South Hadley,MA Phoebe Prince 15 kills self over bullying

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I found this story about the school bungling the case dated Jan/10...the comments are interesting, as seems to not be available on the Boston site, now...

but here's a link to the same story, I think...

[ame=""]Bullying expert: South Hadley case bungled by officials - Gathering of The Vibes[/ame]
Three of the nine teens accused of the brutal bullying of South Hadley High School freshman Phoebe Prince will be arraigned early next week, court officials announced today.

Sean Mulveyhill, 17, Kayla Narey, 17, both of South Hadley, and Austin Renaud, 18, of Springfield are set to appear in court at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, according to the criminal clerk’s office at the Hampshire Superior Court in Northampton
I had read one of the bullies, Kayla Narey, was a jock chick, this photo seems to support that of her on the field hockey team and lacrosse. I understand she's being charged as an adult, so I assume we can sleuth her a bit...dated Oct/09...I wonder how much the bullies being "sports stars" affected their punishment or lack there of. I recall the guy, Mulveyhill (sp ?), was a star Football player, too.

KAYLA NAREY (South Hadley) - The junior forward has great instincts and natural skill for the game. ... Was second on the team in goals scored with 11 and finished with 14 points on the season, good for third and fourth in the Central League, respectively. ... Scored the lone goal in western Massachusetts championship loss to Smith Academy. ... An all-league selection. ... A two-time first-team selection.

THIS is the photo that was associated with her still has it, she deleted it...
Watch them fawn over him, the fella charged as an Adult with statutory rape...he's a football star! I guess that made it okay...this is Sept/09...and have a peek at the comments!

"South Hadley's Sean Mulveyhill leads Tigers to a 48-26 win over Holyoke High School football team"

South Hadley made a mountain out of a Mulveyhill.

Sean Mulveyhill led a dominating Tigers running game to a 48-26 victory over Holyoke, marking the fifth straight year the South Hadley High School football team has bested its rival.

"This is a huge rivalry," South Hadley head coach Ray Ferro said. "Beating Holyoke five years in a row is something we take a lot of pride in. No team wants to be the first to lose."

Mulveyhill touched the ball 18 times for 244 yards and two touchdowns as the spearhead of a ground game that compiled a whopping 419 yards.

"I don't think I've ever coached a player with as much passion for the game as Sean," Ferro said. "He eats, sleeps and breathes football."

Here's his myspace page...

or is it this one? 2 Mulveyhill's...I read there was another star football Mulveyhill...brothers or cousins? ETA...the first link appears to be Sean, the second, Nick...Sean is the dude charged. Wonder if the Mulveyhill's are the star football family in town...and notice a comment on Sean's page, congratulating him on being Captain in 2010...
well yes, I usually am. However, at times when I work outside the home (I have been lucky enough that I work inline as well) - we have elderly neighbors across the street - plus she is 16 and a very responsible person.

You are right about little ones though - someone would have to be there.

I'm not saying homeschooling or online schooling is the answer - its not! I don't particularly like the disadvantages of it - but its better than worrying every morning about what's going to happen today.

There are other alternatives, other answers, other cures for our education in America. Its just sad that most of them will never come to be because the politicians won't keep their hands out of the cookie jar.

Seems like this school district has a superintendent like the one we have here. Nowhere in America are our kids coming first (I shouldn't say that - I'm sure there are some smaller districts that are really doing a good job - but certainly not in our big cities - where there is big money)

Not just little. I think living 15 year old at home alone with a computer would be a recipe for disaster.
I'm in the trenches on this bullying issue, and I've got to say, this particular case is very complex.

In the case of my son--He is being bullied by many different students over the course of two years because of his skin color and ethnicity. He has pale skin and is of Irish and other European descent. I have been to the school over 10X to talk with counselors, principal, and they are working on it. It's difficult because in my situation, I would describe the bullying as pertaining to the same issue, but "scattershot," in other words, different bulliers at different times.

Now, may I say that at least one "stay away" contract has been put in place by the administrators.

IMO, bullying in any form should not be tolerated. My case is cut and dry: bullying because of skin color and ethnicity.

But this case is not so simple.

We are dealing with multiple levels.

And no, I don't believe that leaving the school is the answer. It only serves to perpetuate the bullying on some other student. IMO, there are many other reasons why just withdrawing the student is not the right course, IMO.
From January...

"South Hadley High Principal Daniel Smith sent out a letter to parents of students at the high school. In the letter, he called Prince "smart, charming, and as is the case with many teenagers, complicated . . . We will never know the specific reasons why she chose to take her life," reported."
"Smith said the bullying often surrounded arguments about teen dating, reported.

