South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #1

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I'm confused about the axes. Maybe this one was in the scullery and the green one was with HvB?


  • PHOTO_AXE_201214_0.jpg
    52.3 KB · Views: 22
Prime, I can imagine the axe above having to be sharpened, but the green one was mentioned as having been the weapon that was used despite the judge's comment. Whichever axe was used, I would have thought it would be virtually impossible to get rid of all DNA evidence with all the blood that got on it that night, and the blood of the four family members would be intermingled.

HvB said the attacker wore gloves, no doubt to explain away why the intruder's fingerprints, hand prints or DNA weren't found on the axe.

Further, that may be why HvB said he wrestled the axe away from the intruder, to explain how his fingerprints and DNA were on it.
When I said "the axe above" I was referring to the one with the shoes.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 2h2 hours ago
#vanbreda Precious says the dog was called Sasha.It slept with Henri every night &it barked a bit when Precious arrived everyday.@T

I wonder what HvB did with the dog that night and whether it barked?

This is the million dollar question besides the 4 hr delay in ringing emergency. The dog sleeps with HvB and he shared the bedroom with Rudi. Precious lets the court know the dog is a barker. So what explanation will HvB come up with? The dog was outside, was unconscious, in shock, it was invisible to the intruders like HvB, it liked the intruders. It's hard not ridicule the excuses he'll surely come up with, unless he takes the OP route, and can't remember.

I'm also thinking HvB didn't go into detail about his mother and sister's attack purely because Marli survived. He was close to her but she had to go too, as is usual in these family murders. HvB might think she'll remember if he gives a description of what he witnessed, like he did for Rudi and Martin. Or, he's suggesting the other one/two intruder/s attacked them while he was in the bedroom.

Teresa and Marli didn't try to escape the house, they came to the aid of Martin and Rudi, this leads me to think they knew it was HvB in the room. Martin had turned the light on, and Teresa and Marli mightn't have realized HvB was armed with an axe, they went towards the danger. I wonder if there's been a physical scuffle in the past with HvB, he was placed in rehab twice.

Lots of thoughts tonight. :thinking:
I hope we get the SCA judgment very soon. The big difference between this trial and OP is the fact that with OP there were several options open to the judge - culpable homicide, dolus eventualis or dolus directus. Here it's either acquittal or DD. He'll either leave the court and go on to lead a carefree life with more money than he'll ever need or be imprisoned for life.

There's an awful lot at stake and it's going to be fascinating to see if he can wriggle out of this. Hopefully we'll be spared the histrionics displayed by OP, not to mention the green bucket. :)

I've been keeping a list of the judge's comments and to date they've all been directed to the defence.
Prime, I can imagine the axe above having to be sharpened, but the green one was mentioned as having been the weapon that was used despite the judge's comment. Whichever axe was used, I would have thought it would be virtually impossible to get rid of all DNA evidence with all the blood that got on it that night, and the blood of the four family members would be intermingled.

HvB said the attacker wore gloves, no doubt to explain away why the intruder's fingerprints, hand prints or DNA weren't found on the axe.

Further, that may be why HvB said he wrestled the axe away from the intruder, to explain how his fingerprints and DNA were on it.

I thought he was trying to play a hero but your reasoning makes sense! Also, he said he struck the attacker with the axe and realized it was the wrong way round, he's making an excuse for why there's no blood of an outsider!! Even though, the back end of an axe would cause huge damage, oooooh, he's trying to be clever!! :(
I have begun reading about parricide and have found it very interesting.

"The quality of the family unit has no effect on the emergence of criminality in psychopaths. Depending on whether there are positive resources available in one’s environment, it is the type of criminality, violent versus non-violent, that a psychopath may gravitate toward that is an issue. It is this deviation from Dr. Hare’s observation that makes the red-collar criminals who, in this case, commit parricide so brutally and so misunderstood by the public. These individuals did not have aggravating environmental factors that one would logically assume accentuated the probability that they would resort to violence.

Often, mental illness or abuse, common explanations used to rationalize these horrific situations, are helpful in protecting sacred values and reducing our own anxiety when explaining parricide. Yet, as the Porco and Hanson cases demonstrate, these common explanations may not apply because it is the shear conscienceless behavior of these individuals rejecting those sacred family and societal values that makes murder an option. We do not see Christopher Porco or Eric Hansen somehow sparing their mothers because they appear to have championed their son’s cause or attempted to bail them out. Their mother’s values were never important to them to begin with.

