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DNA Solves
I don't understand this comment. Explanation, please?

Hello, .

It means the ink on a post isn't even dry before a mod comes along and makes changes to it.

I have been taking this act personally,but I see it is being done to others.

That is one of the reasons I liked the private rooms. We could post what we wanted to without feeling harrassed.
I find it sad that some people were using the SG's to exclude posters and to talk about others. I never belonged to a SG that was case specific but rather topic specific - Animal Welfare Group, Recovery and CatLovers and they were all very positive environments with people who were there because we had that common interest, passion or issue and were there to support one another and share. While I understand the issues that were apparently happening on other SG's and I don't know what the solution should be it is disappointing that everyone must suffer for the actions of a few but I suppose that is how things work. I have faith that the mods and Tricia will come up with a fair solution.

Are the SG's coming back? Funny, while they were there I took advantage of it and hadn't been active in them for awhile but now that I can't I want too, lol. :blushingsmiley:
Hello, .

It means the ink on a post isn't even dry before a mod comes along and makes changes to it.

I have been taking this act personally,but I see it is being done to others.

That is one of the reasons I liked the private rooms. We could post what we wanted to without feeling harrassed.
Most likely another member is alerting on your posts if you are violating a rule and that sends a notice to the mods directly. The alert links directly to the offending post and if a mod is online it is taken care of asap. if no one is online it could take hours to be edited or removed.We get complaints for taking too long and you are complaining we are too fast!
If this happens to you a lot then you should take a moment to review the rules.
Then you won't feel "harrassed" :)
I might add the the edit to the post in question shows in the notes to have been done to fix the quote. I fix lots of broken quotes - I fix them whenever I come across them - so it's clear who is quoting who. I never had any idea anyone would find that harassing or in any way upsetting.

I'm going to keep doing it, though.
I didn't even look at the post in question, I never thought that would be considered harassment either.
Ask anyone, I send a lot of time fixing broken quotes. You know that ultimately if the quotes are not fixed, then everyone is misquoted and that is really upsetting. i hate it when it look like I said something i didn't. I have gotten many grateful pm's from people for fixing their misquote due to fixing a broken quote. They didn;t mention anything about being harassed to me either.

Sorry Little if i assumed you did something that was offensive. Fixing broken quotes never occurred to me as harassment and I should have looked. my bad. But if you need help fixing your own broken quotes we can show you how and then that would help us a lot.
I didn't even look at the post in question, I never thought that would be considered harassment either.
Ask anyone, I send a lot of time fixing broken quotes. You know that ultimately if the quotes are not fixed, then everyone is misquoted and that is really upsetting. i hate it when it look like I said something i didn't. I have gotten many grateful pm's from people for fixing their misquote due to fixing a broken quote. They didn;t mention anything about being harassed to me either.

Sorry Little if i assumed you did something that was offensive. Fixing broken quotes never occurred to me as harassment and I should have looked. my bad. But if you need help fixing your own broken quotes we can show you how and then that would help us a lot.

You know how you sometimes walk past a fire alarm and feel the urge to pull it? Well I look at that red triangle up there sometimes and I want to click on it so bad just to see what happens.

Someday the temptation may get the best of me.

I needed to confess that.
While I can understand the want to discuss things in a reasonable manner, making a social group isn't the way to go in my opinion. I've been a member of another board for about 5 years and rarely do the sites owners and mods have to step in, we always try to remain civil even in the most heated of debates. As we are adults, not children therefore for the most part we don't act like it.

Ultimately it comes down to those who post. A troll will only stay around while it is being fed, stop feeding it and they go away. In other words, if someone post something mean and hurtful don't take the bait, just move on as if it was never posted.

And really if someone is too fearful, or whatever to post in the normal thread, then a message board probably isn't the safest place to be posting the information to start with, in a social group or not.

I assumed that there was moderation in each forum, even the SG's. I have an ancient computer and a dial-up connection so I rarely venture out of my main forums; however, while on a fast wireless computer one day I found a couple SG. The recovery forum didn't invite me, I think I asked to be included? Don't remember, anyhow, I found that group at a time in my life when a kind word and support was exactly what I needed. Also, when I come across one of the members posting on a thread I am at we often pass quick hello and perhaps exchange a PM of support. Thank you mostlylurking for creating that SG. It does however concern me that the information we share could be repeated. If this was happening in a SG like the recovery forum then I feel like a violation of my privacy has occurred. I treat the recovery forum like AA, I would NEVER repeat what another poster has shared. With that said, I have found posting and exchanges in the main boards that has made me just log out and return when things are calmer, I can't imagine how bad it must have gotten to shut down the SG's. I feel honored to be a WS'r even though I don't contribute a fraction of what many poster do in their time, investigation and theory sharing. I trust the mods to do what is necessary to restore and maintain the respect and credibility this site did and should command. Thanks to the mods and the quality members here.
This thread is not about forum moderation. Why is it that every time admin asks for input some posters inevitably start on the too much moderation and i was given a TO for no reason kick. One thing I can assure you of is if I personally gave you a time out it was deserved. I rarely post on the forums I moderate just for this reason,,,,if I posted there and had to give someone time to cool off they would say I "took sides" or "was biased" Bottom line is Tricia owns the forum, moderators will not go away, and EVERY part of the forum will follow TOS.

