Sources detail Terri’s timeline day Kyron disappeared #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Updated August 25 2010

Combined info from the Two Timeline Articles and Terri's Emails

Grocery Shopping

First Article: According to multiple sources, Terri Moulton Horman says she left Skyline School at 8:45 in the morning without Kyron the day he disappeared and that between 8:45 a.m. and 10:10 a.m. she ran errands at local grocery stores and can prove it.

Terri's emails: I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man “chaperone” and 2 girls after I left. I have a receipt showing I was checked out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn’t have at the first FM.

Driving on Rural Roads

First Article: Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri said she drove her daughter K around on rural roads in the family’s white truck because K had an earache. She said she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.

Second Article: She told investigators that she drove K around a series of rural roads for an hour, saying she was trying to calm her down because she didn't feel well.

Terri's emails: Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20.


First Article: At 11:39 a.m., Terri checked in at a 24-hour Fitness in Beaverton on Waterhouse Avenue and worked out for about an hour until 12:40 p.m.

Second Article: She went to the gym for about 45 minutes that morning and arrived home about 1 p.m. to post pictures from the science fair on her Facebook page.

Terri's emails: Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. Out at 12:20.

Back Home

First Article: By 1:21, Terri said she'd traveled home - a distance of nearly 11 miles - and was posting photos on Facebook she'd taken that morning of Kyron standing with his science project and of his friend, K, standing with his.

Second Article: She went to the gym for about 45 minutes that morning and arrived home about 1 p.m. to post pictures from the science fair on her Facebook page.

Terri's emails: Home at 12:45.

First article:

Second article:

Terri's emails: View Single Post - Kyron Horman Case Review #1: Thread #1: LE Press Conference & Release: June 5 2010

Desiree adds a twist to the timeline.......she states she was contacted at 4:25 p.m. In the same interview, she states that there was a 6 1/2 hour time gap between when he disappeared and when they were notified to start looking.

6 1/2 hours from 4:25 comes out to 10 a.m. We know Kyron was marked absent at 10 a.m., but according to what's above, Terri states she left at 9 a.m. There's an hour missing in Desiree's timeline. I'm curious about that gap. By the time Desiree makes this statement, they had to know that Terri claimed to be gone by 9, most people assume Terri took Kyron at 8:45 or so. In this interview, Desiree is very specific about this 6 1/2 hours because it delineates the amount of time between when she knew her son was missing and when he disappeared.

I'm just curious. Here's BeanE's transcript:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.07.09 ~ TODAY's CURRENT NEWS ***No discussions please***[/ame]
Desiree adds a twist to the timeline.......she states she was contacted at 4:25 p.m. In the same interview, she states that there was a 6 1/2 hour time gap between when he disappeared and when they were notified to start looking.

6 1/2 hours from 4:25 comes out to 10 a.m. We know Kyron was marked absent at 10 a.m., but according to what's above, Terri states she left at 9 a.m. There's an hour missing in Desiree's timeline. I'm curious about that gap. By the time Desiree makes this statement, they had to know that Terri claimed to be gone by 9, most people assume Terri took Kyron at 8:45 or so. In this interview, Desiree is very specific about this 6 1/2 hours because it delineates the amount of time between when she knew her son was missing and when he disappeared.

I'm just curious. Here's BeanE's transcript:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.07.09 ~ TODAY's CURRENT NEWS ***No discussions please***

Interesting Deb! I took that to mean that if they had been contacted when roll was taken that they would at least have had 6 1/2 more hours of time.
Desiree adds a twist to the timeline.......she states she was contacted at 4:25 p.m. In the same interview, she states that there was a 6 1/2 hour time gap between when he disappeared and when they were notified to start looking.

