Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell dead at 52 (wrongful death charges against Dr. Robert Koblin) 2017

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The drugs in his system weren't all that severe. First off, the butalbital is the barbiturate they mention. Used in Fioricet or Fiorinal for headaches. Barbiturates are much more dangerous than benzodiazepines and the reason barbiturates like phenobarbital are rarely used anymore for outpatients. Benzodiazepines are relatively safe with a high LD50 and low mortality rate. Of course, the barbiturates actually negate the effects of benzodiazepines in the CNS mostly because they both open the same chloride channel, however, GABA isn't needed to force it open with a barbiturate, whereas benzodiazepines rely on GABA levels to produce an affect.

And the pseudo is OTC decongestant. Big deal. I really doubt the levels of this stuff were at play. 4 mg of Ativan is nothing.

One must remember that the practice of toxicology is difficult. These results came pretty fast. When someone is obtunded then aspirating and unconscious, they become more and more hypotensive. The drugs will continue to metabolize and produce a lower level than what is suspected. Nevertheless, it appears to me, that he wasn't deceased if the Narcan was found in tissue. He was still perfusing blood. Many tissue sites are used for testing, and you won't have levels of a drug in your body if you weren't pumping blood to push it around your system.
I have always believed it to be suicide. Why? Idk. But I know I've been there too. Depression knows no friends. I'm glad for what he gave us. But if you listen to his songs, lyrics, he knows the depth of despair IMO

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The tox report doesn't answer our questions. Chris was in fairly good shape and those drugs wouldn't have killed him. I'm still shocked by how fast this happened after he got off stage. I'm trying to imagine what he was experiencing. It depends on how much you want to believe media and what his wife was reported to have said, but it sounds like she recognized he was in a crisis, highly agitated, and believed he blew his voice out. I don't know if he was particularly depressed recently, but I really can't believe he consciously meant for this to happen.

Chris Cornell’s Wife Gives Chilling Account Of Singer’s Last Moments
TMZ May 26, 2017

Vicky says her last conversation with Chris came about 30 minutes before his body was found hanging in a Detroit hotel room. Vicky says just before Chris called her, the lights in their family home — which Chris could control remotely from his phone — began flickering on and off. When he called she asked him if he had just manipulated the lights and he said no — that he did it an hour before.

Vicky immediately became suspicious because Chris was onstage an hour before. Things got more ominous as he began slurring, and every minute the slurring got worse. He was complaining about the show and his crew, saying, “They *advertiser censored**ed up again. They had 3 days to fix my in-ears and I was getting static. I couldn’t hear.”

He then started to complain, “I blew my voice. I blew my voice.” He kept repeating it...

.....said to Chris, “I need to know what you took tonight. You don’t sound right, sweetheart.” He replied, “I was really angry and I just took 2 Ativan. I’m really pissed and I had to calm myself down.”

Vicky replied, “I need to know what you took. It doesn’t sound like 2 Ativan. It sounds like you took something else. You need to tell me now what you took. I forgive you.”

Vicky says at that point Chris’ entire demeanor changed. He got aggressive — not toward her — but his tone was “cocky and aggressive.” She says she immediately had a flashback to 14 years before, when Chris was abusing Oxycontin … when it got so bad at one point he nearly died.


Chris Cornell Toxicology Report Reveals Several Prescription Drugs in the Singer's System

People 1 day ago

According to a report obtained by TMZ, Cornell had Naloxone (Narcan), Butalbital (a sedative), Lorazepam (Ativan), Pseudoephedrine (a decongestant) and barbiturates in his system at the time of death.

:rose: Rest in Peace Chris :rose:

"Many of us who know Chris well, noticed that he wasn’t himself during his final hours and that something was very off," wife Vicky Karayiannis said in a statement. "We have learned from this report that several substances were found in his system. After so many years of sobriety, this moment of terrible judgement seems to have completely impaired and altered his state of mind. Something clearly went terribly wrong and my children and I are heartbroken and are devastated that this moment can never be taken back. We very much appreciate all of the love we have received during this extremely difficult time and are dedicated to helping others in preventing this type of tragedy."
I have always believed it to be suicide. Why? Idk. But I know I've been there too. Depression knows no friends. I'm glad for what he gave us. But if you listen to his songs, lyrics, he knows the depth of despair IMO

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I tend to agree. Especially if this is true. He meant to end his life.

