GUILTY South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016 - #2

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Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) · Twitter
Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter
#Rohde Brenda says no one has complained to her about Jason being violent. "If it has happened, I am totally unaware of it and I don’t think it has, as he doesn’t like aggression at such. He hates the display of violence. He is a gentle person." @TeamNews24
5 mins ago · Twitter
#Rohde Brenda: "I have thought back and there is honestly nothing that I can repeat that has even come closer to being physical at all.... I have seen no physical act of aggression from Jason at all." @TeamNews24
6 mins ago · Twitter
#Rohde Brenda explains that when Jason is angry, he goes quiet and walks away "which I admit, can be a bit difficult being the other person. He doesn’t sulk, he is not moody." @TeamNews24
7 mins ago · Twitter
Brenda speaks very softly. She explains she is from Birmingham in the UK. Jason was born in England. When he was 11 months old, they moved to SA to be with her parents.

Brenda on Jason: "He was a normal child. Very happy go lucky, very easy to discipline, made friends, loved very much by the whole family. He was just a very easygoing baby." When he was 14 months old, she parted ways with his father.

Brenda: My husband and I came to a mutual agreement to separate and then divorce. He settled in JHB and I went to my parents, who helped me with Jason as a toddler. Unfortunately my husband completely disappeared.

Brenda: I put an ad in the newspaper and that is how we got divorced. I heard rumours that his father had gone to Australia and then the UK. I was 21 and Jason was about 2. Met current husband, who I have been married to for 46 years, when Jason was about 3.

Brenda: My current husband and I married when Jason was about 4.5 years. Jason and him just fell in love with each other. It has been fantastic since day one. He wanted Jason to take his name so he formally adopted him.

Brenda: We had another child just before Jason was 9. She was diagnosed as being deaf at 12 months. She is now happily married, made a business from horses.

Brenda: His sister Victoria has always adored Jason. She has always put him on a pedestal, always admired the man he is. Admired him as a father figure, a businessman. He was always there for her at any time of need. She just loves him.

Brenda says Jason was an average student and loved playing cricket. He was also cricket captain. "He was very well-liked, had both male and female friends".... Still friends with some of them today.

Brenda says Jason was accepted at King Edward school as a boarder during the week. "He did play an active role in sports activities there, mainly rugby... He was popular with his friends.... He made very good friends."

Brenda says she is sure Jason got up to mischief but she never had any complaints or disciplinary. "He has a dry sense of humour and can be very funny in a quiet way." He seemed to attract very decent, like-minded friends.

Brenda says they wanted Jason to travel after school but he insisted on getting his two years of military training over and done with. He became an officer. when that was done, he started studying for a B Com

Much against his parents' wishes, he quit tertiary studies after meeting Susan. He wanted to be self-sufficient and earn some money. "They married very young... we were very happy with his choice of girl. A lovely girl."

Jason and Susan moved to Australia to be with her family. They stayed there for about three years. Brenda says Susan loved it but Jason loved South Africa and it wasn't home for him.

Brenda: My husband was a cruise operator and I helped him. I later became an estate agent and started a business with Jason and my business partner.

Brenda says they were the three shareholders of their real estate agency. Lew Geffen approached us to buy us out and become a franchise. Jason recognised the importance of being a brand name. Geffen returned and we became business partners instead.

Brenda: Mr Geffen allowed Jason to work as a CEO for Sothebys and also help our business on a management basis.

Brenda: You have got to know Jason to love him. He appears to be aloof and standoffish when you first meet him. As you get to know him, you realise that that is just his manner, that is the way he is.

Brenda: "I know this is what a lot of mothers would be saying but Jason as a son, with all his family and as far as I know his friends, is good, kind, loyal and trusting."

Brenda explains that when Jason is angry, he goes quiet and walks away "which I admit, can be a bit difficult being the other person. He doesn’t sulk, he is not moody."

Brenda: "I have thought back and there is honestly nothing that I can repeat that has even come closer to being physical at all.... I have seen no physical act of aggression from Jason at all."

Brenda says no one has complained to her about Jason being violent. "If it has happened, I am totally unaware of it and I don’t think it has, as he doesn’t like aggression at such. He hates the display of violence. He is a gentle person."

Team News24 (@TeamNews24) | Twitter
Different tweeter from enca:

Livingstone didn’t read the judgement but says he disagrees with a lot of the stuff that has come out in court. He didn’t know about Jason’s affair and says he only heard about it in the press.

Brenda says Jason’s father disappeared after they separated when Jason was 14 months old. She had to place ads in newspapers to to get divorced from him when Jason was 2. Jason was adopted by her new husband but that was complicated again by his missing father.

Brenda says when Jason was 9 they had a daughter who was diagnosed as deaf at 12 months. “She came as a complete shock because I thought all children are well behaved.” Brenda says that was a difficult time but Jason handled it well.

Jason and Susan moved to Australia for 3 years where Susan’s family was. Jason wasn’t very happy there and they came back. Jason then became a partner in Brenda’s real estate company. Lew Geffen bought into the company and later made Jason CEO of Sotheby’s

Nadine Theron (@NadineTheron) | Twitter
They're back live but the feed is breaking up.
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Brenda Rohde's testimony continues after a short break.

