Skyline Groundskeeper says he saw no white truck -Timeline Clarified

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About the children going outside to look at the plants--I've wondered this before and really would like to know now (!)----did Skyline have teachers and teacher aides on duty in the mornings? Every school I have taught at had a rotating schedule of our "duty" areas in the morning... I haven't heard of a school not having teachers/aides/principals on duty in the mornings (at entrances, in hallways, etc.).
I also think per the PC yesterday and LE asking anyone if they saw anything strange happening during that time period it's safe to assume that Terri was where she said she was.

Whew did that make any sense :)

Yes, it made sense. Also remember she said she went to two Fred Meyers and lo and behold they most likely DO have video footage of her truck at the two Fred Meyers's. I say that because of the tags on the pictures indicating where she parked.
report says this man left at 8thirty. kyron was supposedly still with TH at that time.
I just can't imagine someone mistaking his truck for hers. Wouldn't they notice the trailer and the huge honking orange mower on the back???
There is also the possibility of the witness seeing another person in a white truck.. might have actually just seen the landscaper in HIS truck. Which would mean nobody else was actually in Terri's truck.... boy my head is spinnin'

Well, that square peg just didn't fit, now did it?

I'm wondering about this DA... and I'm betting Gates is ticked off he was the face for their blunder.
Posting before reading all of the replies:

I used to mow the grounds for a large corporation on a large mowing tractor. I would completely zone out. It's hypnotic. The drone of the mower, the vibrations, the wind, the carbon monoxide. I would completely lose track of what I was doing. Kind of like when you are on a long road trip and you realize you just drove 10 miles and have no recollection of it.

And I'm saying this as a fence sitter. :crazy:
It seems to me that LE should have recreated the scene at the school that day early on in the investigation. They should have had a map of the school and parking lot and had all the people who were there that morning mark where they parked to get a good idea of who was where and who saw what. I don't know if they have done this, but I have to wonder when LE puts out PC about a white truck and just so happens there is a groundskeeper parked there at approximately the same would have thought that they would have known about him.

Also, I have to wonder why he went to the press with this information????? You would think he would have gone to LE when he heard the PC. Instead, he goes to the press....only to make LE look foolish.

Another thing I have been wondering about is.......What time the busses arrived and left that morning? They must have seen something....I know my kids bus driver notices everything. They drive that route everyday, and know what might look out of place....I wonder if they saw anything????
Well, at least we know how some of that still huge, even if grossly overstated retainer, is being spent lol....JUST kidding (sorta).

If LE did not know about this guy before today (well before today -- like from day 1 or at least the first week), I may make my first climb onto the fence ever. Although if I were on a jury I couldn't convict her based on what *we* know, I've always been fairly confident in the investigation and that LE knows WAY more than we know.

Surely it wouldn't be great leap to find out if there were maint. types on campus that day -- especially for the specific purpose of mowing the entire soccer field. That's true, I think, even assuming one (or many) people didn't see him. Plus, even if LE didn't think of it immediately on their own, you would also think that the trained searchers that were there right in the beginning would have noticed that the entire soccer field had just been mowed and mention it to someone.

Once someone thought of asking, it would be super easy to track this guy down and find out for sure if/when he was there -- this guy is a gov't employee. And then, if it turns out that none of those employees were supposed to be at Skyline that day, you've got a fairly short list of very suspicious persons, imo.

I hope LE has known about this guy all along, and it's his testimony that they wanted to corroborate -- i.e., that the vehicle the *other* witness claims to have seen in two locations along the access road, was NOT th's truck, but this guy's truck. And I hope that's what they were trying to do b/c they believe they know where th's truck actually was/or wasn't and don't want any conflicting testimony. Although one would think that his vehicle (assuming it was a gov't vehicle he was in) would have conspicuous markings that an eye-witness would notice.

whew...anyway, like I said, if LE didn't know about this guy 'til know, I do believe I'll be on the fence and that there's something entirely different going on between TH and DDS. jmoo
Also, from the article,


Investigators are talking to Stensen and checking his information against what they've gathered. They say they find him credible.
But, if he finished mowing at around 8:30, cleaned up his equipment,and took the equipment to the access road, he is saying that he could not have driven away without seeing the pickup truck. I think someone saw HIS pickup parked there....


Definately a possibility, and he could be the person seen in or around the truck.

