***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

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He'll always be a hero in my eyes! I wonder if the Princess will be reading this book? No doubt she won't be able NOT to -- worrying what that big mean ol' man is saying about her. And mommy Cindy too -- she'll prolly have her own presser by the end of the week saying how devestated she is and that not a word of it is true. Who knows, maybe they'll choke on their turkey!




I'm sure we'll hear of some presser coming shortly down the pike from CA.

Just think, maybe this wonderful book by Mr. Ashton will put a stop to any new stories that might be concocted by any of the family members at a later date. There's nothing more they can say, nobody wants to hear from them. I'm glad to hear there will be a Lifetime movie, my husband and I were just discussing that possibility earlier yesterday. I'm glad for Mr. Ashton and glad for all who always supported him, LDB and Caylee.

As always, love everyone's opinions here and the great posts regarding the book. I have to wait to buy mine on Friday possibly. I told myself after the adventure to FL. and seeing some things for myself that throughly made me ill at the courthouse and other places, I'd never speak about it again, but I still have withdrawls, I'm still angry. That probably will never go away.
1. The DT doesn't really need to believe their own theory of defense, just can't get caught with any perjury.

2. can't discuss at all what happened in grand jury proceedings.

3. OCA was in a good mood and chit-chatty after being arrested for murder.

4. Baez kept up a snowstorm of frivilous, time-wasting motions.

chapter 12- finding Caylee
a very sad chapter, finding Caylee. Rose said upthread what JA's response was looking at her remains. Adding.. he says here as he already has several times... not a doubt in his mind, none whatsoever, that It murdered Caylee Marie Anthony.
whoa. slamming Kronk for publicity-seeking, misleading and withholding info. (getting angry here, I am). essentially is saying Kronk left the door wide open for the DT to not only discredit him, but to use him to advance their own...hmm...agenda.
Unfortunately, this might be true. I will never forget there was an older man who played pool games with us local kids at the local park pool. Reminding, this was early '60's and we were innocent kids and most of us were girls- 10- 12 yrs old, but this man would get us to play this game where he'd stand so many inches from the side of the pool and we'd swim between him and the pool wall, sort of like an underwater London Bridge type game and with each passing, he'd either place himself closer to the pool wall or thrust his lower body towards us as we swam thru between him and the wall. We didn't know, we just didn't know it was wrong, we were just kids. I remember it only happened 2 times at this pool, but I also think in our little innocent brains, our little warning signs went up and we stayed away from him after that. None of us ever knew what molestation was at such a young age, just never heard about such goings on. Times have changed and some people have got some pretty strange and sick ideas in their heads, SO SAD it's so rampant now.

When I was about 11, in the early 70's, there was an adult man (20's or early 30's) at the pool who wanted me and my friends to take turns swimming through his outspread legs and him swimming through ours. I adamantly refused and could not figure out why my girlfriends were not as creeped out by it as I was. Maybe it was because I had already encountered a pedophile at a much younger age.
I'm all over the place. Sorry.

Ashton says he allowed himself to hate KC when he saw little Caylee's remains arranged on the table by Dr. G. He says Caylee was so small. How could anyone do this? Says he will never forget how he felt that day.

The picture of Caylee's tiny skeleton put back together by Dr. G will haunt me for the rest of my life. I don't know how the jury could look at it and not feel anything.

It makes me sick to think about the As dining at the Ritz while CSIs were on their hands and knees trying to find every tiny little bone.

Thanks so much for book updates. Waiting for my copy to arrive. I cant imagine what it was like for the Prosecution Team. We all know what it was like for us. I'm glad we have some insight now. Perhaps this read will be therapeutic for all in some small way.
whoa. slamming Kronk for publicity-seeking, misleading and withholding info.

The sad truth is that almost everyone involved in this case fits that description. Poor Caylee never had a chance at justice.
Body slam against JB's use and abuse of Kronk's depo.

