goes back to my original family tree that Vicky maiden name is Mosher, she married a Paschal had children, then married Placker. Also Moshers wifes name is Nelda Jo Dishman.

This has been driving me bonkers from day one, but couldnt find a second source to confirm it.
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