Enabling the child simply emboldens a narcissistic sense of entitlement and parasitic behavior and reinforces the belief that he or she is immune from being held accountable for their actions. However, if the enabling ends, engaging the adult psychopathic child in power struggles can place parents and other loved ones at a greater risk for violent outcomes. Psychopaths have a strong need for psychological and/or physical control to reinforce their authority: For the psychopath, it’s about winning.

Two cases have been presented in this article that resulted in tragic consequences to the parents and other family members because the family did not assess the likelihood of being targets. One of the interesting facts that is observed in these parricide cases is that there appears to be a change in the person’s behavior when confronted and their fraud has been discovered.

According to Dr. Heide, half of the parricide incidents stem from arguments. Although the number of parricides committed by children killing their parents is small compared to the overall homicide rate, there are indications that reasons other than mental illness or abuse account for the motivations behind these murders. The authors advance the proposition that these children exhibit psychopathic and anti-social traits facilitating the use of murder as a solution. Given that families must deal with these children, families must safeguard themselves and their personal belongings. It is crucial that they understand that the child they are dealing with may have deficits that severely impact the ability of the family to parent as they would a normal child.
Who Kills Their Parents?

There are three types of individuals who commit parricide.

One is the severely abused child who is pushed beyond his or her limits.

Another is the severely mentally ill child.

And the third is the darling of the tabloids, the dangerously antisocial child.

There are those few children who seem to kill without any remorse, yet whose parents seem to be loving and kind. The dangerously antisocial child is often the fodder of newspaper headlines. These juvenile offenders typically exhibit a conduct disorder--severely disruptive behavior that continues for over six months. These are the kids who kill their parents merely for some sort of instrumental, selfish end--never having to ask before borrowing the car again, for instance.

But the main reason that this Psychology Today talks about is the severely abused teenager who is pushed beyond his or her limits.

IMO HvB is a dangerously antisocial child.
Here's the link for the article containing the image of the other axe. This article was published on 20 April 2015, less than 12 weeks after the murders.

I've read that an axe had been recently purchased and also recently sharpened. As new axes are always sharp when first purchased this is rather odd. Judge Desai asked if there was one or two axes.

As I can't post pics today, if you go to Google images you'll see 3, the one that is green, one that looks black and the one in the image above.

The green one looks very light weight and I'm not sure why an axe of any size would be kept in a pantry.

Thanks, JJ.

Oddly, the caption of the axe image in this link reads "The High Court in Durban was the scene of high drama on Friday when the mother and sister of former Blue Bulls player Phindile Ntshongwana lashed out the families of his victims. Photo: eNCA" - it could be from another crime????
Killer Kids: 14 Cases Of Children Murdering Their Parents

The Most Shocking Cases of Kids Who Killed Their Parents

“They’re so beautifully groomed, and their hair is cut, and they’re so pretty. You look at those innocent little faces and wonder how they could do something so horrible.”

“Those who kill members of their family for reasons other than an accident, feel pressured by demands, abuse, hatred, desire for gain, and even by the need of other family members.”

In a study of parricide involving an empirical analysis of 24 years of US data, more than 5 000 cases revealed a profile of perpetrators being mainly male, white and middle-class whose instigation is invariably one of family conflict.
A mother who stabbed to death her seven children and a niece in northern Australia in 2014 will not stand trial for murder because she was suffering cannabis-induced schizophrenia when she lost control, according to a court judgement released a week ago.

The judge said there was convincing evidence that the woman suffered a psychotic episode and had no capacity to control or understand her actions. “Her children were the things that had given her the most happiness in life,” Dalton said.

Rumours have swirled about HvB’s alleged use of both marijuana and crystal meth aka ice or tik and that he had been admitted to an exclusive hospital due to his addiction. All of this has yet to be proven. There are countless stories of the horrific things ice addicts have done but HvB’s appearance doesn’t give any indication that he falls into this category unless he used it rarely.

The fact remains that either of these drugs can cause psychotic episodes. The medical reports will be interesting. Apparently his test results indicated no presence of drugs.

“A study released this week by researchers from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and Harvard Medical School has found that 18 to 25-year-olds who smoke marijuana only recreationally showed significant abnormalities in the brain.

“There is this general perspective out there that using marijuana recreationally is not a problem — that it is a safe drug,” says Anne Blood, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and the co-senior author of the study, which is being published in the Journal of Neuroscience. “We are seeing that this is not the case.”

