Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #16

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Just my opinion, but I would think that is kinda young to have a tattoo over her newly developing breast.
At first I wondered if someone could have wrote on them after the killings. I guess now, but the closeness to the bodies like that could have left other DNA.
My comments in red

I thought it was illegal for a minor to get a tattoo.
She could have had a family member do Linda or anyone. or It could have have been a fake. I was thinking about the large over the shoulder bag Taylor was carrying.. maybe that is what she had her dog in.
There may be some very good clues in the writings on their bodies. From the writings on Skyla's body, someone else would have had to write that unless she wrote it upside down. And I don't think she could have done the "Z" on her backside.
There may be some very good clues in the writings on their bodies. From the writings on Skyla's body, someone else would have had to write that unless she wrote it upside down. And I don't think she could have done the "Z" on her backside.

Little children have paint parties with washable paint that they paint one another. I don't read anything into two girls that age using markers to do the same during a sleep over.

I do wonder about other things in the ME's report. I would think two young kids like that would have at least been munching on snacks even if they hadn't eaten dinner yet.

In view of the fact that they were murdered late in the afternoon, and their stomachs were empty of food sounds very strange, especially for Taylor who was not a slightly built girl like Skyla.
Little children have paint parties with washable paint that they paint one another. I don't read anything into two girls that age using markers to do the same during a sleep over.

I do wonder about other things in the ME's report. I would think two young kids like that would have at least been munching on snacks even if they hadn't eaten dinner yet.

In view of the fact that they were murdered late in the afternoon, and their stomachs were empty of food sounds very strange, especially for Taylor who was not a slightly built girl like Skyla.

Ditto ..I thought about the same thing. To me that just seems odd. Kids that age are always snacking.
Except for the fact that little girls that age are usually pretty modest and some of those markings appear to be in areas that they wouldn't be exposing to others.
Was Taylor carrying something to deliver in that bag? It seems kind of strange to me that she would carry a bag on a casual walk down to the bridge unless there was food and drinks in it.
In Taylors clothing, what is a "Bething Top"?

And what is "Zoey Beth, M" on the shorts? Is that a brand name?

So one shot per girl has powder burns. That is interesting.

I don't think there is any question, Taylor was the reason for the rage. So was it a personal rage at Taylor or someone in the family? My first impression is that it was Taylor.
. I was thinking about the large over the shoulder bag Taylor was carrying.. maybe that is what she had her dog in
just an example.
Is the actual autopsy somewhere? I can't seem to find it.
Oh, My! Those autopsy reports are very disturbing. It does clear up a few issues and raise more tho.

They were definitely found on their backs as per the blood being concentrated on the back of the clothing. (I had contended this all along, but FC argued that point!) It would appear to me since Skyla was shot 8 times from different angles that she would be the intended target, if there actually was one.

I realize that whole Zannessa thing is about High School Musical with the paints so the girls probably did write it, but I find it odd that Taylor's name was mispelled.
FlowerChild writes:

One thing we can assume based on Skyla's autopsy is that the killer was shooting from a vehicle or was taller than the girls - the body shots went rather downward from the entrance wounds. The other thing is that I think this was one killer (not two) since Skyla was initially shot from further away than Taylor.

I agree that the killer was either taller or was shooting from a vehicle. However, if it was a single shooter as you surmise, the person, if shooting from a vehicle either has to be a very good shot through his/her vehicle (driving south and shooting through the passenger window), or he/she has to be driving north and shooting from the driver side, and therefore left-handed.

The trajectories don't appear to be angled enough for a person to be standing in the back of a pick-up. So, if it was a single person, they had to get out and shoot at least one bullet on each girl up close: Skyla's with residue and Taylor's groin shot since it traveled up from the entrance to the liver and diaphragm area.

So, if the person IS driving in an auto, they have to be a really good shot if right-handed, or they have to be left-handed. The only other theory I can come up with is someone possibly sitting in the bed of a pickup and shooting from there as they go by.

I'd suggest someone ambushed them, but they were shot from the front (from where they were walking), or from the east of the road, but if the killer did walk, they were fairly close when GPa was around. I just don't see the girls approaching a stranger in the road, so I think a walking ambush by the killer was out of the questions.

Skyla is definitely retreating as she was found 5 feet from Taylor AND her head was laying southwest. She must have had time to turn her torso somewhat and expose the right side to the killer.

Taylor's hand wound is probably defensive and thus the second or third shot.

I think there are two killers. I just don't see one person being able to do this with two guns in that short of time, with the other considerations of shooting style, etc.
I at first thought that Taylor was the target being shot in the face. But it almost seems to me that the shooter wanted to torture Skyla, to cause her pain, to make her suffer. I wonder if the "Z" painted on their bodies stood for Zac. And I wonder if Zac was a boy they knew from the area or Zac Effron that plays Troy on High School Musical.
Hi CC I wanted to re-read them to get a better understanding because I missed the tattoo at first but it was so emotional to read I hurried. I am having a hard time reading them.
I agree EnvoyDriver that there are two killers. One may have shot from the vehicle, but the other one got out and delivered the shots that left powder residue, the kill shots.
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