I have been reading this thread and as many of you know I am animal's daughter and talk to some of the other mods regularly, they are like a second family to me and I will be the first to tell you, as someone close to some of them, I was told when I joined by them numerous times, if you do anything/say anything/argue with anyone in a manner that is uncalled for that is agaisnt our TOS you will be the FIRST one on TO or BANNED.

Do I feel that is wrong? NO because it is expected of each of us, as adults as many people have pointed out, that we behave in a manner that is that of an adult. And all of the drama and badmouthing of others that has apparently gone on in SG's is not that of an adult but of a highschool student. I don't feel that social groups are needed here at websleuths. We have many other forums where we are able to talk about things outside of crime.

Finally, I personally feel that our moderaters, Admin, and owner here at websleuths are very fair and do a great job here. I wouldn't change them for anything.

(PS: if this came off in a rude manner or anything I apologize, I tend to have a hard time wording things in a manner that is clear on my intent.)
Since I wasn't even aware that social groups existed, I really don't mind that the groups are gone. I feel that there are so many other outlets available on the internet if you want to socialize. This site is for victims of crime and discussing and sharing info on these crimes and justice for these victims.
We have all read the TOS when we registered and agree to follow these rules. If you are unable to act like an adult on this site, then you should be on T.O. This is JMHO and hope I haven't upset anyone.
Since I wasn't even aware that social groups existed, I really don't mind that the groups are gone. I feel that there are so many other outlets available on the internet if you want to socialize. This site is for victims of crime and discussing and sharing info on these crimes and justice for these victims.
We have all read the TOS when we registered and agree to follow these rules. If you are unable to act like an adult on this site, then you should be on T.O. This is JMHO and hope I haven't upset anyone.

You have not upset anyone at all.

Let me offer my two cents.

If we do something on Websleuths and it starts to take up too much extra time of the mods and admins or we find that something causes other problems then the final decision comes to me. I look at what is best for the members and the moderators. The moderators and administrators play an active role in making any decision but the buck stops with me.

The best thing, always, hands down, is the thing that will keep the forum peaceful, running smoothly, no drama, and doesn't stress people out.

The Social groups, not all of them I know, but several of them were really taking up our time. Causing drama, and not running smoothly at all. It wasn't worth it.

If the main thing offered was a social group where like minded people could post then of course we would continue.

Continuing the social groups on WS was making it hard to do our jobs and therefore taking away from the main forum. We can't have that.

Just my itty bitty two cents.
All I know is we did a great job on the little baby from Florida that was hidden under the bed. WS'ers came through, and helped get that baby found! That is how a forum should be, and we were all proud to be WS'ers that day. Teamwork like that is why I joined WS, and why I will always be a WS'er. That is (I am sure) what Tricia wants for her forum-sleuthers working hard and helping solve a case or find a child. And I have seen this forum do that, and I know you are all great! That is where the focus needs to be. MHO
I'm not trying to start trouble, but are the Social Groups still closed?

There seems to be a whole slew of regular posters missing from the Haleigh Cummings threads. I don't know what to think about all of them managing to break the habit so effectively and efficiently. [I sure can't manage to quit or even cut down. W/S is very, very addictive.]

Still closed. I don't know why this notice suddenly popped up on the front page.
Me either! I barely have time to read here that much anymore so I am not entirely surprised though....but it's funny to me that I didn't even realize they existed!

I feel the same, I would have loved to have been in a Recovery group but didn't know one existed:waitasec:
...but it's funny to me that I didn't even realize they existed!

Me either.

Man, I'm feeling like in sixth grade when somebody didn't invite me to a party.

Just kidding, .
I believe you had to be invited to join by someone that had created an existing group.

