South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi Van Breda, 22, Murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #5

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Factors that led to HvB's triple life jail sentences

In handing down the scathing judgment, Judge Desai mentioned a few factors that led to his decision of three life sentences plus 15 years for attempted murder.

• The axe attack on the Van Breda family was pre-planned.
• The attack was brutal and cold blooded.
• Victims were unarmed and tried to protect themselves using only their hands.
• His brother, Rudi, was sleeping and did not expect the attack.
• His father Martin - which the judge said was heroic - used his body to stop the attack on Rudi.
• Mother Theresa used her hands to stop the axe attack.
• Injuries sustained by the victims suggest cruelty and disregard for their wellness.
• The attack was on unarmed and defenceless victims
• There was a clear intent to kill Marli as well
• He did not show any remorse for killing his family with an axe during the course of trial
• The murders and attempted murder were committed around the same time or within a short period.
• Society expected a harsh sentence for the crimes
• He did not tell the court what led to the crimes.

Factors that led to Henri van Breda's triple life jail sentences
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The State’s dream team: Advocates Megan Blows and Susan Galloway with investigating officer Sergeant Marlon Appollis.


What a fabulous photo. Megan looks like she should still be in school.
Well, he should have! I want to see HvB where he belongs, with the general population. If he gets out pending the appeal...!!!

Even when he's out of the hospital wing, he won't be in one of those extremely crowded cells. Less than 2% of the prison population are white and IIRC they're segregated in some way.
Even when he's out of the hospital wing, he won't be in one of those extremely crowded cells. Less than 2% of the prison population are white and IIRC they're segregated in some way.

But however good he has it in there, he won't have anything like a normal life and he'll hate every minute of it. At this moment, I have a glass of wine, a sweet little silver tabby asking for face rubs and a brand new pair of super cushy lambswool ugg booties. I'm wearing Narciso Poudre and the person I love most in the world is in the room next door. All those happy things we love and that comfort us, he will be denied for what could have been the best years of his life. What an idiot.
But however good he has it in there, he won't have anything like a normal life and he'll hate every minute of it. At this moment, I have a glass of wine, a sweet little silver tabby asking for face rubs and a brand new pair of super cushy lambswool ugg booties. I'm wearing Narciso Poudre and the person I love most in the world is in the room next door. All those happy things we love and that comfort us, he will be denied for what could have been the best years of his life. What an idiot.

Can you honestly imagine being 23 years old and know that you'll be at least 48 before you can even think of applying for parole? No money, no home, no girlfriend or wife, no job. Even if he got parole, if he broke the law he'd be straight back to prison. Parole lasts for the duration of your sentence, and in his case it's life.

He won't recognise the world as he knew it, but South Africans will all remember him. The best years of his life were ahead of him and he's thrown them all away.

I noticed he wasn’t wearing the little plane pin Danielle had given him when he arrived for the verdict. He was arrogant and self-assured at the beginning of his trial and wore that pin every day. No doubt he was humming, “’Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again …”. I imagine that tune has changed now. He was thinking of going to Canada or Australia but they won't even consider him now that he's a convicted felon. Maybe he could consider South America. It's cheap and there's plenty of drugs. What more could he ask for.
I expect that Henri had been prepared for this sentence by his advocates. In the video he gave a slight nod of his head after each one, and I noticed a slight movement in his adam's apple, suggesting there was at least some impact upon him.
There is a scarcity of articles related to parricide (killing of both parents/close family members. Some psychologists give 3 possible conditions; abusive relationships; mental illness; psychopathy.
'The Lull before The Storm'
Scroll down to 'The Christopher Porco case to find a lot of interesting info re psychopathy of parricide. Many details have similarities to Henri's case, e.g. lack of remorse, no abuse or mental illness. Scary stuff.

"For Porco, the data suggests that the issue was not about anger nor other unresolved emotions, but about his perception of murder as being a viable or acceptable means of conflict resolution. Many parents are unaware of this mindset and are probably not equipped to suggest that a child would be capable of formulating such solutions."
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I made a note of the timing of the nods and they fall roughly at the listed times below in the linked video should anyone like to watch. I thought his nods were of acceptance that he committed these crimes but now I am wondering whether he was just acknowledging the facts and not that he was responsible for them. He certainly is a very strange boy. I cannot imagine what reasoning he could possibly bring to an appeal, even if one were to be granted (which is highly doubtful).

