Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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No, I don't mean that they knew in advance, but that she said something which later they put together as her plan. What was said at the time most likely did not give them a clue about her intentions, but after all of this came out, what she said made sense as to a pre plan.

I am not convinced yet she acted alone in this but that is not what I was talking about. There are some close associates of KC's that LE has interviewed but NOTHING has been released.

Turbo..kind of like Scott Peterson telling a friend how he would go about murdering someone and getting away with it? I remember that one.

Most of these sociopaths have one thing in common, huge egos...they need to let others know just how smart "they think" they are :)

I find the silence by the many people that crossed Casey's path heartening. It sure makes it look like LE buttoned this one up tight as possible from the first.
I haven't been able to read this whole thread - it's 39 pages! But having read the first few pages.....................

I believe that whatever was found at the crime scene, in the bag with the remains was something that was very clear to all who saw it. It was something that made detectives leave the scene and obtain a search warrant for the Anthony home.

Let's hope there's finger prints and other evidence that will lead to a conviction, but the detectives on scene didn't see finger prints and race to get a search warrant. It was something that they made an immediate visual identification on and that sent them to get the warrant.

Hey fellow night owl :online:...reading and playing catch up right along with ya!

I cannot wait to find out what it was that sent LE back the Anthony's house so fast...had to be a solid, no lab testing needed, item...
It would be great if the LE if the examiners can prove that she was placed there like on the 18th, or there abouts.. as.. I think it will be important in the fact that its been stated even by GA that he saw kc driving her car on the 24th when she got the gas cans. It would prove that the body had been in the trunk while kc was still in posession of the car and that it couldnt have been placed there after she abandoned it. (which i think jb was gonna try to say and why he interviewed the people from amscot. )
Ahhhh - thats my point too - GA doesn't say anything about hugging and kissing Caylee

Geez when my kids were little and we left my parents house, whether they were asleep or awake there was always a kiss - or my Dad would carry a baby and put her in the car seat

I find it odd that there was no hug and kiss - ya know???

No, it's not odd. My daughter lives 2 miles from my house and I see my grandchildren constantly -- 4 / 5 times a week (I keep them when my daughter works second shift). When they leave, it's a 'bye! see you tomorrow!' kinda thing. The hugs and kisses come naturally all throughout the day, not a ceremonial when they leave thang.

This would be even more likely for GA because Caylee lived with him.

This is a very different situation than when a child visits a grandparent that they don't see on a daily / *very* frequent basis.

Geeze take a break to pull down the chrissy tree and OMG

okay so first things first :)

I sense your desire to believe this was an accident, it's so horrifying to think anyone, much less her own mother, killed this baby. However, I don't mean to sound ugly but duct tape to stop a nosebleed is really reaching. Besides, it went all the way around her head. She never intended to take that tape off.

As far as a "complete accident", either it was or it wasn't. I don't see how you can rationalize the tape away. Just won't happen, IMO.

Sigh I didnt infer that she duct taped Caylees nose for a nose bleed - are you serious come on - do you actually think me that stupid ? :(

I actually stated that maybe she hit her and duct taped her nose and mouth to keep the blood in ie after she DIED

I agree! Unfortunately, it looks like the questions will not be posed in person but through written deposition. So, I'm sure she will have help with her answers and they will probably be vague or something like "I do not recall."
Do G&C realize what a monster she is? G will before C will! I don't know if C will ever let herself believe it! I don't think she can live with that realization!

Seriously does anyone else here think that this bird is hopping on the gravy train ?

Where do you see a date of when the myspace page is created.

When this first broke in July they had 4 pages going then went to 1.

They had Lee's, Casey,s original one, Cindy's, then this one that is still the missing one:

I just want to see when that page the link is was created???

I can not recall but it as on another website discussing this very same thing.

Moved to another jurisdiction is what you're looking for.

She will get a fair trial. There are still folks who believe she is innocent - I just came across a post about it. Could'nt possibly be KC. Or it was an accident...

The jury will see all of the evidence that we've seen, if not more.

Ah thank you Jurisdiction

Change of venue.

