***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

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too readily excuses examiner Fontaine for not photographing the heart-shaped sticker artifact, saying it wasn't established policy to take photos of nonprint impressions. So? \

Common sense would say she would race to find a camera. What was WRONG with her???!
I'm all over the place. Sorry.

Ashton says he allowed himself to hate KC when he saw little Caylee's remains arranged on the table by Dr. G. He says Caylee was so small. How could anyone do this? Says he will never forget how he felt that day.

I'm sure a lot of people felt the same exact way, seeing the photo. I have a granddaughter that will turn 2 in a couple of weeks. I call her my little butterball because she was born right after Thanksgiving after my DIL consumed mass quantities of the dinner before going into labor and we were joking the Turkey was coming out of the oven 1st, and then the baby would be born right after-Still shocked those words came pretty true. Anyway, when they come for a visit and my DIL, my butterball and I go for a walk, the little one holds on to my index finger and says 'Namma, wok me', it makes me laugh, but I think back to Caylee and sorry. I need to stop for now.
says flat out that he doesn't believe OCA used duct tape in any kind of cover-up after-the fact scenario, that the only reason it was there was to stop Caylee from breathing. Premeditated murder.
BBM - Maybe it will shut down their money making sham of a foundation...bombard them with the truth so they look like fools when they try and counter JA's book. They're probably concocting the next big lie right now.


Seriously! Can you imagine ANYONE donating to a foundation that is headed by a man who has been accused of molesting his daughter and then molesting and murdering his granddaughter and then allowing his daughter to take the fall? IMO, with this information now being put out into the public forum, KC has once again put the screws to her parents. I hope that this book of JA's stops ANY of them from making one cent off of this travesty!
hmm. says basically that this can't be proven, and he is only just curious...BUT,seems to be putting out there the possibility that the chloroform may have been right there near Caylee, in a Gatorade bottle with a syringe inside and with a fluid that was consitent with cholorform mixed with a prescription George could theoretically have been taking.
hmm. says basically that this can't be proven, and he is only just curious...BUT,seems to be putting out there the possibility that the chloroform may have been right there near Caylee, in a Gatorade bottle with a syringe inside and with a fluid that was consitent with cholorform mixed with a prescription George could theoretically have been taking.

You are doing fantastically well Hope4More - and I see there are 103 guests so it ain't just us chickens who are listening to you!! :yourock:
Ashton thought Strickland was too soft and once commented about how things would be if Judge Perry was in charge. Says he got his wish. Seems like Ashton really likes and respects Judge Perry.

In early 2011 the defense wanted to give the prosecution a proffer (KC's version of the truth) in exchange for taking the death penalty out. The prosecution was not comfortable doing that because..ta da...KC can only lie.

Juror 7 was the only one who showed 'much' emotion during trial and when the verdict was read.

Says one of the saddest things is that few people really cared about Caylee. She got lost. Casey didn't want her. Cindy chose to support Casey after July 2008. Caylee never captured the hearts of the jurors.
for you, LogicalGirl- JA obviously thinks that OCA's gender worked in her favor, and her "attractiveness." (he's weighing whether or not to seel death penalty, and knows the jury might not impose it for the above reasons.)

adding- just saw your post.. thanks. now, nose back in book.
for you, LogicalGirl- JA obviously thinks that OCA's gender worked in her favor, and her "attractiveness." (he's weighing whether or not to seel death penalty, and knows the jury might not impose it for the above reasons.)

adding- just saw your post.. thanks. now, nose back in book.

Ack - I think we lost track of that because we knew her too well to even think of the words OCA and attractive in the same sentence. :banghead: Way too much evil underneath that skin. I would expect mine to burn if she ever touched me...:furious:
I think the Pinellas 12 are getting the message. The Today Show said they contacted each juror to ask them to appear with Jeff Ashton and all declined. Geez - not even Mr. Foreman who had so much to say post verdict that it took three separate tapings?