JB feeding it to media, knowing it couldn't be used in court but could be to taint jury pool.. calls it disgusting, one of the worst abuses of system he has ever seen.
Ashton says they needed jurors who cared about affairs of the world. He says the hard part was that the ones who did care about what went on in the world followed this case and voiced their strong opinions during jury selection. So they were left with..well...you know.

Frank did not like Juror 3 aka Jennifer Ford. Didn't like her attitude.

Says they were not thrilled with the jury. Found them 'bland' even before trial started.

That was exactly how I thought of the problem--they were restricted to people who don't follow the news much, which implies other characteristics about that pool of people, in general.
deals at length with whether anyone at all had searched in the exact area where Caylee was found. decisively- no, had not.

also says that it would not have made a difference to case had Caylee been found in mid-August, as remains would have been skeletonized already by then. emotionally, though, he wishes that Caylee had not been allowed to stay hidden with the trash for that long.
I too want to thank all those posting comments and paraphrasing from the book. I look forward to each and every word you guys post.
chapter 14 is the duct tape chapter, and why JA sought the death penalty after discovering Caylee's duct-taped remains in the trash heap.

1st criticism i have of his account- understates the importance of the error of removing the tape from Caylee's skull before photos were taken.
Yes, you are all really wonderful - I'm treasuring the big hunks and even the littlest scraps - you've heard the expression - "hanging on to your every word?"

Well that's what's going on here and am so happy you are sharing! Every word you say is one more :cupcake: for the prosecution and one more against OCA ever having any kind of a normal life!

Please don't stop now!!:great:
Yes, you are all really wonderful - I'm treasuring the big hunks and even the littlest scraps - you've heard the expression - "hanging on to your every word?"

Well that's what's going on here and am so happy you are sharing! Every word you say is one more :cupcake: for the prosecution and one more against OCA ever having any kind of a normal life!

Please don't stop now!!:great:

Yes! I'm sitting here waiting desperately for the next post! Here's to JA and the truth! :toastred: Let's hope that JA and the media machine will work as hard at getting this info out in the public forum with the same fervor that JB and the A's did in getting out the BS.
Ashton says Casey is somewhat of a 'psychopathic narcissist'

Says that when Judge Perry got the verdict forms he did something unusual. After reading the third page, he laid it down but picked it back up to read it once more.

When the clerk was handed the verdict forms, Ashton says her eyes dropped down to the bottom of the page which is not guilty. Guilty is at the top of the page.
When she was found not guilty of aggravated child abuse he knew it was over. If they didn't find her guilty of child abuse they were not going to find her guilty of anything.

I so VERY much remember that moment as many of us were in WS chat room at that time. After HHJP looked through ALL the pages, he then turned over the pile and flipped over 3 pages again. I SCREAMED in chat, "OMG - he's not believing what he's seeing", so he's having to see them a second time before he hands them back. I felt dread right then and there, and in my heart I knew what was coming. Some moments in life you really remember, and that day I'll never forget.
wow. indirectly is saying that OCA deliberately counted the days of lying about Caylee's death because she knew that it would take a month at the most for a body to lose all tissue, thus concealing for ever cause of death.
I'm sure we'll hear of some presser coming shortly down the pike from CA.

Just think, maybe this wonderful book by Mr. Ashton will put a stop to any new stories that might be concocted by any of the family members at a later date. There's nothing more they can say, nobody wants to hear from them. I'm glad to hear there will be a Lifetime movie, my husband and I were just discussing that possibility earlier yesterday. I'm glad for Mr. Ashton and glad for all who always supported him, LDB and Caylee.

As always, love everyone's opinions here and the great posts regarding the book. I have to wait to buy mine on Friday possibly. I told myself after the adventure to FL. and seeing some things for myself that throughly made me ill at the courthouse and other places, I'd never speak about it again, but I still have withdrawls, I'm still angry. That probably will never go away.

BBM - Maybe it will shut down their money making sham of a foundation...bombard them with the truth so they look like fools when they try and counter JA's book. They're probably concocting the next big lie right now.


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