Honestly, I have worked cases with the Innocence Project and actually helped get innocent people out of prison, and I have watched people I was convinced were innocent die in prison so I am the first person to stand up for everyone's rights. I think I mentioned in a post months ago that I felt if they weren't charging her with the real deal her original bond was a little on the steep side of her constitutional rights, but if the girl would tell the truth about ANYTHING, if she had ever told an ounce of truth, maybe she wouldn't be splashed all over the news. If she had killed Caylee and then told the truth, right away, we would have never heard of this child. If the meter reader had found her sooner, it would have been mentioned for 20 seconds on CNN and we would have never known another thing. It would have been sad and we would have all felt bad and then gone back to work on other cases...but also, Caylee would have had a proper burial and there wouldn't have been all this drama and putting her family through this and in a position to be taken down with her.

I have very little sympathy for her as far as the public view. If all of us hadn't have been forced to search for her child, no one would know anything about her and there would be many more people that could offer her a fair trial, but she'll get one. If anything will be unfair it will be ineffective assistance of counsel and we all agree Baez is an idiot. There is also the fact that not everyone follows like we do. I know people in Orlando who couldn't tell you a fraction of what I know. But I have to admit, I could care less if everyone knows what she has done. They should and when she is found guilty we should give her not one more ounce of attention for the rest of her life. That is what would hurt her most.

Wow I admire you and am sending you a PM in the next day or two LOL

I could serve on this jury and weigh the evidence impartially with no problem.
wow are you serious ? I don't know how being the stuff that has been portrayed

You would be very surprised to know that almost 70% of the people do not read a newspaper, 62 % do not watch the news except for big events. I would bet money you could take a street and call everyone on that street and 80% of them would not know a thing about that news account, even in Orlando.

People here are very informed, many times much more informed than the media themselves.

It is not that hard to get an unbiased jury pool even in a high profile case.

Yes you are right but this particular case has been in all the papers and tv with MONSTER MUM kills TODDLER etc etc

not exactly unbiased ?
However, I don't mean to sound ugly but duct tape to stop a nosebleed is really reaching. Besides, it went all the way around her head. She never intended to take that tape off.

As far as a "complete accident", either it was or it wasn't. I don't see how you can rationalize the tape away. Just won't happen, IMO.

If I may respectfully point out, the tape has not been confirmed by LE. No one outside of LE, The SA, Defense, and of course Casey herself knows for sure whether or not Caylee was duct taped, how much there was, and where it was positioned.

That information will not be available until trial I would assume. I would be surprised if there was another doc dump this close to D Day.

But the fact remains that any speculation about the tape, is just that, speculation. ;)
I have to wonder if this leaked statement isnt a prelude to a situation where the prosecutions says "Look,this is what we have on your client. Weve got her dead bang and you know it."
"She can either plead guilty and confess and we will consider Life in prison or if we have to go to court were going for the Needle. Your call."
If so what do you think Team Casey is going to do if it comes down to that nub?
It isnt going to do to even a publicity hungry lawyer any good to help his 20 something client get straped to the big stretcher.
And I cant beleive even Casey would pick deathrow over the possibilty of Parole down the road.(Especially if she can maintain in private to her fan club that she was 'railroaded' or 'The truth will come out someday' or 'My attorneys used me and sold me out!' or whatever.)
What do you all think?
(bold mine) THANK YOU Devon for so patiently (and bravely!) going before me, venturing into enemy territory, deflecting the arrows and missiles meant for me, grandly stating my case, my very own thoughts and reactions, before I could risk my own life, how chivalrous lol (now what was that you were saying about telepathy!)
:bud: :soldier:
This is breaking news? That LE has evidence to support their charges? That they believe KC solely responsible for her daughter's death? That they've even narrowed it down to June??? The State had better have some sort of theory at least if they hope to prove murder or certainly predmeditation. There was nothing whatsoever "new" discovered, and nothing further learned about the cause of death from this "news" as it fails even to establish whether duct tape was used antemortem or postmortem! So it still can not be ruled out eg that it may have been used postmortem as late as the 18th in staging the kidnapping, a plan foiled by floods. Nor can it yet be ruled out that any of this took place following eg a negligent homicide. And so while even most here at WS have long realized that KC likely did this w/out any help... this still tells us nothing about the cause, or malice and intent. So IMO these "breaking developments" may amount to no more than a strategy by the State to turn up the heat and get her to reveal to them what actually did happen that day. Because until trial all we can be reasonably certain of is that KC attempted--in the aftermath of whatever occurred--to sweep away the broken, decaying pieces of what was once her daughter under the rug. JMO


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been struggling to spot the 'news' in this article. I have re-read it about half a dozen times and apart from the statement that the forensic experts have helped to narrow down a time line (really? amazing! :rolleyes:), there is nothing new there at all.