6 1/2 hours from 4:25 comes out to 10 a.m. We know Kyron was marked absent at 10 a.m., but according to what's above, Terri states she left at 9 a.m. There's an hour missing in Desiree's timeline. I'm curious about that gap. By the time Desiree makes this statement, they had to know that Terri claimed to be gone by 9, most people assume Terri took Kyron at 8:45 or so. In this interview, Desiree is very specific about this 6 1/2 hours because it delineates the amount of time between when she knew her son was missing and when he disappeared.

I'm just curious. Here's BeanE's transcript:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.07.09 ~ TODAY's CURRENT NEWS ***No discussions please***

Just to note that, per LE, as of June 5 at 9am, Terri had already told LE she left Kyron at 8:45am. It is curious that Desiree would not have gone by that time.

Posted: June 5th, 2010 9:06 AM

Kyron's stepmother reports she last saw him at approximately 845 AM Friday
Interesting Deb! I took that to mean that if they had been contacted when roll was taken that they would at least have had 6 1/2 more hours of time.

yeah, I wanted to do that, too. Except that's not what she says. She talks about the 6 1/2 hour jump the perp had on them. In fact, it would have been nearly an 8 hour jump the perp had (even if that perp were Terri).

Just one of the oddities about this timeline thing!!!
I don't think DDS was missing, her vehicle was still parked on the property, her cell phone was confirmed to have been in the same vehicle. She was sent a text to come to lunch but never got the message as she didn't have her phone. The farm she was working on was large enough for her to be out of sight and NO ONE went to look for her. She has stated she was on the property all day and so far there is nothing that would prove otherwise. To be a party to what went on it would seem she would need her vehicle and her phone, she had neither.
Interesting Deb! I took that to mean that if they had been contacted when roll was taken that they would at least have had 6 1/2 more hours of time.

ITA thats what was meant in the 6 and half hour head start. That had they been contacted when he was first counted as absent by the school at 10am..jmo
Interesting that you brought this up, because I just transcribed this (I left out the "uhs" because I didn't feel they were necessary).

In this video, from July 25, I really think that both Desiree and Kaine, particularly Kaine, are just possibly suspecting someone from the school or related to the school as the possible suspect.

Kaine answering a reporter about Kyron going with a stranger:

“Relative to the setting, we’ve had some concerns, along with his teacher, around listening to instructions from adults while at school. So we’ve been working with him to try to understand that we need to work with the faculty there, the parents there, the volunteers there to make sure that when they give him instructions he’s following those. Normally, he does a very good job at doing that, just occasionally we get a little bit of that behavior. So we’ve really reinforced with him that if you’re at school and you’re working with a parent or a teacher you need follow their instructions. So in that particular environment, he’d be expected to follow the instructions of an adult at school. Outside of school, he’s very well versed in the stranger danger and everything else, but in that one particular setting that’s the type of behavior that’s been reinforced through all of us.”

Now, this was July 25. When did LE notify Kaine of the MFHP? The 26th?
June 25, BillyLee. The day before Kaine left. I agree though. On that day, I thought too that they suspected a stranger abduction, and were saying how Kyron would go with an adult because they'd all been telling him to do what adults at school tell him to.
Updated August 25 2010

Combined info from the Two Timeline Articles and Terri's Emails

Grocery Shopping

First Article: According to multiple sources, Terri Moulton Horman says she left Skyline School at 8:45 in the morning without Kyron the day he disappeared and that between 8:45 a.m. and 10:10 a.m. she ran errands at local grocery stores and can prove it.

Terri's emails: I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man “chaperone” and 2 girls after I left. I have a receipt showing I was checked out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn’t have at the first FM.

Driving on Rural Roads

First Article: Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri said she drove her daughter K around on rural roads in the family’s white truck because K had an earache. She said she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.

Second Article: She told investigators that she drove K around a series of rural roads for an hour, saying she was trying to calm her down because she didn't feel well.

Terri's emails: Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20.


First Article: At 11:39 a.m., Terri checked in at a 24-hour Fitness in Beaverton on Waterhouse Avenue and worked out for about an hour until 12:40 p.m.