"The reports confirm that Cornell, 52, killed himself after a May 17 concert. A resistance band was around his neck, and the other end was attached to a clip over the top of the bathroom door, said Dr. Theodore Brown, assistant Wayne County medical examiner."

"Many of us who know Chris well, noticed that he wasn’t himself during his final hours and that something was very off," wife Vicky Karayiannis said in a statement...

:moo: :cow: :moo: I can be suspicious and have conflicted thoughts at times.

Well, actually, it seems VK has been the only one who described her version when she talked to him last. The body guard saw him last and didn't hesitate to leave Chris alone.

This sudden out-of-the- blue event that the media and his wife describes is still hard for me to accept. Remember, according to the statement this came about in a moment of terrible judgment. He just happened to have the exercise band and heavy duty clip handy. I have no way of knowing if he was recently feeling depressed or suicidal or if everything was truly lovey-dovey happy in his life. In the back of my mind, I still wonder about foul play. Was their more going on than we'll ever know? Wish anyone other than VK or the MIL would talk. It'd be helpful if a close band mate, or his brother, or a close friend could truthfully share what they think.
:moo: :cow: :moo: I can be suspicious and have conflicted thoughts at times.

Well, actually, it seems VK has been the only one who described her version when she talked to him last. The body guard saw him last and didn't hesitate to leave Chris alone.

This sudden out-of-the- blue event that the media and his wife describes is still hard for me to accept. Remember, according to the statement this came about in a moment of terrible judgment. He just happened to have the exercise band and heavy duty clip handy. I have no way of knowing if he was recently feeling depressed or suicidal or if everything was truly lovey-dovey happy in his life. In the back of my mind, I still wonder about foul play. Was their more going on than we'll ever know? Wish anyone other than VK or the MIL would talk. It'd be helpful if a close band mate, or his brother, or a close friend could truthfully share what they think.

Hopefully Kim will make a statement at some point. I definitely think there is more to the story that we aren't hearing.

IDK. I've been doing a lot of reading​ online. Most of it rumor based.
So, maybe that is clouding my judgement.
:moo: :cow: :moo: I can be suspicious and have conflicted thoughts at times.

Well, actually, it seems VK has been the only one who described her version when she talked to him last. The body guard saw him last and didn't hesitate to leave Chris alone.

This sudden out-of-the- blue event that the media and his wife describes is still hard for me to accept. Remember, according to the statement this came about in a moment of terrible judgment. He just happened to have the exercise band and heavy duty clip handy. I have no way of knowing if he was recently feeling depressed or suicidal or if everything was truly lovey-dovey happy in his life. In the back of my mind, I still wonder about foul play. Was their more going on than we'll ever know? Wish anyone other than VK or the MIL would talk. It'd be helpful if a close band mate, or his brother, or a close friend could truthfully share what they think.

Pretty sure there was more going on & others do know......

I wonder if some of the anguish came from simply growing older, moving away from those glory years as a rock star in the spot light. That has to be a tough transition. In the 90s they were grunge loyalty - a hugely prominent band in the Seattle scene, won Grammys, huge tours and sold out shows and scores of adoring fans.

But rock music has been in the decline for years now with a shift to electronic music, popularity of other genres, a new generation who have more outlets to consume music from...not just MTV and radio anymore - the Internet has endless ways to explore music, almost overwhelming amount of choices. Times have changed.

Soundgarden was still very much seen as a pioneering band and toured etc but the fanfare now is not like it was 20+ years ago...for some people it's extremely hard to look back and realize the best days are now behind you.

Unfortunately not all of us can see the forest for the trees; CC might have simply seen himself as an aging rock star in a totally different world now... but he was a truly creative and innovative guy who pioneered a band into history.

Sadly, not everyone sees things the same way or can appreciate things. Look at someone like Dave Grohl, he's happy as can be still touring and making music. Everyone is different.
Chris Cornell was loved for more than his music. I don't know how he felt about himself in today's world. He was on tour, plenty of people still flocking to his concerts, and he was still so loved. Fans are really struggling to deal with his death as a suicide. It seems like a horrible mistake. He had new projects ahead. There were exciting things going on in his life. There was still lots to look forward to and his family, those children, still needed him. It's not easy to understand why he is gone too soon.