Since I have already put my neck on the block, I will go further :eek: by saying that if this is indeed an intentional 'leak' by LE, it begs the question, why? If the prosecution's case is as airtight as this article suggests, why the need to 'leak' information at all? If they are truly confident that they can get a conviction for murder1, what purpose is there to showing your hand? Surely not to pressure the defendant into a plea bargain for a lesser sentence, when they can show good cause for LWOP? It just doesn't make sense to me.

An alternative explanation could be that they aren't actually that confident that they can prove premeditated murder, and so are trying to pressure the defendant into a confession of some sort, or a plea for a lesser charge, which would mean that they would get a conviction they would be happy with.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been struggling to spot the 'news' in this article. I have re-read it about half a dozen times and apart from the statement that the forensic experts have helped to narrow down a time line (really? amazing! :rolleyes:), there is nothing new there at all.

Since I have already put my neck on the block, I will go further :eek: by saying that if this is indeed an intentional 'leak' by LE, it begs the question, why? If the prosecution's case is as airtight as this article suggests, why the need to 'leak' information at all? If they are truly confident that they can get a conviction for murder1, what purpose is there to showing your hand? Surely not to pressure the defendant into a plea bargain for a lesser sentence, when they can show good cause for LWOP? It just doesn't make sense to me.

An alternative explanation could be that they aren't actually that confident that they can prove premeditated murder, and so are trying to pressure the defendant into a confession of some sort, or a plea for a lesser charge, which would mean that they would get a conviction they would be happy with.


Not to mention how much money the state would save with a full trial and this whole thing would end.
(bold mine) THANK YOU Devon for so patiently (and bravely!) going before me, venturing into enemy territory, deflecting the arrows and missiles meant for me, grandly stating my case, my very own thoughts and reactions, before I could risk my own life, how chivalrous lol (now what was that you were saying about telepathy!)
:bud: :soldier:
This is breaking news? That LE has evidence to support their charges? That they believe KC solely responsible for her daughter's death? That they've even narrowed it down to June??? The State had better have some sort of theory at least if they hope to prove murder or certainly predmeditation. There was nothing whatsoever "new" discovered, and nothing further learned about the cause of death from this "news" as it fails even to establish whether duct tape was used antemortem or postmortem! So it still can not be ruled out eg that it may have been used postmortem as late as the 18th in staging the kidnapping, a plan foiled by floods. Nor can it yet be ruled out that any of this took place following eg a negligent homicide. And so while even most here at WS have long realized that KC likely did this w/out any help... this still tells us nothing about the cause, or malice and intent. So IMO these "breaking developments" may amount to no more than a strategy by the State to turn up the heat and get her to reveal to them what actually did happen that day.Because until trial all we can be reasonably certain of is that KC attempted--in the aftermath of whatever occurred--to sweep away the broken, decaying pieces of what was once her daughter under the rug. JMO

And Thank-You KiKi for so bravely going before me.

I totally agree.
Not to mention how much money the state would save with a full trial and this whole thing would end.

Yes, that is a consideration as well. IMO, with the huge media coverage that this case has received and the circus that has ensued with alleged conspiracies, plot and counter-plot, accusations of OJ, profiteering, secret agendas etc etc, the prosecution is now under HUGE pressure to come up with the goods!. It seems that the general expectation of the public at large is that they will nail KC, and nail her good! With such pressure and expectation mounting on a daily basis, I guess it's not really surprising that there is now a 'leak' expressing 'confidence' in the prosecution's case. Sadly, it's a fact that strategy plays almost as big a part in the 'battle for justice' as attempting to establish the real truth and applying the appropriate and applicable law and consequences does.
at first i thought accident
then as time went on, to my dismay, i began to feel intentional, now i am certain...
what possesses someone to do such a thing?
i hope she burns in the hot land

I had the same experience. I thought it was an accident. Then, I was torn. Then, I caved to the evidence.