Hair testing provides a longer window of detection than urine and can detect drugs taken within the past 90 days. On the other hand, blood and saliva tests can only show if marijuana was used in the past few hours.

We know it was hours before he rang the emergency number and we don't yet know when the tests were conducted.

This is going to be a really fascinating trial.
Similar case in South Africa where teenage son shot all other family members and blamed an intruder

The Steenkamp Family Murders - Griekwastad murder case

Steenkamp was found guilty of murdering his father, Griekwastad farmer Deon Steenkamp (44) his mother Christel (43) and his sister Marthella (14).

‘In two days you are a man. Now, be a man’

Previously most media reports did not state the family connection as this would have identified him while he was under the age of 18.

They were shot dead on their farm Naauwhoek on April 6, 2012.

He was also found guilty on charges of raping the girl and lying to the police.

On Wednesday, Northern Cape Judge President Frans Kgomo sentenced him to 20 years imprisonment on each of the three murder counts, 12 years on the rape count, and four years for defeating the ends of justice. All sentences would run concurrently.
Section 154(3) of the Criminal Procedure Act protected an accused person under the age of 18 during criminal proceedings, while the Child Justice Act applied to someone who was over 18 during criminal proceedings but was under that age at the time he or she was arrested.

In certain circumstances, the act also applied to someone who was over 18 but under the age of 21.

But when minors turned 18 they gained various freedoms they did not have before and lost certain special protections reserved for children. 2011-H10009.pdf

Does this Child Justice Act pertain to HvB? What age was he when arrested? Under 21?

JUNE 14, 2016 South African police have confirmed a 21-year-old man had been arrested for the axe killings, but did not confirm it was the younger son who survived and calmly reported the assault.

So did the police not name HvB before because he was under 21yo at the time of the crimes? Also did they specifically wait until he turned 21 before arresting him so the adult justice act applies to him now. I wondered why Botha had called him a "boy" in court!
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @AJGMolyneaux @TimesLIVE
Correction: Henri did not have a whiskey while in house, he pointed out whiskey bottle he wanted to take with him out of house. Apologies

Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 5h5 hours ago
#vanbreda trial continues tomorrow morning at 10am. State advocate Galloway will lead with the next witness, Marli's friend. @T

I believe that Marli's friend is James with whose family she has been staying. He will describe axe.

I just read this which I did not know before: On 10 May 2015 Henri, who was supposed to be in Klerksdorp, had previously moved 140 kilometres south to Welkom to stay with a family friend. He has reportedly disappeared from that residence and his current whereabouts are unknown. Police are searching for Henri van Breda after he disappeared from current residence in Welkom, South Africa. Police are on the hunt for Henri, who has been reported missing but according to Weekend Argus, he has made his way to Johannesburg. Henri, who had initially stayed with relatives in Cape Town, has apparently since gone to Johannesburg.

The young man's mental health has been under scrutiny since News24 reported he had undergone brain scans at an Australian hospital in 2014. However the results were negative and no further testing occurred.

A doctor who examined Henri following the attack revealed his injuries were self-inflicted. He was also reportedly addicted to tik and his allowance was cut off before his family were attacked.
Henri was previously living with his uncle, Her Breda, since the attack and believed to have been receiving counselling.

In one of my previous posts about parricide, research has shown that giving "tough love" by parents cutting off a child's allowance can provoke family violence especially if that child has psychopathic tendencies.
I read an article today on crystal meth and the effect it has on the brain. Apparently the brain of a schizophrenic shows very similar damage. If the behaviour is due to similar brain damage there is every likelihood he "lost it" during an argument. As we repeatedly hear schizophrenics can become violent without much provocation.

The following is a list of some of the problems asociated with this type of brain damage.

