South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016

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Jason admits he and Jolene met up in many different locations and he made lots of excuses to be in Cape Town so he could see her. "My wife didn't know because had she known, she would have confronted me".

Jason: My relationship with Jolene continued until 27 February 2016. Jolene secretly put a Valentines card in my luggage and Susan found it while unpacking.

Jason: The Valentines card did not have Jolene's name on it but it was obvious it came from someone who had intimate knowledge of me.

Jason: Susan confronted me with the card while I was in study. My initial reaction was shock and fear. I tried to deny it and said it was an anonymous card that I got. After 30min, I realised there was no point in denying it because I had been caught.

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Jason: Susan went absolutely berserk. She was screaming. She couldn't believe I would do this to her after all these years. Argued in bathroom so kids wouldn't hear it. Asked me to phone Jolene and put phone on speaker.

"I said to Jolene that Susan is with me, she has found the card. I am telling you I cannot continue our relationship and that I won't be contacting you anymore. You must not contact me either. Susan told me what to say."

Jason said that Jolene was taken back by the phone call but could understand what had happened. Jolene sent message saying she would like to send a letter and Susan replied to say, yes send it. She sent 3-4 pg handwritten letter to me.

Jason: When you are an adulterer, you are living a double life. You cover your tracks. Ducking and diving. My conduct has ripped my family apart. It has devastated my family and I know if it wasn't for my disgusting behaviour, Susan would still be alive today.

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Jason: Affair absolutely consumed Susan. She wouldn't sleep, eat. She would go back into my diary and I would have to explain everything to her. She would phone me 5-15 times a day. When I got home, I would have to give my phone to her.

Jason says that Susan would look at Jolene's Facebook page. "The more she did these things, the more I felt myself pulling away from her. I knew I should be embracing her, but felt myself withdrawing, being emotionally distant from her".

"Every single day, that is how we woke up and went to bed. Talking about Jolene. She just couldn't get her head around how deceitful I had been to her."

Susan might have phoned and messaged Jolene, says Jason. Days after being caught, Susan flew to Cape Town to confront Jolene. He imagined a physical and embarrassing altercation at work. "I was terrified to be honest from a purely selfish perspective."

"Susan phoned me when she landed. She made me explain all the places I had taken Jolene to and would take pictures from there to send to me. Also bought herself a t-shirt I had bought for Jolene. Flew back the next morning."

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Jason says he travelled extensively in his work. He was very hands-on and liked to deal with things himself.

Jason: From a logistical and financial perspective, we did not invite spouses to our annual Sotheby's convention.

Jason says that he rekindled the relationship with mistress Jolene a few weeks after breaking up with her. "After I was caught by Susan, things were very tense and fraught in our house. She would wake up often to ask questions. Either sad or angry."

The more she did this, the more I withdrew. I pulled away from her. The more she could feel this, the more anxious it made her feel. We attended counselling. After that, I rekindled the affair with Jolene. Not only lied to Susan but also to therapist.
Jason: I visited Jolene a few weeks after being caught in February. Sure we also exchanged messages. We were communicating with each other while I was at work. I would delete all evidence on my phone.

Jason says he was completely selfish. "I didn't want to destroy my family life but on the other hand, I didn't want to let Jolene go either. I was living a double life. I wanted it both ways."

Jason says that towards the end of marriage counselling, he realised: "Whilst I loved Susan, I had fallen out of love with her. Divorce was definitely an option for me. But I didn't want to hurt my children."

The marriage counsellor told Jason that Susan needed to see a psychiatrist. "Susan had lost an incredible amount of weight and looked drawn. She would sleep an hour a night. She was still exercising and wasn't eating anything."
Jason: "I didn't foresee that something could ever happen. It wasn't in my thinking. It just never occurred to me that Susan was in desperate need of psychiatric help."