In the letter to parents, dated Jan. 20, Smith addressed the disagreements: "These disagreements centered on relationship/dating issues. School personnel immediately intervened . . . and both counseled and provided consequences as the situations required. It is what happened after those incidents were over that is cause for significant concern.’
Even after her death, bullies posted disparaging messages on her Facebook memorial page. The comments had to be removed from the page."
Not just little. I think living 15 year old at home alone with a computer would be a recipe for disaster.
it could be....there comes a time as a parent (well actually many times) that you have to take a leap of faith and trust your child. If you raise the child with the right morals and values and have developed a trusting relationship - then no, not necessarily a recipe for disaster. Right now I'm dealing with letting her go to the beach with her friend(s). Its spring break here and the predators flock to where the kids are. I have to let go - DH is always telling me this - but I still worry. I've had talks with her about my concerns and that as long as she exhibits personal responsibility and accountability here at home, I can expect her to do that with or without me. You have to let them grow up - but in this world and this day, its scary out there.
"It’s been just over a day since the high school freshman took her own.
The family of Prince, too upset to speak on camera, says Phoebe was smart, kind and loving, but often a target for bullying, something that her fellow students confirm.

"I mean someone told her to go hang herself, and I don't really know who that was, but she was getting bullied by some people, because there were people talking about her and I guess she didn't like being hated," said Jessica Chapdelaine"

This is the second reference I've seen to someone telling Phoebe to "go hang herself". The first was the Prince family spokesperson on CNN today...he used "allegedly"...

"South Hadley Superintendent Gus Sayer is aware of the bullying claims, and says it’s a subject the school has taken seriously, even before Princes fatal decision.

"Kids understand the consequences of bullying, we don't tolerate it. We have brought in speakers, Barbara Colderoso probably the best know person on this topic and she spend a full day in our school district earlier this year," said Sayer.
A local link on a meeting held with an amazing comment section...

a snippet from the comments (the comment doesn't start with this, it's midway through)
Posted by Upset and Ashamed and Angry
January 28, 2010, 8:02AM "I stood in the hallways briefly and talked with other parents and over heard how this one will be protected because he is on the football team and that one has a lawyer for a father. Even those who know this town and can see through all the crap handed out last night, know nothing is going to change in this town or any other until we as parents STAND UP FOR OUR CHILDREN!!!! As one parent said, "it takes a village" it also takes that village to allow this to continue........LET US NOT BE THAT VILLAGE.........DO NOT LET THIS BE SWEPT UNDER THE RUG"

This poster's profile leads to another interesting comment...
A comment from this Phoebe related link mentions Phoebe being dared to hang herself, as well...posted on Jan. 16th...there are also many other intriguing comments...

Posted by RTRCT
January 16, 2010, 9:02AM
Thank God my child talks to me about this, she was a classmate of Phoebe. The girls that bullied her had dared her to hang herself. This terrible tradgedy not only affected many, but how about her 12 year old sister that found her? This child is now messed up for life. On facebook, cruel comments are still being made and from other communities. As far as the comments being made about the rich, spoiled brats. The girls that tormented her came from a middle to low class family. Please dont post or say anything unless you know the facts.

And a comment here with possible info about one of the officials, sounds tawdry...

Posted by concerned_father2
February 08, 2010, 1:55PM
And this is being managed by the school official that failed to file DSS form 51A after reports of his employee having inappropriate relations with a student? A coverup, failure that put students at Amherst at risk and potentially students at this Principal's next job because the "record" was not made? The guy who went through 7 Principals in 14 years at Amherst? The guy that suddenly retired after the Principal molester was exposed.. only to be hired by SHHS? THIS is the captain of the sinking ship there?? The same one who totally ignored the paid consultant on bullying?

There should be a mutiny for this guys mishandling of the Phoebe Prince matter and for even being hired in the first place.. Where is the media reporting on this Superintendents past failures when his current failures are in the spotlight? WHERE IS THE PUNISHMENT FOR FATAL BULLYING THAT WILL LET OTHER BULLIES UNDERSTAND SEVERE CONSEQUENCES AND THINK TWICE???? Good luck So Hadley.. hope you wake up someday so your kids dont suffer from being apathetic.
"A bullying expert has spoken to teenagers and parents at South Hadley high school in Massachussetts following the suicide of Irish student Phoebe Prince, and has found them angry with the school’s response.

“The kids were frustrated,’’ Barbara Coloroso told the Boston Globe. Coloroso also advised Columbine High School after two boys who were bullied shot 13 other people. “They wanted to know what could have been done to prevent Phoebe’s death. It appeared to them that nothing was being done.’’

Locals in South Hadley are upset because the school has not yet moved against the bullies. In a comment on Irishcentral's website one parent wrote that at a school committee meeting last night "parents came forward and spoke of the brutal teasing that their own children have been subjected to. This has been an issue for many years and the school committee has done nothing about it."