We Miss You Chris Cornell.
I tend to agree. Especially if this is true. He meant to end his life.

"The reports confirm that Cornell, 52, killed himself after a May 17 concert. A resistance band was around his neck, and the other end was attached to a clip over the top of the bathroom door, said Dr. Theodore Brown, assistant Wayne County medical examiner."


I appreciate your picture, but I really think the carabiners are way too small to go over a door. I freaking hate to say it (I can't handle the visual) but really I think his were bigger.
My theory with just about everything is...There IS always Something Going on..and not Everybody knows Everything All the time..
Pretty sure there was more going on & others do know......

I appreciate your picture, but I really think the carabiners are way too small to go over a door. I freaking hate to say it (I can't handle the visual) but really I think his were bigger.

It's awful trying to imagine the scene, but I find myself doing so. The visuals are haunting. L'wren Scott, Mick Jagger's gf, hung herself using the doorknob and a scarf. She was a beautiful woman, quite tall, maybe as tall as Chris. I guess you pass out fast...I don't really know.
(Is there a thread here for discussing suicide resources in general? We have many cases here that end up this way. It seems like people here do care about suicide victims? And suicide prevention? And maybe some members here have had similar thoughts themselves...
My last remaining favorites are Eddie Vedder and Maynard James Keenan.
(Is there a thread here for discussing suicide resources in general? We have many cases here that end up this way. It seems like people here do care about suicide victims? And suicide prevention? And maybe some members here have had similar thoughts themselves...

This is the work I've done for a few years now. I actually started a new job that moves away from this a little. I think, after working with so many, that suicide prevention is difficult and almost impossible. People need to have a support system, because without that, it's very hard to tell them things will improve. Although, internal turmoil isn't always fixed with friends, family, medication, or even money. I worked with a girl that is just beautiful. She has an adorable daughter. Her husband went in to the bathroom and shot himself after a social at their house. I do think more might have been going on (e.g., cocaine?), but I don't know her well enough to cast aspersions or assume. I can't fathom a man with a beautiful wife and little girl killing themselves, but this happens all the time. Same for people with money. It's an impulsive act, as seen in the case of Chris Cornell. He had thought of suicide before, then just snapped and followed through with it. People reach a point where they just can't take it anymore. Whether it's depression, pain, external conflict or something else. There is no magic fix. One can hope people seek out help before committing suicide, that's really all we can do. No different than drug use. The user has to want to quit. Provide resources for those that want help.
I've never been a big believer in the sudden or just snapped type events. I believe there are often a build up and signs along the way. Not here because the family denies there were any signs and nobody else is talking.

So now they're saying Chris really wanted to watch tv that night. Not sure what I believe. Family might be in denial or know a heck of a lot more of what led up to this happening. Seems to me that there has been tight control over the narration of the story to media. I still find it odd none of the band shared any details, only the wife shared her versions. I've had a hard time accepting this happened so out of the blue and is being blamed on a few extra Ativans and other rather minor drugs.

Just mine and my cow's opinion. :cow:

On the night of his death, the insider adds that Cornell asked both security and an engineer to help him get his Apple TV system to work around 11:45 p.m. Says the source, “Chris was so adamant about getting his TV to work he called for backup assistance when security was unable to fix it. Someone so persistent about fixing a TV so they can watch their favorite show, focusing on something so mundane, is not a sign of someone planning to take their life.”
I ran across that report last night. It does seem off that he would call 2 people in to fix his Apple tv if he were planning on suicide.. I gather his tv had recorded his fav late night programming he would have missed by performing and meet and greets afterward , otherwise he could have watched his shows on the hotel tv.

I can't imagine him pitching a childish fit bc his tv wouldn't work, then get into a physical altercation with whomever was in his room?

I've seen a few rumors regarding him having a head injury prior to that night's performance that could have affected him in some terrible way. Just a rumor for now, of course, so not worth 2c.

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He will be missed for a very , very long time.

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