Examples of Mood----

--Sudden irritability, anger, hostility, suspiciousness, resentment
--Depression- feeling discouraged and hopeless about the future
--Low motivation, energy, and little or no enthusiasm
--Suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideation
--Rapidly changing mood- from happy to sad to angry for no apparent reason (called labile mood)
--Severe Anxiety

Changes in Behavior associated with schizophrenia ----

--Dropping out of activities and life in general
--Inability to form or keep relationships
--Social isolation- few close friends if any. Little interaction outside of immediate family.
--Increased withdrawal, spending most of the days alone.
--Becoming lost in thoughts and not wanting to be disturbed with human contact
--Neglect in self-care- i.e. hygiene, clothing, or appearance
--Replaying or rehearsing conversations out loud- i.e. talking to yourself (very common sign)
--Finding it difficult to deal with stressful situations
--Inability to cope with minor problems
--Lack of goal-directed behavior. Not being able to engage in purposeful activity
--Functional impairment in interpersonal relationships, work, education, or self-care
--Deterioration of academic or job-related performance
--Inappropriate responses- laughing or smiling when talking of a sad event, making irrational statements.
--Catatonia- staying in the same rigid position for hours, as if in a daze.
--Intense and excessive preoccupation with religion or spirituality
--Drug or alcohol abuse
--Smoke or have the desire to want to smoke (70-90% do smoke) - note: this is a very normal behavior for people who do not have schizophrenia also!
--Frequent moves, trips, or walks that lead nowhere
7th March 2016: Martin's brother, Bailey van Breda, 62, told Rapport that the family wants closure, "finish en klaar".

Bailey, who is also battling liver cancer, is one of the trustees of the family trust which is looking after Henri and Marli.

He is uncertain what Henri is doing, other than staying with another uncle in Cape Town.

The source said the family were still in their pyjamas and post-mortem reports detailed the injuries they sustained in the attack. The deceased all had deep cuts and wounds on their heads and necks, while Rudi and Teresa had wounds on their hands as they tried to protect themselves against the attacker.

Meanwhile, a family friend, Elna Venter, who introduced Teresa to Martin, told Rapport that she also wishes for an end to the murder mystery, adding that it is shocking and cruel.
Thanks, JJ.

Oddly, the caption of the axe image in this link reads "The High Court in Durban was the scene of high drama on Friday when the mother and sister of former Blue Bulls player Phindile Ntshongwana lashed out the families of his victims. Photo: eNCA"
Yes, I had considered that too, however the pic of the shoes was sandwiched between one of the family and one of Marli.
South Africa has seen something similar not too long ago -April 16, 2012

The boy who raped his sister, killed his parents

Don Steenkamp, the boy who killed his own father, mother and sister, turned 18 on Friday, after spending the second day of his 20-year sentence in Kimberley Prison.

Earlier this week, he was sentenced by Northern Cape High Court Judge President Frans Kgomo to an effective 20 years in prison on charges of murder, rape and defeating the ends of justice.

Judging from the brutality of the crimes committed and Steenkamp’s lack of remorse, Kgomo indicated that this was the most appropriate sentence.

Steenkamp was sentenced to 60 years (20 years each) for the murders of Deon Steenkamp, 44, Christel, 43, and 14-year-old Marthella; 12 years for the rape of Marthella; and four years for defeating the ends of justice. The three were shot dead on their farm near Griquatown on April 6, 2012.

The murders were committed when Steenkamp was 15 years and eight months old. A court order prevented the media from revealing his identity because he was a minor and was protected under the Child Justice Act. However, this restriction was lifted when he turned 18.
Deon Steenkamp’s sister, Marianna Smith, said: “The investigation team did an excellent job. Based on the evidence presented in court, there was no other suspect. So we have to make peace with the outcome.


Just after dusk on Good Friday, April 6, 2012, the peace and quiet of the small Northern Cape town of Griekwastad was disrupted when a teenage boy sped into town in his father’s Isuzu bakkie and screeched to a halt in front of the town’s nearly deserted police station. It was shortly before 7pm when Don Steenkamp ran into the station’s charge office, covered in blood, to announce that his parents and sister had been brutally shot and killed on the family farm, Naauwhoek. Although the killings were initially thought to be just another farm attack, months later a 16-year-old youth was arrested for the murders. This is an extract from The Griekwastad Murders by Jacques Steenkamp.

A few hours later, De Waal, Vermeulen, Don and Andries set off for the scene of the crime. Don’s tent-pegging coach, Bennie Heckroodt, followed them in another vehicle. During the drive, the boy, seated in the back, asked a surprised De Waal what he should do in order to inherit “everything”. In fact, he asked a lot of questions, and at one point even boasted about how fast he had driven his father’s bakkie the night before. From what De Waal had gathered thus far, Deon Steenkamp owned several farms and many livestock, and the estate was worth millions.

Don Steenkamp will only need to serve 20 yrs of a 60 yr sentence for the brutal murders of his family! :(
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