Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #15

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I looked at their pages a few days ago and it appears they are trying to put it behind them and move forward with their lives. They look like nice family people that are trying to do the best they can do. I can not imagine them having anything to do with what happened to Skyla and Taylor.

Now I am miising something.

This Angela Graham is the wife of Aaron Graham, the guy who plead guilty to first degree murder of Richardson?

So who are the nice family people?
Just to say it again...I listen or more like have listened to ICP. I am non violent, church going and have 3 very smart and talented kids who also listen/have listened to it.

To me, its like saying Ozzy's songs or Judas Priests songs make teens commit suicide. No one makes anyone do anything. Stop blaming other people and other things for everything and put the blame where it belongs....the person/individual. that I'm off that soapbox...let's throw this a different direction. We've talked about kids, maybe mad because the girls were telling on them or something. But what about a parent of some kid, who was really tired of 2 trouble making/nosy girls (in the parents mind, not mind) who wouldn't mind their own business and kept getting their kid(s) in trouble and they put a quick and efficient stop to it. That would explain the silence, they aren't going to rat on themselves, and as long as their kids have an alibi, everything is hunky dory. You know some parents are real freaks about people -- whether it be kids or adults--messing with their kids. I wonder if that angle has been looked at - at all.
Something I think some people are forgetting is that it's not just Weleetka that is grieving, searching for answers, scared, etc. These girls were just as close to Henryetta as they were Weleetka. Their school was just a few miles from Henryetta. Their parents work in Henryetta. Weleetka may be in the same county as that side of the road, but Henryetta was hit just as hard.

You are so right, Henryetta-Bryant-Graham-Dustin-Okemah-Ryal-Weleetka
are all searching for answers.
So why is it just Weleetka's drug problem-thugs-ect..
When OSBI said they were checking out 500 leads-350 felons records,
it's in 3 county's Okfuskee-Okmulgee-Hughs.
The teenage boy's OSBI was checking out were from Henryetta-Bryant-Ryal.
Henryetta is abt 13 miles from the murder scene-
Bryant 3 miles-Ryal 15 miles-Graham 5 miles-Dustin 10 miles-Okmulgee 35 miles.
Please don't think Weleetka as an Evil place and all the people living here are Evil druggies/thugs.
You are so right, Henryetta-Bryant-Graham-Dustin-Okemah-Ryal-Weleetka
are all searching for answers.
So why is it just Weleetka's drug problem-thugs-ect..
When OSBI said they were checking out 500 leads-350 felons records,
it's in 3 county's Okfuskee-Okmulgee-Hughs.
The teenage boy's OSBI was checking out were from Henryetta-Bryant-Ryal.
Henryetta is abt 13 miles from the murder scene-
Bryant 3 miles-Ryal 15 miles-Graham 5 miles-Dustin 10 miles-Okmulgee 35 miles.
Please don't think Weleetka as an Evil place and all the people living here are Evil druggies/thugs.

Thank you. Point taken.
I am a long time lurker and first time poster on websleuths. I have been trying to get on and finally found a way through my verizon system. I posted these same comments on topix a couple days ago, but wanted to bring them over here for any additional input. This is in response to the following posted by flowerchild:

Originally Posted by FlowerChild
I found "baby cousin Nita"

Not sure which Placker/Paschal is related to Lanita Sue Bateman AKA "Baby Cousin Nita" From Linda K Placker's Web Site

and the crime was Gang Related thru Nita's Boyfriend Zjaiton Wood (Life Sentence) and his brother Tremaine (Tremane) Wood (Death Sentence)
It occurred in Oklahoma City, Jan 1, 2001 - Lanita was 18 years old.

Lanita Sue Bateman AKA "Baby Cousin Nita" (BD 1/12/1982)

Murder 1st Degree (sentenced to life 6-11-03)
also guilty of robbery with a firearm, conspiracy to commit a felony
About The Murder
Zjaiton Wood Lanita's Boyfriend and Co-Defendant Now Serving LWOP
Tremaine Wood Lanita's Co-Defendant Now On Death Row

If anybody can figure out how "Nita" is Linda's cousin and what Gang Affiliation the Wood Bros have/had that would be great - I have read/researched myself blind finding all of this.