Second Article: She went to the gym for about 45 minutes that morning and arrived home about 1 p.m. to post pictures from the science fair on her Facebook page.

Terri's emails: Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. Out at 12:20.

Back Home

First Article: By 1:21, Terri said she'd traveled home - a distance of nearly 11 miles - and was posting photos on Facebook she'd taken that morning of Kyron standing with his science project and of his friend, K, standing with his.

Second Article: She went to the gym for about 45 minutes that morning and arrived home about 1 p.m. to post pictures from the science fair on her Facebook page.

Terri's emails: Home at 12:45.

First article:

Second article:

Terri's emails: View Single Post - Kyron Horman Case Review #1: Thread #1: LE Press Conference & Release: June 5 2010

With these timelines, TH has very little time to murder Kyron. However, as far as I know, the LE hasn't verified her timeline or receipts. It would be impossible to drive from Skyline to the Freddies in 12 minutes, in MHO. These are wet windy roads and she has a toddler. Anyone could have given her a receipt or she could have found one on the ground or this is just more nonsense and not relevant.

At any rate, she still would only need a few minutes to drive down a side road, strangle Kyron, dump him in a preplanned site, and go about her day.

It would also be very easy for her to hand him off to someone and go about her day.

OJ murdered two fighting adults in between his hamburger run and a trip to the airport, if I remember correctly, and there was blood everywhere and he managed it in a suburb that was well populated. How hard would it realistically be for TH to strangle a small child and dump his body if she had scouted out the area?

I am still very hopeful, though, that she handed him off to whoever and he's alive.
Desiree: You know we were talking about the fact that they were kinda behind the eight ball on this, I mean having six and a half hours, you know, behind before we started searching for him before anything happened. That puts us in a precarious situation cause he could be out of state by that point. I honestly don't know, I mean he could be anywhere but I'm leaning toward somewhere in Oregon but I really truly don't know where.

I don't see a twist in the timeline. Desiree was in Medford and wasn't the one to start physically searching so IMO she did not refer to the time she was notified of Kyron being missing here.
I think the six and a half hours simply refer to the time that elapsed between Kyron was last seen at about 9 am and the time he was supposed to get off the bus when Kaine and Terri were told that he hadn't been at school and people got alarmed.

As per this timeline:
9 a.m. Kyron is reportedly seen by a student near the south entrance of the school, according to Sheriff Dan Staton, who says that was the last time the boy was seen. Multnomah County authorities later backtrack on that statement.
3:30 p.m. Terri Horman goes to meet the school bus and discovers that Kyron has been absent all day. (Kaine Horman went with her to meet the bus, a fact that emerges during a television interview on June 25.)
With these timelines, TH has very little time to murder Kyron. However, as far as I know, the LE hasn't verified her timeline or receipts. It would be impossible to drive from Skyline to the Freddies in 12 minutes, in MHO. These are wet windy roads and she has a toddler. Anyone could have given her a receipt or she could have found one on the ground or this is just more nonsense and not relevant.

At any rate, she still would only need a few minutes to drive down a side road, strangle Kyron, dump him in a preplanned site, and go about her day.

It would also be very easy for her to hand him off to someone and go about her day.

OJ murdered two fighting adults in between his hamburger run and a trip to the airport, if I remember correctly, and there was blood everywhere and he managed it in a suburb that was well populated. How hard would it realistically be for TH to strangle a small child and dump his body if she had scouted out the area?

I am still very hopeful, though, that she handed him off to whoever and he's alive.


IDK, but I take it from this report, that the FM stops have been verified and that they are just trying to ascertain if she met up with anyone there.

Sources tell KGW that Terri has told friends and investigators that she stopped by the two stores, and investigators have verified those statements. Sources say investigators now want to know if anyone was seen with her.
With these timelines, TH has very little time to murder Kyron. However, as far as I know, the LE hasn't verified her timeline or receipts. It would be impossible to drive from Skyline to the Freddies in 12 minutes, in MHO. These are wet windy roads and she has a toddler. Anyone could have given her a receipt or she could have found one on the ground or this is just more nonsense and not relevant.

