Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?

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I thought what Cindy said was "I don't care where Casey is...I just want to find Caylee. I don't care where Casey is." I think that was when she didn't know where either of them were. She wasn't worried about Casey..Casey is an adult but she needed to find Caylee who was a tiny child. That is how I took it anyway.

She said that in her police interview, after Casey was arrested.

You know, if you think about it, the whole dynamic of Cindy saying publicly over and over that she supports Casey, believes she is innocent, going way overboard to appease her in the jail interviews, etc. and then having Caylee's body cremated against her wishes is very, very strange.

I suppose it's just another passive aggressive thing or another Cindy being in control thing, but I think put together, it tells you a lot about the dynamic between the two. Like Casey probably spent her entire life being spoiled rotten by her mother with periodic enfuriating zaps out of the blue.
I don't think that Casey cared one way or the other what George and Cindy did with Caylee's body. I think her statement was all for show and to make her parents look bad. She loves revenge.

As for the way she is treating her parents now...I think she has decided not to see them because she doesn't want to answer any more of their questions about Caylee. She avoided their questions at every turn before but now she just isn't going to bother with them. I think others are right too...they have nothing that she wants now so she doesn't need them anymore. I doubt that she gives them a second thought most of the time.

I don't think that Casey is capable of feeling any shame at all.

Bold mine ..
I have always felt the same ..

The rest of your post is bang on too! :)
Maybe JB has told her to sit there stone faced because she has no control over her behavior, as has been shown in past courtroom appearances. I feel sure that both sides on this case read this forum and others to gage public opinion. And the court of public opinion was incensed after the pencil flicking incident!

JMO matilda
Maybe JB has told her to sit there stone faced because she has no control over her behavior, as has been shown in past courtroom appearances. I feel sure that both sides on this case read this forum and others to gage public opinion. And the court of public opinion was incensed after the pencil flicking incident!

JMO matilda

what was the pencil flicking incident?
If the defense is going to be along the lines of KC having been the victim of her family's dysfunction and abuse, maybe she is being advised not to interact with her family. :twocents:
"Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?"

'cause she knows all of her lies have finally painted her for what she is. After spending years getting away with those lies...she still can't face the music.
I think it's part of her defense to throw her parents under the bus. In order for her defense to "stick", when the trial starts, so must seem pissed and heartbroken that her parent(s) killed her daughter. She's beginning the method acting exercises now with some ignoring.
I think it's part of her defense to throw her parents under the bus. In order for her defense to "stick", when the trial starts, so must seem pissed and heartbroken that her parent(s) killed her daughter. She's beginning the method acting exercises now with some ignoring.
bold added

I'm not convinced about that. Who knows with her though.

I was thinking that this showing of hostility & lack of appreciation , is probably one of the few times her real thoughts are reflected by her behavior when she is in public.

"Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?"

'cause she knows all of her lies have finally painted her for what she is. After spending years getting away with those lies...she still can't face the music.

Very well said BondJamesBond!

KC had to be forced to attend these hearings. She didn't allow jail visitation from her parents for awhile now. It must be very "frustrating" for KC to know they are there in court, all this being about the murder she's charged with. No wonder she's so fidgety in court. She can't scream out at her parents and the judge/attorneys, "Let me talk!!!!", "I'm so Frustrated!"
I have read most of this thread, but not all, so sorry if this has been mentioned. Or maybe it should be on 'behavior/dress' thread......

I thought I heard both JB and LkB apologize (I'm sorry) to kc as she was exiting the court room and then she looked as if she was going to burst into tears? I looked at it twice, just to make sure I heard it correctly....

If I'm not hearing/seeing things then. Whats up with all of that?

It was in the gray suit hearing, I think.

Yes debs, you are correct! I don't recall if it was a pencil or pen, makes no matter. But IIRC, she flicked the one she had and snatched JB's and gave a flirtacious, devious little grin and was overheard to say, "I like this one better". or something like that........better to doodle with I guess. MOO

Someone please correct me if my memory has failed me. LOL it aint what it used to be!
Very well said BondJamesBond!

KC had to be forced to attend these hearings. She didn't allow jail visitation from her parents for awhile now. It must be very "frustrating" for KC to know they are there in court, all this being about the murder she's charged with. No wonder she's so fidgety in court. She can't scream out at her parents and the judge/attorneys, "Let me talk!!!!", "I'm so Frustrated!"

Don't you mean..."Let me lie!!!" :liar:, "I'm so frustrated!"
On October 14, 2008, Casey was arrested after the grand jury indictment for murder. Shortly after that, Cindy had a brief interview with one of the local news media, who asked when she was going to visit Casey. At that time Cindy said they didn't have any plans for a visit as Casey, George, and herself agreed that the focus needed to be on finding Caylee. She said it took the spotlight off finding Caylee if the news media was focused on their visits to the jail.

About a month or so later, Cindy said that there were no visits planned because their visits were recorded and there was no privacy.

I've always felt that what Cindy said were excuses to cover the fact that Casey was refusing visits from her family. On the day that Casey was arrested, Oct. 14th, George had testified before the grand jury and after a short deliberation the grand jury returned with an indictment for murder.

Casey sees George as the person who betrayed her, and she's angry with Cindy that Cindy didn't stop George from testifying. On that trip to the jail, I can imagine Casey telling Cindy not to even think about visiting her in jail because she'll refuse their visits.

After Caylee's remains were found Casey didn't want to face her parents and see their pain and have to answer questions. Casey doesn't feel remorse for killing Caylee. She's only angry that she's in jail and facing prison, and she blames Cindy and George for that. In her mind, her parents are of no use to her now..........they can't get her out of this mess. She sees JB as her only ally.
I know the reason.

KC's control over her parents was gone when Caylees skull was found near her home.

No control, no need for them.

That's how narcissistic sociopaths work. When people are no longer useful to them they're GARBAGE.

Yup, done and done! Wrap it up in three bags and throw it out the window! I should have known that's where her head is at. Has anyone noticed though that CA's demeanor seems to have changed a little bit. To me it looks like she's glowering at her.
From reporters that were there in the courtroom watching the whole proceedings (and her reactions), she did not, other than that brief smile on her way out.

That is still acknowledgment, quite different than none at all. Even her "weak smile" as I heard one reporter refer to it, indicates there is not a significant issue here...just KC being her considerate self while her father wipes his nose and her mother looks comatose....angry and comatose if that's possible.
Yup, done and done! Wrap it up in three bags and throw it out the window! I should have known that's where her head is at. Has anyone noticed though that CA's demeanor seems to have changed a little bit. To me it looks like she's glowering at her.

That describes her perfectly! I withdraw my comatose and angry comment...glowering is it! But GA was still wiping his nose, I thought CA was going to smack him.

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