SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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Why is there limited information? Because LE wants it that way.

Why isn't the family participating in actual searches? Because LE wants it that way.

Why isn't the local public participating in organized searches beyond their personal property and buildings? Because LE wants it that way.

Why were the questionnaires publicized and distributed? Because LE wants it that way.

Why does the public suspect SM/TH/Terri? Because LE wants it that way.

my snip/bold

excellent post, very powerful. I wish I thought so linearly, my head is all over the place :biglaugh:
He was scrutinized. I don't think anyone believed him, he was a suspect up until they found her. I'm just saying that he at least was able to say something happened, gave details, a description of the car and the couple who took her. Plus she was taken on a street, not vanished from the halls of a school. His story is more believable IMO.

I don't know. Sounds pretty wackadoodle to me.

"Yeah, so I just happened to be looking out the window while my stepdaughter was walking to the bus stop, and I saw some lady force my stepdaughter into a car, so I hopped on my bike to chase them. I lost sight of them, though."

Now that we know it actually happened, it seems believable, but I'm sure the police were pretty skeptical.
Just a couple of things that stick out to me and don't stick out

Family/friends/anyone remotely related searching, you don't want someone who is directly involved helping....say the perp left the body at point A but has an item of the victim's in his posession...He "finds" said posession at Point B where he is "searching" with police.

Now point B becomes the focus of the investigation, however, in the true scheme of things, Point B is irrelevant to the crime. The evidence found there was planted. This contaminates the site and corrupts the investigation.

I have no problem with family not searching.

TH reportedly last sees Kyron at 845....the next known time info we have is that she updated her facebook at 1:21 pm. that gives a "blank" in her time line of 4 hours and 41 minutes. Now, if her picture post from facebook was a "mobile upload" the "blank space" until we can confirm somone saw her moves to 3:30pm another 2 hours and 9 minutes...a total of 6 hours and 50 minutes.

The first reported sighting of the white truck on the dead end street was at 3pm. It's not far from NW 6th Avenue to the Horman home. IF (just putting out a theory here) it was TH there is plenty of time to be seen on 6th Ave when the white truck was seen and make it home again before the bus comes at 3:30.

If what is reported is correct, that the cell phone pings were not where TH said she have to look at why she did not tell the truth as to her whereabouts. This to me is a big red "look at me arrow". Think about it, if all she claims she did was "grab a gallon of milk, run to the cleaners and grab lunch"(My examples)...then why do the pings place her elsewhere? Why would she deny being where the pings place her? This is the one thing that has turned my thinking. If you "run errands" you have no reason to lie, but if you're somewhere where you don't want people to know you were, you lie. This bothers me.

Additionally, if she was running errands as she claimed, would some of the places she stopped have video evidence of her being there? Why hasn't this been brought to the forefront?

Then the question of not one, but 2 polygraphs. I can only think of 2 reasons why you would need 2. A) you passed the first but they came up with additional questions B) you failed and they are looking at you harder.
I HATE thinking that someone so close to Kyron could do such a thing....but there is an open spot in her time frame. even if you count the facebook update, there is still 4 hours and 41 minutes that needs to be accounted for, more than enough time for the unthinkable to occur and to still be where we "know" her to have been. IF the Facebook update was from a cell phone it moves up to over six hours of time where her actual whereabouts are unknown except for the fact that her cell phone places her where she did not claim to be.

You have to look at Means, Motive and Opportunity.

Means--unknown we do not know what actually happened to Kyron
Opportunity--we know that of the people closest to Kyron, TH had approximately 4 hours and 41 minutes up to 6 hours and 50 minutes of time that currently are unaccounted for/she was not where she claimed to be.

Right now, this is all they have to go on and they have to explore it fully.

Just my thoughts. I'm not saying TH had anything to do with Kyron disappearing, just that you have to investigate everything.


I remember when Tara MacDonald, Tori Staffords Mother took her 2nd lie detector test. All of us onlookers took that as a sign of guilt. We were way off the money! I can't base anyone's guilt or innocence based on the number of lie detectors tests they take.

Thank you for your post
He was scrutinized. I don't think anyone believed him, he was a suspect up until they found her. I'm just saying that he at least was able to say something happened, gave details, a description of the car and the couple who took her. Plus she was taken on a street, not vanished from the halls of a school. His story is more believable IMO.

I don't know why his story sounds believable. It sounds like an incredible fluke to me. Dropping your child off at school...why is that so incredible?

But even if you think it sounds better, you have to acknowledge that he was still suspected for years and had absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance. So it can happen and does happen.
IIRC, LE wanted any tapes and/or witnesses having seen TH and Kyron together as well as the white truck on June 3 and June 4th. I am just thinking that maybe no one even saw Kyron at school the morning of the 4th. As far as I can tell, the focus is on TH and Kyron, the white truck, and June 3 & 4.

