Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #21

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"This agency is insulated from public scrutiny, and I'm beginning to wonder if that's a serious concern here," Morrissette said.

The above bolded / underlined words are the exact ones I have thought myself. The OSBI is not held accountable for their actions. They are insulated from public scrutiny. I have sent e-mails to the OSBI website and have never gotten one reply. Isn't it common courtesy to at least respond once in 6 months? Now they are trying to stop the press from having access to autopsy reports. I have quit following that story. What is the use of keeping current on events that involve the OSBI? The OSBI and the powers that be will twist and turn things so that any story released will make them look spotless and worthy of praise.

When Skyla and Taylor were murdered. I had faith that OSBI would handle the case in a professional and well articulated manner. I no longer feel that way.

I have recently been accepted into a professional organization of criminal profilers. (I am not a profiler but due to my educational background and the fact that I am currently taking classes in profiling, I was accepted into the organization) The one thing that the fellow members have taught me is that it is very important that someone "police the police" Meaning, the beat cops, the detectives, the CSI employees and the crime lab technicians. (To name a few). No one is above answering to a higher authority.

What I want to know is who does the OSBI answer to?
Who makes sure the OSBI is following every tip and lead on every case?
Who makes sure systems are in place?
Who makes sure systems are being followed?

Now as for the socio-economic status of Skyla, Taylor and Aja. The fact that the very publicly viewed crimes shows (Nancy Grace etc....) did not cover the cases in great detail, speaks volumes.
Here's even more information regarding OSBI's refusing help from the FBI on the search for Aja:


FBI, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation differ on handling of Aja Johnson search
BY RON JACKSON Published: April 2, 2010

EDMOND — The FBI offered the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation the assistance of its Child Abduction Response Team in the search for 7-year-old Aja Johnson, but their proposal was declined, FBI spokesman Gary Johnson said Thursday.

04/02/2010 LAWTON — In the abduction case of Aja Johnson, where every minute possibly meant the difference between life and death, the relatives of her abductor...
"We offered our assistance,” Johnson said.

"That offer was declined. I don’t know why, but we were disappointed and frustrated our offer for assistance was declined.”

The Child Abduction Response Team is composed of special agents from across the nation who are experienced in such cases.

Johnson said the team is on call 24 hours a day and can be flown in at any time to assist local agencies with abduction cases.

Read more:

OSBI refused the FBI's assistance in Taylor & Skyla's murders also. There were several reports of other exemplarary law enforcement officials that offered to assist and were not welcomed. It has been reported that Scotland Yard offered to assist and were told they weren't needed. I really don't understand what OSBI must have been thinking about when they refused the help of good investigators and specialists in their fieldl.
Maybe we should begin tracking cases that OSBI has actually solved in recent years as opposed to the count of the unsolved cases. But there's a thread for that IIRC.

I just don't understand WHY OSBI would turn down help from legitimate agencies. Is the agency so insular that 'outsiders' are not welcome? And if so, why? Corruption? Arrogance? Narrowmindedness?

I often wonder if the families fear is not fear of the murderer, but of LE. Does anyone know if LE in the community have a corrupt reputation? Just asking because OSBI stated that they lack ONE piece of evidence to solve the case. What is this one piece of the puzzle they lack? I infer they mean they are waiting for someone to come forward and talk and this 'someone' hasn't done so.

Taylor and Skyla should be celebrating Skyla's b'day on Monday. Taylor should be going on double dates at 15. Their families should have closure by now. But it seems OSBI isn't searching for the oONE piece of evidence they lack. On the contrary, they seem to be sitting back on their haunches hoping that someone will do the job for them. But how could they since OSBI alienates every agency that comes forth and offers help?

Sorry to seem so critical of OSBI because I supported them in the beginning, trusting that they would solve the case. But no longer....this has gone on for too long.

All Moo and my frustration that Taylor and Skyla don't seem to be a priority for this agency. Sooo what are their priorities I wonder.

wm (shaking head in disgust)
Is is just me or does OSBI agent Goss seem a bit defensive in the article that boots linked above?