From the day my daughter notified me that the news station she works for had reported this story, I began doing all the family history criminal background stuff. The one sight that kept coming back to me was Linda Kaye Placker's website with the inmate pictures and strange poems. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this family story and it was right there staring me in the face. When I saw the post from Flowerchild, it all kind of came back to me. I looked up her link on Nita's boyfriend, ZJAITON T WOOD, and noticed all the tats on his body. The ones that stood out were the clowns. Earlier on WS, PGW posted about clown pictures in the guestbook at the funeral. There was some speculation about what that could mean and some possible affiliation to the insane clown posse. This is a gang with a violent history. Also on Linda Kaye Placker's web site, she has a tab for friends poems.

There are some poems by "Dark Angel". I searched around myspace and found a dark angel that might be the same one Linda Kaye is referring to. Interestingly enough, when I looked at his pics, I noticed that he is a member of the "insane clown posse".

Flowerchild, you impress me over and over again with your ability to see beyond the norm and separate emotion from fact. This killing was, in my opinion, a hit and probably a retaliation. The gang ties, including the bandidos, continue to haunt me.

Like many of you, I can't stop thinking about this case, it consumes me.. so many unanswered questions.. believing the LE, OSBI and FBI know so much more but can't share it yet. I will rest more peacefully when this case is solved and I pray often that the truth will be revealed.:behindbar
Both the "Wood" brothers are members of the "Hoovers". This gang is strong in Oklahoma, Tulsa has many. I could not locate the crime they commited but why Lanita received "Life" is beyond me. They had their shooter.

Yea I found that info awhile back because pf tattoos on prison record 107 Hoover


Joining a prison gang literally means "Blood in - Blood out." Prison gangs not wanting law enforcement agencies to try and infiltrate the gang by placing an informant or undercover agent in the group, generally require a prospective member to murder or seriously assault someone in the prison. This "assures" the leadership that the individual's loyalty and is on the up and up. Theoretically, if he has killed someone, he will not reveal to the authorities, other acts of violence he may know about or witness.

Street Gangs- Other Forms of Initiation
Armed robbery - inductee(s) commit the crime of armed robbery and frequently shoot the victim(s) for no reason
Drive-by shooting
Assault on an innocent victim
Murder - The inductee is required to kill an innocent victim, a rival gang member, or even a police officer
You are so right, Henryetta-Bryant-Graham-Dustin-Okemah-Ryal-Weleetka
are all searching for answers.
So why is it just Weleetka's drug problem-thugs-ect..
When OSBI said they were checking out 500 leads-350 felons records,
it's in 3 county's Okfuskee-Okmulgee-Hughs.
The teenage boy's OSBI was checking out were from Henryetta-Bryant-Ryal.
Henryetta is abt 13 miles from the murder scene-
Bryant 3 miles-Ryal 15 miles-Graham 5 miles-Dustin 10 miles-Okmulgee 35 miles.
Please don't think Weleetka as an Evil place and all the people living here are Evil druggies/thugs.

I agree with what you are saying, but am a little confused on your distances. I have lived in Henryetta my entire life and have always considered that whole area down around where the Plackers live to be Bryant, not Bryant being 3 miles away from it. I guess Henryetta being 13 miles away is measured from center of town or something. I haven't checked, but I'm not sure that Henryetta is any farther from the scene than Weleetka is. Yes, those boys were from Henryetta and we haven't seen hide or hair of them since...
I agree with what you are saying, but am a little confused on your distances. I have lived in Henryetta my entire life and have always considered that whole area down around where the Plackers live to be Bryant, not Bryant being 3 miles away from it. I guess Henryetta being 13 miles away is measured from center of town or something. I haven't checked, but I'm not sure that Henryetta is any farther from the scene than Weleetka is. Yes, those boys were from Henryetta and we haven't seen hide or hair of them since...

Hi Just Nose'n:

Are you saying these so called witnesses have totally disappeared from the area? Were you familiar with the bridge being a hangout of sorts before the murders?
I have some interesting infor from Weleetka locals. Now THIS is just hearsay at present - a "someone in LE is talking about new developments" type talk. BUT the latest word from someone who is actually a member of LE involved in the investigation says that there were body fluids (urine or semen?) present on/near/around the bodies - on the outside - as in the killer(s) stood over them and deposited fluids after they were dead. So they do have DNA and they will be able to prove that a suspect was at the scene at the time (or immediately after) the girls were killed.

My interest in this is that IF IT'S TRUE, what it SAYS about the killer or the motive or WHO this may have been directed toward. Is this a signature for gangs, bikers etc? Why would the killer do this? What was he trying to say with this gesture? Did he not understand that DNA CAN be recovered from this or did he think once it dried, since the scene was outside, LE would miss it? Or is he young/stupid or just doesn't care? Obviously his DNA was NOT on file already but at some point I think if this is true they WILL find out who did this - because someone who would do this to two kids is twisted enough to do other things that will get him nailed.