We all have our different opinions on what we think means something. I just seriously doubt that LE or the newspapers are handing TH a big winning liable suit. So, IMO, LE has their reasons for whatever they may do in this investigation. Newspapers print news. If friends of TH speak out to any reporter, he/she has the right to the story.

I would so like to see Kyron be located.

BBM. Beyond my thoughts that Kyron was not at school that Friday morning, I have no other "theories" in the case. I've been convinced for some time that the science project was set up after school on Thursday and the photo of Kyron with his display was taken at that time. IMO, the time-line begins much earlier ;)
What was the result of the 2nd polygraph given to SM? Has that been released?

I do think it is a bit wierd she would go to the gym and workout like nothing happened. If it were my child I would be a complete depressed mess and would not leave the house yet.
I don't know. Sounds pretty wackadoodle to me.

"Yeah, so I just happened to be looking out the window while my stepdaughter was walking to the bus stop, and I saw some lady force my stepdaughter into a car, so I hopped on my bike to chase them. I lost sight of them, though."

Now that we know it actually happened, it seems believable, but I'm sure the police were pretty skeptical.

He was outside, about 100 feet away. She was walking down the street and the car pulled up and took her. He chased it as far and as fast as he could.

Waving goodbye to a child as he heads to his class is believable, too. I watch Princess PeePee run into the school every morning, and wait for her to come out every afternoon. I slowly got her used to me being at the sidewalk versus at the door to help her develop her independence. But every morning, and every afternoon, as soon as she gets to that door, she looks for me and I wave. Just so she knows I'm still there, and she's gonna be okay.

It isn't the fault of a mother who waves at her child that someone else determines to violate that trust between mother (or Mormor, like me) and child.
At first, I didn't suspect TH. I did read through FB before it went private and though I didn't like what I saw, I didn't think it was enough.

Then, I saw her in the press conferences, and I changed my mind. This is purely speculative, but she looks guilty to me. Maybe she just feels guilty because she thinks she should have been able to prevent this - like any other parent would - who knows. But my gut says otherwise. Combined with:

1) last known person to see Kyron; short window of time before he had to be in class
2) white truck/female driver spotted by neighbor *before* kyron was known missing
3) reported miscommunication with teacher about future appointment
4) reported email to teacher to ask a question about picking up science project (did she communicate frequently this way with teachers?)
5) statistically more likely than stranger abduction
6) comment on FB about hitting the gym and general FB activity (Terri 'likes' this), responding online, etc.
7) comment on FB about sleeping on clean sheets - this in particular felt so very wrong. when my cat was missing, I felt guilty that he might be cold, or hurt, and I was inside my warm house. I slept on the couch by the door for weeks just to listen for any sound of him. I cannot imagine having that thought enter my head while not knowing what is happening to my child.
8) new child now on the scene; oldest recently sent to live with grandparents
9) questionnaire by law enforcement and latest press conference: to me, the tone seemed to have definitely changed; not so protective anymore, IMO; questionnaire obviously interested in TH movements.

None of these things individually is damning; it's the totality of everything that points me in her direction. MOO
Excellent summary of events and of your impressions, TheCynic. I share these with you and cannot see any way that the step-mom is not responsible for whatever has befallen Kyron. If she is not responsible I will eat my words.

It is inconceivable that anyone could truly be this callous, especially in regards to their own step-son, but Terri has done and said nothing (publicly) to show genuine concern and genuine grief over the loss of Kyron. Her friend, her spokesperson, did not do anything but cause Teri to be seen in an unfavorable light; her chance to share the pain Terri could be going through was preempted by shallow and meaningless words, blame-shifting, and a very transparent attempt at damage control. I am absolutely shocked that this woman was picked to speak for Terri. As they say, with friends like that who needs enemies?

My opinions.

From the link (which btw is noted to be a blog).

Actually, WW is NOT a blog... though it has an online presence, where it's stories are reported, and a "blog".
It has been a very well respected alternative weekly paper here in Pdx for over 35 years.

per Wiki:

Willamette Week (WW) is an alternative weekly newspaper published in Portland, Oregon, United States. It features reports on local news, politics, and culture.

Willamette Week is the only weekly newspaper to have one of its reporters win a Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting.[3] During 2007, WW had more 18- to 34-year-old Portland-area readers than the weekly editions of The Oregonian and more than A&E, the latter's weekly arts and entertainment publication.[4]
I'm just on the fence about everything.

The behavior of LE and the parents just seems so strange. I really don't know what to make of any of this.