VDS: "Since Jason's conviction, who has been running the business and has there been any material effect?" Brenda says he has left a big gap in the company because he played a big role on business and legal side. Handled recruitment and problem-solving.

Brenda: I have not been able to play a more active role in the business because I have to take care of my grandchildren, his daughters. It has had a huge, detrimental impact.

Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter
Brenda says it was "terribly important" for her to help keep contact between Jason and his three daughters since his arrest.

Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter

Brenda says Jason left a big gap in her company. She is 69 and her business partner 72. She has been struggling to stay active in the company as she’s taking care of the her three grandaughters. Her husband, 82, has retired.

Nadine Theron (@NadineTheron) | Twitter
Brenda says she has great admiration for her three granddaughters. "They are amazingly strong young ladies. But they adore their father.... They still look to him for guidance and respect his wishes. They just love him and supported him."

Brenda says Jason's eldest Kathryn had to give up her studies last year because of the pressures of the trial. She and Jason "possibly have a better relationship than they ever did before and it’s such a lovely thing to see."

Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter

Brenda says Jason’s three daughters love him and trust him. “They adore their father and look up to him and respect him”. Kathryn stoped studying last year and spent time with Jason at home during his trail.

Brenda says she doesn’t have enough funds to support the three girls. The twins started studying this year. She is not sure how Susan’s family are gonna contribute to their upbringing but they are raising funds.

Nadine Theron (@NadineTheron) | Twitter
Brenda: "I can't emphasise enough Jason's gentle, caring personality. Not only with his family but with his friends and with his business employees. He was always there for them. He has always been accommodating and understanding."

Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter
Brenda ends: "He [Jason] has always been there for us and caring... Inside he has a heart of gold. I love him very much... and I am with him every step of the way. I ask the court to be lenient, if for no other reason, than for his children."

LVN points out under cross-exam that a life policy has set aside money for Jason's twins and they are well cared for at university. Brenda says she does not know and was under impression that Jason's in laws were trying to get more money.

State says Mr Geffen can employ someone else to take Jason's place and help their family business. Brenda doesn't seem convinced and says "he hasn't got the time" for that

Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter

Brenda says all Jason’s employees trust and admire him. He’s been a good son, caring, a stable personality. He was always there for her. He is aloof, standoffish but also fun and loving. “My grandchildren adore their father and I ask this court to be lenient”

Adv Van Niekerk, for the state, asks Brenda if she knows about the trust Jason set up for his daughters and she says no.

Nadine Theron (@NadineTheron) | Twitter
She hasn't read the judgement, and doesn't know about the trust set up to pay for the twins' education.
These witnesses are a waste of time.
The Judge just wants to go home.
Brenda tells the State she hasn't read the judgment against her son. Brenda says she is here to support her son, the truth and her grandchildren's future. "I wouldn't say I was biased, i just stated what I believe and what is fact." She is excused.

VDS indicates that those are his witnesses in mitigation of sentence. He asks for a postponement until Wednesday because he had a "massive technological problem and lost an entire day of work" because power was out at his home.

Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter

Van Niekerk puts it to Brenda that she might be biased.

Adv Van der Spuy asks for postponement as his power went out over the weekend and he lost a great deal of work.

Nadine Theron (@NadineTheron) | Twitter
Back on Wednesday 20th Feb.
Last edited:
State hands up document from Liberty Life indicating a payment of R735 000. Defence says the other policy that had the suicide clause was Discovery Life. "My client has no knowledge or recollection of this policy." Says Susan must have taken it out.

Judge Gayaat Salie-Hlophe postpones until Wednesday for closing sentencing arguments. Rohde will remain in custody until then.

Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter

Van Niekerk says R750 000 was paid out of Susan’s Liberty Life policy into her estate. Van der Spuy says this puzzles him. Rohde apparently didn’t know about this policy as they were with Discovery.

Nadine Theron (@NadineTheron) | Twitter
Honestly, I don’t know how! As I said, it is paused at present, however. Sorry

Hi Hag,
What I do, is copy the section I want, then paste it, into my post.

I had loads of internet problems tonight, and thought the witnesses were a waste of time.
Now, another excuse, from Defence, as expected.
See you all, next time, for the end of this.
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Brenda: "I can't emphasise enough Jason's gentle, caring personality. Not only with his family but with his friends and with his business employees. He was always there for them. He has always been accommodating and understanding."

Jenna Etheridge (@JennaEtheridge) | Twitter

But what was JR like, to his wife???
Did he have a mistress????
What, you don't know!!!!
But what was JR like, to his wife???
Did he have a mistress????
What, you don't know!!!!
She hasn't read the judgement so she only knows what she wants to know. I don't think he was too complimentary of his mother during his evidence in the trial if I remember correctly.

I pick up a little bit of deception as regards playing the financial card, Jason spent Susan's money on his defence (and I think he'd have spent her other policy too if he'd known about it), and I also pick up hostility towards Susan's family.
Hi Hag,
What I do, is copy the section I want, then paste it, into my post.

I had loads of internet problems tonight, and thought the witnesses were a waste of time.
Now, another excuse, from Defence, as expected.
See you all, next time, for the end of this.

Thanks tmar. I’ll try it sometime, but was afraid to mess up! Agree, such a waste of time today, embarrassing really. None of the three had read judgement. Really?

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