Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #16

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Mar 30, 2005
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I am sad such a tragedy is bringing us all together.
Yes, they were found not that far from our home. just a couple of miles. Broken Arrow area.
So many murders up here it would blow your mind!
We had 7 shootings one week. I try to stay detached, so I dont know how many survived and how many didn't, but I recall hearing that on the news a couple of weeks ago.
2 years ago, there was a bad shooting where someone shot someone point blank in the head for cutting in line at a portable taco stand. Sad
This is strange! Two bodies of teenagers found near Tulsa. Suspect arrested. Probably not related, but odd anyway.

Did anyone see KTUL channel 8 news at 5 o'clock? They did that story. Just as the tv caught my attention they were showing Skyla and Taylor's pictures. And said something about an arrest. My heart leaped. But they were talking about the two teenaged boys. So I either missed something or they goofed up. Anyone else see it?
This case still haunts me.

I got to thinking about the press conference with the 911 call. We focused on the 911 call and realized that it was a guilt motivator. I didn't follow too much after that, but the other part of the press conference was about Victimology, which we kind of shrugged and didn't, I don't think, pay a lot of attention to that.

Here's a link from notes from a course in Victimology. I thought the theories about how people became victims was interesting, especially
the third theory listed (Cohen and Felson's Routine Activity Theory).

Fascinating and describes this case to a tee, I think.

However, it left me wondering if the early focus on local youths narrowed their focus too much in this case.

They really seem intent on it being local in nature and young people involved.

I am beginning to wonder if Rose's employment change was as much an opportunity to watch over her remaining child as it was to have her present every day in that school in case the killer(s) go there and have an opportunity to see her daily and be reminded of what they did.

LE seems intent on a Tell-Tale Heart like experience where guilt finally overwhelms the criminals and they confess.
Good post, EnvoyDriver61! The topic is interesting and very relevant.

I also like your allusion to the Tell-Tale Heart idea. Of course, one has to presume there is a conscience involved in such a situation.
This is a comment from the last two pages of the thread...

I think a small memorial is appropriate. As an educator, kids need some tangibles for things they don't understand. Mourning is a process and if you don't go all the way through it ... it's not possible to move beyond.....
Yes, itsn't that sad. Those boys had been missing a few days. It was reported they left home to walk to Fiesta Mart and never returned. Sounds like there were 3 shot, and one survived. Its a sad world we live in
This Mary Jane Reed case is a good example why LE should not be able to put a complete blackout on a case.

They are discussing the case in the cold case area.

We had a situation locally where a 22 year old women committed suicide. She was engaged to one of our city policeman. The story we heard was that he broke off the engagement so when he was in the shower she took his gun and shot herself.

We know the family and there is no reason to doubt the story however all of our information came through the grapevine. There was never anything in the newspaper about what happened and the women's obituary just said she died suddenly.

I'm sure the family and the police thought it was in their best interest to keep everything hush but that should not be allowed to happen. Bad things can happen when people get that much power.
I cannot for the life of me understand why NO reporter from the entire area is doing any investigative reporting on this case such as reporting on family member backgrounds, interviewing witnesses who were supposedly in the area at the time of the shootings, checking out people who live closest to the scene, etc. A nosy reporter could stir things up a little bit and something might come out.
I cannot imagine why it seems that no one cares but us!! (although I know people do...its just sad!)
I cannot for the life of me understand why NO reporter from the entire area is doing any investigative reporting on this case such as reporting on family member backgrounds, interviewing witnesses who were supposedly in the area at the time of the shootings, checking out people who live closest to the scene, etc. A nosy reporter could stir things up a little bit and something might come out.

You got it YD. This is such an unusual shocking crime that I would have expected reporters to be writing about it every single day even if there is nothing new to report. Dig around and you can find enough info to do a story every single day. Repeat it. Keep it in the news and in peoples conversations.
I would think that a reporter would be jumping on the story to be "the one" that gets the info and possibly helps solves the case.
I just don't get it. To me it feels like Weleetka Oklahoma is some other country. Like Mexico or Sao Paolo Brazil, where violent crime is a way of life and no one really pays much attention. Sheeeesh
This is a comment from the last two pages of the thread...

I think a small memorial is appropriate. As an educator, kids need some tangibles for things they don't understand. Mourning is a process and if you don't go all the way through it ... it's not possible to move beyond.....

