Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?

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Hi all. I'm among those who have followed the case from the beginning, but had little to say. Mostly, I read and think about what you all and others are saying. I usually find my thoughts expressed as well or better than I might have expressed them.

I have speculated, since Baez first appeared, that he has deliberately and authoritatively placed himself between Casey and her parents. They have appeared baffled by this since always before they were her primary relationships. (You know, The Hand that Lee was the middle finger of?) They have all been displaced by him. IIRC, she even explained to them that SHE was his primary concern, while theirs was Caylee. I'm sure this is what he told her, "They have a different agenda than me--you can't trust them anymore. Their questioning and need to find Caylee is playing into the hands of the police--your enemies. My only agenda is YOU." As we have seen a whole lot of evidence of: that's what Casey most wants to hear. "It's not about Caylee, I agree with you: YOU are what is important, Caylee's incidental."

Wasn't it literally overnight that she suddenly was lawyered-up and refusing to give any more information to either the police or her family? Or did it take two whole days?

Then, when she was bailed out, instead of grieving with and working together with her family to try to find her daughter (as she had promised,) she gets whisked off to spend 6 hours every day with her attorney?? Who ever heard of such a thing? Obviously, it was about keeping her away from her family as much as possible.

From what we know (which, granted, isn't everything) when she was staying with her family she continued to refuse to give any further information after the park abduction story and that, for whatever reason, wasn't shared with the police.

In one of the early jailhouse videos George kind of tentatively questioned her about where Baez came from. Her story seemed kind of thin to me. She had apparently given her very life over to this man, this supposed stranger, on the word of some people she met in lock-up without any advice or guidance from those who previously she had most depended on and who most could be trusted to have her wellbeing at heart.

So, probably as a good lawyer would, recognizing the truth of the situation his client is in, (long before her parents could bring themselves to see it,) he insinuated himself between Casey and her parents. He has supplanted them in importance to her and I agree with all the others who have said that when they ceased to be central to her survival, they ceased to exist for her at all.

Am I imagining the self-satisfied look on his face when he looks at them while huddling with her? I think THAT’S weird.

And lest anyone misunderstand, I think he is far, far from a good lawyer. I can't believe he went on television and read that statement the night before the memorial. My husband said, "What's he doing? Setting up an incompetent counsel appeal?"

All just MOO
Hi all. I'm among those who have followed the case from the beginning, but had little to say. Mostly, I read and think about what you all and others are saying. I usually find my thoughts expressed as well or better than I might have expressed them.

I have speculated, since Baez first appeared, that he has deliberately and authoritatively placed himself between Casey and her parents. They have appeared baffled by this since always before they were her primary relationships. (You know, The Hand that Lee was the middle finger of?) They have all been displaced by him. IIRC, she even explained to them that SHE was his primary concern, while theirs was Caylee. I'm sure this is what he told her, "They have a different agenda than me--you can't trust them anymore. Their questioning and need to find Caylee is playing into the hands of the police--your enemies. My only agenda is YOU." As we have seen a whole lot of evidence of: that's what Casey most wants to hear. "It's not about Caylee, I agree with you: YOU are what is important, Caylee's incidental."

Wasn't it literally overnight that she suddenly was lawyered-up and refusing to give any more information to either the police or her family? Or did it take two whole days?

Then, when she was bailed out, instead of grieving with and working together with her family to try to find her daughter (as she had promised,) she gets whisked off to spend 6 hours every day with her attorney?? Who ever heard of such a thing? Obviously, it was about keeping her away from her family as much as possible.

From what we know (which, granted, isn't everything) when she was staying with her family she continued to refuse to give any further information after the park abduction story and that, for whatever reason, wasn't shared with the police.

In one of the early jailhouse videos George kind of tentatively questioned her about where Baez came from. Her story seemed kind of thin to me. She had apparently given her very life over to this man, this supposed stranger, on the word of some people she met in lock-up without any advice or guidance from those who previously she had most depended on and who most could be trusted to have her wellbeing at heart.

So, probably as a good lawyer would, recognizing the truth of the situation his client is in, (long before her parents could bring themselves to see it,) he insinuated himself between Casey and her parents. He has supplanted them in importance to her and I agree with all the others who have said that when they ceased to be central to her survival, they ceased to exist for her at all.

Am I imagining the self-satisfied look on his face when he looks at them while huddling with her? I think THAT’S weird.