50 minutes 26 seconds
53 minutes 22 seconds
57 minutes 7 seconds
and several starting around 57 minutes 30 seconds

WATCH LIVE: Henri van Breda sentenced for triple axe murder
When Judge Desai said "if I impose one life sentence, then all other sentences automatically run concurrently," it sounded like he didn't have any choice in the matter.

Still, at least he didn't find any reason to be "merciful" as he previously suggested. 25 years is little enough, but at least he didn't make it any less.
But he also said that the number of (concurrent) sentences would affect the likelihood of parole. As the law says that HvB has to be eligible for parole after 25 yeras, there's nothing that Judge Desai can do to alter that; but by imposing 3 life sentences, rather than 1 or 2, he can at least radically reduce the chances of parole being granted 25 years from now.
I made a note of the timing of the nods and they fall roughly at the listed times below in the linked video should anyone like to watch. I thought his nods were of acceptance that he committed these crimes but now I am wondering whether he was just acknowledging the facts and not that he was responsible for them. He certainly is a very strange boy. I cannot imagine what reasoning he could possibly bring to an appeal, even if one were to be granted (which is highly doubtful).

50 minutes 26 seconds
53 minutes 22 seconds
57 minutes 7 seconds
and several starting around 57 minutes 30 seconds

WATCH LIVE: Henri van Breda sentenced for triple axe murder

I haven’t watched again, but I too thought the slight nod may have shown acceptance of the deed done. Not sure now. There was, I think a slight nod also when it was said that Martin was heroic in his actions.
Interesting to see just how long or short a time she hangs around now.
I know that she is not guilty of anything, but............with the overwhelming evidence, to still believe that he was innocent, really does make you think that she was hanging around in case he inherited his parent's money (even if was only half, since Marli didn't die as she was supposed to), I believe that that was his motive.
To me, it seems quite bizarre, even obscene, that these two are smiling (she as she arrived at court) and he as he awaited sentence and having received sentence, turning to smile at his girlfriend. All while there was, in my view, no emotion really regarding his own family.
Can you honestly imagine being 23 years old and know that you'll be at least 48 before you can even think of applying for parole? No money, no home, no girlfriend or wife, no job. Even if he got parole, if he broke the law he'd be straight back to prison. Parole lasts for the duration of your sentence, and in his case it's life.

He won't recognise the world as he knew it, but South Africans will all remember him. The best years of his life were ahead of him and he's thrown them all away.

I noticed he wasn’t wearing the little plane pin Danielle had given him when he arrived for the verdict. He was arrogant and self-assured at the beginning of his trial and wore that pin every day. No doubt he was humming, “’Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again …”. I imagine that tune has changed now. He was thinking of going to Canada or Australia but they won't even consider him now that he's a convicted felon. Maybe he could consider South America. It's cheap and there's plenty of drugs. What more could he ask for.

Great post, JJ. Yes, he's thrown away the privileged, prosperous life his parents had set him up for, and as you say, when he eventually gets out, there won't be anything awaiting him. He literally has nothing long term to look forward to except getting out of prison.

In the meantime, all he can look forward to is visits from any aunties or uncles who can be bothered, plus his dim girlfriend, until it finally gets through to her that sticking with Henri is not exactly a winning game plan. And all those visits will really serve to do is to bring it home to him that when the visit ends, those people go back to their normal life - while he goes back to his cell, his prison meals, his utterly meaningless existence.
"He will not be serving his sentence in the notorious Pollsmoor Prison as expected and will be transported to Drakenstein Prison on Friday, 8 June." Saw this now on News24.
I know that she is not guilty of anything, but............with the overwhelming evidence, to still believe that he was innocent, really does make you think that she was hanging around in case he inherited his parent's money (even if was only half, since Marli didn't die as she was supposed to), I believe that that was his motive.

Yes, I agree Danielle may have been hoping for that, but I don't think the money was Henri's motive. I think the loud argument the neighbour heard was all about Martin in the role of authoritative parent, insisting Henri either get a job or get back to his education; either way, to stop goofing off and wasting his life and to start behaving responsibly. And I think Rudi would have been supporting his father in that, and Henri's enraged axe attack was all about "don't tell me how to live my life."

I think it was just straight up enraged rebellion.
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