I read Aja's thread and peeps there are STEAMED! Many are emailing the representative (sorry can't remember his name) supporting an inquiry into the agency. And he IS responding back by e-mail......unlike OSBI who doesn't respond to tips at all.

Is is just me or does OSBI agent Goss seem a bit defensive in the article that boots linked above?

I read Aja's thread and peeps there are STEAMED! Many are emailing the representative (sorry can't remember his name) supporting an inquiry into the agency. And he IS responding back by e-mail......unlike OSBI who doesn't respond to tips at all.


Hello, WM - so good to read you as always.

I just have to put my 2 cents in on a few of your comments:

You asked what is OSBI's problem? (not exact words) The first thing that comes to my mind is Arrogance. I have personally attended a JB press conference and arrogance best describes her overall demeanor and what I felt she came across with. Yes, arrogance with an ample side of indifference.

Support for OSBI - I also supported them initially and wanted to give them every benefit of every doubt. But, time's up for me on patience. Learning that someone, other than us sleuths on the web, find their skills and decisions questionable is disconcerting.

I'm pleased that someone is speaking out about the OSBI. I'm sorry that it took the loss of another child (Aja) to get someone's attention.

Responding to emails adds credence to anyone in a position to help make things happen. I'm still waiting on my email requests to OSBI to update the reward information that expired over 2 months ago. Nuff said, I suppose.
Thanks to White Hawk on Aja's Thread - The Oklahoma State Representative is Richard Morrissette. His email address is:

I have copied the email I just sent to him FYI:

Saturday, April 3, 2010 1:32 PM To:


Hello, Sir~

I'm emailing you to express my concern over the OSBI's ineffectiveness at solving horrible crimes. Specifically, for me, the Weleetka girls' murders.

I've followed this case for almost 2 years, attended press conferences, etc., and there are many questions that need to be answered by the Bureau regarding this crime.

They could begin by updating the reward information that expired over 2 months ago. I have repeatedly emailed and requested they update their site - but, they don't even acknowledge my requests.

I'm very pleased that you are asking some serious questions regarding little Aja. Perhaps, you can ask a few regarding the brutal murders of Taylor Placker and Skyla Whitaker. Monday would have been Skyla's 13th birthday and Taylor's birthday was last month. Some current news regarding their case would be very welcome for many people who care - but, especially their families.

Thank you very much,
Boots Thank you for your response and for posting the link. You composed a great letter to Rep Morrissette. Please keep us posted. I'll bet you get a response.

I have lots going on today due to the holiday but will send an e-mail on Monday to support the cause.....and in honor of Skyla's birthday.!

I am so thankful for the address to Rep. Morrissette.
As soon as I return home, I will also be sending an e-mail.
Thanks to Boots for providing the link.
You can add me to the list. I will be sending an email shortly.

Thanks, Boots!

Hi, WM and Ruff.
It's probably safe to assume that Representative Morrissette doesn't know the details of this case like we do. Maybe we could compose a list of "basic" questions to email that he could ask OSBI about this case. Here's my top ones to start off with:

1) Why didn't OSBI ask for/accept outside help at the beginning from FBI and others?
2) Why was the road graded?
3) Why did the local sheriff say they had suspects but OSBI said they didn't?

I'm sure I'll think of others in the next few days.
It's probably safe to assume that Representative Morrissette doesn't know the details of this case like we do. Maybe we could compose a list of "basic" questions to email that he could ask OSBI about this case. Here's my top ones to start off with:

1) Why didn't OSBI ask for/accept outside help at the beginning from FBI and others?
2) Why was the road graded?
3) Why did the local sheriff say they had suspects but OSBI said they didn't?

I'm sure I'll think of others in the next few days.

Great idea Boots. :clap:
4) Why did they not release an offender profile of the type of person(s) that would have most likely committed the murders against the girls?

In the murder of Pastor Carol Daniels, (Anadarko) they had an FBI profiler submit a profile of the perp. I can not remember if the FBI report was made public but, there were other profiles that were released by the media. (B. Turvey adjunct professor of OKC University) Why did they not do the same for Skyla and Taylor?

