some questions...

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cami said:
I believe Darlie to be guilty of these horrendous murders. I base my belief on my understanding of the blood evidence in this case. Blood does not lie, it has no stake in the race, it is what it is, it doesn't care who's guilty or innocent. If you've read through these threads, you will see that we do not base our belief in Darlie's guilt on her lack of grieving.

I hope this link works:
It talks about the blood evidence and saying that is wasn't all submitted. I don't know... i so want for her to be innocent, but i am having a hard time with it!

AlwaysHope said:
I hope this link works:
It talks about the blood evidence and saying that is wasn't all submitted. I don't know... i so want for her to be innocent, but i am having a hard time with it!


I'm not sure what they're talking about when they say that. What does "all" mean? The state wanted to test certain things and they did. If Darlie's team didn't test something, its pretty hard to come back all these years later and about something not being done.

My recommendation to you is to read the trial transcripts. I'd say that is the best place to find information. At least there, you'll be able to hear each side's stance on any of the evidence. Anything you read at Darlie's website is going to have her spin on it and as such, is unreliable. For example, does that website have the results of Darlie's polygraph test? No. They sure don't. Know why? Because they don't favor her side.

The transcripts and the photograhs are the ONLY things you should put any stock in. The rest will contain the spin the person writing it wants to put on it. ;)
Jeana (DP) said:
The juror bases his new opinion on the fact that he claims to have not seen photos of Darlie's bruises. These are photographs that WERE entered into evidence and even her own attorney says that they were indeed shown to the jury. I have no idea how he missed the photographs or just has a bad memory, but he's basing his claims on faulty information.
He was in awe of her *advertiser censored*, that's why he didn't remember the pictures of the bruise! (I'm making a joke)

I read two different books about this case this weekend. I am totally convinced she killed those two boys. I also think Darin had something to do with it too. Now, I know my husband would not protect me if I did something like that to any of my kids. He would take me to jail himself. I just don't understand Darlie and Darin's relationship. From the one book I read, it's like they were obsessed with each other. But, the night the boys were killed they did have a fight, but then the book says they made up and made love. But, at the hospital when they checked her for sexual assault, it was said there was no sign of intercourse. WTH?
the original tez said:
But, the night the boys were killed they did have a fight, but then the book says they made up and made love. But, at the hospital when they checked her for sexual assault, it was said there was no sign of intercourse. WTH?

Just add that to the big pile of lies they told.
AlwaysHope said:
I hope this link works:
It talks about the blood evidence and saying that is wasn't all submitted. I don't know... i so want for her to be innocent, but i am having a hard time with it!


Oh sorry Always, what I mean are the blood findings in the kitchen, on Darlie and in the murder room. You would need to read the trial transcripts for that. Actually that newscast is very old and it's full of evidentiary errors. That website is not impartial. If it was, there would be the Medical Detectives/Forensics Files program listed there with the rest of the media line up.
Mama-cita said:
And I am sure that the network who aired the footage saw at least a temporary increase in their ratings!
Incidentally, is there video of this anywhere on the net? I would LOVE to see it.

The American Justice program, Mother on Death Row, is a good one to watch Mama. Both Darlie and Darin were interviewed for it so you can see and hear the lies. They do show quite a bit of the silly string video. Enough to show her inappropriate behaviour. It shows that cluttered garage where the alleged intruder entered, the bloody imprint of the knife on the carpet in the murder room.

