GUILTY South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016 - #2

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DNA Solves
I've not commented on this one for a while but I've been reading and thank you all for the updates, I was convinced yesterday that he'd be walking away so this is great to read, justice for Susan.
Good to see you again LouP. Sorry for the delayed greeting, I got called away to send my son a scan of his degree.

Things are looking up for South African justice, since the days of Pistorius. I've seen such a high calibre of Judge for each of the cases of Rohde, Panayiotou, and van Breda.
Good to see you again LouP. Sorry for the delayed greeting, I got called away to send my son a scan of his degree.

Things are looking up for South African justice, since the days of Pistorius. I've seen such a high calibre of Judge for each of the cases of Rohde, Panayiotou, and van Breda.

What did your son study?
Right, lovely cup of tea brewed and now I'm going to watch the video. I'll catch up with you all later. Prime is in for a lovely surprise when she checks in!
Philosophy Politics and Economics. aka PPE.

Yuk, not my cup of tea for sure. He's now applying to do a masters at the London School of Economics. He wants to make a difference in the World. Good on him.

You brought him up well!!!!:):):):)
So happy that JR got what he deserved. Judge was meticulous and as she stated, did not let herself be misled. Good job Judge!
I feel sorry for Rohdes' children though, they lost both parents...

Disappointed with Dr. Perumal, as I had lots of respect for him.

And on a final note, I hope Rob Packham is next. :mad:
She would be very good at a game of Bluff I feel. I never saw that coming. But the right verdict. I love her. :)
omg, did she ever! Maybe, that's her strategy, make LvN go over it, ask him the hard questions, he answered her with direct eye contact and stated, Susan would not kill herself!
Just finished watching. I am SO impressed, I think I may have to watch it again later just for the sheer enjoyment. She could write for a career. I was going to say fiction, but none of what she wrote was fictional lol. Very descriptive, I was transported to the scene of the whole weekend, the build up, and the fight and murder that ensued. I heard a lot of detail that I had missed or did not come through in the trial reporting. Things like the blood from Susan's eyebrow injury (caused by Jason's fist with a ring) - the two mascara stains from her eyes - and the facial imprint left in the pillow from Jason's side of the bed, most obviously used to smother her. She ascertained this by the fact of Susan's toe bleed being on the other side of the bed. There being no drip trail from Susan's nose bleed on the sheets, meaning that the nose injury did not occur at the time of the earlier fight or fall. His wearing of a ring evidenced by his own admission to someone that he wore his ring to satisfy Susan that the affair was over.

She didn't fall for his LIES. What a beast he is. I would call him a pig but that is an insult to the beautiful animal. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a murderer have to listen to his own story being ripped to shreds. She covered everything, right down to him using the hotel handyman in his staging, and not grabbing the nearest person walking past his room to come and help. Not ever asking anyone to summon medical assistance.
1:01:55 in -

"his initial report had failed to mention that a bloodless [ ] neck dissection could not be repeated at a subsequent autopsy, although he conceded that during his testimony. He had also failed to either mention or interpret a number of crucial injuries such as the scratch marks to the jaw and a great number of other injuries most of which are normally associated with defensive type injuries. This in my view calls into question his non-partisan-ness, his credibility and the reliance this court can place on his evidence."
Philosophy Politics and Economics. aka PPE.

Yuk, not my cup of tea for sure. He's now applying to do a masters at the London School of Economics. He wants to make a difference in the World. Good on him.
Wonderful Tortoise, you must be so proud!
Just finished watching. I am SO impressed, I think I may have to watch it again later just for the sheer enjoyment. She could write for a career. I was going to say fiction, but none of what she wrote was fictional lol. Very descriptive, I was transported to the scene of the whole weekend, the build up, and the fight and murder that ensued. I heard a lot of detail that I had missed or did not come through in the trial reporting. Things like the blood from Susan's eyebrow injury (caused by Jason's fist with a ring) - the two mascara stains from her eyes - and the facial imprint left in the pillow from Jason's side of the bed, most obviously used to smother her. She ascertained this by the fact of Susan's toe bleed being on the other side of the bed. There being no drip trail from Susan's nose bleed on the sheets, meaning that the nose injury did not occur at the time of the earlier fight or fall. His wearing of a ring evidenced by his own admission to someone that he wore his ring to satisfy Susan that the affair was over.

She didn't fall for his LIES. What a beast he is. I would call him a pig but that is an insult to the beautiful animal. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a murderer have to listen to his own story being ripped to shreds. She covered everything, right down to him using the hotel handyman in his staging, and not grabbing the nearest person walking past his room to come and help. Not ever asking anyone to summon medical assistance.
Well said!
I'm currently watching and loving Salie-Hlophe's detailed account of Susan's last day alive. I didn't realize the room was on ground floor, she says if JR couldn't break down the door, he could, at least, break the window. He showed no desperation at all to get to Susan!
She had such a beating before her death, JR is a brute and murderer! Good riddance!

I also recommend everyone to watch, the best I've seen yet! I like the way she screws her nose up when she reads out JR's questionable and unsavoury behaviour!

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