Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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Have you ever tried it? Give it a try. Try handling duct tape with latex gloves on ---- oh, what a sticky jumbled-up mess you get into! Chances are better there are prints.

I wonder if have a different kind of duct-tape here in Australia...

The stuff I am thinking of is silver on the non-sticky side and has like a kind of gummy glue-ish type adhesive on the otherside? Plumbers, carpenters etc use it frequently. Not easy to use with glove but not impossible. Workmen have to wear gloves on worksites and dont always remove them while working with what we call duct-tape...

ETA- I PRAY you are right and she put her grimey mitts all over the tape.
After hearing that first phone call she made from jail and the way she talked to everyone ~ that to me was the REAL Casey ~ she let her TRUE colors show to the whole world!!!!

Yesterday in court she never shed a tear but instead had a big smile!!

If I ever had to sit in a room where people were discussing autopsy photos of my CHILD's body, someone would have to carry me out in a straight-jacket. The thought is so horrifying to me, it makes me want to scream.
As a Mom myself who adores her kids, I wanted so bad to give Casey the benefit of the doubt and think for one second it may have been an accident and she panicked.....

I wonder if have a different kind of duct-tape here in Australia...

The stuff I am thinking of is silver on the non-sticky lside and has like a kind of gummy glue-ish type adhesive on the otherside? Plumbers, carpenters etc use it frequently. Not easy to use with glove but not impossible. Workmen have to wear gloves on worksites and dont always remove them while working with what we call duct-tape...

That's the tape I'm thinking of, also --- although I understand this could have been "gaff tape", something used in theatrical productions. I suppose the duct tape we're thinking of could be successfully handled with heavy canvas gloves, but you'd wish you hadn't if you used latex gloves!
Question - If she broke her neck, wouldn't that be able to be determined as the cause of death? I know it wasn't a full skeleton but I would think that the if her skull was there, the neck bones would have been found as well. God, that was hard typing :(

You're right. A broken neck would have clearly shown up as cause of death. I may be wrong, but I think they did find most of the skeleton and I do remember hearing on one of the news reports that there were no broken bones and the "wishbone shaped" bone in the neck that always gets damaged if the victim was strangled was intact. So I think that just leaves the probability of a "soft kill" ... as in smothering or poisoning, etc.
After hearing that first phone call she made from jail and the way she talked to everyone ~ that to me was the REAL Casey ~ she let her TRUE colors show to the whole world!!!!

Yesterday in court she never shed a tear but instead had a big smile!! :furious:

I hope the DP is given to her for what she has done to Caylee.

To me, actions speak way way louder than words, her behavior though this whole mess pretty much tells the story. An innocent mother would be a huge mess, and to have to sit there and listen to them discuss pictures of your childs remains?? I would have fainted........ Casey smiled , It was good they drug her behind into court and made her sit through the hearing yesterday, shows you just what kind of person she is, one who was totally cabable of murdering her child and not give it a second thought:mad:
sounds like the same thing we call duct tape here, Sammiejam.

Now if this was gaff tape that is very interesting Lisabet.
I had not heard that yet.
I have believed it was intentional since "day 1" ... there is not one iota of her behavior that points to an accident.

I cant wait to see the evidence.
yes that's what I've always heard, in strangulation the hyoid or hyroid or whatever it is is often broken. But apparently a person can die of a "broken neck" without bones having been broken or fractured, just cartilage and connective tissue broken enough to cause death. Or maybe other cause.
That's the tape I'm thinking of, also --- although I understand this could have been "gaff tape", something used in theatrical productions. I suppose the duct tape we're thinking of could be successfully handled with heavy canvas gloves, but you'd wish you hadn't if you used latex gloves!

True that. And I cant see the perp having heavy canvas gloves just lying around. Maybe there are fingerprints AND lip skin! (imagine how you would normally tear off a peice of thick, industrial tape)

Ouch. *Sammie thinks about when your lip sticks to tape*

(Shame the perp didnt leave her entire lip behind...)

