So she gets out today....

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WESH reported that LE went to home this morning to tell them homeowner *advertiser censored*. wants the trailer moved and the tape
There's signs that say baby killer. Also the homeowner's came down on them over the billboard. Looks Like LE isn't helping them LOL
probablly will not be long and they will rearest her for something eles in a day or too, might be tomorow night or tonight hopefully probablly on tv agian too
As I'm watching the house (aerial view), I said to Caylee ... do you know how many people LOVE you? It's sad that on this earth ... she didn't see how many people cared about her ... and their loyalty to her.
I don't think the pressure will change anything for her. My brother is a liar and once he makes a story,he will stick to it until his death. Casey has a good reason to stick to her story....her life. JMO

I agree she wont EVER tell what happened as long as she knows her family is buying the BS story she is tells, so as long as she thinks they beleive her she will stick to it!

Now if she was my daughter this is what I would say "You either tell the truth about what happened otherwise I am done with you, you will not stay here at this house, I will not stand up for you or defend you I wll do everything in my power to make sure you are charged and convicted. I am done buying your BS."
Well now that the Baby k***** is home, I must go. Hoping LE will arrest her for her stealing her GPs money.
Because she is a :chicken:....chit!!!!

Yeah really, what happend to her "holding her head up high"? This just makes me sick!! What is the point of having her out, she will not talk to anyone anyways. If G & C really thought their grandaughter was alive they would've used that money for tickets to Dallas, Puerto Rico and Mexico to search for her!! :furious::furious:
Well, that was weird. It was just like Natural Born Killers. Sick, sick, sick.

I am now off to finish packing, get the oil changed and head down to Florida. While I so want Caylee to be found, I think part of me is doing this because I know Cindy doesn't want it.

Hopefully, I can keep up over the weekend, if not I'll see you when I get back.
Well, that was weird. It was just like Natural Born Killers. Sick, sick, sick.

I am now off to finish packing, get the oil changed and head down to Florida. While I so want Caylee to be found, I think part of me is doing this because I know Cindy doesn't want it.

Hopefully, I can keep up over the weekend, if not I'll see you when I get back.

You have my utmost respect! God bless...
Well, that was weird. It was just like Natural Born Killers. Sick, sick, sick.

I am now off to finish packing, get the oil changed and head down to Florida. While I so want Caylee to be found, I think part of me is doing this because I know Cindy doesn't want it.

Hopefully, I can keep up over the weekend, if not I'll see you when I get back.

I just wanted to say that I think what your doing is awesome!!! You, Tim Miller and the other searchers looking for little Caylee are the heros in this tragedy! God Bless You!!!! :clap:
I don't think the pressure will change anything for her. My brother is a liar and once he makes a story,he will stick to it until his death. Casey has a good reason to stick to her story....her life. JMO

Interesting choice of words, I always thought it was interesting in her police interview when the Det. asked her if she wanted to change her statement she said no that's the story I'm "sticking" with (Darn right it's a story!) :furious:. That is a term often used when people are lying and they say "that's my story and I'm sticking to it."
Well, that was weird. It was just like Natural Born Killers. Sick, sick, sick.

I am now off to finish packing, get the oil changed and head down to Florida. While I so want Caylee to be found, I think part of me is doing this because I know Cindy doesn't want it.

Hopefully, I can keep up over the weekend, if not I'll see you when I get back.

That's awesome of you to do that.
I'm in Ga. too and want to help.
I asked my S/O last night if we could possible go down there to help in the search next weekend. I knew he'd say no, but I decided to throw it out there in the hopes he'd go for it. Alas, he said there was no way we could just take off and do that together because of the kids and his work obligations.
She looked a little frightened this time though. I can't believe she is out again. Caylee never even had a chance.....
Hi everyone. I've been lurking for a few weeks and finally decided to join. I thought now was as good as any time to make my first post. I have two little girls, ages 1 and 2, so this case has been very close to my heart. I can't believe KC is out of jail again, and I can't believe what a circus it is. I have faith though, that justice will be served and Caylee will be brought home.
I agree she wont EVER tell what happened as long as she knows her family is buying the BS story she is tells, so as long as she thinks they beleive her she will stick to it!

Now if she was my daughter this is what I would say "You either tell the truth about what happened otherwise I am done with you, you will not stay here at this house, I will not stand up for you or defend you I wll do everything in my power to make sure you are charged and convicted. I am done buying your BS."

Unfortunately, I agree. Casey is thinking, "Caylee WHO?" right now.
And if she was my daughter (shudder, the nightmares), we'd be sharing a jail cell right now. Not because I helped her cover up but because I'd have been arrested for assault with a deadly weapon after I shoved her cell phone somewhere not so nice...
I wish the police wouldn't have made home confinement one of Casey's requirements. Casey wouldn't stay home, don't you know.

Well, since Cindy obviously lied and I don't see news that she's looking for a live Caylee. There isn't much to watch until something further happens with this case.

Cindy even made Caylee's vigils more about Casey and Casey holding her head "high", than she did about Caylee. Pardon me if I question them calling police on protesters, because what is SHE holding if not a protest?

Anyhoo, will check back in for real news, but the Anthony's aren't news, they're a group of sick twisted individuals, imo.

The family said the getting Casey out of jail is not a priority since jail may be the safest place for her.

“I will walk every inch of this earth and open every door and knock on every door, I will look in every nook and cranny until I find her.

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