South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #2

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Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams · 3m3 minutes ago

B: my expert is uncertain about whether that is made with right or left shoe but happy to accept Const Martin

Adv B: why did you specifically say it was the right shoe not the left. VdW cause of the bulge to the left

VdW: your left shoe will have a long curved pattern to your left

B: if I look at this I see more patterns on the left side than the right. Judge Desai having a look at the photo now

VdW: the curve on the left is bulging more and Adv B doesn't understand how the conclusion is reached

Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams · 47s47 seconds ago

VdW that was my opinion of that photograph of the print, he has drawn lines on to help Adv B understand

VdW if I flip it over the right shoe fits better than the left shoe on what print is available

B refers to shoe print photographed at the entrance to room where two deceased males were found? VdW- I don't know

B:my argument agrees this was possibly made with the right shoe of Constable Mathu

We adjourn for lunch

Vdw says he had a photograph of shoe (which is not present in court) which showed a pattern which led him to conclusion of r shoe.

Botha turns to shoe prints found at entrance to Rudi & Henri's room. Defense Expert agrees that it's constable Mathus.

Court adjourned for lunch. Interesting testimony this morning. See you at 14:15.
There shouldn't be any prints on the bathroom floor, according to HvB's version. Paramedics had no need to go in there and the crime scene processors wore bootees.
Glad to hear the video showed the sun shining on the washing line, explaining why the washing was dry.


Here are the shoes tested by the shoe expert in the #VanBreda trial.
There shouldn't be any prints on the bathroom floor, according to HvB's version. Paramedics had no need to go in there and the crime scene processors wore bootees.

Could they be bootee prints though I am hoping they are HvB in socks?
Court is back in session but they're watching more video.

Good afternoon. We're back in court. Adv Botha is showing photographs of shoes Capt.vdw tested.

Botha dealing with the two prints which vdw said doesn't match shoes in evidence. Vdw says he didn't think they were shoe prints.

B: but Hitchcock is proficient and he marked them out, he thought they were shoe prints. Vdw: well Hitchcock is not an expert.

Defense shoe expert shows the shoe print in question & overlays a wavy shoe pattern over the blood print.
Vdw says he doesn't agree.

Yet Vdw concedes that it could be a print but he is not convinced.

Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams · 53s

Adv B: dealing with inconclusive finding of "GR". You determined on one test print inconclusive I understand that

Adv B: why didnt you check "B" also a magnum and see if that was possible? VdW - I didn't do that I can't recall why not

B:so would be correct to rather say that shoe print no1 is inconclusive in respect of all 9 - VdW yes possibility

JDesai-you grouped the shoes so its inconclusive with that group, others fell outside that group? VdW yes

Adv B: on 26 u agreed with my expert that shoe print F is possibility but others all inconclusive

Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams · 23s

B: refers to photo,these are prints that over lap, my expert says shoe labelled F could match with that? You agreed - VdW yes

B: u only compared with F- you found inconclusive but you now agree with my expert?

VdW: I said its inconclusive

B: My expert said in S27 that pattern could possibly be made with one of the shoes labelled in F - u said possible are u changing?

VdW: I did say that it was possible but I would rather conclude that it is inconclusive than possible

B: refers to S26- VdW I still say its inconclusive as my statement said. B so when u said that the wavy pattern overlapped

Botha is x-examining the witness. B is using a line of questioning which the witness is struggling to keep up with.

Judge Desai clears the matter up. Botha is saying that vdw is changing his testimony. Judge disagrees. Judge: B please continue.

The shoe print in question is the one vdw found that the shoe print is inconclusive but possibly be a specific shoe in evidence.

Botha rests his x-examination of vdw. This was a big witness for state. Call for adjournment to Monday.Granted. Have a good weekend!

Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams · 58s

B: My expert says the wavy pattern could have been made by the shoe labelled F. You are concluding inconclusive?

VdW: its possible but due to the size his opinion is that it is inconclusive

B: is it a possibility that the print could have been made by one of the shoes labelled F? VdW- I reached conclusion inconclusive

VdW: it could have been made by the left or the right shoe but I reached that it was inconclusive

Botha finalists Captain VdW's evidence no re-examination
Desai J is really on the ball, and he has to be with cunning Botha. Can you imagine this in front of a jury? Desai isn't letting him get away with anything.

Botha is x-examining the witness. B is using a line of questioning which the witness is struggling to keep up with.

Judge Desai clears the matter up. Botha is saying that vdw is changing his testimony. Judge disagrees. Judge: B please continue.

It seems to me in all fairness, the State witnesses should have it explained to them in advance that Botha is going to do everything in his power to undermine them and make them sound uncertain or incompetent, and they need to be ready to stand up to his particular method of inquisition. What a bully the guy is.

Botha is x-examining the witness. B is using a line of questioning which the witness is struggling to keep up with.

Judge Desai clears the matter up. Botha is saying that vdw is changing his testimony. Judge disagrees. Judge: B please continue.

The shoe print in question is the one vdw found that the shoe print is inconclusive but possibly be a specific shoe in evidence.

Botha rests his x-examination of vdw. This was a big witness for state. Call for adjournment to Monday.Granted. Have a good weekend!

I'm not sure why he says this was a big witness for the state.

Does anyone else know and I'm being blind?
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