So sad: Man, 70 puts ad in paper, just wants a friend

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I was suprised to see this thread again. I thought Dennis was a con back then and I still do, with someone, such as a younger man working with him by putting the ad in the paper to begin with. Old men aren't always nice.
blueclouds said:
I tried to use the reverse directory listingings using his phone number. Finally found the area code he should be in and nothing came up. In a public record search, it found a Dennis D. Sprouse, age 71 but didn't list his address unless I paid for the search. If anyone else has some ideas, it would be great. I wonder how big this town is?! What if we sent letters to the lady who wrote the article in the paper? I bet she' deliver them.
try zaba, it is free i HAVE FOUND PEOPLE USING THIS site.
What a surprise to read your thread about Dennis Sprouse! I'm from another site and we did the same thing recently - jumped in and starting helping him when his article showed up on our site. Amazing!

However, I did some checking and called local agencies in his area. He did receive services at the time you were writing and calling him: home health services and local veteran's group was providing transportation. A caseworker did mention that he had a young woman staying with him, who had lost her job and apt, stayed about 6-7 months.

Also spoke to Rini Caudill, Chronicle reporter, and she had alot to say. Even after 2 yrs, she still felt betrayed by Mr. Sprouse for, as she felt, lying about his military medals. She did confirm that he was in the military but he received no medals.

Most of us have been mailing letters. One poster arranged for a church to send a visitor and that seemed to go well. Most return letters from Mr. Sprouse seem to express his lonliness, having received no mail [he's written this to several people already] and that no one has visited him [but we have confirmation of that church visitor]. In light of of the poster who found this website and his divorce decree online, after he's told several of us, he's widowed [10 months, 6 yrs, 3 yrs; take your pick], I've found this case with Dennis Sprouse taking a decidely unusual twist.

Just wanted you to know that there are other kindhearted people out there too, who have tried to help him, and are wiser for your experiences.:)
just goes to show you that you should be kind and generous, but skeptical at the same time. don't believe everything you read, especially if you haven't met the person. PEOPLE LIE!!!! and maybe this has something to do with why this guy is so "lonely",, becuase maybe he lies, doesn't treat people well, and maybe has not been so good at keeping friends over the years. some of this could have been due to alcoholism, and now it may also have a lot to do with dementia.

although part of the blame for this whole fiasco lies with the reporter-- nice idea for a tearjerker of a story,, but SHAME ON HER for not checking into the TRUTH behind it-- it seems she just printed whatever sounds good, and didn't bother with verifying anything.

moral of story: don't let your heartstrings get in the way of your head.
it's tempting to reach out and make a lonely elderly person (or anyone in need) feel better-- and we all know there's an infiite number of them out here who would be so happy to get just a sliver of the attention that dennis got. however, you have to think-- do i really want to get involved in this? because when you do, it may not be so easy to get out. these peoples' needs are oven endless, and it feels good at first, but charity often can turn into a burden.

funny, this story reminds me of the one of the older italian man putting an ad in the paper for a family to adopt him.... he recieved an outpouring of offers, and a family actually did-- and then he turned out to be a con man!
When I did talk to Rini Caudill, she said the Chronicle wanted to publish the story ASAP, so it wasn't researched as she wanted to do it. She verified the military info after the article was published.

Since I did most of the phone calling and verifying for our group, I look at it as a learning experience. The blame game doesn't work for me, everyone does what they think is best given the info they have - JMO.
BuQueLady said:
What a surprise to read your thread about Dennis Sprouse! I'm from another site and we did the same thing recently - jumped in and starting helping him when his article showed up on our site. Amazing!

However, I did some checking and called local agencies in his area. He did receive services at the time you were writing and calling him: home health services and local veteran's group was providing transportation. A caseworker did mention that he had a young woman staying with him, who had lost her job and apt, stayed about 6-7 months.

Also spoke to Rini Caudill, Chronicle reporter, and she had alot to say. Even after 2 yrs, she still felt betrayed by Mr. Sprouse for, as she felt, lying about his military medals. She did confirm that he was in the military but he received no medals.

Most of us have been mailing letters. One poster arranged for a church to send a visitor and that seemed to go well. Most return letters from Mr. Sprouse seem to express his lonliness, having received no mail [he's written this to several people already] and that no one has visited him [but we have confirmation of that church visitor]. In light of of the poster who found this website and his divorce decree online, after he's told several of us, he's widowed [10 months, 6 yrs, 3 yrs; take your pick], I've found this case with Dennis Sprouse taking a decidely unusual twist.

Just wanted you to know that there are other kindhearted people out there too, who have tried to help him, and are wiser for your experiences.:)

It's good to know there were others trying to help, it hurts that we all were lied too. He told everyone he never received letters or phonecalls and I know for a fact he did too as I arranged the letters to be mailed to my PO Box and then a male friend of mine took them to him. I also spoke to him several times on the phone. It all seemed weird but I had enough when he began to call my home wanting me to bring him cigarettes and got angry when I would not return his calls (I was out of town)

It's sad we were taken advantage of but good to know Loving Caring People still exist :)
Dear Alpharee, I thank you for your posting. It would seem that Dennis Sprouse has hoodwinked us all. It seems he has had about 11,000 responses to his forum letter, been reached out to by churches, e mailers, and younger residents living with him, and is still a lonely man?
I am of his age, have a "sharp shooters and good conduct medal after three year in the far East with the Marine Corps. Not very impressive is it? Have been widowed twice to the killer cancer. I deeply miss both of these ladies but refuse to be a Sprouse type person because of it.
I, for one, am not lonely. Mr. Sprouse should get out and do voluntary service. He no longer will be lonely and be of some service to this wonderful country of ours.
My feelings are that "Webslueths" has kept him on only because it is the most responses they have ever receive from one forum entry.(Sticky it is time to give this up.)
What say Ye!
I think the sticky needs to stay. I found it fascinating to read, both as a testament to the good in people and as a warning how con artists come in all shapes, sizes and ages. Also it appears he is still actively looking for "friends", so if someone were to do a search on his name, they would read the WS story.