And lest anyone misunderstand, I think he is far, far from a good lawyer. I can't believe he went on television and read that statement the night before the memorial. My husband said, "What's he doing? Setting up an incompetent counsel appeal?"

All just MOO

Hi! Welcome to WS- Great first post! I do not like that man at all- he is as much of a con-man as Casey is (though I 'spose Casey is a Con-woman), IMO. They are both about as smart as one another as well!
I think that JB likes to mix things up to give people something to talk about. In the one court hearing he was heard on the video telling KC "I'm going to give you a peice of paper, act like your writing, guard it" He was seen whispering to KC right before she turned around at the one hearing to smile at her parents. IMO he told her to turn around and do it. IMO he likes to give people something else to focus on rather than how guilty his client is. JMO.
Before jumping to conclusions as to if KC actually snubbed her parent's presence entirely during the last court appearance, has there been reports from any media that was present from the time KC entered the court room whether this is true?

Also, I've been wondering...maybe someone can answer?

I know it's public record when A's have visited KC in jail but, is it also public record if the request to visit is denied? It'd be interesting to know if let's say the A's requested to visit her on such n such date and she refused their visit.

Also, assuming that KC has the opportunity to call home while incarcerated, is there an outgoing call log for KC that is public record? I'd be interested to know when she made her last call home.

Or, mail logs noting if mail is received by KC from the A's & vice versa and if she reciprocates?
Before jumping to conclusions as to if KC actually snubbed her parent's presence entirely during the last court appearance, has there been reports from any media that was present from the time KC entered the court room whether this is true?

Also, I've been wondering...maybe someone can answer?

I know it's public record when A's have visited KC in jail but, is it also public record if the request to visit is denied? It'd be interesting to know if let's say the A's requested to visit her on such n such date and she refused their visit.

Also, assuming that KC has the opportunity to call home while incarcerated, is there an outgoing call log for KC that is public record? I'd be interested to know when she made her last call home.

Or, mail logs noting if mail is received by KC from the A's & vice versa and if she reciprocates?

Yes, we have acess to that info. We have known in the past when she turned her parents and brother away. The same goes for phone calls from jail, we have been able to hear (and read transcripts of) several of her calls... It's public information. If IIRC she has not gotten any visits from or made any calls to her family since being arrested for murder. Also, as debs pointed out earlier, she and her parents can write to one another via JoseB.

I think the detailed info is in the "Casey incarcerated" thread.
I think either
A) having her ignore them is a strategic position
B) she acknowledges them when the cameras are not on..

What we need here is the poster who has been going to the hearings to come tell us whether she ignored them this time or we just didnt see it ;)
What we need here is the poster who has been going to the hearings to come tell us whether she ignored them this time or we just didnt see it ;)

What I wouldn't give to be able to do that...as I'm sure many would, too.

By the way, is the public allowed into these hearings and/or do they have a lottery of sorts to accommodate a certain # of the general public (excluding media)?

Any Floridian WS'rs interested in the job? :unksam:
Hi all. I'm among those who have followed the case from the beginning, but had little to say. Mostly, I read and think about what you all and others are saying. I usually find my thoughts expressed as well or better than I might have expressed them.

I have speculated, since Baez first appeared, that he has deliberately and authoritatively placed himself between Casey and her parents. They have appeared baffled by this since always before they were her primary relationships. (You know, The Hand that Lee was the middle finger of?) They have all been displaced by him. IIRC, she even explained to them that SHE was his primary concern, while theirs was Caylee. I'm sure this is what he told her, "They have a different agenda than me--you can't trust them anymore. Their questioning and need to find Caylee is playing into the hands of the police--your enemies. My only agenda is YOU." As we have seen a whole lot of evidence of: that's what Casey most wants to hear. "It's not about Caylee, I agree with you: YOU are what is important, Caylee's incidental."

Wasn't it literally overnight that she suddenly was lawyered-up and refusing to give any more information to either the police or her family? Or did it take two whole days?

Then, when she was bailed out, instead of grieving with and working together with her family to try to find her daughter (as she had promised,) she gets whisked off to spend 6 hours every day with her attorney?? Who ever heard of such a thing? Obviously, it was about keeping her away from her family as much as possible.

From what we know (which, granted, isn't everything) when she was staying with her family she continued to refuse to give any further information after the park abduction story and that, for whatever reason, wasn't shared with the police.