Jason: "I never met Susan's psychologist. Susan wanted me to see someone too. She said because I was so dishonest, there was obviously a problem and I needed help. I had between 5-8 sessions with a psychologist."

Jason: I was not truthful with my psychologist because I didn't tell her I was still seeing Jolene. I mainly spoke to her about my childhood. One day, I suggested my psychologist see Susan so she could understand what I was going through.

Jason: Susan and my psychologist met for an hour. I have no idea what they discussed. I saw my psychologist after that but wasn't privy to what they spoke about. There was no noticeable change with Susan.
Jason knew that Susan was taking a mild anxiety tablet and perhaps sleeping tablets.

Defence now moves to July 2016. Jason says he was in regular contact with Jolene and Susan was unaware.

Court hears that Susan decided later in life that she wanted to be a school teacher so she went back to university to get a teaching degree. She spent many late hours studying. Got her degree and worked at a nearby primary school.

Susan spent many hours working and preparing for her teaching job. "What surprised me was how political the infighting between the teachers was. There was lot of internal tension in the tea room. She would take things very personally and not back down."
Susan Rohde stopped teaching because she apparently wasn't enjoying the job and workload. "Our children were in high school or going to high school so she decided to stop."

Lawyer wants to know how Susan was able to attend Sotheby's convention at Spier. "She went to convention to make sure I wasn't with Jolene anymore and to show Jolene she was with me."

Jason: "I didn't want Susan to go to convention because I was still having an affair with Jolene. I was afraid there would be a confrontation between Jolene and Susan. Purely from a selfish perspective, I didn't want her to go."

Jason: I explained to Susan that I couldn't make a rule that spouses weren't allowed at convention but then bring her. She was adamant that she was coming.
The Rohdes arrived in Cape Town on 21 July 2016. They argued the whole time. "I was tense, Susan was tense. We were bickering over stupid things."

The Rohdes hired a car and drove to Spier wine estate in Stellenbosch for the convention. As the CEO, Jason was the face of the Lew Geffen Sotheby's group and co-hosted the event with Lew Geffen.

Jason takes the court through that fateful weekend at Spier. He says he was absolutely terrified of being in the same room with Susan and Jolene.

On that Friday afternoon, they were at a wine tasting. "Susan stared at me the whole time and I made conscious effort to stare at right hand side, because Jolene was on the left."
Jason says that Susan borrowed clothes from her friends and also hired outfits for the weekend. He says it wasn't normal for Susan to hire clothes. When they weren't returned, his credit card was debited thousands of rands.

Jason says his wife's bag always had perfume, chewing gum, lipstick, lip gloss and a small leather diary. She used to write down notes about his movements and words to songs. "I never read her diary. But she used to tell me."

"I know Susan kept a diary when she was a teenager. She had an appointment book. After the affair, she kept a diary that she would keep next to her bed and scribble in. I never saw diary at Spier but would be very surprised if she hadn't taken it with her."

Jason: I searched for that diary everywhere. Turned the house upside down looking for that diary but it never turned up.
Jason: Some people went back to rooms when convention finished for day. Susan and I went to bar for 20min, an hour maybe, and then went back to room. There was an informal function that Friday night with cocktails and a meal.

Jason: Susan and I avoided each other. We were so tense. I was thinking the whole time something was going to happen so made an effort not to be seen close to Jolene. Susan and I weren't a happy couple. We went to our room.

On Saturday morning, we had training seminars with presentations in the conference room. Susan came into the conference room with 150 people sitting down to see where Jolene was sitting. She was rows ahead of me. Susan left and went to Stellenbosch.

A friend of mine suggested we go out for lunch that day. Me, Susan and two colleagues went to Rust en Vrede.
Jason: We had the afternoon off. A black tie event and formal prize-giving was on Saturday evening. I gave an opening address and introduced Lew Geffen. It dragged on.

After the awards ceremony, there was a disco where people danced. The formal part ended at 10:30pm. "I might have had one or two dances. It wasn't with Susan or Jolene. I don't particularly enjoy dancing."

