Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #3

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Maybe her father instead of brother?
Exactly what I'm wondering.
The pictures are heartbreaking. :(
I have one right across the street from me. Looking at it right now. I'm in Arizona
I know there are other reservations, but I was only referencing the one in South Dakota because it is the one where people here go most often and the stories I have heard about. I guess each Tribe has their own and the people I know go to SD if they want to live on the res. That is all I meant. :)
A scenario to illustrate my theory.............

If Taylor's parent or parents are involved in some sort of criminal activity, they could have made an enemy. Perhaps they cheated someone in a drug deal. The parents in all likelihood don't live anywhere near Waleetka.

The enemy doesn't know Taylor or her grandparents - only knows that the Placker family lives in Weleetka. The enemy tracks the family down, and finds an address, either in the telephone book or online. The enemy doesn't know who lives in the Placker house, only that they are related to the person who they're angry at, the person they're seeking revenge against for something done to the enemy.

The enemy drives down the road and identifies the Placker residence, and scouts out an area to observe the comings and goings. The enemy has vowed to kill a member or members of the Placker family in revenge for something done to the enemy.

He sees Taylor and Skyla emerge from the Placker residence and walk down the road. The enemy doesn't know if one of both are members of the Placker family. To him, it doesn't matter, he has to kill them both so there's no witnesses.

As far as the enemy is concerned, it didn't matter who he killed, as long as it was a member of the Placker family. If it was any other day of the week but Sunday, it could have been the grandmother or grandfather walking to the mailbox to get the mail. With someone like the enemy, it doesn't matter who he kills. This is a cold-blooded killer with no respect for human life. To him it doesn't matter if the victim or victims are children or adults.

I can buy one part of your theory. This man had no regard for human life. He was cold as stone and imo he didn't flinch an inch when he mowed them down imo but I am not sure that would encompass only the type of killer you have described but many psychopaths/sociopaths who could do this horrible thing and never think twice about it either.

Taylor was 13, why now? What if she had always been raised by her grandparents since birth? What if the bio parents were okay with it or simply didn't care one way or another as long as they weren't having to raise her?

It is so hard for me to comprehend that a hit man would murder young children just to get back at grandparents or any adults. Why not kill the grandparents...then maybe the bio parents could petition to get Taylor back with them?

I do still believe that OSBI has totally checked out Taylor's bio parents from day one. I am sure the grandparents have told them where they are and the situation surrounding Taylor being raised as their own child.

I just think something happened between the time when they walked to and from the bridge. Some kind of interaction or an attempt that the girls ignored and it made him seeth with anger, that he had been rejected. I don't know if it had anything to do with sex but maybe he thought they wouldn't ride back with him or talk to him because of his ethnicity and it drove him into a rage. Maybe he instantly hated them both in his twisted evil mind and had a hair trigger temper.

I am only guessing because really I have no reason that would ever make this understandable in my eyes.


I am only guessing because really I have no reason that would ever make this understandable in my eyes.

I've only made two posts here, but have read every single post since this happened. oceanblueeyes: You said exactly how I feel.

I can't wait until they find this guy. Surely he isn't going to be able to hide out for long anywhere he is. Someone is going to at least be able to give them a name. The sketch is so remarkable. I think it is the best one I have seen. Let's just hope the memory of the witness is exact and this does look like him enough.

I must say the nose seems wrong to me tho. I would expect it to be more rounded and have a slight bend to it by looking at the side view. I wonder if the artist used a program for the sketch. I have noticed some of those limit the features.
I agree. The side sketch doesn't quite seem to match the front view. He almost looks stoop shouldered in the side sketch
Brown stated that the wind was blowing away from his house and could be the reason he did not hear the shots plus if you were inside with the television on and the would not have been audible. I will have to find that article (unless she said that during the presser).

eh, i have to disagree. Twelve shots! Even with a/c and t.v you should have heard something. I still feel like the grandpa knows more than what we have been told. I am suspicious of his comment when he found the girls : "THEY" killed them (or shot them, can't remember exactly) but he did say THEY. Time will tell.
So sorry for not thanking you claudajo earlier for posting the google map on the roads. It was obvious that County Line Road was not HWY 75.

Thanks for taking the time to post the map!!
I haven’t seen new sketch but I saw this about reward now being at $30,000. Also, the sketch on this site has text on it with a description of his build, clothing, and baseball cap which I hadn’t seen before.

The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation is offering a $30,000 reward — collected partly from donations from around the world — for information that leads to a suspect in the case. Anyone with information is asked to call the OSBI hot line at (800) 522-8017.

Text on sketch summarized and snipped (see pic and zoom in to read full text)
American Indian male possibly part Caucasian…slender body build, …Clothing: blue grey long sleeve shirt, faded jeans and black baseball cap. Vehicle…

I noticed the sketch was done on 6-11-08.........when did they release the composite to the public?

eh, i have to disagree. Twelve shots! Even with a/c and t.v you should have heard something. I still feel like the grandpa knows more than what we have been told. I am suspicious of his comment when he found the girls : "THEY" killed them (or shot them, can't remember exactly) but he did say THEY. Time will tell.
The wind wasn't just a breeze for that few days. It was blowing very hard and constant. So yes, I can see the sound being carried away from his house.
At this point, I can't even begin to guess at a motive. It is all so senseless.

I'm going to sign off here. I'm tired. Last night a neighbor brought over a tiny kitten they rescued and handed to me to nurse back to health. What at first appeared to be infected eyes seems to now be no eyes at all. Anyways, off to take a long nap!

Have a great Father's Day everyone.

Bless you :blowkiss:
eh, i have to disagree. Twelve shots! Even with a/c and t.v you should have heard something. I still feel like the grandpa knows more than what we have been told. I am suspicious of his comment when he found the girls : "THEY" killed them (or shot them, can't remember exactly) but he did say THEY. Time will tell.

I can understand why some are leery of that but for me it is everyday language used in the South were I live. I even say it myself probably everyday.

To me if he had said "he killed them" or "she killed them" then that would make my hair stand up but many times people use it when they don't know what is what yet about something.

One of our favorite sayings in the South is "they don't have a dab of sense" and believe me we are only talking about one person!:crazy:

So him saying that doesn't bother me in the least. In fact I think most likely it will turn out to be one shooter.

It looks like 6-13-08 to me. The sketch was released on Friday (6-13) I believe.

Oh okay I thought it looked like two straight legs (11) and that was the date of the drawing. LOL Shows how bad my eyesight is........ I had it enlarged to 400.:)

I just know they are to date them the day they are drawn.

I doubt illegal sale of ciggies would cause someone to do this. Then again, I can't think of anything that would cause someone to do this so who knows what set this into motion.

I keep thinking about his clothing tho. It strikes me as odd he was wearing a long sleeved shirt on a hot dusty road. Why?

I know absolutely nothing about cooking drugs, but would you wear long sleeves to prevent splashing your skin with something maybe?
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