My sound died halfway through but if you keep your curser on the FF button you will get to the portion where they show the birthday party. I used DSL
cami said:
The American Justice program, Mother on Death Row, is a good one to watch Mama. Both Darlie and Darin were interviewed for it so you can see and hear the lies. They do show quite a bit of the silly string video. Enough to show her inappropriate behaviour. It shows that cluttered garage where the alleged intruder entered, the bloody imprint of the knife on the carpet in the murder room.
Thanks Cami, do you know where I can find it?
AlwaysHope said:
I would like to see it as well... like i said i never followed the case, and am interested to get as much info as i can. Thanks!
I noticed your signature. I like Judge Judy's qoute better though "beauty fades, dumb is forever" LOL
the original tez
He was in awe of her *advertiser censored*, that's why he didn't remember the pictures of the bruise! (I'm making a joke)
Hey! That's my joke!
I read two different books about this case this weekend. I am totally convinced she killed those two boys. I also think Darin had something to do with it too. Now, I know my husband would not protect me if I did something like that to any of my kids. He would take me to jail himself. I just don't understand Darlie and Darin's relationship. From the one book I read, it's like they were obsessed with each other. But, the night the boys were killed they did have a fight, but then the book says they made up and made love. But, at the hospital when they checked her for sexual assault, it was said there was no sign of intercourse. WTH?
Babs Davis' Precious Angels reads more like a bodice-ripper than a true crime account. She has Darin and Darlie making love on the sofa while the boys are asleep on the floor. You're right, not only was there no sexual assault, no semen was found anywhere on Darlie. Her whoo-hoo
and mouth were sperm-free
beesy said:
the original tez Hey! That's my joke!
Babs Davis' Precious Angels reads more like a bodice-ripper than a true crime account. She has Darin and Darlie making love on the sofa while the boys are asleep on the floor. You're right, not only was there no sexual assault, no semen was found anywhere on Darlie. Her whoo-hoo and mouth were sperm-free
Speaking of Babs, what was it that changed her POV on Darlie's guilt? She was so adamant on the Leeza show (I watched it over at jfd) and now does she really believe she is innocent? Speaking of the Leeza show, that juror Rina that they had on was a pretty tough cookie. I don't know if I would have had the cajones to sit on the same stage with that rowdy clan (Darlie's fam) and hold my own so well. I was like, "Don't Mess With Texas!"
Mama-cita said:
Speaking of Babs, what was it that changed her POV on Darlie's guilt? She was so adamant on the Leeza show (I watched it over at jfd) and now does she really believe she is innocent? Speaking of the Leeza show, that juror Rina that they had on was a pretty tough cookie. I don't know if I would have had the cajones to sit on the same stage with that rowdy clan (Darlie's fam) and hold my own so well. I was like, "Don't Mess With Texas!"
Babs' book Precious Angels is very much against Darlie. She insults Darlie's character to the point where I wonder if she's not jealous of Darlie's looks. After hooking up with Chris Brown(Media Tried, Justice Denied), she was somehow conviced Darlie was innocent. On the the Leeza Show, she's already become a Darlie.
And yes, I love the juror. I think she's wrong about how how Darlie received all of those bruises though. Devon probably did raise up and kick at her. There is a nick on his buttocks indicative of knife slippage. I and many others, believe that most of her bruises were self-inflicted after she was released from the hospital
beesy said:
Babs' book Precious Angels is very much against Darlie. She insults Darlie's character to the point where I wonder if she's not jealous of Darlie's looks. After hooking up with Chris Brown(Media Tried, Justice Denied), she was somehow conviced Darlie was innocent. On the the Leeza Show, she's already become a Darlie.

Not on the first one she wasn't. There are three episodes (I think).The first is earlier than the second and third (or the first and second is earlier than the third). Whatever the case, Barbara Davis first appeared on the show as anti Darlie, sitting on the side next to the female juror. The next time she appeared she was sitting with the Routiers and Chris Brown who somehow managed to convince her that everything she heard and saw in the courtroom was wrong.
I remember reading that book precious angels years ago and praying that she wasnt guilty, then when the writer said she thought she was innocent i was floored!!! I still pray that darlie didnt do this, but i dont see anyone else being looked at other then her, i just cant fathom how a mom can do this to their sad!!!
Dani_T said:
Not on the first one she wasn't. There are three episodes (I think).The first is earlier than the second and third (or the first and second is earlier than the third). Whatever the case, Barbara Davis first appeared on the show as anti Darlie, sitting on the side next to the female juror. The next time she appeared she was sitting with the Routiers and Chris Brown who somehow managed to convince her that everything she heard and saw in the courtroom was wrong.
Oh ok, thanks. I haven't watched all 3. I didn't realize she became a Darlie in between the shows. I think Babs has LE issues. I laugh, wondering if she changes her mind back, will she anounce it? Chris seems like the kind of person who can pull you in, but in time you realize you've been had. For or against Darlie, Babs, your book sucks! So there!:snooty:
cami said:
Oh sorry Always, what I mean are the blood findings in the kitchen, on Darlie and in the murder room. You would need to read the trial transcripts for that. Actually that newscast is very old and it's full of evidentiary errors. That website is not impartial. If it was, there would be the Medical Detectives/Forensics Files program listed there with the rest of the media line up.
Ooooh good point cami!
beesy said:
Oh ok, thanks. I haven't watched all 3. I didn't realize she became a Darlie in between the shows. I think Babs has LE issues. I laugh, wondering if she changes her mind back, will she anounce it? Chris seems like the kind of person who can pull you in, but in time you realize you've been had. For or against Darlie, Babs, your book sucks! So there!:snooty:

Watch the 48 hours program from the justice site. Babs explains why she changed her mind as to her guilt, LOL. Not too convincing given her book, in my opinion that is. The host should have had the book there and quoted from it and put her on the spot, make her back it up.
beesy said:
the original tez Hey! That's my joke!
Babs Davis' Precious Angels reads more like a bodice-ripper than a true crime account. She has Darin and Darlie making love on the sofa while the boys are asleep on the floor. You're right, not only was there no sexual assault, no semen was found anywhere on Darlie. Her whoo-hoo and mouth were sperm-free
Sorry beesy, didn't mean to steal your joke!

The Babs Davis book is the one I was talking about, I was just too lazy to get it off of the bookshelf.

The Don Davis book seemed more sympathetic to Darlie, but I think he knows she is guilty.

beesy, do you think Darin had something to do with any of it, the murders or the coverup? He just seems to indifferent to the boys' dying to me.
Does anyone have the book by Chris Brown that they would share? I would love to read it.
the original tez said:
Does anyone have the book by Chris Brown that they would share? I would love to read it.
Is that Media TRied Justice Denied? I would like to read it to. If anyone wants to share I will gladly pay shipping and promptly return it to you! PM me if interested...

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