Jason: Lew Geffen did not say anything about my wife attending the convention that weekend.

Jason goes back to showering and dressing for 7pm ceremony. Told Susan he can't be late because he is sitting at main table. "Susan was shouting at me. Grabbed wine bottle, opened it and started drinking it."
Jason says that Susan messaged him and asked him to come and fetch her at the hotel room. She got a golf cart, he met her outside venue and then they walked to the ceremony together.

Jason: "I am a social drinker. I did drink that night but am very conscious of my drinking when I am a host. You can't be drunk, be a CEO of a business and hand out awards. No ways was I intoxicated."

Jason says he can't comment on what his wife drank before arriving at the ceremony. She enjoyed her white wine at the table. He ordered her a Double Amaretto at the bar later that evening.

Jason: When the bar closed, we walked outside and 2 guys walked past with bottles of wine. They invited me to afterparty. "Susan turned to me and said there is no f-ing ways we are going there. I didn't want to create scene so I went back to room with her."
Lawyer asks about Susan's swearing habits. Jason says she never swore with others. When they were in each other's company, they both used vulgar language.

Court hears that Jason doesn't wear a wristwatch. So it's difficult to pinpoint exact time of events that night.

Jason was annoyed that Susan didn't want him to go the after party. They argued on the way back to the hotel room. "She wasn't stumbling around but she certainly alcohol tends to ratchet her arguments up."

Jason: Susan undressed in room. I took my phone and started typing SMS to Jolene. Susan could see red swipe as I tried to delete message. It was quite clear who I was messaging. "She went absolutely berserk."
Jason can't remember what message to Jolene was but it would have been "something of a romantic nature".

Jason explaining what berserk means. "She just went loose. Apoplectic. Beyond furious. What a lying, deceitful *advertiser censored* I was. How could I message that ugly *advertiser censored*. Every word in the vocabulary of bad language that can be used."

Jason says he retaliated verbally. "It was clear as daylight that I was never, ever going to let this go and I knew if I stayed in the room, I would get screamed at for hours. I also had no excuse so I couldn't defend myself. I had to leave the room."

Lawyer asks what Susan was wearing. Jason recalls her wearing the hotel gown and nothing on her feet.
"I said yes, I have had enough Sue. This is it. I am done. I can't do this any longer." I realise now that divorce was the only option. Susan knew 100% I was back with Jolene. I wanted to get back to JHB and sit with her so we could plan our lives.

Jason: I moved towards main hotel door to get out and Susan, who has done this on many occasions, blocked me at the door. "I am pretty sure she knew I wanted to go see Jolene."

Jason: "I can't fight for three hours like Susan can fight. I just don't have the strength. I give in. And I don't like it. Especially when Susan is as cross as that, it will not stop."

Salie-Hlophe asks Jason about Susan knowing he would want to see Jolene.

Jason: "I am not denying I wanted to see Jolene but my motive for getting out the room, was to physically get out. After that I wanted to find Jolene. Susan came to the ultimate realisation that I had not broken it off with Jolene."

Court grants an early adjournment. Jason's bail is extended and the trial will resume on Tuesday.
"I said yes, I have had enough Sue. This is it. I am done. I can't do this any longer." I realise now that divorce was the only option. Susan knew 100% I was back with Jolene. I wanted to get back to JHB and sit with her so we could plan our lives.

Jason: I moved towards main hotel door to get out and Susan, who has done this on many occasions, blocked me at the door. "I am pretty sure she knew I wanted to go see Jolene."

Jason: "I can't fight for three hours like Susan can fight. I just don't have the strength. I give in. And I don't like it. Especially when Susan is as cross as that, it will not stop."

Salie-Hlophe asks Jason about Susan knowing he would want to see Jolene.

