Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #5

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Do you think Taylor's dad could be Joe Richard Placker jr? I know it's been said that Taylor lives with her grandparents...but she calls them her parents. With all the confusion I wouldn't be too surprised if she called her great aunt and uncle grandma and grandpa...

Joe Mosher who is Vicky's brother calls Taylor his niece.

I think mostly Taylor was raised from birth by Peter and Vicky and that is why she called them mom and dad. In her mind I am sure they were.

Ok this is interesting, going back to the Greta clip where it sounded like he said Richard Placker as her father, im wondering now if that is what he said, since there is Joe Sr. and Joe Jr, maybe he goes by Richard, and maybe he did say Richard as a freudian slip?? Or i could just be hearing it wrong still... thought that was interesting thou

Everyone hears MISTER Placker, not Richard Placker, on the video.
I'm sure it's mister. I've listened a couple of times.
You know one of these days I hope this happens within the ODMV office.

We know they have all the license plates issued with names, etc. But with the capabilities we have with our computers these days, they should make a file sorted by vehicle type, then license plate #, then name.

That way when all LE has is a type of vehicle and a partial plate #, they run it and see what comes up.

Sorry, I know off topic. But we have 6 and probably more witnesses that either saw the vehicle and/or Taylor and Skylar that day. I am sure at least 2 or 3 if not more, saw some part of the license plate.

Not sure I understand your question. But according to LE the truck did have OK plates on it. I would think by now it it was a stolen truck, it would have been released by LE. Since they have not said it, then obviously whoever got the plates for the truck lives in OK.

Can you expand on your "go all the way to Weleetka" statement and if Peter and Joe both live in the area, that wouldn't make any difference of travel. IMO

But OK is a big state. What I am saying since no one knows this guy locally why would he go all the way from wherever he came from to retaliate against Peter who seems to not be involved in crime? If he had a beef with one of the Plackers that was known for their criminal wrongdoings then why not go and take out a close family member of that pack of Plackers?

From what I have gathered the bodies were both lying with their heads toward the road - one about 5' further back from the road than the other. IF they were shot under the chin then they would have been found face up - no other way to shoot them under the chin. From the video it appeared that neither girl was more than 10' off the road surface - one lying in the ditch just off the road and one just to the other (woods) side of the ditch. All the shots were reportedly made from the front - meaning the girls were facing their killer when they were shot and remained facing him thru-out the shots.

Witnesses saw the girls on the road - no-one reported the girls running up the road and the evidence (boot prints, casings) were all there at the crime scene - not elsewhere. The area has been gone over by OSBI - at least 3 times - including the area in the woods, around the bridge and along the road.

At least one girl had a cell phone with her - GPa Placker used it to call 911 when he found them.

Most of the area along the road would be fenced with at least barbed wire and have a drainage ditch at the edge of the road. It would be hard to pull a vehicle off the road unless there was a driveway or gate - which would not be in a heavily wooded area like where the girls were shot. A vehicle in the road in that location would have been clearly visible to the girls and anyone driving by.

My Opinion
You know one of these days I hope this happens within the ODMV office.

We know they have all the license plates issued with names, etc. But with the capabilities we have with our computers these days, they should make a file sorted by vehicle type, then license plate #, then name.

That way when all LE has is a type of vehicle and a partial plate #, they run it and see what comes up.

Sorry, I know off topic. But we have 6 and probably more witnesses that either saw the vehicle and/or Taylor and Skylar that day. I am sure at least 2 or 3 if not more, saw some part of the license plate.

And the truck being white hurts too. White trucks are the number one color on our roads. So many companies buy white trucks for their fleets.

You know one of these days I hope this happens within the ODMV office.

We know they have all the license plates issued with names, etc. But with the capabilities we have with our computers these days, they should make a file sorted by vehicle type, then license plate #, then name.

That way when all LE has is a type of vehicle and a partial plate #, they run it and see what comes up.

Sorry, I know off topic. But we have 6 and probably more witnesses that either saw the vehicle and/or Taylor and Skylar that day. I am sure at least 2 or 3 if not more, saw some part of the license plate.

