Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #20

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Thank you all so much for your kind words. I was having a melt down this weekend. What I need to do, for awhile, is not follow every new child abduction and murder case. The most recent was Nevaeh, and I have been tied up in knots about her.

I will stay with Skyla & Taylor, but I may back off the others for awhile.
So so sad. I hope these families have their answers and some justice some day. I hope its sooner rather than later.
This is all the OSBI can do.

1. Hope someone was there as a witness or less involved and will come forward one day.

2. Hopes suspect or suspects will commit another crime and DNA will be ascertained that way so that there is a DNA match to this case.

We do know that witnesses have come forward years after the crime occurred. They come forth when they do for a myriad of reasons.

1. They may have a close relationship with the perp now and then separate away from them later on.
2. They may grow a conscience.
3. The witness may be arrested for another crime and use the info they know as a bargaining chip to get a lesser offense or less prison time for themselves.

For example: The woman that was the girl friend of the hit man hired by James Sullivan to murder his wife, Lita, didn't tell for years out of fear. Once they broke up she told what she knew.

From the article by Sonya Colberg and Johnny Johnson there was an interesting comment.

"Five days after the crime, police released a sketch of a suspicious man with a black ponytail who was driving a white Ford or Chevy pickup, possibly spotted near the scene. Brown said it's unknown whether he exists."

Has OSBI questioned whether this guy existed before??? I thought he was a sure thing and it was just us who wondered if he really existed?
From the article by Sonya Colberg and Johnny Johnson there was an interesting comment.

"Five days after the crime, police released a sketch of a suspicious man with a black ponytail who was driving a white Ford or Chevy pickup, possibly spotted near the scene. Brown said it's unknown whether he exists."

Has OSBI questioned whether this guy existed before??? I thought he was a sure thing and it was just us who wondered if he really existed?

Some of us have thought for months that he might not even exist but was simply made up to throw the investigation off.
Today marks the first anniversary of the sad passing of two young angels at the hands of practitioners of evil. Lord, please let us not see a lack of resolution on the finding of the girls killers on June 8, 2010. Jessica Brown of the OSBI was kind in her update on KOCO today as she called the killers cowards. I have a few other choice labels for them. Jessica said they were essentially one step away from making an arrest; however nobody who really knows something about this case and its perpetrators will come forward to give them the information they need. Jessica was guarded in her answers to questions, as she said she didn't want to upset the integrity of the case. Why didn't Jessica just come out and give the public what the missing information being sought is? It would seem that they (LE) are watching someone pretty heavily right now, and if the culprit knew the jig was up based on what was what they thought they only knew, they would "run". If LE has this person or persons staked out, then if those being watched make a move then, wham. LE would know something inspired the culprit(s) to make a move, although circumstantial, unless LE is creative enough to detain them for something else. The killers want you to hate them. Don't give in, just continue to pray that Taylor and Sklyla's killers are brought to justice.
Here is a very tell tell side to a young man that has troubles....
his info and name are on his link .. I just didnt want to post it here .it is public info he posted on his blog but just the same ....
there are other links out there also but they have nothing to do with this case so i didnt think they should be posted here.

only one person is going to get my interview is Chera Kimiko frome fox23 new from oklahoma
Oy. That post hurt my eyes (not yours GetSmart, the blogger's post).
But what I found interesting is, this is the link to the article about the Grand Jury.

Meanwhile, David and Glenda Gaddy, Mike Gaddy's parents, said their son heard the shots that were fired at the girls but did not witness the killings

then at bottom they have comments posted by the readers of Tulsa World and thats how I found blog.

Link is fine, posting their post w/o permission is not
Sorry TG didn't mean to do that...oops
Here is a very tell tell side to a young man that has troubles....
his info and name are on his link .. I just didnt want to post it here .it is public info he posted on his blog but just the same ....
there are other links out there also but they have nothing to do with this case so i didnt think they should be posted here.

only one person is going to get my interview is Chera Kimiko frome fox23 new from oklahoma
Well,one thing about it GS,it is open for anyone who wants to read it.
The author of the blogs appears to be trying to plant a "poor me" seed.
Basically beating around the bush,the author mentions he is being blamed for doing "something" he didn't do and then again mentions he didn't do "it". I wonder why the author of the blogs doesn't want to be specific and explain what the "something" and "it" is.Just my thoughts/opinion/2cents
BINGO.... That is what I saw too...... Like its a set up he is retarded.... like his parents elluded an interview from the get go.....just my opinion
I went to that site and it really messed my computer up. Couldn't get out of it. It kept coming up and I couldn't go to anything else. Finally ran a scan and restarted the computer and I think it is gone, but you need to be careful.
Here is a very tell tell side to a young man that has troubles....
his info and name are on his link .. I just didnt want to post it here .it is public info he posted on his blog but just the same ....
there are other links out there also but they have nothing to do with this case so i didnt think they should be posted here.

only one person is going to get my interview is Chera Kimiko frome fox23 new from oklahoma
Do you know if the last name of the news anchor he mentioned is spelled correctly? Is it Kimiko or Kiamichi?
Do you know if the last name of the news anchor he mentioned is spelled correctly? Is it Kimiko or Kiamichi?

I looked at the Tulsa Fox news site and could not find the correct spelling. However, I am guessing that the name was misspelled by Mr. Gaddy. :eek:
I have followed this heartbreaking case for the entire year! My heart goes out to the families of these precious girls.....Rest In Peace Taylor & Skyla! flags flashed when I read the following quote...

"Peter Placker, father of Taylor Paschal-Placker, 13, said he can no longer show any of his family members affection because he wonders who among them may be next."

IMO...this is a very telling statement!
I have followed this heartbreaking case for the entire year! My heart goes out to the families of these precious girls.....Rest In Peace Taylor & Skyla! flags flashed when I read the following quote...

"Peter Placker, father of Taylor Paschal-Placker, 13, said he can no longer show any of his family members affection because he wonders who among them may be next."

IMO...this is a very telling statement!
Telling as to what?

I believe what he is trying to portray is that living with the fear someone else could be taken from him, he feels he is protecting his heart in some way. I think he needs to be in counseling and dealing with those feelings instead of alienating himself from those who love him. He is going through severe PTSD, imo, and needs help from a professional. He has to live with the nightmare of finding the girls day in and day out. I cannot imagine anything more horrific than such an image being burned into a grandfather's mind.
Matilda, you asked who the woman was, standing in front of Peter Placker at the presser. I'm almost sure it was Linda P.

Like I said before, if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me.
Thank you, little! I wasn't sure if it was VP or another family member.
Matilda, you asked who the woman was, standing in front of Peter Placker at the presser. I'm almost sure it was Linda P.

Like I said before, if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me.

Oh I thought that was his wife by the way they acted. It was his daughter?
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