In one of the early jailhouse videos George kind of tentatively questioned her about where Baez came from. Her story seemed kind of thin to me. She had apparently given her very life over to this man, this supposed stranger, on the word of some people she met in lock-up without any advice or guidance from those who previously she had most depended on and who most could be trusted to have her wellbeing at heart.

So, probably as a good lawyer would, recognizing the truth of the situation his client is in, (long before her parents could bring themselves to see it,) he insinuated himself between Casey and her parents. He has supplanted them in importance to her and I agree with all the others who have said that when they ceased to be central to her survival, they ceased to exist for her at all.

Am I imagining the self-satisfied look on his face when he looks at them while huddling with her? I think THAT’S weird.

And lest anyone misunderstand, I think he is far, far from a good lawyer. I can't believe he went on television and read that statement the night before the memorial. My husband said, "What's he doing? Setting up an incompetent counsel appeal?"

All just MOO

WELCOME Perelandra! Please post more often! I agree with alot of what you have said here. When the early jail videos occurred, KC met with her parents because she thought they would be useful in getting her out of jail. As time went by, she realized that they weren't going to, and her anger started to show, and she was tired of talking to them and having them ask questions about Caylee...(as shown by the visit where she has her "let me talk" hissy fit). Now that there is no bail, she has no use at all for them. If she happens to be acquitted, (I pray it doesn't happen), she will again "love" GA/CA again, because she will need someone to live with and to support her, and they will be just dumb enough to accept her. JMHO.
I don't think that Casey cared one way or the other what George and Cindy did with Caylee's body. I think her statement was all for show and to make her parents look bad. She loves revenge.

As for the way she is treating her parents now...I think she has decided not to see them because she doesn't want to answer any more of their questions about Caylee. She avoided their questions at every turn before but now she just isn't going to bother with them. I think others are right too...they have nothing that she wants now so she doesn't need them anymore. I doubt that she gives them a second thought most of the time.

I don't think that Casey is capable of feeling any shame at all.

I totally agree! KC didn't care what they did with the body H#LL look what she (KC) did with the body. KC does not care at all, IMO. I think at this point she does not want to interact with her parents because, like others have said, she does not want to answer any more questions about Caylee. Caylee is Gone, It's over for Caylee, KC wants to focus on herself and she wants others to do the same. That is what she has wanted all along. JMO
WELCOME Perelandra! Please post more often! I agree with alot of what you have said here. When the early jail videos occurred, KC met with her parents because she thought they would be useful in getting her out of jail. As time went by, she realized that they weren't going to, and her anger started to show, and she was tired of talking to them and having them ask questions about Caylee...(as shown by the visit where she has her "let me talk" hissy fit). Now that there is no bail, she has no use at all for them. If she happens to be acquitted, (I pray it doesn't happen), she will again "love" GA/CA again, because she will need someone to live with and to support her, and they will be just dumb enough to accept her. JMHO.

Absolutely! It seems that men ruled KC's life, to the point that she couldn't focus on her family or her daughter. Now she has a new man in her life (JB) she thinks she doesn't need her parents any longer and she doesn't have to worry about Caylee, she has already dealt with that little problem. Now it's all about JB and I think in the end, he will screw her too just like so many other men. She is in for a rude awakening.
I gave this some thought. They don't like the cameras watching every tiny interaction. I've heard it said before that if George and Cindy and Lee want to communicate outside the spotlight, then they need to go through the courtroom. So what I figure has happened is that they've written letters (the packet of papers Jose tossed at Casey as she sat down) and Casey read them, and then she wrote her responses (the writing she's seen doing). At the end of the hearing, Jose snaps up the packet and off he goes to deliver the response to the Anthony's. That way she doesn't have to be uber examined for every little thing. And it further explains why he was so conscientious to mention that if the camera was going to be up front that they don't focus on what she's doing with the papers.

Bingo! Good thinking!

I, for one, do not think CA is not communicating with KC. She's too strong of a presence to just back away quietly. However, after their visits were made public, they had to figure out other methods. This (along with JB's laptop) would be in keeping with their attitude of thumbing their noses at the general public. MOO
What I wouldn't give to be able to do that...as I'm sure many would, too.

By the way, is the public allowed into these hearings and/or do they have a lottery of sorts to accommodate a certain # of the general public (excluding media)?