Just my :twocents:
I went through the gamut of emotions reading this thread today. First, I was so moved
by the generosity and kindness of the people at Websleuths. I too am big on helping others and immediatly wanted to help. Of course by the time I got to the end of the thread I gave up all thoughts of helping this man. I do not think he is a con man. I do believe he is likely mentally Ill and probably has senility issues as well. I think the one person here whos behavior I think could be considered irrisponsible and possiblity criminal is the reporter. We the consumer are led to believe when a reputable newspaper runs a story like this essentaily for the public to help a stranger that it is a legitamite cause. The reporter may disagree that what she did is ask the public for assitance, but I would disagree with that. By not throughly checking out this man she not only potentially put the public at risk but she also put him at risk and She most deffinilty exploted a needy sick man. It would not have been very difficult to ascertani this gentelman is mentally ill and running a story about his ad was inappropriate. This reporter elected not to do this and for that we all suffered. Shame on her!!! I hope she like the rest of us have learned from this experience.

mjak-- i wholeheartedly agree, i think the reporter was negligent and irresponsible. it sounded like a nice, tear-jerking, heart-tugging story that she could take credit for & better her career with... but didn't she think that a whole lot of people might actually try to get involved to help him? and possibly, as you say, be put at risk (although it their own choice)...?

it seems more and more that reporters don't investigate to make sure the facts are straight, it might get in the way of a good story.

that being said, it's still ultimately mr. sprouse who is responsible for his deceit, although it does seem to be muddled with a bit of dementia here...
the saddest part of this whole story is that it reinforces the believe that we must be afraid to help others. I very much like helping others. I frequently help out senior citizens in my neighborhood by running errands and stuff. However, I do less and less of it as I become more and more afriad. when we have a big snow storm and I am finally able to get out I use to ask the seniors who live around me if they need anything. Now I am growing more and more hesitant and that saddens me.

What was there to investigate though? She's a reporter not a detective. I don't think we can blame this on the reporter. She's not a psychic...there's no way she could've predicted that he was going to start demanding things from people.
I saw through the whole thing from the very first thread a couple years ago. So, he had a young woman living with him. Dennis definitely doesn't have very much dementia or home health wouldn't allow him to live on his own, and I imagine he had some co conspirators and help in posting the ad in the paper which was wanting only money not church type visits. I think the demand for cigarettes was an attempt to scare off certain people who would not give into to his demands or after he thought all the money safely possible was raised, they needed to be gotten rid of. I'd help my neighbors and family and only try to get strangers help from the many many social service agencies that are available. No sending of money or goods to anyone.
Sounds like the poor man has dementia. I have known several elderly people with that affliction. Mr Sprouse is on oxygen (?), that tells me he may have organic brain damage, as did some of the so afflicted I knew. I wouldn't be too hard on him. The demented that I knew had bad behavior indeed, swearing, abusive, demanding, get confused on reality, etc.

It's sad that everyone is so generous, and are alienated by his behavior. I know that when one is trying to help, we expect appropriate gratitude. When that is not forth-coming, we withdraw...

Perhaps the possible illness won't allow Mr. Sprouse to react appropriately.

Just a thought...
Puca said:
Dear Alpharee, I thank you for your posting. It would seem that Dennis Sprouse has hoodwinked us all. It seems he has had about 11,000 responses to his forum letter, been reached out to by churches, e mailers, and younger residents living with him, and is still a lonely man?
I am of his age, have a "sharp shooters and good conduct medal after three year in the far East with the Marine Corps. Not very impressive is it? Have been widowed twice to the killer cancer. I deeply miss both of these ladies but refuse to be a Sprouse type person because of it.
I, for one, am not lonely. Mr. Sprouse should get out and do voluntary service. He no longer will be lonely and be of some service to this wonderful country of ours.
My feelings are that "Webslueths" has kept him on only because it is the most responses they have ever receive from one forum entry.(Sticky it is time to give this up.)
What say Ye!
Puca: I have nothing to do with this being a sticky or being able to remove it. That's totally up to the Mods of this board.
I am new here and this makes me cry! I'm off to write a letter or something for him. I think we can all relate to now having family close by and friends are hard to come by as you get older! WOW, just read the other articles and it's not true~that's even more sad!
beastofburden said:
I am new here and this makes me cry! I'm off to write a letter or something for him. I think we can all relate to now having family close by and friends are hard to come by as you get older! WOW, just read the other articles and it's not true~that's even more sad!

This thread is like two years old. I'm not sure what the guy's status is any more. :blowkiss:
I think if you read the entire thread you will see this wasn't as clear cut as the first few pages indicate.

I believe some found it to be something hinky.
I, for one, cannot believe this thread is even still around!!!!!!

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