South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #4

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Botha seems to be flying through HvB's testimony. Maybe he's hoping it will all be over today. I want Galloway to test every single point irrespective of how long it takes.

Interesting that Sasha was sick and may have been sleeping downstairs. How very convenient that she may or may not have been away from the bedroom. He's trying to cover all bases.
Sorry to be a bit graphic here but what scum wouldn't close the door in the toilet let alone if going in for doing "big business" if you get my drift?!

His story is just that and a pile of 'big business' too
Holy is a good day to check back in.
Sorry to be a bit graphic here but what scum wouldn't close the door in the toilet let alone if going in for doing "big business" if you get my drift?!

His story is just that and a pile of 'big business' too

Just to add to the above, how gross that he didn't wipe. I wonder if he left evidence of that inside his shorts.
We're back. #VanBreda says he saw his dad in the room. Attack on Rudi was still continuing. Person covered head to toe.

Says attacker wore dark grey mask, eye holes and mouth open. Jumper, pants. Cant recall his shoes.

Dad moved onto the bed, looked like he wanted to tackle intruder. #VanBreda takes deep breath. Martin lunged, hit in head. Didn't move again.


He doesn't look too happy.


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Heard him laugh as he attacked Martin, #VanBreda says. Heard a voice in house. 'Wat gaan hier aan?' Intruder then left room.

Attacker outside field of vision, estimates a minute or two. Didn't hear attack outside room. "That doesnt make sense to me."

Says he was scared, didn't know what to do. Can't recall what went through his mind, unable to think clearly.

Why didn't you come to their aid? "I don't know. I was really scared."

Henri describes the alleged attacker. Covered head-to-toe. Dark grey mask on with eye holes.

H: I distinctly remember hearing a laugh while he was attacking my father
Attacker re-entered, he was still in corner of the room. Inference he's making from how he remembers the room.

Attacker laughed, slowly moved toward him. Mask looked homemade. "Seemed unconcerned about me. "Came slowly, raised it. #VanBreda grabbed axe.

Grabbed it, held on to the top of attackers hand. Pulled axe away from him. #VanBreda held weapon in his right hand, pushed him away.

Recalls Rudi moving rather violently after attacker left room. Saw arms and legs shaking. Disorientated. Flailing.

Attacker recovered fairly quickly after being disarmed. Stood up, came at #VanBreda again, knife in hand. Don't know where it came from.
Stepped towards #VanBreda, raised knife and Henri raised axe. "Came together", Henri grabbed his wrist. Intruder grabbed hand holding axe.

For a while, struggle for control. Trying to stop him from hurting him with knife, axeman trying to do the same.

Tried to cut at throat, got #VanBreda in chest instead. Went for right arm, but Henri was able to avoid it. Pushed each other back and forth

Axeman flicked knife at his arm to get him to let go. Doesn't remember feeling any pain. #VanBreda managed to twist attackers arm.

#VanBreda says attacker stabbed him in the side. Tried hitting him with the axe. Connected with right shoulder; let go of the knife.

Axe was backwards - hit with blunt side. Once struck he let go of knife and arm. #VanBreda pulled knife from his side.
"Makes sense" when considering the direction of his thumb print. Took knife out within a second.

Attacker fled from room, #VanBreda hesitated. Heard two angry voices, not sure how many people in house. Then went after attacker.

Two people assumed as he heard what sounded like a response. Harsh tones, inferred Afrikaans. Unsure.

Saw Marli and mother lying there. In photos, Marli's feet in doorway, #VanBreda recalls nothing obstructing it.

"Quite a lot of blood" around Rudi and Martin #VanBreda's heads. Blood on floor and Marli and Teresa's heads.
Chased after attacker, at middle landing threw axe at him. Says he didn't see where it ended up. Lost footing, fell down stairs.

Landed on back near bottom of stairs. Was disorientated afterwards. "Can't recall experiencing that much pain."

Checked backdoor, wide open. Couldn't see anyone on side of house. Botha: Did you call for help? #VanBreda: No, I didn't.

Says with hindsight he should have called for help.

Returned inside house, realised he had to call EMS. Tried to call girlfriend, no answer. Googled emergency numbers.
#VanBreda went up stairs. At landing heard Rudi gurgling. Saw Marli moving one arm and leg. Lost consciousness.

Woke up on stairs, heard Sasha barking and phone ring at same time. Started recalling, "as if remembering a dream".

Saw it was light through the window. Got up, lost balance a bit. Saw Marli moving around. "Snapped back into it."

Saw bloodstain on stairs; blood on top landing. Again realised needed to reach EMS. Went to kitchen, saw phone at bottom of stairs.

I simply can't understand how he never went to Marli's aid. Oh, that's right, he was waiting for her to die.
Scanned thru list on fridge, didn't appear to be any assistance. Had cellphone, unlocked, saw already "scrambled" attempt on Google.

Doesn't know how many times he tried to call. Grabbed cordless phone. "Absolutely panicked", not thinking 100% clearly.

Camel cigarettes were his. As phone rang as he tried to reach EMS, he grabbed cigs from shoe. Sat at counter, lit cig to calm down.

Received speech therapy between Grade 4 and 10. Taught to speak slowly and calmly. 'I say "um" a lot,' make sound before speaking.

While on phone with EMS, #VanBreda on cellphone, problem with his address. Went on Google Maps to check current location - 10 Allerman Str.

Galloway has been writing furiously since he started.
EMS operator says he giggled. #VanBreda said he didn't, said the word "please".

Offered to meet them at 10 Allerman Street as ambulance would come past the house, he says.

Thought at that point his mother and sister were alive. Saw bleeding from heads, realised "serious situation".

Recalled seeing someone outside, in the street. #VanBreda asked the person - female - to get help. Can't recall who it was.

Says he went back inside house. "Saw Allerman Street plan wasn't working." Second operator got his location.

[I wonder why he thought his mother was alive. IIRC she was dead as she hit the ground]
Responding officer said #VanBreda was "erg traumatiseer". Van Breda says that is how he felt. Told Sgt Kleynhans to go upstairs.

Another officer sat him down near front door. Asked questions, #VanBreda can't recall what was asked. Recalls paramedics in, out of house.

Sat with Sasha on his lap before taken to ambulance, stab wound dressed. Photos taken, shorts and socks removed.

Sgt Adams, Malan walked #VanBreda to SAPS bakkie to take him for medical attention, he says. He sat in back, asked if knew race of attackers

Said he couldn't be sure, but thought he could be black. Taken to police station.
Interesting how he has very selective memory. Perfect at times and completely non-existent at others.
Officers in English said to each other Marli was given a drug and she was telling them everything, #VanBreda says.

#VanBreda taken to district surgeon, Dr Alberts. 1 officer asked in Afr if it could be "selfgedoen" - wounds self-inflicted, he understood.

Taken to detective office. #VanBreda given cigarettes. Officer brought lunch for everyone, he got a bottle of Coke.

Says he was only wearing his boxer shorts. Sgt Malan said he was wearing long pants and t-shirt. Henri denies this.

Aircon was on full blast. Shivering, asked it be turned down, was told it was a very hot day.
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