Things have been pretty quiet locally (according to my source there) but people are concerned and want this solved. Don't know about OSBI but local LE is working on it daily - it has not been forgotten and it is NOT "cold" at all as far as they are concerned. They continue to get leads and track old leads and talk to people every day in an effort to find the killer(s).

I am off to find out who (historically) might make a statement like this with bodies of victims to see if it "fits" anything we already know. Could just be BS, but I figure it's worth a bit of digging.

My Opinion
IF this information is true, it sounds more like something a Serial Killer would do to get sexual satisfaction (ala BTK). It doesn't seem like something that someone doing a vendetta killing would do. And this would lean toward one shooter and not two.
Here is an excerpt from this website about traits of Organized Killers and Disorganized Killers

Crime Scene

The overall imprint of the disorganized crime scene is that the crime is committed suddenly and with no set plan of action for deterring detection. The crime scene shows great disarray. There is a spontaneous, symbolic, unplanned quality to the crime scene. The victim may be known to the offender, but age and sex of the victim do not necessarily matter.

If the offender is selecting a victim by randomly knocking on doors in a neighborhood, the first person to open a door becomes the victim. The offender kills instantly to have control; he cannot risk that the victim will get the upper hand.

The offender uses a blitz style of attack for confronting the victim, who is caught completely off guard. He either approaches the victim from behind, unexpectedly overpowering her, or he kills suddenly, as with a gun. The attack is a violent surprise, occurring spontaneously and in a location where the victim is going about his or her usual activities.

The offender depersonalizes the victim, targeting specific areas of the body for extreme brutality. Overkill or excessive assault to the face often is an attempt to dehumanize the victim. Such facial destruction may indicate knowledge of the victim or that the victim resembles or represents a person who has caused the offender psychological distress. The offender may wear a mask or gloves, use a blindfold on the victim, or cover the victim's face as he attacks. There is minimal verbal interaction except for orders and threats. Restraints are not necessary, as the victim is killed quickly.

Any sexually sadistic acts, often in the form of mutilation, are usually performed after death. Offenders have attempted a variety of sexual acts, including ejaculating into an open stab wound in the victim's abdomen. Evidence of urination, defecation, and masturbation has been found on the victim's clothing and in the home. Mutilation to the face, genitals, and breast, disembowelment, amputation, and vampirism may also be noted on the body.
I have some interesting infor from Weleetka locals. Now THIS is just hearsay at present - a "someone in LE is talking about new developments" type talk. BUT the latest word from someone who is actually a member of LE involved in the investigation says that there were body fluids (urine or semen?) present on/near/around the bodies - on the outside - as in the killer(s) stood over them and deposited fluids after they were dead. So they do have DNA and they will be able to prove that a suspect was at the scene at the time (or immediately after) the girls were killed.

My interest in this is that IF IT'S TRUE, what it SAYS about the killer or the motive or WHO this may have been directed toward. Is this a signature for gangs, bikers etc? Why would the killer do this? What was he trying to say with this gesture? Did he not understand that DNA CAN be recovered from this or did he think once it dried, since the scene was outside, LE would miss it? Or is he young/stupid or just doesn't care? Obviously his DNA was NOT on file already but at some point I think if this is true they WILL find out who did this - because someone who would do this to two kids is twisted enough to do other things that will get him nailed.

Things have been pretty quiet locally (according to my source there) but people are concerned and want this solved. Don't know about OSBI but local LE is working on it daily - it has not been forgotten and it is NOT "cold" at all as far as they are concerned. They continue to get leads and track old leads and talk to people every day in an effort to find the killer(s).

I am off to find out who (historically) might make a statement like this with bodies of victims to see if it "fits" anything we already know. Could just be BS, but I figure it's worth a bit of digging.

My Opinion

WOW would I like to see some movement in this case. Hope something pans out. Nice to hear that local LE is still interested in solving this case. OSBI seem like a bunch of buffoons.
If this info is true FlowerChild then I think the locals do need to be very concerned. This takes the crime up a notch and I didn't think it could get any worse.

ETA: What kind of hell did those poor girls run into that afternoon?
After reading and reading all about the case, basically this kid was there at the time the murder was committed therefore he is also charged with the felony murder. If you read his myspace etc he takes responsibility for it. The pictures the comments etc lead me to believe they are a nice family who care about their kids, he made a mistake and in Sept will go away for 20 years roughly. In my opinion, like I said I feel like it is a family doing the best they can do, doesnt mean you have to agree with me.