Jason: "I am not denying I wanted to see Jolene but my motive for getting out the room, was to physically get out. After that I wanted to find Jolene. Susan came to the ultimate realisation that I had not broken it off with Jolene."

Court grants an early adjournment. Jason's bail is extended and the trial will resume on Tuesday.

"I said yes, I have had enough Sue. This is it. I am done. I can't do this any longer." I realise now that divorce was the only option. Susan knew 100% I was back with Jolene. I wanted to get back to JHB and sit with her so we could plan our lives.

Jason: I moved towards main hotel door to get out and Susan, who has done this on many occasions, blocked me at the door. "I am pretty sure she knew I wanted to go see Jolene."

Jason: "I can't fight for three hours like Susan can fight. I just don't have the strength. I give in. And I don't like it. Especially when Susan is as cross as that, it will not stop."

Salie-Hlophe asks Jason about Susan knowing he would want to see Jolene.

Jason: "I am not denying I wanted to see Jolene but my motive for getting out the room, was to physically get out. After that I wanted to find Jolene. Susan came to the ultimate realisation that I had not broken it off with Jolene."

Court grants an early adjournment. Jason's bail is extended and the trial will resume on Tuesday.

What. Another adjournment. :(:(
These adjournments are continually happening.
Surely, with all the previous breaks, ongoing 'gaps' now, would not need to occur, and not be required.

What. Another adjournment. :(:(
These adjournments are continually happening.
Surely, with all the previous breaks, ongoing 'gaps' now, would not need to occur, and not be required.

The Judge had something else to attend to in the afternoon. That suited Defence counsel as his car had broken down and he needed to have it repaired. :D OISA
I thought Rhode came across as a credible witness and he took full responsibility for his bad behavior prior to Susan's death. He repeatedly referred to his lying, cheating and leading a double life. I didn't feel that he was lying. It will be interesting to see if his demeanor changes during cross-examination.

If Susan's behavior is as he described, she seems to have become extremely unstable once she discovered his affair. I can understand her being furious, upset, heartbroken etc, but taking photos of all the places he visited with Jolene and diarising everything with his full knowledge is more than odd. She always wanted to be the one in control, not only of the children but him too. At the time she was seeing her psychologist, she wanted JR to see one too. There seems to have been a lot of friction over many years as they had counselling 13 years ago IIRC. He told the Court that he loved her but wasn't in love with her, and he told Susan some hours before she died that it was all over. If she did commit suicide, that was obviously the breaking point.

I'm still sitting on the fence.
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Rohde said that after Susan had found out he was having an affair with Jolene, he promised to end it, but four weeks later‚ he had decided to rekindle it. He said that Susan had stopped sleeping after she found out about it and that the situation in their home was “tense” and “fraught”.

“I moved downstairs to the downstairs bedroom. In fact I moved out of the house for five days. I moved into an apartment block called Sandton View. Susan asked me to come back”. “It was just‚ Susan just‚ she couldn’t... If I was sleeping she would wake me up every two hours asking me questions‚” said Rohde adding that he started becoming distant and falling out of love.

He said that she had become “very emotional” and fluctuated between anger and sadness and she started obsessing about the affair‚ and not without merit.

“I was very deceitful. I would go to work‚ I would send a message and delete it from my phone. Or if I made a call I would delete it from my phone. Rohde said that he felt like a fraud and he was “completely selfish”. “I didn’t want to disrupt my family life for the sake of my children and destroy their little lives‚ but on the other hand I didn’t want to let Jolene go either‚” he said.

“After she caught me‚ she went back into my phone diary and into my work diary to look at all the flights that I had taken to Cape Town. Then she would say you were in Cape Town on that particular day‚ where did you meet Jolene? Which hotel did you stay at? What restaurant did you go to? What food did you eat? What food did Jolene eat‚” he said‚ adding that he could never find the diary after Susan’s death.

‘When you’re an adulterer‚ you hide and you are deceitful,’ says murder accused Jason Rohde
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