Karma is a biotch, and she'd commin' after KC!
Which would make GA a liar about seeing them the next day.

But, GA said he saw them in the early afternoon on the 16th. Now, we learn that Klee was killed on the 16ths. So, GA is likely right.
This is true but very different from what was originally posted. I have not seen/read or heard anything about KC setting up a missing person page for Caylee before she disapeared and do not believe that one existed. I do know, from having read about the case, that KC, Caylee and possibly LA, did send out messages on myspace (I think through KC's own myspace page) about Caylee being missing the night of the 15th and into the 16th before KC was arrested. I have my own thoughts about that but they are a separate issue/post.


I don't believe this, either. KC and CA set up the page, later.
Number 1. It is Caylee
Number 2. I have given up explanations for ALL those other things in varying posts in this thread. - Duct tape and internet searches - I think you will find them on this very page or the one before.
Number 3. It isnt necessary that a rage attack would happen immediately following a fight with her mother. Caylee could have been throwing a tantrum the next day and Casey still boiling from Cindy took her anger out on Caylee.
Number 4. I take it your post was edited ? so I wont reply to that last bit

There is no evidence that Klee has been subject to any physical abuse from the "perfect" mother, so it would be entirely out of character for her to "snap" like that and strike her child. Now, people get in fights with their parents from time to time. They may still even be upset the next day. But I know that when in the past I was upset after getting in an argument (just an example because I don't get into arguments), I didn't go around hitting people the next day, let alone my daughter or son, on the head hard enough to kill them, especially after I have had a night to cool off. Because that's what you're saying actually: that emotional fights we have the night before, can disrupt us enough to KILL the following day. Blaming this on the fight with CA seems a massive stretch. Not only is it implausible, there is an accumulation of some troubling evidence that may yet prove that the "perfect mother" planned this out. And then there is that Chloroform that does not fit neatly with the "I just snapped" theory! But I will say, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the defense team throw this theory against the wall along with some of their other theories. Of course it won't "stick".
It sure seems from reports that the duct tape may have been put on a "live" Caylee. I can only hope and pray that she was unconscious at the time - if not then KC would have had to bind her hands to keep her from pulling the tape off to breathe! OMG what a horrible death - at this point I just hope to God it was painless~
If I may respectfully point out, the tape has not been confirmed by LE. No one outside of LE, The SA, Defense, and of course Casey herself knows for sure whether or not Caylee was duct taped, how much there was, and where it was positioned.

That information will not be available until trial I would assume. I would be surprised if there was another doc dump this close to D Day.

But the fact remains that any speculation about the tape, is just that, speculation. ;)
Wait a minute, in court the other day the female prosecutor talked about IF the FBI found prints on the duct tape and plastic bagS. That completely confirms the duct tape right?
Wait a minute, in court the other day the female prosecutor talked about IF the FBI found prints on the duct tape and plastic bagS. That completely confirms the duct tape right?

Yes, it obviously appears that duct tape was present at the crime scene, but they did not state where it was located. If anything, the mention of duct tape and plastic bags in the same comment suggests to me that there is a connection between the two articles.
I know there are cold blooded killers in the world, just maniacs with no conscience at all... but..

Until I have absolute proof otherwise, I think Casey killed Caylee to hurt her mother because she was jealous of the relationship between the two. Or she felt that her mother never loved her as much as she loved Caylee. Either way, she had to get rid of her baby to get her mother's attention... Or when she left on the night of the 15 after a fight with her mother, Caylee could have been crying a lot, asking for Cindy... and already being angry with her mother, that pushed her over the edge.....Sick.

But I HAVE to beleive that Casey chloroformed Caylee and that she put the tape on her mouth after she was asleep. I can't imagine her looking in her daughter's eyes while taping her mouth. If she taped her mouth while she was awake, I think she would have had to bind her hands and feet, because Caylee would have tried to take the tape off and fought back....

If she was awake, there could have been finger prints in the interior of the trunk... Remember Danielle VanDam? That's part of what convicted Westerfield.

Anyway I look at it.... It is just AWFUL
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