South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #1

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I wonder whether the houses on the estate also have their own security cameras. Anyone know?
Nothing to be concerned about so far?

It’s far too early for me to be worried. We went through similar with OP. Remember Hilton Botha walking around the bathroom and toilet without wearing booties. The police always appear to make errors of some sort. Contaminating the crime scene is far worse than security guard errors. For me, the evidence inside the house will be far more important.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 6m6 minutes ago

rossouw states that she ordered a quick check of estate (cut fences,foot prints,etc) after finding out about murders. @TimesLIVE

(shouldn't the police be doing that?)

there seems to be 3hours of missing footage on a thermal camera. Rossouw says she is not sure why this is.

state Galloway argues that it might be a shortened version of footage. This footage has not been investigated.

Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams 6m6 minutes ago

Galloway says it doesn't mean that entire 3hours is missing its not verified or checked yet. @CapeTownEtc #vanbreda

Botha now says we can't be sure why the 3 hours is missing. There could be multiple reasons. Might not be nefarious.
the person who handles thermal cameras that can pan is situated in HQ in Parow.

Botha now puts it to Rossouw that if they were checking for footstep tracks at perimeter fence, how could you distinguish between an intruders footsteps and a jogger (as footage shows many residents running & walking on gravel road near perimeter fence).

Rossouw says they weren't looking at gravel road but near the actual fence. Also looking for cuts in fence.
An animal - ostensibly a buck - can be seen in the infrared camera footage. First on one side of the fence, then on the other.

Botha admits that he doesn't know if it's the same one, but questions how - if it was the same one - the alarm wasn't triggered.
It’s far too early for me to be worried. We went through similar with OP. Remember Hilton Botha walking around the bathroom and toilet without wearing booties. The police always appear to make errors of some sort. Contaminating the crime scene is far worse than security guard errors. For me, the evidence inside the house will be far more important.

Yes, thinking the same, JJ. Inside the house crucial. OP case, wiping doors etc.!
It seems there are three hours missing from this footage.

[YIKES. But HvB has to account for at least 3 hours too. He claims the intruder threw the axe at him and knocked him unconscious. To be out cold for hours one would imagine he had a rather huge lump on his head and I've only read that he had minor cuts, possibly self-inflicted]

State advocate Galloway says the video was given to defence and State indicated that they had not yet seen it when it was handed over.

Rosouw says there are many animals on the surrounding farms and area.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 6m6 minutes ago
screengrab photos of Parow HQ alert screen now being shown to witness&court. They are entered in as an exhibit.
defence now shows photos of guards sleeping at guard house at de zalze estate. They don't work there anymore quips Rossouw.
photos of wall near guard house shown. Botha asks if it's possible to jump this wall. R says possible but she wouldn't try it.

Botha now shows photos of pump house taken recently. Bigger holes in fence were fixed but some smaller holes are still visible.
Rossouw says this is true but an intruder would have to get past 2 electric fences to get to this fence.
Botha takes court through photo of another wall which defence says is possible to jump over. Judge states there is electric fence.
preventing anyone to jump over fence. Rossouw also states that cameras are covering that area as well.
Judge Desai states that you have to be a midget to get under the electric fence of estate perimeter. Judge says it would be very difficult to get under electric fence after Botha explains how one could possibly do it.

last 2 photos now show erosion under fence again. The method to fix this is wooden poles kept in place by steel pole.

Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams 7m7 minutes ago

Photo taken between contractors gate and the main gate. Was that camera there at the time? No
@CapeTownEtc #vanbreda
Photos taken in 2013 of guards sleeping at the gates part of evidence handed up b Botha.

[Any security company will tell you that on rare occasions a guard will fall asleep, and that includes soldiers on guard duty]

Another photo of a pillar between the contractors' and main gate. Someone looking form the outside to the fence. No camera there at the time. Botha says its wouldn't be difficult to get over.

Photo taken last weekend of the pump house showing gaps in the fence. Rossouw says it had been fixed.

[We have yet to hear if the family dog barked. It would be highly unusual for the dog to remain silent if anyone broke into the house]
So we're to believe that the murders have not be thoroughly investigated other than after 1 1/2 yrs later HvB is the only suspect? No warning to the residents there were killers on the loose. The Van Breda family and friends not showing public concern to find the killers of the Van Breda family? I'm dumbfounded how things work over in SA.
Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams 6m6 minutes ago

JDesai definitely over this evidence asks Botha (who is scanning notes) hopefully if this is the beginning of the end
Adv Botha raises the criminal incidents reported with Stellenbosch Police
incident I know of purse stolen July 2014 and person was arrested
refers to September 2014 house break in, two streets away from Goske street R asks was this the cheque book situe?
Botha says I don't know the facts I only know the police said its house break in - R says but what are the facts
Botha says he doesn't know and Desai asks if we will hear evidence on that house break in - Botha says no
Botha doesn't let R going into detail on the "cheque book situation" which seems to be a minor issue to R
@CapeTownEtc #vanbreda

Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 7m7 minutes ago

Botha now moves to house breakins at de zalze estate&asks how these criminals got into estate.Rossouw says it was before her time.
It’s far too early for me to be worried. We went through similar with OP. Remember Hilton Botha walking around the bathroom and toilet without wearing booties. The police always appear to make errors of some sort. Contaminating the crime scene is far worse than security guard errors. For me, the evidence inside the house will be far more important.

I agree. I suspect Botha is making a meal of this in an attempt to distract from the crucial evidence that we have not yet heard
I feel sad, I wish Martin and Teresa hadn't decided to return to SA.
Desai says only a midget would be only to get through there. But height of the first electrified wire is 25cm, Botha says.

Botha explains how one would be able to slide into the property through here, as the mesh covering it isn't electrified.

At De Zalze, 191 crimes reported between 2002 and 2012, of which 35 incidents a suspect or suspects were identified - less than 19%, Botha said.

Rossouw says she cant answer if before she started working there.

Once again, you can see Desai has issues with the Defence.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 5m5 minutes ago

Now Botha turns to the emergency numbers which was on the van Breda fridge.
24hour emergency number is on the fridge.
In 2014, Rossouw says a authorised visitor walked in while homeowners were there, grabbed a purse and ran off. This is the only incident she says she knew of.

In September 2014, a home near Goske Street was burgled, Botha says.

Newsletters sent by the homeowners association contained emergency numbers. Henri said he had never read it.
Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams 5m5 minutes ago

Video of the operator screen in May 2013 of person holding a panga at the perimeter
The double fence - you said you can't remember if it was there in 2015? correct

@CapeTownEtc #vanbreda

(this is getting ridiculous!)
HvB is just pathetic. His father was extremely security conscious. Emergency numbers were on the fridge and HvB would have seen them every single day. That's why they were there ... because in an emergency you don't want to be rummaging around looking for them.
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