Hi Little :)
Originally Posted by Boots-OK [ame=""]

It's probably safe to assume that Representative Morrissette doesn't know the details of this case like we do. Maybe we could compose a list of "basic" questions to email that he could ask OSBI about this case. Here's my top ones to start off with:

1) Why didn't OSBI ask for/accept outside help at the beginning from FBI and others?

2) Why was the road graded?
3) Why did the local sheriff say they had suspects but OSBI said they didn't?

I'm sure I'll think of others in the next few days.

Those have been the burning questions from the beginning.....
I know we have touched on this before but if only OKlahoma had the "Sunshine Law" like Florida we might of gotten somewhere by now...JMO

And this is another thing that has bugged me !!!!
Also remember they said at one time after the the cross defacing they had set up a camera and it was destroyed.. Why was nothing ever done about that ....
Taunting note scrawled on cross at slain Weleetka girls' memorial

World Staff Writer


A message scrawled on a cross at a roadside memorial for two slain girls was likely written by pranksters and isn’t being treated as a serious lead, an official said.

A vandal wrote “something to the effect of ‘you’ll never catch me,’ ” Jessica Brown, a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, said Wednesday.

The cross was one of several at the makeshift memorial for Skyla Jade Whitaker, 11, and Taylor Paschal-Placker, 13, who were both shot several times as they walked down a rural road about three miles northwest of Weleetka.

“We believe kids did it, vandalized it to get attention, which is exactly what happened,” Brown said.

Investigators seized the cross but aren’t pursuing the message as a legitimate lead, she said.

Flowers, balloons and stuffed animals mark the spot where the girls were killed June 8. Since then, there have been no arrests, suspects or motive.

Even fingerprints on the cross wouldn’t be useful to investigators, Brown said. “Hundreds of people have probably touched it, so I don’t know that anything can be done with it,” she said.

The OSBI followed hundreds of leads after releasing a sketch of a “person of interest” in June, but none led to a suspect.

Although investigators are focused on finding a killer rather than the defaced memorial, the vandalism is disheartening, Brown said.

“It’s a sad state of affairs when someone is going to deface a cross representing children who were killed,” she said.
A message scrawled on a cross at a roadside memorial for two slain girls was likely written by pranksters and isn’t being treated as a serious lead, an official said.

A vandal wrote “something to the effect of ‘you’ll never catch me,’ ” Jessica Brown, a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, said Wednesday.


Some people disgust me. I have been following this case for a while now, and the fact that some people find it amusing, fun, etc to taunt the family of a couple of slain children, I find disgusting. :furious:

Some people disgust me. I have been following this case for a while now, and the fact that some people find it amusing, fun, etc to taunt the family of a couple of slain children, I find disgusting. :furious:


LadyD'enah, I am pleased you joined WS and hope you continue to participate in the thread. We have a good group of sleuths here who are dedicated to bringing justice for Taylor and Skyla.

OT Hope you all have a nice Easter.:boing:
Thanks to RUFlossn for posting this in the media link and calling our attention to it:


OSBI spokeswoman Jessica Brown served as the sole speaker during the half-hour event, issuing six pages of color-coded pie charts and graphics that she said outlined the agency’s "great success.” The charts — void of any specific breakdown of homicide cases — covered the past five years and showed the agency’s claim in percentages, such as its 83.7 percent homicide clearance rate in 2009 and its 96 percent homicide clearance rate in 2005.

The national homicide clearance rate is 63.6 percent, according to the FBI’s most recent annual report.

"As you see, our numbers are way above the state and national levels,” Brown said. "Unfortunately, not every homicide case is solvable. … We get the most difficult cases. We don’t get the smoking guns. We get the decomposing bodies in the creek bed.”

‘They control the numbers’
Not everyone was impressed by OSBI’s data.
"I don’t believe those numbers,” said Dick Frye, a private investigator from Norman who attended the news conference. "Those are their numbers. It’s not like you can corroborate them. They control the numbers. … Those numbers just don’t happen in reality. We had a number of people who asked to attend this press conference today for our interpretation, and I’d just say we still have a lot of questions.”