The school has responded that in punishing the bullies it must stick to what law enforcers advise. But Coloroso, who also visited the school in September 2009, said South Hadley High has not implemented the measures she suggested then, according to the Globe."
A wordpress blog about's one comment from the blog owner...

It's fairly clear that Narey thought Mulveyhill was hers. And that Mullins thought Renaud was hers. Each then brought in a bff. SCV with Mullins; Longe with Narey. That's the first 6. I suspect the other 3 - charged as juvies - will be connected to the Narey axis. Based on what I saw weeks ago on FB, myspace and twitter, many of Narey's teammates were well aware of what was going on. Some former teammates who graduated, ie, the O'Connell girl, and some current teammates, ie, Grace, piled on. Many of them will be identified during the next couple of weeks, ie, on Tuesday when the indictment's particulars will be released.

That's when the fur will really fly.
"Students of South Hadley High School said that 15-year-old Irish girl Phoebe Prince was "chased around the perimeter of the school" while teachers did nothing shortly before she took her own life.
Some pupils who knew Prince well told the Boston Herald that she was chased by a group of bullies who weren't happy with the fact that Phoebe had a date with a senior football player.

The students also elaborated on the forms of bullying Prince underwent, including online harassment and text messages, before she hung herself in her home in South Hadley last month"
CNN/Anderson Cooper just said the expelled students don't include the 9 charged. 3 are still enrolled...none have been expelled, the 6 that left, left voluntarily.
Right , and have not read whole thread so someone may have said this, but free speech does not extend to inciting danger. Classic example, can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

I think regulation of the social networking on the internet is sadly lacking. The proliferation of bullying, trolling, hacking, defamation, malicious malware, spyware and identity theft is incredible and virtually (no pun intended) unchecked. It is disgusting. Laws must keep pace. Write your congressional reps.

I am a teacher and can tell you meanness is at an all-time high. It is nothing new but people used to be afraid of the consequences from schools and more importantly, parents. Not so much anymore. For example, we used to get by with skipping school or smoking on school grounds but if we threw a punch or harassed someone we were out on our azzes and our parents supported the school. Now, truancy and smoking are punished to an almost absurd degree while bullies run rampant.

Unfortunately this pervasive idea that parents must protect kids from absolutely everything harmful is also one reason why kids doing wrong go unpunished as well. Sorry, know it won't be a popular take, but I believe it. For every legitimate complaint I hear about a kid who needs to be protected, on the other side you can bet there is a parent who will fight to the death to protect their little bullying darling, doing anything they can to see that the kid avoids any consequences. Schools get overwhelmed with the arduous fact-finding and avoid the whole thing.

I have told my kids, I will always help you, but you have to work to keep yourself bully-proof in this environment. Bullying is heartbreaking, the victim's response early-on is key. It is not about blaming the victim, it is about facing reality.

My heart goes out to this family.


ITA-kids are so much meaner today and I am not sure what the explanation is for this. It has to be partly the parenting, the idea that kids must never be criticized as it might harm their self-esteem (!) which came about in the 90's or so...teachers have been stripped of all power in classrooms as far as any kind of punishment that might humiliate a student, no matter what he/she is doing that might warrant a punishment, parents get outraged and sue school systems if Junior is admonished or gets a lower grade than the parent feels the little treasure should have, etc...all of these things add up to kids obtaining a sense that they can get away with anything and mommy and daddy will jump to their defense...
Most parents want/need to believe that their kids are special...but the parents of many of the people in prisons in this country surely once believed that too...spoiled, unkind kids grow up to be spoiled, unkind adults whose thoughts are only for themselves. This country has become incredibly self-absorbed and the internet only enables this self-love.
Meanwhile, the unfortunate kids who don't have the right look, the right clothes, the right whatever it is that makes other kids single them out are left to fend for themselves as school adminstrators are heistant to take action in so many cases, possibly fearing retribution from the offenders' parents more than fearing for the child being abused. Or they just are ignoring situations rather than be the one to take charge and take action.
Somehow, someway, we have to find a way to re-instill a sense of right and wrong in kids and teens. I don't know what the answer is but I do know that we did not have this kind of bullying back when I was in HS in the late 70's or anything even close to it. Kids were routinely suspended for smoking on school grounds, etc...fighting could mean expulsion. Sure, the jocks always thought they were cooler than everyone else but were so busy trying to impress the cheerleaders, it left little time to worry about the "nerds" and outsiders.
I just have no patience with mean teens...and whatever is the harshest punishment possible in these cases, IMO, needs to be dished out. And if anything can be done to the parents, I'm all for it.
My mother taught high school for many many years and part of her job was to monitor the behavior of kids and dish out punishments, something that seems to have gone by the wayside in the PC era. Where is it getting us as a country to raise kids as though they must never be told they are wrong?
Sorry for the rant...the topic of teens/internet/bullying/violence is really one that sets me off.
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