What's the matter Mr. Foreman? Been doing a little post verdict reading?

If anything, I hope this makes Ms. FCA even more frightened to go out in public. YAY! I wonder who she is staying with. I hope whoever it is is reading Jeff's book and throws her out on the street. Now that would be a tiny bit of Justice!!
whoa... (edit- my bad) says he wished LL had NOT gone for death penalty, even if he wasn't sure the jury would go for it because personally, (sorry Beach)

" I think she may have deserved it."

How I admire this man's candor.
If anything, I hope this makes Ms. FCA even more frightened to go out in public. YAY! I wonder who she is staying with. I hope whoever it is is reading Jeff's book and throws her out on the street. Now that would be a tiny bit of Justice!!

I agree MaryAnn - now we really know why she is in hiding....
Gut wrenching. In response to DT, in laying out why the death penalty, JA states that Caylee must have been restrained in some way NOT to have torn the duct tape off her mouth, talks about the fear that must have been in Caylee's eyes as she watched her mother approach to kill her.

Says OCA listened to him presenting this and showed.... ANGER, before the fake tears .
I so appreciate all the tidbits of paraphasing that's going on here. I seriously can't drop any money on this book right now, just been slapped upside the head with a lot of bills. *sigh* I remember the days when you didn't have to pay for driver's education classes. At any rate - thank you thank you thank you, and keep up the good work!
chapter 15, page 177 (of 314), Lying to Themselves (GA and CA,obviously).
Gut wrenching. In response to DT, in laying out why the death penalty, JA states that Caylee must have been restrained in some way NOT to have torn the duct tape off her mouth, talks about the fear that must have been in Caylee's eyes as she watched her mother approach to kill her.

Says OCA listened to him presenting this and showed.... ANGER, before the fake tears .

I believe that's the day shown in the top part of the book jacket...it doesn't show her pizzed off face though. I think.
Yeah, if you believe that in every lie there is some truth, Casey Anthony could have drowned her deliberately - I think there is every indication that she did do this. Thinking on it, she was made to have that evaluation pretty quickly, possibly before her parents visited and she heard what stories were out there - So where did her story re the drowning come from if not from a true account of what happened only it wasn't George it was Anthony herself doing the drowning. All this could still tie in with chloroform usage as well, she may have drugged Caylee before putting her in the pool.

I'm still thinking that this drowning theory was was put forth way back before the body was found - due to the chloroform being found. (we've seen the ACTUAL detective notes that this theory was early on remember) This way, if needed, the DT had a plausible fog theory that the chloroform was from the swimming pool waters. We had lot's of discussion on threads about this at the time.
Cindy-- delusional with her denial, George had a choice. Face facts, or drink the OCA-CA Koolaid. George chose the koolaid and became adversarial with the PT.

JA thought gas can evidence was crucial, and George did everything he could to neutralize it, including standing on tiptoe at the line of perjury.
I'm still thinking that this drowning theory was was put forth way back before the body was found - due to the chloroform being found. (we've seen the ACTUAL detective notes that this theory was early on remember) This way, if needed, the DT had a plausible fog theory that the chloroform was from the swimming pool waters. We had lot's of discussion on threads about this at the time.

That would have been shot down in a heartbeat based on the amount of the chloroform in the trunk - the DT would have been wasting their time on that one..mind you - with this jury...
Seriously! Can you imagine ANYONE donating to a foundation that is headed by a man who has been accused of molesting his daughter and then molesting and murdering his granddaughter and then allowing his daughter to take the fall? IMO, with this information now being put out into the public forum, KC has once again put the screws to her parents. I hope that this book of JA's stops ANY of them from making one cent off of this travesty!

Phil McGoo will. That type of story is right up his alley. There will probably be a return visit from the As along with a nice big donation to their scam. I think that's why the scam was set up, to launder money from the media. They are not going to get rich from donations from the public, I think they learned that lesson from the second scamdation.


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