From experience, when a light colored cloudy sky reflects off of a silver vehicle it can look white or whitish. White enough for someone to glance and see it and "remember" it as white. From the looks of the mirrors in the picture he is in one of those large trucks similar to KH's. I wonder if it is silver or even white.
No one's saying it wasn't there. It just wasn't parked on the access road.
It just wasn't parked on the access road between 7:45 and 8:30. I'm at a loss as to why the groundskeeper not seeing it during those times means the truck wasn't there later :waitasec: .
Okay, so she didn't park on the access road. Doesn't mean she didn't tell Kyron to come out of that side door and walk around to her car. That still could have happened. Or maybe she didn't park at all. Maybe she told him to come out, and she pulled the car around just as he got there, he gets in, and off they go. Why does she have to be parked to have done this? And for all we know, it was Dede getting that receipt, not Terri. Maybe the reason the baristas were in front of the Grand Jury for so long is because they didn't see Terri, but Dede, possibly with baby K. And maybe she tried to pass herself off as Terri, but it didn't work.

And since he's a city employee and not a school one, that could be why he was missed. Or maybe they did talk to him, but at that time they didn't have the information that a white truck could have been parked there. If the landscaper didn't see anything out of the ordinary, that's what he would have told them. The truck didn't come up until now, and only now could they ask him about that.

I'm just not ready to throw in the towel because she couldn't have parked on the access road. If she and Dede are innocent, why not shout it from the rooftops? Why all the secrecy and not talking? What could be more damning to cover then being accused of murdering a child? Nothing. Those two and their actions and not speaking don't add up for me.

And I don't want them to be guilty, but they are doing nothing to convince me that they aren't, and that's my whole problem.
The groundskeeper could have been gone from the area at the time that TH moved her truck there; especially if it was 8:45 am or later.

And that is exactly what the news reporter seems to think is going on. They are assuming the truck *was* there, and so it had to be some time between 8:30 and 8:45.

I agree that someone might have seen the groundskeeper's truck, but it had a trailer on the back, with a red tractor on it. I think it would be obvious that wasn't the same as the Horman truck.

chaperone tours started supposedly at 9. this is getting even more uncomfortable

I think his presence dispels any chance Terri's truck was on that access road. After seeing his set up, if he mowed until 8:30, it probably ate up the remaining 15 minutes cleaning up, packing up, putting mower back on trailer and getting out of the area. And then again, I don't think someone up to no good would have chanced moving up there knowing work was being done in that area of the school.
Definately a possibility, and he could be the person seen in or around the truck.

From experience, when a light colored cloudy sky reflects off of a silver vehicle it can look white or whitish. White enough for someone to glance and see it and "remember" it as white. From the looks of the mirrors in the picture he is in one of those large trucks similar to KH's. I wonder if it is silver or even white.



This isn't an accusation of any kind, just an answer to the question, but his truck is a white Ford.

You can see the color and make clearly in the video.
Stensen said he used the access road to get his truck and mowing equipment up to the soccer field like he always does.

He said he cut the grass on the soccer field between 7:45 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. the morning of June 4 and never saw the Hormans’ truck on the road.

Based on the investigators’ timeline, and if Stensen’s times are accurate, the window for the white truck to be on the access road narrows to the 15 minutes between 8:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m.
No, the receipt hasn't been proven, as many accusations in this case haven't been proven... However, MOO, I think that if Terri did not have the receipt as she claims, it would have leaked out as one of her "lies" by now...

Or LE wouldn't have asked for witnesses who saw the truck parked in specific spots in the FM parking lots.
Did we ever get the schools schedule for when the buses arrive and what time they serve breakfast, so we know what else was going on before 8 thirty a.m.?

that large group looking at the raised bed feels out of whack.

On that particular day, the school opened at 8:00AM for parents to tour the exhibits (before going to work). Presumably buses would arrive around 8:35, because that is the time that school normally opens. I don't think the school serves breakfast.

I agree that kids coming out to look at the raised beds is odd, unless it was part of someone's science fair project?

Although the school usually opens at 8:35 a.m. and the final bell rings 10 minutes later, the school opened as early as 8 Friday for the science fair, said Matt Shelby, spokesman for Portland Public Schools.
Even if he left at 8:30, and I think it could've been later when taking into account loading up equipment, he says he put the chain and padlock back in place.

So if Terri pulled her truck around to abduct Kyron, she would've either driven to the edge of the access road and would've been unable to exit, and either realizing this or knowing it ahead of time,she would've had to back up and turn around and exit the way she came.

It seems like that would've drawn attention.
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