The June 3/June 4 theory is interesting. I'd be interested to see a reporter ask LE if anyone other than TH reported seeing Kyron that day.
I am new to this discussion, as well as, following these recent threads. Please, help me in the beginning after KH became missing I had read talk of a SO being detained that lived out on that island. I remember the talk of him being arrested for some other offense but, the general discussion was of him and maybe he could be the perp. I have not read anywhere recently of this being discussed. Does anyone know of the discussions, I am referring to? Sorry, if this is too far of topic, I did not know where to post the question.
Thank you

I remember when Tara MacDonald, Tori Staffords Mother took her 2nd lie detector test. All of us onlookers took that as a sign of guilt. We were way off the money! I can't base anyone's guilt or innocence based on the number of lie detectors tests they take.

Thank you for your post

I will tell you one thing, I am horrified that so many still give them - I wonder if refusal or acceptance is what they're really looking for....these things are a joke...I wouldnt take one :/
It's been a very long time...but I will always remember the reaction of Adam Walsh and his wife to their son's disappearance.

Frantic, and not knowing how or why he could not be found they implored him, "Look for landmarks, Adam."

They were covering every possibility...even helping the little guy find his way home or to an authority figure if he had just wandered away.

I realize every family is different...but how different? Don't we all run out of a house during a fire? Don;t we all have a frantic, desperate need to find what is lost...most especially OUR CHILD?

This is why the quiet, the inaction of this family in the first days unnerves me.

No authority figure could keep me from trying anything, everything to bring my child home.

You bring up a good point.

When Tori Stafford was abducted her Mom (Tara)and Dad(Rodney), who were divorced and not on friendly terms they held a news conference every single day at 1:00. I remember Tara saying things like "drop her off in a field" or "leave her at the side of a road" at the time I thought it was crazy talk, as I felt she was guilty. Now after reading your post it occurs to me that perhaps that is what innocent people do. They get in front of every news outlet available to them to keep their missing childs story in the mainstream. But really who knows? We all react differently to situations.

I am not sure I have come to any conclusions with little KH, but I certainly pray for his safe return home.
I'm just on the fence about everything.

The behavior of LE and the parents just seems so strange. I really don't know what to make of any of this.

The June 3/June 4 theory is interesting. I'd be interested to see a reporter ask LE if anyone other than TH reported seeing Kyron that day.

Surely by now LE has spoken to the people in the background of the Kyron/science fair project photograph allegedly taken by his stepmom that morning. Not that LE is telling us, but surely those third parties can say when they were there, and LE can go out and try to corroborate that.
I will tell you one thing, I am horrified that so many still give them - I wonder if refusal or acceptance is what they're really looking for....these things are a joke...I wouldnt take one :/

Agreed. My father (as a member of LE for 30 years) has explained to me just how easy it is to pass one if you are lying or how easy it is to fail even if you aren't. Perps who think they are untouchable could pass one fairly easy. An innocent person with anxiety issues or anxiety because of a missing family member, etc. could fail one in a heartbeat.

FWIW, on a boring day at the PD, my dad and friends used to hook each other up to see if they could pass when they were lying. And they could. He said you just have to be calm.
I am new to this discussion, as well as, following these recent threads. Please, help me in the beginning after KH became missing I had read talk of a SO being detained that lived out on that island. I remember the talk of him being arrested for some other offense but, the general discussion was of him and maybe he could be the perp. I have not read anywhere recently of this being discussed. Does anyone know of the discussions, I am referring to? Sorry, if this is too far of topic, I did not know where to post the question.
Thank you

There was a man, Tony Phipp, arrested that first week from grabbing onto the backpack of a boy-he was released over the weekend so am assuming charges were dismissed. Maybe he was just after the backpack. There was a thread here on this forum about him yesterday, so it should be here somewhere.
I don't know why his story sounds believable. It sounds like an incredible fluke to me. Dropping your child off at school...why is that so incredible?

But even if you think it sounds better, you have to acknowledge that he was still suspected for years and had absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance. So it can happen and does happen.
I think it's more believable because it seems more likely that someone in a car on the road could snatch a child and drive away. Dropping your child off at school isn't incredible. What's incredible is that he has vanished after that. I have never heard of a story like this one, but I have heard of many where a child was abducted while walking somewhere. I did acknowledge Jaycee's stepdad was a suspect.

Has anyone confirmed that Kyron was actually seen at the school that morning?
I am wondering if the LE actually knows who did it, maybe that he is no longer with us and have told the parents what they think. That could be why they are so hush, hush, just waiting for the evidence and discovery. They may be focusing on her since she was the last one and don't want the individual to know they are onto him. Just covering all their bases. She does exibit questionable reactions but, she may be in shock.
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