ETA -- I think there were groups that existed for all sorts of reasons. Sleuthing groups, social groups (for OT chit chat), etc. :)

yes, I believe so. I think anyone could start one for whatever topic, right?
I have spent the past year and a half on the Caylee forum. So many wonderful people and amazing work there, really wonderful. Unfortunately also a strong prosecution bias on the threads sometimes to the point that some fencesitters are the constant recipients of rude posts etc, and many areas of discussion in the case are treated as taboo, basically limiting discussion to the perameters of the prosecution's case.... It is literally taboo to ask questions about almost anyone other than Casey and her family, unless it's someone the prosecution would like to discredit, if you know what I mean. Even people who had been in close quarters with Caylee prior to her disappearance (except Casey and the A family members of course), taboo to ask questions about them! With a few exceptions. And I'm not talking about accusing anyone of a crime, I'm talking about just public information and general discussion. (I don't know if sometimes this may have been actual board policy for legal reasons? I'm not sure if it's that, I could understand that-- if it is it would be very helpful to have private groups to be able to discuss the case more fully.)
I don't know what the social groups or private groups were like, it's a shame if some didn't work out, but I would have thought they could be very useful, for discussing the case itself. I had assumed the same rules applied as on the regular threads, no bashing of other board users, no criticism of moderators or admin, no rude or harrassing posts, avoiding going off topic, etc. It would be fine for mods to see or moderate the private forums (or not, their choice). Private groups could be just like normal threads, only behind a screen so to speak so there could be freer discussion without raising the ire of those who don't want certain things discussed. I wouldn't want to discuss in a private forum exclusively but (in its best form) it would be a great place to be able to discuss any case topics that are not possible on the regular threads due to the climate on the threads (or for legal reasons or whatever, privacy concerns etc).
(The only drawback would be that it would tend to take all but the prosecution-oriented discussions even more off the main board than they already are.)
I hadn't thought about some of the problems some of you mentioned such as people posting other people's comments from private forums onto the main forums and so on or private threads turning gossipy. That is a shame. And of course the ideal is that everyone would have equal access to all discussions, you know, you hate for anyone to be closed out of any forum--if only everyone could allow everyone the same freedom of speech on the main threads, not freedom of speech only regarding the prosecution's half of the case. There is often the total misperception that fencesitters are people who are aligned with the defense or who "want Casey to get away with it". This could not be less true. The fencesitters I've met here are not aligned with the defense or the prosecution and are very serious about the perpetrator of Caylee's murder, whoever it was, being held accountable, that's why they want all the questions to be asked.
But the only thing with the Private Groups or Social Groups is that I guess all threads probably need some form of moderating in the end though, and who is really prepared to take on this job?! (That our moderators so kindly do for us on the hundreds of main threads)!! I can't imagine how hard it would be.
Early in the case I used to love to visit the Caylee Alive thread (I think that was the title) because they were such nice people there and they were tolerant there of alternative theories and fencesitters, and because of their hopeful attitude for Caylee. It was possible to have open-minded discussion there regardless the theory (though some people still came onto that thread just to attack, believe it or not--apparently they couldn't stand for anyone to be discussing alternative theories on even one thread.) I thought the Alive thread was pretty important to the forum --sad that there needed to be a thread just for alivers or fencesitters, but it was needed. I mean, face it, it was still early in the case but people couldn't even discuss the possibility that Caylee might be alive on the main threads due to the amount of flack they got. What's that about? Another example of the climate on the board, the lady who thought she'd seen Caylee on that flight and was brave enough to report it, this lady came on our site and was treated very rudely and was called a liar.
Anyway, I never looked into social groups or private forums until maybe a year later. I was seeing a fencesitter being bashed on the board, and then noticed the "social groups" or "private groups" button and thought, "Duh! That's what we're probably supposed to be using. Fencesitters could discuss in a private forum without bothering anyone." But I clicked on it, the button didn't work, I asked someone else, they said oh that was disabled, etc. So I went, oh too bad, and just went on. But anyway, I was very appreciative of the Caylee Alive thread back in the beginning and all those nice people. It was a wonderful thread with a really nice atmosphere.
I have spent the past year and a half on the Caylee forum. So many wonderful people and amazing work there, really wonderful. Unfortunately also a strong prosecution bias on the threads sometimes to the point that some fencesitters are the constant recipients of rude posts etc, and many areas of discussion in the case are treated as taboo, basically limiting discussion to the perameters of the prosecution's case.... It is literally taboo to ask questions about almost anyone other than Casey and her family, unless it's someone the prosecution would like to discredit, if you know what I mean. Even people who had been in close quarters with Caylee prior to her disappearance (except Casey and the A family members of course), taboo to ask questions about them! With a few exceptions. And I'm not talking about accusing anyone of a crime, I'm talking about just public information and general discussion. (I don't know if sometimes this may have been actual board policy for legal reasons? I'm not sure if it's that, I could understand that-- if it is it would be very helpful to have private groups to be able to discuss the case more fully.)
I do not believe there is any prosecution bias on this forum, nor have I read rudeness toward fencesitters. Quite the opposite, I think fence sitters and pro defense posters have been treated very well considering the general lack of quality to their arguments. JMO

Yes, there is an abundance of people who believe KC and only KC murdered her daughter, but that is because that is where the circumstances surrounding the crime and their deductive reasoning has led them.

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