Guess I better give myself a time out for that..:rolleyes:
I think the defense wanting a second autopsy is just posturing. What could they hope to find to undermine LE's findings? All that was left is skeletal. Not much there to undermine.

I think this is simply because Baez does not know how to defend his client. I don't think it has anything to do with experts needing to see photos or anything else. Defending Casey before a body was found was going to be tricky, but not near what it is now.
It was reported that Casey took a roll of duct tape from Amy. I believe that was established thru text messages. If the duct tape found on the remains could be matched to any duct tape Amy had used from that roll on something prior to Casey taking it, it would further establish a link to Casey. Of course any DNA (tearing tape with teeth) or fingerprints on tape would be overwhelming evidence.
sounds like the same thing we call duct tape here, Sammiejam.

Now if this was gaff tape that is very interesting Lisabet.
I had not heard that.

Is there a difference between duct tape and 'duck' tape, or are they they same thing, just pronounced differently?
I think the defense wanting a second autopsy is just posturing. What could they hope to find to undermine LE's findings? All that was left is skeletal. Not much there to undermine.

If it was your grandchild, could you let her be buried without having a second autopsy though? You would be so desperate for any possible explanation of what happened to her. Although I doubt the bones can provide enough information.
I have always thought she killed her and it was not an accident, wonder if they will bring back DP??

ITA with you , I NEVER thought it was an accident, Caylee was just an accessoryto KC, she got sick of being a Mom and missing out on partying so she and killed her , then threw precious Caylee away like an out of style accessory, and went on her merry way:furious:
I am not by any means gloating... surely nothing to gloat about. But I never ever for a second bought the accident theory. KC is a cold, caclulating, diabolical murderess. I need to pray about how I feel toward her...

After hearing that first phone call she made from jail and the way she talked to everyone ~ that to me was the REAL Casey ~ she let her TRUE colors show to the whole world!!!!Yesterday in court she never shed a tear but instead had a big smile!! :furious:

I hope the DP is given to her for what she has done to Caylee.

~Bolded by always~

Tracey and Truth- ITA. There have been so many *HUGE RED FLAGS*.

I have not been one to believe it was an accident. And I'm not gloating either.

To Janeinoz- :blowkiss: I can understand your willingness to believe it was an accident. Several years ago- I might have been right there with you. My first husband was very abusive. I kept believing he would change. I had a belief that ALL people have the ability to be *good*. After he tried to kill me- that belief went out the window. ( And he went to prison.) My rose colored glasses came off....

Sometimes people can *see* the darkness without ever having it touch their lives.

Some people (me) have to live in/with the *darkness* to realize it exists and develope the ability to recognize it.
This is not new. When the Grand Jury heard the evidence even before Caylee was found, they indicted her on First Degree Murder which means premeditated. OCSO arrested her on those charges and stated then it was premeditated. INTENTIONAL.

Why be surprised at something we already knew to be a fact in this case? If there was not enough evidence, they would not have brought the charges. Now, with the body and further evidence of the timeline, they only have solidified the state's case against Casey. The growth of plants and bug evidence only played the role of determining how long Caylee's body was left in the field where she was found.

I believe the reason they are leaking this information now is due to the motions Baez sought in court yesterday and knowing they are going to have to release certain information out to the media (doc dump).

I can't understand why people don't realize yet that when "sources" come out with this type of information, it turns out to be correct and was intentionally leaked by LE for a reason. This has happened repeatedly in this case and they haven't lied yet. I have had no doubt that Casey killed Caylee intentionally...because OCSO, the FBI, and the SA's Office said she did and they have had evidence to prove it. (I have believed it since I saw the words, "31 Days" tho.)
Is there a difference between duct tape and 'duck' tape, or are they they same thing, just pronounced differently?

They are the same. The correct spelling is duct tape, but I think there is a brand name duck tape. They are all the same. Silver greyish colored tape about an inch and half wide and really sticky on the back side. Also if it's a really good duct tape it is hard to tear (usually requires a knife, or tear by mouth). I'm so hoping this evil person tore the tape with her teeth. I'm hoping for dna evidence on that gummy side of the tape!:furious:
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