Well there are those notations in the Aug 11 LE/DA flyer that certainly indicate to me they are sure Terri was at both FMs. I'll dig them up later if you like.
June 25, BillyLee. The day before Kaine left. I agree though. On that day, I thought too that they suspected a stranger abduction, and were saying how Kyron would go with an adult because they'd all been telling him to do what adults at school tell him to.

And here's what the school handbook (new and old) says about obedience:

At Skyline School we consider the following to be infractions of reasonable school behavior:
* Open defiance of school personnel to include adult volunteers

It's hard to imagine that little Kyron was openly defiant, I'd figure him for the dreamy, drifty type of non-listener.
This came up in another thread and maybe it's worth discussing?

Why did LE ask for the publics help in identifying the Horman truck in the FM parking lots but not the gym parking lot?

Is it as simple as they know she was there and don't need more witnesses?

Also, what sources do we have that identify her check in time? We have Terri's emails where she says "off to the gym at 11:20"

Where did the 11:39 check in time come from? I see it listed online on several sites but can't figure out where the source was.! :blowkiss:
People often time their workouts (30 minutes on the eliptical, for example). She could have noted the time in order to keep track.

I would imagine the didn't need the public's input into whether Terri was at the gym, given that they would have a list of members who had checked in and around the time Terri was there.
When we were first discussing this, IIRC a local said there is a sign in sheet there, and they were going to check to see if they also had surveillance cameras, but I never heard that answer.....Come back whomever you were!?
This came up in another thread and maybe it's worth discussing?

Why did LE ask for the publics help in identifying the Horman truck in the FM parking lots but not the gym parking lot?

Is it as simple as they know she was there and don't need more witnesses?

Also, what sources do we have that identify her check in time? We have Terri's emails where she says "off to the gym at 11:20"

Where did the 11:39 check in time come from? I see it listed online on several sites but can't figure out where the source was.! :blowkiss:

Here ya go:

Updated August 25 2010

Combined info from the Two Timeline Articles and Terri's Emails

Grocery Shopping

First Article: According to multiple sources, Terri Moulton Horman says she left Skyline School at 8:45 in the morning without Kyron the day he disappeared and that between 8:45 a.m. and 10:10 a.m. she ran errands at local grocery stores and can prove it.

Terri's emails: I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man “chaperone” and 2 girls after I left. I have a receipt showing I was checked out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn’t have at the first FM.

Driving on Rural Roads

First Article: Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri said she drove her daughter K around on rural roads in the family’s white truck because K had an earache. She said she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.

Second Article: She told investigators that she drove K around a series of rural roads for an hour, saying she was trying to calm her down because she didn't feel well.

Terri's emails: Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20.


First Article: At 11:39 a.m., Terri checked in at a 24-hour Fitness in Beaverton on Waterhouse Avenue and worked out for about an hour until 12:40 p.m.

Second Article: She went to the gym for about 45 minutes that morning and arrived home about 1 p.m. to post pictures from the science fair on her Facebook page.

Terri's emails: Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. Out at 12:20.

Back Home

First Article: By 1:21, Terri said she'd traveled home - a distance of nearly 11 miles - and was posting photos on Facebook she'd taken that morning of Kyron standing with his science project and of his friend, K, standing with his.

Second Article: She went to the gym for about 45 minutes that morning and arrived home about 1 p.m. to post pictures from the science fair on her Facebook page.

Terri's emails: Home at 12:45.

First article:

Second article:

Terri's emails: View Single Post - Kyron Horman Case Review #1: Thread #1: LE Press Conference & Release: June 5 2010
From BeanE's post above. Okay so if TH took off for the gym at 11:20, then wherever she was 19 minutes away from there, and give her a few minutes to get the baby out of the truck before she checked in, means she was within 15 minutes of the gym when she said she went off to the gym. Yes?

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