Skyline Groundskeeper says he saw no white truck -Timeline Clarified

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on an ordinary day would a group large enough to look like they were heading out to play soccer be doing so prior to 8:30 in the morning?

Theres a lot to say in a person initial reaction to a situation.
Well chit........somebody give me a hand up back on the fence will ya?
That is how it seems to be shaping up. Will be hard to get everyone on this thread to think that way, but if we made a list of evidence that confirms her alibi and what she did that morning vs. a list of her lies....the list would tip very much to one side.

I ask this group - why do you want her to be guilty? What if some sex offender in the greater Portland area was able to grab him? Should we be exploring this? Yes - the skeletons fell out of the closet when the light shone on this family. But maybe we are looking in the wrong place???

For me, it's not a want, for her to be guilty. I am going by what has been presented so far by LE, their actions, actions by the parents and my reasoning about her guilt. I have nothing against some one who feels differently. This is MIO and I'm entitled to it. It has nothing to do with a want.
chaperone tours started supposedly at 9. this is getting even more uncomfortable
Your previous post stated....

Originally Posted by cypress
The thing is Terri has a receipt that places her in a store several miles away at around 9:12.

When considering drive time, walking into the store, shopping for whatever, and actually checking out to come up with a time stamp of 9:12, there is a very narrow window for Terri, in her large white truck, to have abducted Kyron from that side of the school.

Asking for a link regarding what you are stating as a fact - "the thing is Terri has a receipt that places her in a store several miles away" - is not an unnecessary request. I am well aware that there was a supposed email from Terri to her friend that was leaked to the media where it stated that she had a receipt with the time of 9:12. I was just asking if the actual receipt had been posted because if it had, I had obviously missed it.

Quite frankly, I could care less about Terri Horman in any way shape or form. I just want Kyron to be found. Irregardless of whether he is alive or dead, he deserves to be brought home. Terri has already proven to me the type of person that she is.


No, the receipt hasn't been proven, as many accusations in this case haven't been proven... However, MOO, I think that if Terri did not have the receipt as she claims, it would have leaked out as one of her "lies" by now...
Stuff in Oregon likes to GROW and it likes to GROW a LOT. There are a lot of landscapers and groundskeepers on the western side of the Cascades. A LOT!!! I used to work for a landscape contractor. LOL!

Oh Lordy Kimster...this is beginning to sound like six degrees of what's his know where it all connects back to the beginning,lol
For me, it's not a want, for her to be guilty. I am going by what has been presented so far by LE, their actions, actions by the parents and my reasoning about her guilt. I have nothing against some one who feels differently. This is MIO and I'm entitled to it. It has nothing to do with a want.

As they say in politics: we are all entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts. This is a criminal investigation that is looking for a lost little boy, with very sad parents. Our work on this site is to find him, I think?
Sorry, but I've got to say it: I wonder if Terri knew Stenson? (sp?)

I understand why you would ask this however what part of this story would this change? He worked for the City of Portland and he was doing a job that was scheduled. I am sure there are records to back him up.

My question Why did it take so long for us to find this out? I thought LE had talked to everyone involved in that day. Parents, teachers and kids. If they missed this guy (BTW an important part of the puzzle) who else did they miss?
Respectfully snipped slightly

we are all entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts. This is a criminal investigation that is looking for a lost little boy, with very sad parents. Our work on this site is to find him, I think?

A simple "thanks" wasn't enough for your post. I appreciate what you said!
Did we ever get the schools schedule for when the buses arrive and what time they serve breakfast, so we know what else was going on before 8 thirty a.m.?

that large group looking at the raised bed feels out of whack.
I can only imagine Houze sitting back with a smile thinking mmuuuuuaaaahahahahahaa!

Where in the H E double hockey sticks is this little boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, the receipt hasn't been proven, as many accusations in this case haven't been proven... However, MOO, I think that if Terri did not have the receipt as she claims, it would have leaked out as one of her "lies" by now...

I also think per the PC yesterday and LE asking anyone if they saw anything strange happening during that time period it's safe to assume that Terri was where she said she was.

Whew did that make any sense :)
That phrase of "just like any ordinary day" just sends chills up my spine....still can hear GA saying that and so many others....just like any other ordinary day....well no it is not.....little Kyron is gone and the day by far was not ordinary.:banghead:
Oh good grief, so now just because he says he didn't see the truck, it wasn't there? Give me a break. I'm sure he has already been spoken to by investigators and they have determined it doesn't matter that he was there from 7:45 to 8:30, that's not in the timeline they are looking for anyway. JMO.

No one's saying it wasn't there. It just wasn't parked on the access road.
I understand why you would ask this however what part of this story would this change? He worked for the City of Portland and he was doing a job that was scheduled. I am sure there are records to back him up.

My question Why did it take so long for us to find this out? I thought LE had talked to everyone involved in that day. Parents, teachers and kids. If they missed this guy (BTW an important part of the puzzle) who else did they miss?

There are a couple of things I would like to point out:
1) If, indeed, TH was familiar with Mr. Stenson's (sp?) routine, she may have felt very comfortable in accessing that road at whatever time she may have done so.
2) His leaving at 8:45 would jive perfectly with her two statements of waving goodbye to Kyron at 8:45 and leaving the school at 9:00. He was gone from the access road, Terri could have pulled the truck up to the gate and met Kyron there (pre-arranged), or an accomplice could have left with Kyron through the side exit and met her at the gate.
love_your_child has a pretty interesting comment on the KATU article.
so wheres the raised bed? group of kids sounds like they were on the chaperone tour.

IIRC, the children were to be in their classrooms at 9:00 a.m. At that time they were to get in their groups for the chaperoned tour of the science exhibits in the classrooms. So, if this was before 9:00 a.m., the children would have been unsupervised, IMO. It's a very interesting development IMO, the fact that kids were actually outside the school at that time... I always assumed that Kyron was too timid to go outside, or away from his classroom, but perhaps he wasn't alone if/when he went to look at the "cool electric project...."
Red head and I used to drive a red Mustang and I worked for a landscape contractor.

That's why I like to have details when sleuthing. There are a LOT of landscapers up here, a LOT of red Mustangs and a LOT of redheads. :wink:

I've worked for 2 nurseries, now own a farm & I have red hair.
I have NEVER owned a mustang of any color thank goodness.

I think redheads like the outdoors :)

I think some redheads need to be kicked out of our club for not playing by the unwritten redhead rules!

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