Any Floridian WS'rs interested in the job? :unksam:

There is a WS'er that has been to at least one of the hearings and posted about it.
What I wouldn't give to be able to do that...as I'm sure many would, too.

By the way, is the public allowed into these hearings and/or do they have a lottery of sorts to accommodate a certain # of the general public (excluding media)?

Any Floridian WS'rs interested in the job? :unksam:

No no :) there actually IS A poster thats been going to the hearings
I just cant think of her name !
I know the reason.

KC's control over her parents was gone when Caylees skull was found near her home.

No control, no need for them.

That's how narcissistic sociopaths work. When people are no longer useful to them they're GARBAGE.
Hi all. I'm among those who have followed the case from the beginning, but had little to say. Mostly, I read and think about what you all and others are saying. I usually find my thoughts expressed as well or better than I might have expressed them.

I have speculated, since Baez first appeared, that he has deliberately and authoritatively placed himself between Casey and her parents. They have appeared baffled by this since always before they were her primary relationships. (You know, The Hand that Lee was the middle finger of?) They have all been displaced by him. IIRC, she even explained to them that SHE was his primary concern, while theirs was Caylee. I'm sure this is what he told her, "They have a different agenda than me--you can't trust them anymore. Their questioning and need to find Caylee is playing into the hands of the police--your enemies. My only agenda is YOU." As we have seen a whole lot of evidence of: that's what Casey most wants to hear. "It's not about Caylee, I agree with you: YOU are what is important, Caylee's incidental."

Wasn't it literally overnight that she suddenly was lawyered-up and refusing to give any more information to either the police or her family? Or did it take two whole days?

Then, when she was bailed out, instead of grieving with and working together with her family to try to find her daughter (as she had promised,) she gets whisked off to spend 6 hours every day with her attorney?? Who ever heard of such a thing? Obviously, it was about keeping her away from her family as much as possible.

From what we know (which, granted, isn't everything) when she was staying with her family she continued to refuse to give any further information after the park abduction story and that, for whatever reason, wasn't shared with the police.

In one of the early jailhouse videos George kind of tentatively questioned her about where Baez came from. Her story seemed kind of thin to me. She had apparently given her very life over to this man, this supposed stranger, on the word of some people she met in lock-up without any advice or guidance from those who previously she had most depended on and who most could be trusted to have her wellbeing at heart.

So, probably as a good lawyer would, recognizing the truth of the situation his client is in, (long before her parents could bring themselves to see it,) he insinuated himself between Casey and her parents. He has supplanted them in importance to her and I agree with all the others who have said that when they ceased to be central to her survival, they ceased to exist for her at all.

Am I imagining the self-satisfied look on his face when he looks at them while huddling with her? I think THAT’S weird.

And lest anyone misunderstand, I think he is far, far from a good lawyer. I can't believe he went on television and read that statement the night before the memorial. My husband said, "What's he doing? Setting up an incompetent counsel appeal?"

All just MOO

so true! In fact you know what? I've just figured out who he reminds me of who did the exact same thing-Sam Lufti with Britney Spears!! LOL
I attended two hearings, but was unable to attend the most recent one. In the priors, the public was kept outside the doors until the attorneys and Anthonys went in. After about 10 min.the public and reporters could enter and Casey was already seated. There isn't a lottery to enter. Just show up and be seated anywhere you like. Heck, I could have sat next to Cindy if I wanted to.
When the last hearing I attended was over, the public and reporters were made to leave the courtroom before Casey, Anthonys and attorneys left. I've never seen KC enter or leave the room. Her ankles are shackled during the hearings.
I don't think the A's were in the courtroom when KC was brought in for the last hearing. I think they were brought in after she was seated. Upon leaving, KC looked in their direction but I think there were too many people in the way for her to make contact with them. When the cameras were not on her, she might have turned around and greeted them. I saw Kathy Belich in the courtroom. Did she report anything on this?
In court you're really not supposed to be chatting with your neighbor. You should be formal, mindful of who is speaking, and act appropriately. OF COURSE, while the counsel is at the bench or at sidebar she can turn her rotten head around and SMILE at her parents. There is no statute in Florida disallowing that! If you think there is please provide a link. Heh.

Think of the full ten minutes or so she had the opportunity to turn around, smile, mouth an "I love you" or something. Nothing. She'd rather chat with LKB, it seems.

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