So sad: Man, 70 puts ad in paper, just wants a friend

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I sure hope his phone was busy for a good reason. I love old people, they are so wise. It is sad someone has to be lonely and depressed.
I am definately going to write him a letter. If I find a book I think he will like, I will send that too. Please keep us updated.
Hi everyone...

When I was out at the mall today I stopped in the card shop to pick something special to mail to Dennis..

It was then I noticed (of course) the huge rack of Valentines.. LOL so I thought why not?

There was a section for 'Religious Valentines" and I found one that was so nice... with a angel on it and very kind words.

I will be mailing it tomorrow to the PO Box that Marie provided... thanx Marie :blowkiss:
thank you so much Marie. I hope to remember to continue letters to him on a monthly basis. In reality, it would only take me 15 minutes but would mean so much to him. I hope others here will continue and not stop.
Cass: You're just to sweet :)

I tried calling him all day today but never got thru. I'll try again tomorrow.
Once I get ahold of him I'll let ya know.
blueclouds, if you keep a calendar, you could make a notation in it each month to write to Dennis. I think the initial mailing will be big, and then a few of us will continue to write. Imagine if 5-10 of us sent a note each month, how much brighter his life will be.

Cass, I am also sending a Valentine! My roommates are sending other type cards.

So excited to check my mailboxes in a few minutes and gauge the response.

Thanks to everyone who has responded so far!
Hugs to Marie for the use of her P. O. Box.
Love and blessings to all, Lanie
alpharee said:
If you are interested in sending Dennis a letter/card please send here:

Dennis Sprouse
P.O. Box 2101
Sheffield Lake, OH. 44054

Alpharee, I think you're an angel sent from God!!! Its terrific that you're doing this. Please make a post about this and place it in the jury room so those posters who might not read here in this forum can know what's going on. Maybe we can find out if his man needs anything. Clothing, food, subscriptions to magazines, etc. I'd be happy to contribute and my family will definately begin to write this man some letters.

Thanks again for this!!!
Hey... just mailed my valentine... hopefully Dennis will recieve it in a couple of days.

I am sure there is something around your city, Alph, that caters to older people - kind of like a day care center for the elderly where they go once or twice a week, have lunch, make crafts, etc etc. Quite often the hospital or church will pick them up, too. If you are into it, check with your local hospitals and churches - someone should know something.

Granted he needs the cards and I think that is a wonderful idea, but I think he needs friends too.
Hi Poco... yup, real people there in person is the best! but the cards pouring in will definately cheer him up... he is way better off now then he was the day he placed that ad.

PS.. glad today is Feb 2, getting tired of your rodent popping up:slap:
thanks all for sending cards. They do brighten the day :)
I've tried again today to call him and it's busy so I'm beginning to worry a little.
I've tried ccalling the news editor that wrote the piece but she wasn't in. Not having much luck here but I'll definately get ahold of him sooner or later.
Again all thanks!

Actually Lanie where are you???:)
If you have that mass email you did up will you post it in the juryroom?
Thank ya :blowkiss:
Casshew said:
Hi Poco... yup, real people there in person is the best! but the cards pouring in will definately cheer him up... he is way better off now then he was the day he placed that ad.

PS.. glad today is Feb 2, getting tired of your rodent popping up:slap:

I like my jumping groundhog - I just may keep him all year long!!!!

Maybe if you do get ahold of him, we can find out if he likes to read or what sort of hobbies he has. He sounds like he does not have much money - Maybe we could each donate $1 towards a grocery store gift certificate - just thoughts!
Poco great idea.

Also the story says he likes to read murder mysteries, I certainly have enough of those around to send him some.

And he talked about maybe getting some kind of a game system so he could play golf from his chair - I'm not familiar with what that would be?
that would be a playstaion 2. Cost $180 without the game. Or regular playstation has them as well for about $100. I'm gonna try to call him right now.
Just got off the phone with Dennis. Boy he's a very nice man! I really enjoyed my talk and just want you all to know he's really really excited about you guys writing to him! I can't even put in words how happy he was. He gave me his home address and I will be going to visit him this week. Also he said I can give you guys his home address. He doesn't understand how many "crazy" people are online so I opt to not put his address online. If anyone would like his home address, please feel free to write and I'll send it PM. He stated he would love a playstation but he has an old tv that it would not hook up to. (You can buy adaptors for those but he didn't know that :)
Also he loves murder mysteries, detective and any type of books that most of us sleuthers would enjoy :) So if you have spare books, etc, please consider donating them to Dennis. He also said he would love to write everyone who sends him a card but he has no way to get paper, envelopes and stamps. I will be stopping by the store to get him some of this so he can enjoy his new found friends. He says not many people have called him at all, even with the ad in the paper. :(
I gave him my phone number and told him to call anytime he feels like it.

He told me of how he wishes he had a computer so he could email everyone and even post on our board. If anyone has an old one you'd like to donate, contact me. I'll be on the look-out for a cheap one for him myself. Nothing fancy just something he could surf and access email. He really is a nice guy and sounds so young! I am surprised he's 70. I'll take my dig camera when I visit so all can see the joy you bring this this "young" man when he receives his letters and cards.
Thanks to all for your compassion. Love you guys!
Alpharee , wonderful! You made contact and he's a nice guy and we have a way to help!!

Please pm me his address . I'll send him books. And stamps.
I've also wrote my son's teacher and told her the story. I ask her if she could have a class project where the children make something for Dennis. I think he'd enjoy that as well.
You guys are something else! I think I will also write Dennis and maybe inform my kids' teacher as you are doing. I just became a member and can't think of more compassionate people than you all that I have met on the "net"!

sansoucie , would that translate as without help/care/worry?

I think the project for the kids is wonderful!

This gentleman reminds me of a house I pass about 10 minutes from our home. It's overgrown, the little home is swallowed by overgrown shrubs and trees, reminds me of Bo's house in To Kill A Mockingbird. I have stopped there several times with my electric trimmer and yard gloves in the back of my Jeep. I want to offer help to clean up the property and make it safer for whoever lives there. No one will answer the door. The neighbors claim no knowledge of who is inside. I think there are a lot of older people who should be valued and assisted.
sansoucie said:
You guys are something else! I think I will also write Dennis and maybe inform my kids' teacher as you are doing. I just became a member and can't think of more compassionate people than you all that I have met on the "net"!


Hi and welcome to Websleuths!!! I've been here on this forum for years and I have the exact same impression of our posters. They are so thoughtful and generous. I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact one of the moderators!! :)
Piper mentioed WebTV for Dennis and I never thought of that! I'll have to check into it. Thanks Piper for the idea~!

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