I think they can do that now if one or more people saw a number or letter in the plate. They'll try to narrow it down to white pickup trucks with Oklahoma tags. White truck, native american male, around 6 ft, with _____ letter/number on the plate.
The PC might kick back 5 thousand names matching that criteria, but at least it's a start.
Something tells me the police have an idea who the POI is, but right now it's just a waiting game to see if he turns up somewhere and someone calls to turn him into the police. At least that is what I'm hoping.
I think they can do that now if one or more people saw a number or letter in the plate. They'll try to narrow it down to a white pickup trucks with Oklahoma tags.
Something tells me the police have an idea who the POI is, but right now it's just a waiting game to see if he turns up somewhere and someone calls to turn him into the police.

They seemed very confident yesterday that they are going to know who this man is.

They seemed very confident yesterday that they are going to know who this man is.


I agree. It's a big country if you want to hide, though.
Especially in the midwest, and southwest.
I pray he didn't make it to Mexico in the first 24 hours after the shootings.
Has there been any reference to dealing drugs (or distribution) amongst the Weleetka Placker/Paschal Family members or spouses/partners?

Could someone have been upset about that? Could someone have been looking for their money? Were the Peter Plackers LISTED? As in their address? Could this person have known these Plackers were associated with the OTHER Plackers they were upset with or could this be a case of "mistaken identity? Do we know WHO lived in the house with Taylor, Vicky and Peter? Were any other family members living there, getting mail there or staying there recently?

Another thought - If he didn't look closely (or was looking from a distance) perhaps the killer didn't realize these were girls until it was too late. Pehaps he was watching and saw the girls leave from a distance and laid in wait for them to return, not realizing they were so young until he had started shooting?

My Opinion

Your post reminded me of the Malvo or Salvo case with the older man and the youger man shooting for the thrill of it on the East Coast until they got caught. Sorry, I don't have a link handy right now. The older man also did the kill shots until the younger one started.

The DC sniper. I used them as an example on the last thread.
What if, *if*, the POI drove on the lane and found the girls on the side of the road? What if his truck was parked at the angle it was because he came across their bodies? Maybe that could explain the questionable behaviour and how the truck was seen on the side of the road. If he has not been found nor come out to speak to LE, perhaps he is afraid of being held accountable for their deaths???

Again, just throwing it out there. :)
It reminds me of the Lee Vanluvender case from the Poconos.

Young man out hunting was found full of bullets next to his truck. He had also fired his weapon, but there is no indication that he wounded his killer.

The thing that makes them similar to me is that they both happened in very rural areas that have recently become infested with meth labs. Criminals from NYC find it convenient to do their dirty work where police patrols are infrequent and neighbors are not too close by.

There is nothing to suggest that Lee was involved in any criminal activity, but perhaps he saw something he shouldn't have that morning.
So out of curiousity here... I noticed that alot of emphasis has been put on the family / family tree. Do you guys suspect the family is involved or responsible for these two little girls deaths?

I don't think a family member is responsible for the girls death.
Seeing the pictures from the funeral you can see that they are suffering
and you can tell they loved her.

I do however think the murder may be someone that is know to someone if the family.

I think that Joe Placker may be one of the main witnesses
and I also think that the arrest warrant that was put out on 6-12-08 for him
may be a way to keep him safe.

Just my opinion.
I may be way off.
I can't figure out how Joe Mosher is Vickys brother. Vickys maiden name is Paschal not Mosher?

Joe Mosher who is Vicky's brother calls Taylor his niece.

I think mostly Taylor was raised from birth by Peter and Vicky and that is why she called them mom and dad. In her mind I am sure they were.

Very good find. I think they are one and the same!

Regarding Joe Mosher he is hard to pin down. But please look at these two pictures. Are they one and the same? When I searched the offenders I clicked to show the alias too and Joe Mosher came up for this guy William Mosher. Are they one and the same? They look like it to me.
There is definately similarites there. The ears aren't exactly the same.

Btw, I noticed a large tattoo on his left lower arm on the front above his wrist area. Can anyone blow that up and see what kind of tatto it is?
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