Now I am miising something.

This Angela Graham is the wife of Aaron Graham, the guy who plead guilty to first degree murder of Richardson?

So who are the nice family people?
I don't necessarily think the body fluids indicate a serial killer (no evidence of other matching cases) - just a disorganized killer - OR it could be as simple as a "message" to a specific recipient - a "signature" that the intended party would understand (even if we don't). I can see it being done as a blatant statement of disrespect and control to someone specific who would "know" exactly what it meant - maybe payback to a "snitch" or a warning to someone to remain silent. If this is indeed factual information I think we have to look at BOTH the disorganized random killing AND the targeted "message" killing in this case.

My Opinion
In my opinion Angela Graham is not involved in the murder of Taylor or Skyla.

Tell me about it. There are people on these boards who will never want to understand that family members are involved.
Both the "Wood" brothers are members of the "Hoovers". This gang is strong in Oklahoma, Tulsa has many. I could not locate the crime they commited but why Lanita received "Life" is beyond me. They had their shooter.
It was a stabbing, not a shooting.

Lanita got life because she came up with the idea to set up the victims and call in the gangbanger brothers to rob them. She planned the whole thing KNOWING that there was going to be a crime committed against the victims. She may not have thought that violence/murder would occur but she was a co-conspirator and did NOTHING to stop or prevent the crime, nor did she aid the victim. A murder occurred as a direct result of HER ACTIONS in targeting and luring the victims and giving the brothers their location. She made the phone call to her boyfriend and told them exactly where the victims were - and then left the room and waited while the murder and robbery took place. The other girl was smart enough to turn state's evidence and testify against the others - Lanita was obviously loyal to the gang and her "man" to the end. We also have no idea how she might have helped the murderer and his brother (her boyfriend) AFTER the crime. She may have played a part in a cover-up or disposing of evidence.

It's sad when young women get caught up in gangs and murder at 17 and 18 but she was an ADULT when this occurred and if the testimony is true - it was her idea to set up the men for the brothers to rob in their hotel room. She didn't stab the man, but it was HER ACTIONS that led to him being killed - without her actions, nobody would have died. And she didn't get LWOP, she got life - she may get out in 20 or 30 years depending on her behavior in prison. The two men who were active participants in the murder/robbery - well one is serving LWOP and the other is on death row.

"Baby cousin Nita" is a murderer just a sure as if she'd stabbed the victim herself - she set him up and because of HER he died in the 1st hours of a New Year for no other reason than he took up a pretty girl on an offer - an offer which had NO crime involved - the girls didn't tell the victims the "lie" that they were prostitutes until they were IN the men's hotel room. An idea (along with the fake robbery by "pimp") Nita came up with AFTER the victims had flashed a large amount of cash earlier in the evening.

The whole thing was Nita's IDEA, that's why she is in prison.

My Opinion
This is just tip of the iceberg I have uncovered today.
"The people that we deal with do not place a value on human life," he said. "Look at the video games. We teach kids how to commit homicide. In the games, they get more points if they urinate on the victim. The greater the violence, the more points they are awarded. They just don’t feel a connection with their victims."
The Lawyer Who Will Not Be Named had an idea for a video game this past October, challenging a "video game company" to actually create his twisted concept. The "winner" gets to decide which charity will receive the $10,000 bounty. It involved a 14-year old boy armed with a baseball bat and various other weapons of minor destruction engaging in a sadistic rampage, killing, and urinating on his victims. The challenge has been met, and it's great!
Sadly, the game is free, offending one of the proposal's stated requirements. If you enjoy old-school action platformers, with copious amounts of flowing bitmapped urine, download this NOW.
I'm O.K.: The Video Game That Lets You Crush Dog Skulls, Shoot Children With Sniper Rifles, and So Much More [Thompsonsoft]

5 of the Most Violent Video Games
Postal 2 is also pretty disgusting. You have the ability to urinate on people,21985,20635828-661,00.html
Members of the gang are then shown torching her hair, pouring a cup of urine on her, then urinating on her directly.
MARY LOU DICKERSON: The player has a choice. Does he want to urinate on the victim or not? Does he want to shoot them or not? Does he want to take a shovel and decapitate them or not?
average leader of a Chicago street gang is 43, and more often than not he lives in the leafy suburbs of Cook County.He typically has been convicted of murder.
In some gangs, his underlings have tried to infiltrate the Cook County Clerk's office; the Cook County Sheriff's office; the Chicago Police Department, and even the College of DuPage's criminal justice classes.
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