Unsolved, high-profile murder cases in Weleetka and Anadarko are among those dealt with by the state agency in recent years.

No arrests have been made in the June 8, 2008, shooting deaths of Taylor Dawn Paschal-Placker, 13, and Skyla Jade Whitaker, 11, on a country road near Weleetka.

Read more:

A side note: I haven't received a personal response from Representative Morrissette; however, that's fine - just hang in there, Sir, and keep asking the important questions for us.
Wow. JB sounds really defensive in that video.

She's talking about the long and difficult process of being accredited and I know it is in much so that it is discracting from the task at hand, which is teaching children.

Perhaps now that that process is over OSBI can solve some cold cases. Wonder how often the agency must apply for re-accreditation, or do they? I only know about schools.
She states "that means we are the best of the best of the best and so that means we are doing our job." hmmmm

She concedes that this was information they should have brought to you months ago, even years ago, to show that they are doing their job.

Just a short synopsis of the video for those who have dial up or difficulty watching.

Here are my thoughts....

I now see why the first thought which came to BootsOK's mind in describing OSBI is ARROGANCE. I found JB to be very condescending and arrogant towards her audience. (A bit of pretenciousness shines through but that may be because I think she looks like Sarah Palin, and she knows it. Dress, hairstyle, make-up and mannerisms are similar, MOO) She is in a mode of REACTING which could have been prevented by actual ACTIONS.

I would like to see the actual data on which her lovely charts were based. Just sayin'....

Thanks to Boots and flossie for posting this.

Wow. JB sounds really defensive in that video.

She's talking about the long and difficult process of being accredited and I know it is in much so that it is discracting from the task at hand, which is teaching children.

Perhaps now that that process is over OSBI can solve some cold cases. Wonder how often the agency must apply for re-accreditation, or do they? I only know about schools.
She states "that means we are the best of the best of the best and so that means we are doing our job." hmmmm

She concedes that this was information they should have brought to you months ago, even years ago, to show that they are doing their job.

Just a short synopsis of the video for those who have dial up or difficulty watching.

Here are my thoughts....

I now see why the first thought which came to BootsOK's mind in describing OSBI is ARROGANCE. I found JB to be very condescending and arrogant towards her audience. (A bit of pretenciousness shines through but that may be because I think she looks like Sarah Palin, and she knows it. Dress, hairstyle, make-up and mannerisms are similar, MOO) She is in a mode of REACTING which could have been prevented by actual ACTIONS.

I would like to see the actual data on which her lovely charts were based. Just sayin'....

Thanks to Boots and flossie for posting this.


Matilda, I thought the same thing about JB when I watched the video. In fact, I didn't have my speakers on because it was late at night. I could tell by her actions, she was a tad upset.
JB and her power point presentations :waitasec:

IMHO - JB should toss the flip charts, pie charts, etc., and just give us some real information. At the press conference I attended, she had numbers and presentations and .... no answers.

Wouldn't it be more helpful if she provided victim's names in the cases they have solved? Take the data down to a personal level. Give the victims a name and some degree of honor.

This comment offended me: "We get the most difficult cases. We don’t get the smoking guns. We get the decomposing bodies in the creek bed."

The Rev. Carol Daniels (Anadarko) and our girls were not decomposing bodies in the creek bed. OSBI was called immediately in both of these, and, IMHO, they should both have been smoking gun cases.

As always, my :twocents: and IMO
I totally agree that Ms. Brown is arrogant and condescending. Anyway, what I am wondering, is WHY is OSBI paying a salary to someone who has NO law force experience to speak to the public about OSBI? Wouldn't the money be better spent on someone who could do two jobs, 1) investigate and 2) be a spokesperson? According to Ms. Brown, 'they can always use more investigators'. So, roll her salary into a person who can help out on both fronts. IF I am wrong about Ms. Brown having no LE experience, plz. let me know. But, from what I can gather, she has never worked in LE.

And, I would also like to see the graphs that were produced to reinforce the greatness of OSBI. I want to see how many homicides were domestic, gang related etc........... Those types of cases are relatively "easy" to solve / prosecute. I want to know the exact breakdown of the exact types of cases.


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