Thank you for saying that. I totally agree. And I still want to contribute to the outdoor memorial in some way, if they decide to do one.

Ya know, we are all impatient, wanting something to happen. Myself included. But my spirit tells me that good things come in time, with faith. I will give Ms Mankin and the board time to get adjusted to the back to school schedule, and if she doesnt call me in a week or so, I will call her back and ask if they decided on a memorial garden and what I (we) can do to help. I believe it will not only help the students, families, and faculity to heal, but it could help us too.
I cannot for the life of me understand why NO reporter from the entire area is doing any investigative reporting on this case such as reporting on family member backgrounds, interviewing witnesses who were supposedly in the area at the time of the shootings, checking out people who live closest to the scene, etc. A nosy reporter could stir things up a little bit and something might come out.

Again, we are all feeling impatient. We are not only interested in this crime, but our hearts are in it.

I know that some LOCAL reporters are VERY interested! Interested enough that they come here to try to find something, anything, that can help them write a story, or to dig a story. That is how tight lipped it is with LE. No reporter can get information!

I would like to add that I feel like the local newspaper in Henryetta has enough integrity NOT to be writing things every day that is mere speculation. They simply do not have info for a story. Just like we do not have info. And I cant imagine them writing a story from forum speculation. Trust me, they care. They are just as disappointed about it all as we are. And when they hear things like this, it is upsetting to them as reporters, to know that people think they dont care. They care ALOT!!!
I know reporters from there. I speak with them on occasion. Their hearts are broken too! To say shattered probably wouldnt be exaggerating. And no, they are not withholding any information. Apparently LE isnt letting out what they dont want printed or on any media. We saw that in the last presser from the Okfuskee Co courthouse, dont ya think?

Thank you for hearing me out. I say these things with a soft voice.
Weleetka girls shot multiple times, autopsy shows

By Johnny Johnson
Staff Writer
WELEETKA — Two months after the bullet-riddled bodies of Taylor Placker and Skyla Whitaker were found lying along side a gravel road, the medical examiner's office has released the girls' autopsy results.

The details of their deaths come on the same day the two best friends would have been starting a new school year. Taylor, 13, would have been going into the seventh grade, and Skyla, 11, would have spent her first day of school as a sixth-grader.

Taylor was shot five times, three of which were in the face, once in the groin and once in her right hand, according to the report. Two of the shots were ruled potentially fatal.

Skyla was shot a total of eight times, including one shot to the neck, and seven to the arms and torso.

The autopsies did not indicate there was any evidence of sexual trauma to either girl.

Authorities say they have no suspect or motive in the killings.

ETA: Offical document in Links thread/Sklya Whitaker's only, Taylor's is not available at this time for some reason.
Weleetka girls shot multiple times, autopsy shows

By Johnny Johnson
Staff Writer
WELEETKA — Two months after the bullet-riddled bodies of Taylor Placker and Skyla Whitaker were found lying along side a gravel road, the medical examiner's office has released the girls' autopsy results.

The details of their deaths come on the same day the two best friends would have been starting a new school year. Taylor, 13, would have been going into the seventh grade, and Skyla, 11, would have spent her first day of school as a sixth-grader.

Taylor was shot five times, three of which were in the face, once in the groin and once in her right hand, according to the report. Two of the shots were ruled potentially fatal.

Skyla was shot a total of eight times, including one shot to the neck, and seven to the arms and torso.

The autopsies did not indicate there was any evidence of sexual trauma to either girl.

Authorities say they have no suspect or motive in the killings.

Oh my word... if the killer(s) are never found this will be a grave injustice.
Wow..all those shots, yet only a couple were fatal. Could this be someone driving by and only slowed down? Or a person not experienced in killing others..why so many shots in so many areas? Were the girls moving so that they wouldn't get a clear shot? This puzzles experienced shooter would have only needed one shot each.....hmmm
Wow..all those shots, yet only a couple were fatal. Could this be someone driving by and only slowed down? Or a person not experienced in killing others..why so many shots in so many areas? Were the girls moving so that they wouldn't get a clear shot? This puzzles experienced shooter would have only needed one shot each.....hmmm
Did you read the ME report on Sklya & Taylor up in Links thread?
Thank you for that information, TG. I'm sure alot of us are weeping after reading. I am. It brings the actuality brutality to life once more.
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